Korchagina K.V., Smagin A.V., Reshetina T.V. THE NEW METHOD OF ESTIMATION OF SOIL CONTAMINATION WITH ZN AND PB LEVEL USING VARIATIONS OF HEAVY METAL CONCENTRATIONS AND SOIL DENSITYThe effect of change of concentration of heavy metal and soil density connected with the depth was investigated to estimate the level of soil contamination with heavy metals. It was discovered that the use of the indicators of actual reserves of contaminators instead of traditional indicators of surface concentration of the pollutant changes the result of the estimation, as well as takes the soil specifics into account and meets the Federal regulations.Key words: estimation of soil contamination, heavy metal, soil density, reserves of contaminators, soil regulations.
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About this article
Authors: Korchagina K.V., Smagin A.V., Reshetina T.V.
Year: 2013
Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |