№ 10 (159), 2013
Natural sciences
Kabisheva M.I., Naumenko O.A. SYSTEM OF PHYSICAL REHABILITATION STUDENTS WITH FUNCTIONAL DISORDERS MUSCULOSKELETALIdentified demand for the development of athletic rehabilitation students with functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system. The directions of the rehabilitation system, interdisciplinary implemented in university with the department of physical culture, pedagogy, psychology, preventive medicine.Key words: physical training rehabilitation, disorders of the musculoskeletal system, students.
Matchin A.A., Setko N.P., Nefedova E.S. DENTAL HEALTHH OF CHILDREN IN AREAS OF VARIOUS ANTHROPOGENIC POLLUTIONThe article provides an assessment of caries prevalence and intensity as well as heavy metals concentration levels in dental hard tissue of 12 years old children in Orenburg city (Russia) depending on the levels of anthropogenic environmental contamination in their residential areas.Key words: dental diseases, heavy metals concentration, children, environmental contamination.
Miroshnikov S.V., Notova S.V., Kiyaeva E.V., Alidzhanova I.E., Slobodskov A.A. FEATURES OF HAIR AND VARIOUS THYROID STRUCTURES ELEMENT COMPOSITION IN ENDEMIC IODINE DEFICIENCY REGIONThe results of the study of the element composition of the hair and the various structures of the thyroid gland of women living in the Orenburg region are presented. It is established that in the pathogenesis of proliferation of thyroid cells leading to the formation of nodular thyroid pathology not only iodine is important. Cd, Sn, Ni, Zn and Cu participate in the disruption of expression of autocrine growth factors in the thyroid gland.Key words: trace elements, low-normal TSH value, high-normal TSH value
Salnikova E.V., Osipova, E.A., Skalny A.V.,Burceva T.I., Boldyreva O.I. EFFECTS OF EXPOSURE TO TRACE ELEMENTS OF BIOSPHERE ELEMENT STATUS OF HUMANABSTRACTThe article presents data on the content of lead, cadmium, copper and zinc in soils and biosubstrates (hair) of the population, as well as in food in some areas of the Orenburg region.Key words: environment, health, food, minerals, Orenburg region.
Semenova I.N., Rafikova Y.S., Drovosekova I.V. THE SELENIUM CONTENT IN THE HAIR OF TEENAGERS IN SIBAYThis article is devoted to the study of seleniumcontent in the hair of people living in the city of Sibai (Republic of Bashkortostan). The concentration of selenium in the hair of the population of Sibaiis below biologically acceptable level. The greatest deficiency of selenium detected in the hair of teenagers. The majority of people surveyed expressed error in the diet, regular use of vitamin and mineral supplements is common in the low percentage of cases.Key words: selenium, trace element status, morbidity, mining companies.
Fomina M.V., Davidovа N.O., Kwan O.V. TO THE QUESTION OF ENTERALN BIO-ELEMENTS EXCHANGE In work the literary review devoted to a problem of an exchange of chemical elements at the level of a gastrointestinal path is submitted in this work. The mechanism and places of absorption and an ekskretion of mineral elements in a gleam of a digestive tube is discussed.Key words: mineral exchange, food allowance, food fibers, probiotics.
Tsinberg M.B., Nenashevа M.N., Davydkina A.S. CREATION OF BIOLOGICAL TECHNOLOGY, PROBIOTICS AND FUNCTIONAL FOODS FOR THE REGULATION OF MICRO-ECOLOGY OF MANCreated 10 stages of the innovation cycle copyright for the production of new probiotics. Obtaining the Certificate of state registration of the new model holds great promise for entering the implementation stage of these supplements in Kazakhstan and Belarus.Key words: Кey words: probiotics, human microenvironment, innovation cycle, functional food products.
Alekhinа G.P., Misetov I.A. CHARACTERISTICS OF FILTRATION CAPACITY OF FRESHWATER BIVALVE MOLLUSCS OF THE FAMILY UNIONIDAE MIDDLE REACHES OF THE URAL RIVERIt is shown that among representatives of fresh-water folding mollusks of Unionidae family the type of Unio pictorum possesses the bigger speed of a filtration which decreases in the conditions of anthropogenous load of a reservoir that affects processes of self-cleaning of fresh-water ecosystems.Key words: fresh-water folding mollusks, filtration speed, reservoir self-cleaning.
Barbazyuk Е.V. ON SEVERAL BIRD SPECIES IN ORENBURG STATE NATURE RESERVEThis report provides the new data on the occurrence of some bird species (Haliaeetus albicilla, Streptopelia orientalis, Bubo bubo, Lanius excubitor, Uragus sibiricus, Emberiza bruniceps) in Aytuar Steppe Site, which is one of the least studied areas n Orenburg State Nature Reserve, Russia.Key words: Orenburg region, Orenburg reserve, birds, status, distribution, Red Data Book.
Bolshakov V.N., Zagainova O.S., Markova E.A., Markov N.I. MAMMALS IN DIET OF ASIAN BADGER (MELES LEUCURUS) OF URALS AND WESTERN SIBERIAFood remains of badger (Meles leucurus) was studies in 5 study areas in taiga, forest-steppe and steppe ecosystems of Urals and Western Siberia. Highest number of mammal species was observed in northern forest-steppe and southern taiga, minimal — in the mountains of the Southern Urals. In most study areas common field voles (genus Microtus) were dominant among mammals in badger diet. High proportion of juveniles among voles indicates that digging the burrows is for badger an important method of hunting the small mammals.Key words: badger, Meles leucurus, mammal, vole, Microtus, diet, Urals, Western Siberia.
Bulgakova M.A., Karpova G.V., Rusanov A.M., Bulgakov E.A. EVALUATION OF THE ROLE KARABIDOFAUNA (COLEOPTERA, CARABIDAE) AS INDICATOR OF INTENSITY ZOOGENIC PRESSThe influence of grazing land xerophytization on complex ground beetles. Defined value in karabidofauny bioindicative studies of degraded areas.Key words: pasture, karabidofauna, Carabidae, diagnostics.
Vichnyakov A.I., Uvarova E.A. AGE DYNAMICS OF THE CHANGES IN THE PERIPHERAL BLOOD OF THE BIRD UNDER THE ACTION OF GAMMA-RADIATION OF DIFFERENT DOSAGEThe article analyses the changes in the peripheral blood of broiler chickens in different terms after g-irradiation in doses of 0,5; 1,0 and 6,0 Gr. Key words: broiler-chickens, gamma-radiation, blood, erythrocytes, leukocytes.
Gazheeva T. P, Drobot G. P., Trubacheva V. S., Pavlova E. K. THE DYNAMICS OF THE SIZE AND COMPOSITION MICROORGANISMS IN THE RHIZOSPHERE OF SOME CEREALS DURING THEIR GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT The comparative analysis of natural resistance of Numida of domestic species Volga white, of coloured population, speckled, blue and of French selected species Esser is carried out. The differences in the rates of nonspecific maintenance in analysed species of Volga white and French selected species Esser are revealed. Key words: Numida, natural resistance, phagocytosis, blood bactericidal activity, lysozyme.
Garipova, N.V., Zaverjuha А.Х., Zelepuchin A.G., Хolodilina T.N., Sirazetdinov Ф.Х., Ryabov M.I., Ramensky V.A. EFFECT OF DRUGS MICROPARTICLES OF IRON ON THE INTERIOR AND PRODUCTIVITY OF BROILER CHICKENThere are presented the experimental data indicating changes in biochemical status in the body of broiler chickens under the influence of fully balanced diets and diets containing bran product is exposed to the microwave and ULTRASONIC) in combination with microparticles of iron. Key words: ultrasound, electromagnetic treatment, micro-particles of iron, productive action.
Golubok O.V., Rechkalov V.V. IDENTIFYING SIGNS OF ANTHROPOGENIC EUTROPHICATION OF DIMICTIC LAKES BY INDICATORS OF THE STATE OF ZOOPLANKTONThe results of the comparative analysis of zooplankton taxonomic structure of five South Ural lakes with different trophic status during summer stratification are presented. The simplification of taxonomic structure of zooplankton communities in conditional series of oligotrophic-gipertrophic lakes succession is fixed. On the basis of these phenomena suggested a number of specific indexes of the zooplankton state. Using these indexes, the procedure for the construction of ecological scales to identifying anthropogenic eutrophication signs of deep lakes is developed.Key words: zooplankton, taxonomic structure, eutrophication, South Urals lakes.
Zavaleeva S. M., Chirkova E.N. MORPHOLOGY OF HEART OF THE ORDINARY POLAR FOXArticle is devoted to morphological features of heart of a polar fox ordinary. Authors accurately formulated the purposes and research problems. In work are submitted data on heart topography, its form, the sizes, structural features sokratitelny and carrying out kardiomiotsitakh in various departments (auricles, ventricles), distribution glycoprotein.
Kuramshina N.G., Bogatova O.V., Kulak YU.N., Nikolaeva S.V., Kuramshin E.M. ECOGEOCHEMICAL STATE GIDRORESOURCE BASHKORTOSTAN AND ORENBURZHYEThe condition of the small rivers of Bashkortostan and the Orenburg region in oil production places is investigated. Concentration of typical polluting substances in the surface water accompanying process of oil production (the dry rest, oil products, chlorides), and also integrated indicators of quality of waters in a zone of influence of oil fields is defined.Key words: mineralization, oil products, chlorides, biological absorption of oxygen, chemical absorption of oxygen and biotoxicity.
Lizurchik L.V., Devyatkina T.A., Uksukbaeva A.K. EFFECT OF PRENATAL TOBACCO INTOXICATION ON PHYSICOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF AMNIOTIC FLUID AND RED BLOOD CELLS (EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES IN RATS WISTAR)The amniotic fluid and erythrocytes of pregnant rats with experimental tobacco intoxication were investigated and the research results were given in this paper. It was discovered that tobacco smoking made 1,25 times the erythrocytes diameter and 2 times the erythrocytes lysis proportion decreased, and 4,2 times cadmium and 2,7 times lead increased, and 1,7 times copper decreased.Key words: rat pregnancy, lead, cadmium, copper, amniotic fluid, the diameter of erythrocyte osmotic fragility.
Rechkalov V.V., Golubok O.V. ABUNDANCE RATIO OF THE MAIN ZOOPLANKTON TAXONOMIC GROUPS IN THE WATER BODY OF THE THERMALLY STRATIFIED LAKES WITH VARIOUS TROPHIC STATUS Layer-by-layersampling of zooplankton was held on lakes Uvildy, Turgoyak, Bolshoye Miassovo, Bolshoi Kisegach, MalyiTerenkul(Chelyabinsk region). Species composition was determined,abundanceratios of Cladocera, Copepodа and Rotatoria in various water layers were calculated. Special features of zooplanktontaxonomics tructure were found out for lakes with various trophic status.Key words: zooplankton, verticalallocation, taxonomic structure, eutrophication, South Ural lakes.
Ruchin A.B. THE PLASTIC INDICATIONS OF ALBURNOIDES (TELEOSTEI: CYPRINIDAE) FROM VARIOUS PARTS OF THE AREAThe plastic indications of Alburnoides which are made by one operator are studied. On some of them reliable distinctions of four species of a sort (Alburnoides bipunctatus, A. rossicus, A. kubanicus, A. fasciatus) were observed. The Riffle minnow from a of Zapadnaya Dvina river basin is carried by us to the Russian Riffle minnow.Key words: Riffle minnow, Alburnoides, plastic indications, comparison, species
Sizova Е.А., Polyakova V.S. ASSESSMENT OF THE INTENSITY OF REACTION PERLS IN THE TARGET ORGAN IN RATS WHEN ADMINISTERED IRON NANOPARTICLESThe results of studies of the effect of iron nanoparticles on the intensity of display quality response to iron in the spleen and liver in the intramuscular route of administration of the body. The intensity of the reaction in the organs is dose-dependent. In the liver, marked individual hepatocytes and Kupffer cells giving a positive reaction and activation work. In the spleen, only at a dose of 6 mg/kg macrophages give a positive reaction, while increasing the dose to 14 mg/kg reduced the number of cells having positive Perls, indicating deployment kompensatono-adaptation reactions aimed at preventing the organ hemosiderosis.Key words: nanoparticles of iron, liver, spleen, Perls reaction
Khaziev D.D. EFFECT OF HUMIC SUBSTANCES ON PRODUCTIVITY OF GEESE PARENT STOCKThe effect of humic substances on the productive and reproductive qualities of geese flocks. A positive effect of humic substances in the form of the drug — "Guvitan-C" on safety, goose egg production and use of feed nutrients. It is recommended to increase the productive and reproductive qualities of geese breeders to use the drug "Guvitan-C" in a dose of 1.25 ml per 1 kg of body weight.Key words: geese, humic substances Guvitan-C.
Chirkova E.N., Zavaleeva S.M. MORPHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF THE STRUCTURE OF LUNGS EUROPEAN HARE LESSER (LEPUS EUROPAEUS) AS REPRESENTATIVE OF GROUND ECOLOGICAL GROUPS Variability in light of vertebrates is general biological interest, but the study of the respiratory system in mammals is based on studies of laboratory and domestic animals. This work is devoted to clarify the features of the internal structure of the european hare (Lepus europaeus). The morphology of the methods of preparation and morphometry. The obtained data on the morphological modifications of the lung, characterized by it ground ecological group.Key words: Bats, morphology, lungs, morphometry, ecological group.
Aleshina E.S., Efremova L.V. ANTIBACTERIAL ACTIVITY OF CARBON-BASED NANOMATERIALS, REVEALED WITH USE OF LUMINESCING BIOTESTSMethodical approaches to carrying out biotesting of carbon-based nanomaterials (CBN) with use of luminescing biotests are developed. Use of similar approaches allowed to calculate probable biologically safe concentration of CBN in natural and production environments, and also to identify the CBN main properties conducting to development of toxic effect.Key words: carbon-based nanomaterials, bioluminescence, toxicity, Escherichia coli.
Babushkina A.E. INFLUENCE BAKTISUBTIL AND SPOROBACTERIN ON SOME BIOCHEMICAL PARAMETERS OF BLOOD OF MAMMALS IN INTOXICATION WITH LEAD SALTSIn the work the influence Baktisubtil and Sporobakterin on biochemical indices of the blood of mammals during intoxication lead salts. Deviations from the physiological norm underwent blood biochemical parameters: total bilirubin, and alkaline phosphatase. It is established that probiotic drugs do not have their own effect on blood biochemical parameters.Key words: Baktisubtil, Sporobacterin, lead salts, total bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase.
Burakaeva A.D., Siraeva R.R. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION AND STRUCTURAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PIGMENT OF A NEW STRAIN OF THE FUNGUS MIKOFILNOGO HYPOMYCES ROSELLUSThis paper discusses the results on the isolation, chemical composition and structural characteristics of the pigment extracted from the biomass of a new strain of the fungus mikofilnogo Hypomyces rosellus. Methods of spectral analysis revealed that the composition of the neutral lipids contain fatty acids. It is shown that along with the formation of fatty acid biosynthesis occurs pigment. According to the spectral data (1 H NMR , IR , GC-MS), high-quality pigment reactions related to dyes antrohinonovogo series.Key words: mikofilny fungus Hypomyces rosellus, anthraquinone pigments , lipids, fatty acids.
Davydova O.K., Gavrish I.A. CREATION OF LIPOSOMAL STRUCTURES ON THE BASIS OF ALKYLRESORCINOLS AND THEIR PROPERTIES INVESTIGATIONPossibility of receiving of liposomes from alkylresorcinols, distinguished by length of the alkyl radical is investigated. Concentration ranges of liposomal structures formation and their sizes are determined. Possibility of encapsulation of nonpolar substances in the received structures is confirmed; their stability at storage and under the influence of such factors as temperature and processing by ultrasound is also estimated. Key words: alkylresorcinols, resorcinolic lipids, liposomes, pyrene.
Drobot G.P., Trubacheva V.S., Gazheeva T.P., Stepanova A.E. CYTOCHEMICAL ASSESSMENTS OF PSEUDOEOSINOPHILS MICROBICIDAL FUNCTION OF GUINEA FOWLSCytochemical study of guinea fowl blood pseudoeosinophils were carried out. The high level of activity of lysosomal-cation proteins has been established in the cells of Russian breed Volgskaya belaya, French breed Essor and colored guinea fowl populations. Essor guinea fowl pseudoeosinophils differ in the alkaline and acid phosphatase levels.Key words: guinea fowl, pseudoeosinophils, myeloperoxidase, alkaline and acid phosphatase, lysosomal-cation protein.
Drozdova E.A., Balkin A.S., Rakitina N.P. ANTIBIOTICS AND PROBIOTICS EFFICIENT JOINT USE DUIRING EXPERIMENTAL INFECTIONAntagonistic activity of strains probiotic preparations against test organism Salmonella enteritidis and efficiency of their joint use with antibiotics was detected.Key words: probiotics, antibiotics, test organism Salmonella enteritidis, antibiotic productivity, antibiotic resistance, an additive effect.
Ermolenko E.A., Plotnikov A.O. ECOLOGY OF CENTROHELID HELIOZOA IN THE SOUTHERN URALS RESERVOIRS Ecological characteristics and distribution of centrohelid heliozoa in different kinds of water bodies of the Southern Urals were studied. The relationships of species composition and ecological types of reservoirs were analyzed, freshwater and halophilic species were described, species Polyplacocystis ambigua was described as indicator organism.Key words: Centrohelida, Protista, Heliozoa, ecology.
Esimbekova E.N., Rimatskaya N.V., Sukovataya I.E., Kratasyuk V.A. BIOLUMINESCENT RAPID METHOD FOR ESTIMATION OF INTEGRAL WATER TOXICITY AND AIR POLLUTIONThe bioluminescent rapid method was developed to estimate the integral toxicity of natural and wastewater. Sensitivity analysis of immobilized bioluminescent reagent to samples with different air pollution carried out.Key words: Ecological monitoring. Bioluminescence. The coupled enzyme system of bioluminescence bacteria NAD(P)H:FMN-oxidoreductase–luciferase, Immobilization, Integral water toxicity, Air pollution.
Ilyina N.A., Kasatkina N.M. FUNCTIONAL ACTIVITY OF THE EFFECTOR MECHANISMS OF THE IMMUNE RESPONSE DURING INVASION BLASTOCYSTSDuring researches the following indicators were studied: frequency of transition of lymphocytes in a blastny form (RBTL-%), level of the circulating immune complexes (CIC), the cytotoxic index (CI). It is revealed that protozoa of B. hominis authentically reduce functional ability of lymphocytes of peripheral blood to transformation in бласты under the influence of a lymphocytic mitogen. Key words: blastocysts, a circulating immune complex, a cytotoxic index, T-lymphocytes and V-lymphocytes.
Isaikina E.Yu. DEVELOPMENT OF ECOLOGICAL MENTALITY IN THE PROCESS OF TRAINING SPECIALISTS-MICROBIOLOGISTSOne of the main trends of activities on the way out of the ecological crisis is the development of a new ecological mentality of students. The gradual ecological awareness and insight of the future specialists in microbiology is being developed not only in the course of studying special ecological disciplines, but in the process of students' practical work (at enterprises) and participation in different conferences devoted to the problems of ecology as well.Key words: ecological mentality, ecological problems, ecology, nature conservation
Kazaeva A.N., Kobzev G.I., Sviridovа T.G., Gryazeva I.V., Sviridov A.P. STUDY OF THE MECHANISM OF PRO– AND ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY OF 1,3-DIHYDROXY-5-METHYLBENZENEMethod MCSCF (multiconfiguration self-consistent field method) simulated the interaction of 1,3-dihydroxy-5-methylbenzene (C1-AHB) and its phenoxyl radical (C1-AHB•) with some reactive forms of oxygen. According to the results of quantum chemical calculations of activation barriers of direct and inverse reactions shown antioxidant activity of C1-AHB towards hydroxyl (OH•), hydroperoxide (HO2•) radicals and singlet oxygen 1O2 and the predicted antioxidant phenoxyl radical C1-AHB• against hydroperoxide radical HO2•. At the same time the opportunity of pro-oxidant effect of C1-AHB against singlet oxygen 1O2 (а1Δg) to generate a response in the last 1C1-AHB• + 1HO2• = 1C1-AHB + 1O2. The calculated data are experimentally confirmed in a model system "Peroxidase — H2O2 — Luminol".Key words: 1,3-dihydroxy-5-methylbenzene, the activation barrier of the reaction, reactive oxygen species, antioxidant activity, prooksidantant activity.
Kalitina E.G. MICROORGANISMS IN THE THERMAL WATERS OF PRIMORYE AS INDICATORS OF ANTROPOGENIC POLLUTIONWas first studied the distribution and abundance of microorganisms that are indicators of anthropogenic pollution, and evaluated health and ecological condition of the thermal springs of Primorye. The results showed that the thermal waters are subject to a small anthropogenic pollution on a number of microbiological parameters do not meet acceptable standards , especially in the spring season .Key words: microorganism indicators , thermal water , pollution, coliform bacteria.
Kirillova E.A., ZhadyaevA.V., Kozminykh V.O. SYNTHESIS AND STRUCTURE PECULIARITIES OF METAL DERIVATIES COMPLEX ON THE BASES THREECARBONYL COMPOUNDSReaction of metalechange in aqueous solution of oxoenolates of sodium synthesized Claisen condensation of methylketones and diethyl oxalates and sodium methylate with salts of metals(II) synthesized metalchelates complex. Structure of synthesized compounds are investigated by spectral methods analysis. Key words: metalchelate, Claisen condensation, oxoenolates of sodium, complex compounds.
Peshkov S.А., Sizentsov A.N. BIOACCUMULATION OF HEAVY METALS BY MICROORGANISMS COMPRISING PROBIOTIC PREPARATIONS IN VITROThis article presents the results of the study the bioaccumulation of heavy metals by probiotic strains of micro-organisms belonging to different genera. The data indicate a high level of sorption of lead, zinc and iron from the growth media.Key words: probiotics, Bacillus, heavy metals, bioaccumulation.
Sizentsov A.N. THE ABILITY OF MICROORGANISMS OF BACILLUS OF PROBIOTIC PREPARATIONS TO THE ELECTION OF BIOACCUMULATION OF HEAVY METALS IN VITROThis article presents the results of a study of the selective bioaccumulation of heavy metals by probiotic strains of microorganisms of the genus Bacillus. The data indicate a high level of sorption of lead, zinc and iron from the culture media and a slight accumulation of magnesium, cobalt and cadmium.Key words: probiotics, Bacillus, heavy metals, growth phase, bioaccumulation.
Sutormin.O.S., Sukovataya I.E., Kratasyuk V.A. THE STABILIZING EFFECT OF GLYCEROL AND SUCROSE ON THE COUPLED ENZYME SYSTEM OF BIOLUMINESCENCE BACTERIA NADH:FMN-OXIDOREDUCTASE-LUCIFERASEThe influence of the viscosity of the reaction medium on the thermal stability and thermal inactivation kinetics of the coupled enzyme system of bioluminescence bacteria NAD(P)H:FMN-oxidoreductase-luciferase was investigated. It was showed that the increasing viscosity of the reaction medium leads to increase of thermal stability of the coupled enzyme system. Sucrose stabilizes long-lived intermediate of bioluminescent reaction.Key words: the coupled enzyme system of bioluminescence bacteria NAD(P)H:FMN-oxidoreductase-luciferase; stabilization of enzymes; glycerol; sucrose.
Holodilina T.N., Vasilchenko A.S. Kondakova K.S. RESEARCH OF INFLUENCE OF PHYSICAL PARAMETERS OF A SUBSTRATUM ON ADHESION OF MICROORGANISMS A METHOD OF NUCLEAR AND POWER MICROSCOPYNanostructural changes experienced cellulose complexes with calcium and magnesium have been described using atomic force microscopy. The porosity of the samples was determined. Adhesion of bacteria model was dependent on the physical properties of these extruded samples.Key words: extrusion, cellulose, calcium, magnesium, porosity, atomic force microscopy, surface roughness, adhesion of bacteria.
Abramova L.M., Kryukova A.V. RARE IRIS PUMILA L. SPECIES SEED PRODUCTIVITY IN NATURE AND IN THE INTRODUCTIONThe results of the study of seed production of a rare species of Bashkortostan Iris pumila L. in nature and the conditions of introduction are given. The productivity of this species of low — in the nature of 10 to 42 seeds per fruit, number of fruits up to 1–4 per plant, in the conditions of introduction — from 26 to 52 pieces seeds per fruit, number of fruits — from 2 to 5 units. per plant. Key words: Iris pumila L., a rare species, seed productivity.
Agisheva S.Y. ECOLOGICAL CONDITIONS OF FORMATION OF THE VEGETATION COVER SOILS OF THE STEPPE ZONE OF THE URALSThe generalized data on the environmental conditions of the formationofthe vegetation cover of the steppe zone of the Urals. Main factors influencing on theformation of vegetation cover: climate, the island forests and slope the asymmetry.Key words: vegetable sub-areas, zoning soils, slope the asymmetry island forest phytocenosis
Barysheva E.S., Barysheva D.A., Mlikov E.M., Obedkova Y.A. STYDY OF THE EFFECT OF EXOGENOUS CHEMICAL FACTORS ON THE GENOMIC TOMATOES DNAThe article presents the results of investigation of the influence of exogenous factors on the chemical structure of the genomic DNA of plant origin.
Berezina T.V., Savin E.Z. FEATURES OF GROWTH OF FRUIT CROPS TO ENTRE RIOS OF THE URALS AND ILEKIn this article soil and climatic microconditions and the conditions of a microrelief promoting safety and high efficiency of fruit plantings in the territory of the Cis-Urals are considered. Optimum conditions develop on the sites protected from adverse climatic conditions by natural folds of a relief, the forest plantings, settling-down on slopes east, southeast, western and southwest direction with a close arrangement of water sources.Key words: microrelief, microclimate, apple-tree, pear.
Betechtina A.A., Gajsina D.F., Veselkin D.V. FEATURES OF THE ROOTS STRUCTURE AND MYCORRHIZA FORMATION OF PLATANTHERA BIFOLIA AND DACTYLORHIZA HEBRIDENSIS IN DIFFERENT AGE STAGESThe sizes of additional roots and feature of mycorrhiza development at Platanthera bifolia and Dactylorhiza hebridensis were analyzed in different ontogenetic stages. It is established that intensity of mycorhiza development decreases upon transition from juvenile individuals to virginile, immature and generative. Thus the cross sizes of roots and, especially, extent of a mesoderm increase in process of age development of plants. As a result the quantity of a fungal mycelium in ontogeny investigated tuberous orchids remains to constants in terms of unit of length of a root. Key words: orchids, Platanthera bifolia, Dactylorhiza hebridensis, roots, mycorrhizae, ontogeny, morphogenesis.
Velts N.Yu., Lupova I.V. EXPERIENCE IN MONITORING FITOBIOTY SOUTHERN URALS (AN EXAMPLE OF ORSK TOWN)The article includes the results of research that consistent with the goals and objectives of the monitoring of vegetation cover in urban areas of the Southern Urals. This article presents the results of studies evaluating the current ecological state of vegetation of different functional areas of the town, as well as the results of studies aimed at identifying and determining the effectiveness of recording and collecting of biological indicators.Key words: environmental monitoring, psevdonaturalny phytocenoses, recording bio-indicators, accumulating biological indicators.
Vidyakin A.I., Kantor G.Ya. SPATIAL ORGANIZATION AND FACTORS OF FORMING POPULATION GROUP OF PINE IN THE SOUTHERN TRANSURALSGeographic variability of Pinus Slivestris L. cotyledons number the Southern Transurals is studied. Three population groups are identified and mapped. Possible factors of their formation are suggested. Seed zoning recommendations on the species are given. Key words: Pinus Slivestris L., cotyledons, geographic variability, population groups.
Galaktionova L.V., Stepanova M.A., Teslya A.V., Anufrienko A.V. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE ABILITY OF FLORA URBAN AREAS TO ACCUMULATION OF HEAVY METALSThe paper studies the ability of trees and shrubs in urban areas to absorb heavy metals. The study was identified Election ability of some species of flora in the city of Orenburg and Buzuluk to the accumulation of copper and zinc.Key words: soil contamination, phytoremediation, heavy metals, urban ecosystems.
Gorichev Ju.P. SUCCESSION SYSTEM OF THE PROVINCE BROADLEAVED-DARK CONIFEROUS FORESTS OF THE SOUTHERN URALS (FEATURES OF THE STRUCTURAL ORGANIZATION) The general question of the structural organization of the province successional broadleaf-conifer forests of the Southern Urals.Key words: Southern Urals, the succession system, broadleaf-coniferous forests, province, climax community, topographical complex ekogenetichesky complex.
Ishkinina F.F., Aminev A.N., Haibullin M.M. EFFECTIVENESS OF BIOLOGICAL PRODUCTS TO FIGHT BLIGHT DURING STORAGE OF POTATOBiological agents treatment of potato tubers before laying on storage of — fitosporin, gumi, borogum reduces disease, mainly late blight.Key words: potato; biologics; the period of storage; blight; grade.
Kalashnik N.A. FUNCTIONAL ACTIVITY OF NUCLEOLAR ORGANIZATION CHROMOSOMES IN LARIX SUKACZEWII UNDER TECHNOGENIC POLLUTION Functional activity of nucleolar organization chromosomes have been studied in Larix sukaczewii under different ecological conditions (in areas with different levels of industrial pollution as compared to a control one). The results provide evidence for an enhancing of technogenic pollution on functional activity of nucleolar organization chromosomes in Larix sukaczewii. Key words: nucleolar organization chromosomes, Larix sukaczewii, industrial pollution.
Мuldashev А.А., Маslova N.V., Elizaryeva О.А., Galeeva А.Kh. CHARACTERISTIC OF AGE STRUCTURE OF POPULATIONS HEDYSARUM GRANDIFLORUM PALL (FABACEAE) IN THE PRE-URALS OF BASHKORTOSTAN REPUBLIC Description of state of rare species Hedysarum grandiflorum Pall. (Fabaceae) 4 populations in the pre-Urals of Bashkortostan Republic studed in 2012 is given. Description of populations includes age structure, density, some demographic indexes. Key words: Кey words: Hedysarum grandiflorum, rare species, population, age structure, protection.
Nazarova N.M. VARIABILITY OF THE ANNUAL GROWTH SOME OF LILAC IN INTRODUCING IN ORENBURG PREDURALJAThe article contains results measurements of annual growth vegetative branches 6 species lilacs, 5 of which are initial stages of introduction in Orenburg Ural region. By analyzing the ecological and climatic parameters in the region, as well as taking into account the biological characteristics of introduced, species identified, the most promising for introduction in the Orenburg region.Key words: genus Syringa L., lilac, introduction, introduced plant, annual increment.
Naumenko O.A., Sablina E.V., Kabisheva M.I., Kosteneckaja E.A. THE ARTICLE DISCUSSES THE FEATURES OF THE TOXIC EFFECTS OF CADMIUM ON ANTIOXIDANT ENZYME ACTIVITY OF PLANTSIn experimental studies investigated the effect of different concentrations of cadmium on the activity of catalase and peroxidase watercress.Key words: cadmium, heavy metals, enzymes, watercress.
Orlova D.G. FEATURES SOME WATER REGIME OF LABOUR ARONIAPERS., CHAENOMELESLINDL., CRATAEGUSL., SORBUSL. WHEN IN INRODUKTSII ORENBURG PREDURALJAThe results of the study of water scarcity and high speed differential water losses of some species of the subfamily Maloideae Web. Found that water regime of plants plays an important role in predicting the growing of exotic species in the new environmental conditions.Key words: introduction, water treatment plants, water scarcity, the average rate differential water losses.
Perekrestova E. N., Efremov I. V., Kushnareva О.Р. USING THE METHOD OF REGISTRATION OF THE DELAYED FLUORESCENCE FOR THE EVALUATION OF THE TOXIC INFLUENCE OF SALTS OF HEAVY METALS ON WHEAT SEEDSIn this paper, based on registration of the delayed fluorescence kinetics, the authors have developed a methodology of evaluation of the toxic effects of salt solutions of copper, zinc, cobalt, Nickel on wheat seeds. For the analysis of the obtained curves were used theoretical concepts on the mechanisms of delayed fluorescence and a correlation between the toxic effects of heavy metals and parameters of delayed fluorescence.Key words: delayed fluorescence, kinetics, heavy metals, the inhibitory effect of concentration.
Pikalova E.V., Stetsuk N.P., Nurmieva S.V., Abramova L.M. BIOLOGY OF INVASIVE SPECIES AMBROSIA TRIFIDA L. IN THE CIS-URALSResults of researches of invasive species Ambrosia trifida L. in the Cis-Urals of the Bashkortostan Republic and Orenburg region are given. Reliable distinctions of ruderal and flood-plain coenopopulations of species are shown. Further advance of Ambrosia trifida to the north is predicted.Key words: invasive species, Ambrosia trifida L., population, variability, biomorphological parameters.
Potokina S.M. RENEWAL OF THE POPLAR BLACK (POPULUS NIGRA L.) ON A GRAVEL PIT IN THE SARAKTASHSKY REGION OF THE ORENBURG REGIONThe poplar black — the Black poplar — (Populus nigra L) is one of the most fast-growing species of poplars and the least exacting to the soil. Natural renewal of a black poplar is considered on the example of a to grow of a pit of production of gravel in the Saraktashsky area. The pit territory, at the termination of its economic use is a perspective key site of simultaneous studying of developments of two age groups of associations of a poplar black.Key words: poplar black, environment factors, natural renewal, subgrowth, trial area.
Safonov M.A., Malenkova A.S., Shamraev A.V., Baykarova A.A. COMPREHENSIVE ASSESSMENT OF ARTIFICIAL PINE TREE STANDS IN THE ORENBURG PREURALSThe results of the comprehensive assessment of artificial pine tree stands in the South Ural steppe zone (Novosergievskyi district of the Orenburg region) with the use of geobotanical indices, the vitality of forest stands, the structure of wood-destroying fungi biota are given. Noted that high richness of fungi species is characteristic for plantations with high vitality. Discussed prospects of integrated assessment of forest stands with the use of these indicators, and made recommendations for conservation of the most valuable plantations.Key words: artificial tree stands, pine plantations, steppe zone, integrated assessment, vital status of forest stands, wood-destroying fungi, Orenburg region
Stepanova M.A. ACCUMULATION OF HEAVY METALS OF WILD APPLE TREE(MALUS SYLVESTRIS) IN BUZULUKWith increasing urbanization is changing urban environment, which differs in many respects from the natural environment. Heavy metals occupy a special position, because, not subjected to physico-chemical or biological degradation, accumulate in the surface layer of the soil and change their properties, for a long time are available for root uptake by plants and actively participate in the processes of migration in trophic chains.Key words: heavy metals, аpple, sustainability, and the accumulation.
Khaibullin M.M., Kolosov T.A. IDENTIFYING BIOLOGICAL YIELD AND OIL CONTENT OF SUNFLOWER HYBRID SEEDS CULTIVATED BY THE "CLEARFILD" SYSTEM IN CONDITIONS OF THE CIS-URAL STEPPES IN THE REPUBLIC OF BASHKORTOSTAN The article describes yields and oil content of sunflower hybrid seeds produced by the "Clearfield" system using Euro-lightning herbicide without primary cultivation.Key words: sunflower, oil content, Clearfield, hybrids, "No-till".
Khardikova S.V., Verhoshentseva Y.P. EFFECT OF HUMIC PREPARATIONS AND ROOTING CUTTINGS GRAPES IN ORENBURZHYEThe paper presents experimental data on the effect of humic substances on rooting cuttings of woody vine grown in the Orenburg region. The positive effect of humate on the processes of growth and development of the root system.Key words: grapes, woody cuttings, cultivars, humic preparations, root formation.
Bazhina N.L., Ondar E.E., Ochur K.O., Dergacheva M.I. SOIL HUMIC ACID ELEMENTAL COMPOSITION OF WESTERN PART OF THE TERRITORY TUVASpecificity of humic acid element composition of soils of some key sites of the western part of Tuva territory located in different landscape conditions is shown. Materials and the revealed laws are of interest as a part of data bank using for paleoenvironment reconstruction based on humic acid element composition.Key words: ground, humic acids, element structure, the western areas of Tuva.
Verkhoshentseva Yu.P., Hardikova S.V. INFLUENCE OF PLANE EROSION ON THE CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF THE CHERNOZEMS OF SOUTHERN ORENBURG PREDURALIEErosion is one of the main and very dangerous causes of damage to the soil. Improper use of lands leads to increased erosion and other types of soil degradation. The destruction of soil due to erosion, which is manifested in various forms (washout and erosion of soil, education streams, gullies, sand storms, etc), covers a huge area in the world. So, water erosion prone to 31%, wind — 34% of the land. In this regard, the issue of protection of soils from erosion becomes more and more actual. It is connected, first, with the realization of the outstanding role of soil in the life of the biosphere, secondly, the recognition of the fact that soils Russia is now in a critical condition.Key words: Surface erosion, soil degradation, humic soil, the morphology of the soil, the depth of humification.
Voropaev S.B. Novozhenin I.A. NATURAL CONDITIONS AND CHARACTERISTICS OF FACTORS OF SOIL FORMATION OF SOUTHERN URALThe article focuses on the features of the natural factors of soil formation and properties of the predominant soils of the Southern Urals, both in terms of the natural history of the body, and the basic means of production in agriculture.Key words: soil, zoning, climate, topography, soil geography.
Dergacheva M.I., Nekrasova O.A. URANIUM AND THORIUM CONTENT IN THE HUMIC ACIDS OF PALEOSOLS BURIED UNDER BARROWS AND CULTURAL HORIZONS OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL OBJECT STEPNOE 7 (SOUTHERN URALS)In this paper the contribution of humic acids in the total soil pool of radioactive elements U and Th was estimated on the example of paleosols, buried in the Bronze Age, the cultural horizons of the same time and territorial localization, as well as modern background soils in forest-steppe conditions of Southern Urals.Key words: radioactive elements, humic acids, chernozems, paleosols, cultural layers, Southern Urals.
Dostova T. M. EFFECT OF LONG-TERM AGRICULTURAL USE ON HUMUS SOIL CONDITIONS OF THE SOUTHERN URALSThe results of the analysis of the state of humus chernozems and dark chestnut soils of the Urals, as well as their dynamics is evaluated in a number of virgin land — arable land. Among the identified geographical zoning changes such indicators of humus, as its contents and reserves, the type of humus content of mobile fulvic and humic acids associated with calcium.Key words: humus, zoning soil humic acid.
Ezhelev Z.S., Umarova A.B., Goncharuk N.Y., Zavgorodnyaya J.A., Ezheleva A.S. PROPERTIES TUNDRA SOILS IN THE NORTH OF THE EUROPEAN PART OF RUSSIA REMEDIATED AFTER OIL POLLUTIONConducted field and laboratory studies of physical and chemical properties of remediated different methods tundra-gley soils of the Republic of Komi in the comparative analysis with background soils. It is show the main outcome of reclamation is the radical change of the properties of soils due to a number of reasons depending on the type of reclamation: change in topography, water-physical properties of soils, formation of a regime of functioning and other direction of the evolution of data soils.Key words: oil pollution of soils, soil remediation, tundra-gley soils, soil physical properties, the content of oil products in the soil.
Eliseeva M.V., Galaktionova L.V., Voropaev S.B., Eliseev S.A., Kusmuchambetova A.G., Kalabkina A.I., Zainagabdinova Z.I. MORPHOLOGY AND STRUCTURE-PHYSICAL STATE OF SOILS OF BOTANICAL GARDEN OF THE ORENBURG STATE UNIVERSITYThe article deals with the history of the Botanical garden of the Orenburg state university and analysis of the results of the study of the morphological structural state of soils its territoryKey words: soils, the Botanical garden, structure.
Ishanova O.S., Chekmareva O.V. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT OF SOIL WITHIN THE ENTERPRISE OIL PRODUCING INDUSTRYThe analysis of soil samples of the area adjacent to Kapitonovskoye field of "Yuzhuralneftegaz" for harmful contaminants and ranking of the study area for ecological distress on the basis of the indicators of chemical pollution.Key words: concentration ratio, soil pH, chemical pollution, the rate of chemical contamination of soils, ranging territory, ecological trouble.
Korchagina K.V., Smagin A.V., Reshetina T.V. THE NEW METHOD OF ESTIMATION OF SOIL CONTAMINATION WITH ZN AND PB LEVEL USING VARIATIONS OF HEAVY METAL CONCENTRATIONS AND SOIL DENSITYThe effect of change of concentration of heavy metal and soil density connected with the depth was investigated to estimate the level of soil contamination with heavy metals. It was discovered that the use of the indicators of actual reserves of contaminators instead of traditional indicators of surface concentration of the pollutant changes the result of the estimation, as well as takes the soil specifics into account and meets the Federal regulations.Key words: estimation of soil contamination, heavy metal, soil density, reserves of contaminators, soil regulations.
Pirogova I.N., Ermakova O.Y. ASSESSMENT LEVEL CONTAMINATED FLOODPLAIN SOILS AS A RESULT OF YEARS OF EXPOSURE OBJECTS PRODUCTION AND PROCESSINGThe soil of floodplains have both agricultural and industrial load. One of the ways of industrial pollution floodplain soils territory is ONGKM vapor deposition, aerosols, dust and pollutants dissolved compounds from the atmosphere with precipitation.Key words: soil cover, soil fertility evaluation.
Semenova I.N., Suyundukov Ya.T. EVALUATION OF SIBAY SOIL TOXICITY BY AZOTOBACTER CULTUREWith the culture of Azotobacter assess the toxicity of ordinary chernozem of the Republic of Bashkortostan Sibai which are subject to influence from the mining factory. Nitrogen-fixing Azotobacter culture grows in soils analyzed in different ways, the differences observed in the growth rate, the percentage of fouling soil lumps and the diameter of the colonies. This difference may be due to different levels of heavy metals in soils of the city.Key words: black soil, heavy metals, the biological activity of soils, Azotobacter and mining.
Fedotova A.V., Yakovleva L.V., Sorokin A.P., Strelkov S.P., Strelkova E.V. ASSESSMENT OF THE CURRENT STATE OF POST-AGROGENE SOILS OF THE DELTA OF VOLGAThe assessment of a physical and salt condition of post-agrogene soils of anthropogenically transformed landscapes of the delta of Volga is carried out. It is established that existence of irrigation canals and proximity of an arrangement of the main drainage channel has impact on spatial distribution of soil properties and salts in a landscape (r = 0,84). The arable horizons of studied agrosoils authentically differ from each other on key parameters: Kvodopr, Pb, Kstr and to the maintenance of LRS.Key words: post-agrogene soils, salt condition, agrophysical properties, degradation.
Yakovleva L.V., Fedotova A.V. METHODS OF FIELD ELECTROPHYSICS IN SOIL APPROBATION OF ARID TERRITORIESThe article dwells on the results of the research that was made with the help of electrophysics methods and traditional methods of saline soil approbation of anthropogenically altered landscape of the deltoid landscape within the western part of the Volga delta and the eastern part of ilmen. Our regression analysis of different data, obtained by different methods, confirmed that it is preferable to use a water-saturated soil pastes method to estimate the salt content in the landscape.Key words: salinity, VES survey, deltaarea, anthropogenicallyalteredlandscape, water extract, soil paste.
Baitelova A.I., Tarasova T.F., Guryanova N.S. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT OF SOIL FOR MODIFIED ANTHROPOGENICALLY TERRITORIESThe analysis of soil samples of the area adjacent to the gas production management LLO "Plant Communar" for harmful contaminants and ranking of the study area for ecological distress on the basis of the parameters pH, and total score of chemical contamination of soils (Zc). The coefficients of the concentration of pollutants.Key words: chemical contamination of soils, soil pH, the rate of chemical contamination of soils, site ranking, ecological trouble.
Batuev A.R., Petrishchev V.P. THE CREATION OF THE ATLAS OF ASIAN RUSSIAThe article describes the basic principles and fundamental development program cartographic product — Atlas of Asian Russia. The table of contents and methods of cartographic modeling of natural and socio-economic processes of the macro-region of Russia.Key words: atlas, cartographic modeling, thematic mapping
Galieva R.R. GEOECOLOGICAL CONSEQUENCES OF THE MANMADE ACCIDENT OCCURRED IN THE TABUNOK STREAM VALLEY WITHIN THE SAMARA RIVER BASINThis article discusses the consequences arising from pollution of the Tabunok Stream surface waters and the adjacent area by the oil and oil products. It focuses on the waterbody recovery measures and reinstatement process. Key words: Tabunok stream, technogenic accident, remediation activities.
Damrin A.G., Bozhenov S.N. ISSUES INTERACTION OF SOUTH URAL ARTIFICIAL LAKES WITH LANDSCAPES BEACHESThe interaction of man-made reservoirs with coastal landscapes manifested in the formation of new types of banks and man-made landscapes. In this regard, the authors conducted typology shores of the Southern Urals and highlights the major types of banks.Key words: beach, coastal landscape, reservoir rock, artificial pond area, the coast.
Dibikhin K.Yu. VECTOR DESIGNING OF THE SPATIOTEMPORAL MODELS OF ORGANIZATION OF ORENBURG REGION LANDSCAPE ECOSYSTEMSThe territory of the Orenburg region is presented by a landscape and soil variety, an extensive hydrographic network. On this complex the environment for formation of biogeocenoses, the local and focal ecosystems is formed, subject it is natural — to natural and anthropogenesis risks. Spatially — coordinate descriptions of natural and anthropogenesis geosystems, multiple layers, a vektorizations of their representation define. The structurally functional organization of landscape ecosystems is presented in the form of the existential models displaying an ecosystem, as the object which attributes are properties of integrating landscapes, a hydrographic network and an atmosphere interface. Results of researches are presented vector spatially — temporary models of the organization of landscape ecosystems which are placed in developed and programmatically realized bases "by Arkaim v. 1.0" , "LockalMeteoControl v. 1.0" spatially — the coordinate data adapted for integration into geoportals.Key words: landscape framework, ecosystem, existential models.
Izotov B.A. POSSIBLE WAYS OF DEVELOPING THE ECOSYSTEM OF THE SOUTHERN URALS UNDER DIFFERENT SCENRIOS OF GLOBAL CLIMATEStudying of response natural ecosystems land and ecological complexes, on change of a climate by methods of monitoring and modelling.Key words: ecosystem, phenological models, methods, parameters.
Izotov B.A. ON THE TRANSFORMATION OF BOUNDARIES BETWEEN FOREST AND FOREST-STEPPE GEOGRAPHICAL ZONES UNDER CLIMATE CHANGEThe analysis of spatial distribution of forest stands in azimuthal directions of slopes with digitization 1 and 45?, accordingly on 360 sectors and on 8 sectors of a full corner.Key words: distribution of relief items stocked, dynamics of forest stands, snow cover, temperature effects.
Kaliev A.J., Damrin A.G. ABOUT SOME DIRECTIONS OF OPTIMIZATION OF ARTIFICIAL LAKES OF THE SOUTHERN URALSStudy of the regularities of interaction of artificial reservoirs with natural environment is one of the urgent tasks of ecological-geographical research. As a result of conducted studies, developed the basic directions of optimization of artificial reservoirs, which provide for the eight major areas of area in the southern Urals.Key words: optimization, artificial reservoirs, landscape, construction, ordination.
Kanygina O.N., Anisina I.N., Chetverikova A.G., Salnikova E.V. MONTMORILLONITE CONTAINING CLAY FROM ORENBURG REGION AS THE RAW MATERIAL FOR FUNCTIONAL CERAMICSThe availability of nature montmorillonite containing clay as the raw material for functional ceramics is determined. It is demonstrated that the choice of disperse composition of clay set of drying and sintering kinetics, the evolution of structure with wide spectrum of characteristics.Key words: montmorillonite containing clay, size fraction.
Levykin S.V., Kazachkov G.V., Yakovlev I.G., Grudinin D.A. THE PROPOSALS ON THE CONSERVATION OF LANDSCAPE AND BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY OF STEPPES IN THE TRANSFRONTIER ZONE OF ORENBURG REGION OF RUSSIA AND AKTYUBINSK REGION OF KAZAKHSTANThe moratorium on the reploughing up of low productive lands, where secondary steppes restore itself, and the adaptive livestock raising development could be a substantial contribution to the conservation of landscape and biological diversity of steppe ecosystems. The position of such land plots adjacently to the Russia-Kazakhstan frontier makes this region holding much promise for a transfrontier steppe NAPP system when it is formed.Key words: landscape and biological diversity, secondary steppes, transfrontier region.
Miazina N.G., Ponomareva P.A. PROSPECTS OF THE USE OF BRINES FOR THE EXTRACTION OF IODINE ON ОOGCFIn the present work geologо-hydrogeological features of the Orenburg oil and gas condensate field, the main regularity of formation and placement of chloride brines, the characteristic of main geochemical and genetic types chloride brines. Examples of the chemical composition of interstitial waters and considered opportunity their application as hydromineral raw materials. The main theoretical and practical aspects of redox equilibria of the model and real iodine water systems. Diagrams Eh — pH for model and natural systems. We studied the influence of the chemical composition of salinity on the size and location of the fields of stability of iodine and its compounds.Key words: Orenburg oil and gas condensate field, iodine, bromine, produced water, chloride brines, chemical composition and mineralization main geochemical and genetic types, hydromineral raw materials, oxidation, charts Eh — pH.
Rusanov A.M., Shein E.V., Prokhorovа N.V., Alechinа G.P. ADJACENT TO THE FOREST ECOLOGY STEPPE ECOSYSTEMThe materials comprehensive research steppe biogeocenosis located near Buzuluksky boron. Found that around a pine forest ecotone formed, the territory on which a set of attributes (hydrothermal and water regimes, soil properties, plant species composition, soil and terrestrial fauna) corresponds Ecosystem Indicators forest-steppe zone.Key words: mesoclimate, plant communities, black soil, soil fauna, Herpetobiont beetles
Ryabukha A.G. THE ANCIENT EOLIAN SAND DUNES OF SUHORECHENSK ARRAYOn the example of Suhorechenskogo sandy array studied drevneeolovye fixed form accumulative relief — parabolic dunes, the regularities in the location of the morphology and orientation of the dunes.Key words: aeolian processes, parabolic dunes, periglacial conditions, deflation basins.
Safonov M.A., Bulgakov E.A., Ostapenko A.V., Tyapukhin P.V. THE IMPACT OF WOOD DESTRUCTION ON TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY CONDITIONS IN FOREST BIOGEOCENOSES OF THE SOUTHERN URALSThe results of daily monitoring of humidity and temperature in the forest ecosystems of the Southern Ural are discussed. The influence of the processes of wood degradation on microclimatic conditions is shown. The contribution of mycogenic wood destruction in formation of the climatic regime of the forest is discussed.Key words: forest biogeocenoses, mycogenic wood destruction, wood-destroying fungi, microclimate.
Semenov E.A. ECONOMIC EVALUATION OF NATURAL RESOURCES POTENTIAL FOR THE ORENBURG REGIONThis paper analyses the natural resource potential of the Orenburg region, its importance in the socio-economic development of the region and the region's place in the territorial division of labor. The size and the spatial distribution of natural resources are given. The factors of economic evaluation and perspectives for rational and efficient use of natural resources in the region are defined.Key words: natural resources, natural resource potential, procurement of resources, economic evaluation.
Seryakova R.E., Seryakov S.V., Alferov I.N. METHODOLOGICAL PECULIARITIES OF ECOLOGIZED DEVELOPMENT OF NATURAL AREAS IN TECHNOGENESIS (FOR THE STUDY OF TOMSK LEFT BANK)In this article the methodological approaches of land use planning in areas with a high degree of intensity of the interaction of natural and manmade complexes were developed. Unique hydrological, geo-ecological and geological features of the Tom river left bank within the Tomsk were considered. In terms of ecologized land use planning, most rational form of use of this territory was concluded.Key words: ecologization, land use planning, technogenesis, natural and territorial complex, groundwater, spring zone.
Stepanova I.A., Stepanov A.S. ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY OF FEATURES OF STRUCTURAL-FUNCTIONAL ORGANIZATION OF THE ECOSYSTEM IN ORENBURGThe article is devoted to the study of structural and functional organization of the ecosystem of the city of Orenburg (namely environmental aspects of designing garages and parking lots in the urban environment).Key words: Orenburg, ecosystem, garage complexes in urban areas, car parks in the urban environment, protective landscaping.
Stroganova E.A. RESEARCH OF THE MINERALIZATION EFFECT ON EQUILIBRIUM ADSORPTION OF GERMANIUM IONS FROM POOR SOLUTIONS USING ANION-EXCHANGE RESIN AN-31The effect of various kinds and concentrations of a mineral background of aqueous solutions on equilibrium adsorption of germanium ions using anion-exchange resin AN-31 were investigated. Working pH areas of resin using at sorption of germanium ions from chloride and sulphatic solution were established. The equilibrium adsorption data was analyzed using Langmuir isotherms. The most important equilibrium constants of germanium adsorption from solutions of various ionic forces were calculated. The factors of selectivity and charges of extracting germanium forms were found. It is offered a selectivity range of competing ions.Key words: equilibrium adsorption, anion-exchange resin, germanium, mineralization, equilibrium constants, distribution coefficient, selectivity coefficient, selectivity range.
Tarasova T.F., Baitelova A.I., Guryanova N.S. EVALUATION ABIOTIC COMPONENT WITHIN THE ECOSYSTEM GAS INDUSTRYThe analysis of samples of snow the area adjacent to the gas production management LLO "Gazprom Orenburg", on the content of harmful impurities and ranking of the study area for ecological distress on the basis of the parameters pH and indicator of chemical pollution of precipitation (PCP).Key words: pH of melt water, the rate of chemical contamination of sediments, ranging territory, ecological trouble, the ratio of concentration of pollutants.
Tkacheva T.A. RECEIVING AND REVIEW OF THE SPECTROSCOPIC PROPERTIES OF CARBONYL CONTAINING COMPLEXES NI (II) AND CO (II)In this article is considered the possibility of using metal-carbonyl compounds as systems with directional charge transfer and energy transfer. Are presented the methods of synthesis of carbonyl-containing compounds based on Co (II) and Ni (II). Are determined by the physicochemical properties of the compounds using potentiometric methods and the structure of the substances with using IR and UV spectroscopy.Key words: Claisen condensation, carbonyl compounds, the charge transfer.
Umarova A.B., Vaigel A.E., Kokoreva A.A., Suslenkova M.M., Butylkina M.A. FUNCTIONING OF SPECIALISED SOIL CONSTRUCTIONS IN THE CONDITIONS OF MOSCOW CITY An important component of urban greening is the using of a large number of grassy vegetation requiring a modern approach to the formation of the soil cover (soil constructions), its properties and modes. Soil constructions with different structure were created on the Soil Station of MSU, where were studied their properties and regimes. It was established, that the specific of structure of the soil profile significantly influence on the growth and development of plants. Along with this, introduction of humates and supply of polluting substances provide a significant effect on the biomass.Key words: soil constructions, physical properties and modes of soil, urban greening, humates.
Urvayev D.G., Kobzev G.I. INTERMEDIATES IN THE GAS PHASE REACTION SC + O2: QUANTUM CHEMICAL STUDYCASSCF and DFT methods investigated intermediates of the reaction of gas-phase oxidation of scandium atoms with molecular oxygen . Identified previously unknown electronically excited states dioxide OScO and peroxo scandium Sc (O2). It is shown that among the calculated states of intermediate Sc (O2), the excited state with an excitation energy of 3,16–3,46 eV can be attributed to Superoxocomplexes remaining, with an excitation energy of less than 3,0 eV to peroxo. Detailed calculations by MCQDPT2 as amended by the spin-orbit coupling (SOC) and the superposition of the basis set error (BSSE) suggest the possibility of formation of the van der Waals complex Sc-O2 with the dissociation energy of 26,4 cm–1.Key words: PES ; excited oksokompleksy selenium singlet oxygen, the spin-orbit interaction , van der Waals complexes.
Zinberg M.B., Nenasheva M.N. GAS SULFUR IN THE NEWEST TECHNOLOGIESExclusive role of sulfur in a nature, its surprising features not peculiar to the majority of other chemical elements, cause interest to chemistry and technology of sulfur. One of ways of the decision of this problem is the development of effective processes final treatment of the biologically cleared waste water (BIOD), for example, filtering with use of cheap, accessible and similar materials. By firm "Ecobios" (Orenburg) for the first time in the world is scientifically proved and the opportunity of nonconventional application of gas sulfur for the decision of ecological problems proved, that opens, in our opinion new way to the world market of sales of sulfur in volume about $2 000 000 000 USA. Key words: Key word: gas sulfur, biological cleared waste water, microorganisms of cycling sulfur, regeneration of sulfur, sorbent, oil.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |