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№ 3 (243), 20 september 2024

doi: DOI: 10.25198/1814-6457


Bursakova M.S. METHODS OF PEDAGOGICAL PREVENTION OF TEENAGERS ANTISOCIAL BEHAVIOR TEENAGERS IN VALUE-ORIENTED ACTIVITIESIn modern society, the problem of antisocial behaviour of adolescents is topical and requires serious attention from pedagogical science and practice. In the «VUCA» and «BANI» conditions of the world, adolescents are exposed to a number of stressful and anxiety-inducing factors that can contribute to the formation of asocial behaviour. Instability and uncertainty in the economic, political and social spheres can induce feelings of helplessness and alienation in adolescents, which in turn can lead to distorted self-identity and a search for alternative forms of expression. The brutality, anxiety, non-linearity and incomprehensibility of the world can create a sense of vulnerability and inability to adapt to their environment among adolescents. In response to this perception of reality, adolescents may exhibit antisocial behaviour as a way of protest, self-protection or an attempt to assert control over their lives. Antisocial behaviour, such as aggression, breaking laws, drug and alcohol use, is a serious threat to the health, education, and future of the younger generation. It is necessary to develop effective methods and strategies of pedagogical prevention aimed at preventing and reducing such behaviour among adolescents. Research in the field of social pedagogy identifies the main causes of antisocial behaviour among adolescents, such as negative environmental influences, lack of support and attention from parents and teachers, and psychological problems. Pedagogical prevention should include a comprehensive approach, including work with the family, school, and social institutions, as well as psychological support and the development of adolescents› social skills. It is also important to systematically evaluate the effectiveness of the methods used and adjust approaches according to the changing social situation and needs of adolescents. Value-orientation activities play a key role in the pedagogical prevention of antisocial behaviour among adolescents, representing a system of methods and techniques aimed at shaping adolescents› value orientations, social responsibility and sustainable norms of behaviour. Value-orientation activity is an effective and comprehensive approach to the pedagogical prevention of antisocial behaviour of adolescents, contributing to their social adaptation, the development of emotional intelligence and the formation of healthy value orientations.Key words: antisocial behavior, pedagogical prevention, value-oriented activity, preventive technologies, adolescence.
Bykova A.S. THE PRINCIPLES OF DEVELOPING INFO-COMMUNICATION SKILLS IN STUDENTS’ PROJECT ACTIVITIESIn the modern world info-communication skills have become one of the determinants of student’s personality success and their professionalism as future specialists. The development of info communication skills in students’ project activities is carried out according to three fundamental principles: interaction, axiologization of project activities and integration. Theoretical study of scientific literature allows us to establish that interaction is a process that takes place during the implementation of activities, possessing purposefulness and aimed at the development of personality through the exchange of data. It has been established that interaction is manifested in communication as a way of personal development. It is built both directly and through the use of information technology. Interaction contributes to the acquisition of the student’s personality to the values of the teacher, other students, the outside world, as well as the values of self-discovery and self-development. Axiologization of project activity leads to the development of info-communication skills, value attitude to these skills and their components, information, communicative interaction. Integration as a process and a result of formation of knowledge, skills, value orientations of the student’s personality directs students to integrate knowledge from different fields, application of info-communication skills and a complex approach to problem solving within the framework of project creation. The conclusions are drawn that the application of the principles of integration, interaction and axiologization of project activity contribute to the effective development of info-communication skills in students’ project activity.Key words: info-communication skills, integration, interaction, axiologization of project activity, principles of skills development.
Glotova L.S. ON THE PROBLEM OF ENSURING THE READINESS OF YOUNG SPECIALISTS AND HIGHLY QUALIFIED COACHING STAFF TO IMPLEMENT EARLY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMSPostgraduate training of personnel to work in early development centers for preschool children as part of the activities of sports organizations is quite new due to the fact that in the pre-pandemic and especially post-pandemic period, the scope of age groups aimed at active recreational activities has expanded. Along with the increase in the age of the contingent of health groups, there was also a decrease in it, when early development programs, parent + child groups, starting from the age of one year, and even earlier, became especially popular. In connection with the adoption of the order on the peculiarities of the organization and implementation of educational activities in additional educational programs of sports training, the problem of determining target results and criteria for the readiness of coaching and teaching staff to organize these activities has become acute. Based on the identified needs, a model was developed for developing the readiness of trainers-teachers in the system of additional professional education to implement the comprehensive education and development of preschool children, the theoretical and methodological basis of this process was determined, the content and methodological tools were formed. Experimental work was carried out, as a result of which, in particular, the specifics of ensuring the readiness of young specialists and highly qualified coaching personnel to implement early development programs were identified, which is presented in this article. The results of this study will be useful for organizing training for groups of different ages and students of advanced training courses in the implementation of early development programs.Key words: readiness components, coaching staff, comprehensive and partial development programs, preschool education, physical education, sports.
Grigoriev A.D., Zhdanova N.S., Leushkanova O.Yu. A PRACTICE-ORIENTED APPROACH IN STUDENTS’ MASTERING THE VALUES OF THE SMALL HOMELANDThe axiological aspect of education has always been of primary importance, but it is very difficult to implement it effectively. In pedagogy, many approaches to the development of a value attitude to the small Motherland have been developed, one of them is practice-oriented. Its advantage is that students are in an active state, they perform certain tasks with an orientation towards their future profession. Modernization of small local history museums in the Urals allowed students to work in conditions of real professional practice. The students’ activities were organized by teachers step by step, starting with collecting and studying information about local history museums, ending with the project submission and reflection on the work done. At the second and fifth stages, teachers conducted a survey to identify the students’ knowledge of the history and culture of the Urals and their value orientations. Students answered a number of questions related to the artistic crafts of the Urals, with forms of preserving cultural heritage. Particular attention was paid to the answers where students discussed what from the regional culture should be preserved. The students’ project activities began with a visit to the local history museum in the village of Paris, with an introduction to its exhibition environment and museum staff. A long period of coordination between the positions of the «customer and the contractor» led to a compromise solution for combining a real and virtual exhibition. At the last stage, the students answered almost the same questions as at the beginning of the work. The answers showed a significant increase in knowledge about the history of the Ural region, its culture and the importance of local history museums in preserving folk values.Key words: practice-oriented approach, student training, values of the small Motherland, local history museums design activities.
Drobotenko Yu.B., Nazarova N.A., Smagina I.L. AN OVERVIEW OF THE PRACTICES OF FORMING STUDENTS’ VALUE ORIENTATIONS: FROM SCHOOL TO UNIVERSITYThe issues of forming students’ value orientations at school, college and university are at the center of scientific discussions. The article presents an overview which purpose is to describe and systematize the best practices aimed at the formation of students’ value orientations at different levels of the education system. Referring to the experience of schools, the authors consider the implementation of the axiological model of the «eight values», the technology of value-based learning and the technology of bringing up in «family nests», the workshops of value orientations and theater studios at school as the best practices. The practice of forming value orientations in the system of secondary vocational education and in the system of Higher education is mostly associated with the students’ professional bringing up and with instilling values of future professional activity. This is facilitated by the implementation of the following conditions: designing the ways of professional self-realization, self-awareness in life and profession, actualization of students’ life experience. Taking into account the experience of domestic and foreign universities, the authors describe the practices of forming students’ value orientations based on the taxonomy of educational goals by B. Bloom and D. Krathwohl and the Singaporean methodology for teaching the ethos of the pedagogical profession.Key words: value orientations, axiological model, technology of value­based learning, technology of bringing up in «family nests», workshop of value orientations, theater studio, ethos teaching.
Nekrasov S.V. THE RENAISSANCE OF THE SOVIET TRADITION OF EDUCATIONInterest in the Soviet education system is being revived in the pedagogical science of modern Russia. The influence of the pedagogical heritage of the Soviet school on the development of the modern educational system significantly depends on current sociocultural factors. The Soviet model, characterized by a systemic and ideological orientation, provided many effective pedagogical practices that are especially relevant in modern conditions when our country faces serious socio­economic and political challenges, most of which are in many ways similar to the Cold War period. It is necessary to rethink the Soviet experience and integrate it into the process of modernization of education, so that schoolchildren, in the process of their development, strive for an educational ideal that includes patriotism, citizenship and respect for national history. The need for this is recognized both by society and at the state level; as a result, these values are integrated into modern educational programs through the creation of new organizations for schoolchildren, similar to the pioneer ones, which reflects the continuity of traditions. Modern state policy in the field of education includes elements of the Soviet heritage adapted to current realities. Changes at different levels of the educational system cover both the content of school programs and the methodology of educational work. Traditional Soviet practices in education are preserved and modernized, but at the same time, modern educational policy has eliminated some ideological aspects of the Soviet period, while simultaneously expanding and updating the main directions of educational work. Thus, the study of Soviet pedagogical experience and its adaptation play a key role in the successful modernization of the Russian education system ensuring the continuity of traditions and their development in new historical conditions.Key words: education, upbringing, traditions, Soviet school, cyclicity, history, reforms.
Prichinin A.Е. RISK COMPETENCE DEVELOPMENT OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROJECT SUBJECT (SUBSTANTIVE ASPECT)The education system is in a constant search for solutions to increasing global risks, a gradual decline in the «human development index», the continuing decline in the sustainability of the development of society and its individual institutions, and the increasing uncertainty of the future. One of these solutions is the institutionalization of the risk management process in the implementation of professional and pedagogical activities that has begun in the domestic education system. At the same time, the process of institutionalization is more actively carried out in regulatory documentation that defines the set of labor functions and actions associated with risks (professional standards). At the same time, undergraduate and graduate educational programs in the «education and pedagogical sciences» group do not clearly regulate, in terms of describing the tasks of professional activity and competencies, actions related to risk management of educational projects. The purpose of this article is to study the possibilities of developing riskological competence of students of pedagogical training during their undergraduate and graduate studies. The author has made an attempt to build the content and sequence of academic disciplines in such a way as to update all components of riskological competence. As the study showed, it is possible to build a scheme for the development of riskological competence, using all blocks of disciplines in undergraduate and graduate curricula.Key words: riskological competence, levels of development, components of competence, curriculum, blocks of academic disciplines, levels of higher education.
Sikorskaya G.A., Tomina I.P. THE ATTITUDE OF A HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT TO COGNITIVE INDEPENDENCE AS A NECESSARY QUALITY OF PERSONALITYThe strategic goal of the Russian state policy in the field of education is defined as improving the quality of education that meets the requirements of innovative economic development, modern needs of society and every citizen. In this regard, the main goal of individual human progress is the development of cognitive independence, which contributes to the disclosure of personal capabilities and abilities. The study, conducted using the methods of questionnaires and statistical analysis, identifies the main goals of educational activities from the point of view of high school students, including theoretical readiness for a future profession, the desire to be successful in life, interest in new knowledge, as well as interest in the very process of cognition. The reasons for choosing the priority of independent work opportunities are determined, such as the presence of a problem in which he is personally interested; choosing his own way to solve the task; obtaining his own result, significant for himself; having your own point of view. Thus, the main task of the development of cognitive independence, in the opinion of students, is the disclosure of their personal potential, the inhibiting factors in this case are, respectively, a large overload during the educational process, lack of opportunity for self-expression, lack of attention to individual work on the part of the teacher. Based on the analysis of the results of measuring the level of development of cognitive independence of high school students, motivation and readiness of high school students for independent activity, their assessment of the importance of independent work, as well as studying the attitude of high school students, teachers, parents to cognitive independence, the reasons for the development of cognitive independence as a necessary personality quality, now a high school student, later a university student, a professional in production, successful in human life.Key words: quality of education, cognitive activity, independent cognitive activity, personality of a high school student.
Ledovskaya O.A. MEANS AND METHODS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF COGNITIVE ACTIVITY OF STUDENTS IN ATHLETICS TRAINING CLASSES AT THE UNIVERSITYThe development of cognitive activity is undoubtedly relevant for the theory and methodology of the educational and training process of students involved in the athletics section. Mastering special knowledge and skills allows students to increase their ability to self-regulation, self-organization and achieve higher athletic results in sports. The content of athletes’ cognitive activity is considered from the perspective of systemic and personal approaches to learning. The purpose of the theoretical study is to determine the main means and methods of developing cognitive activity among students of the athletics section at the university. The analysis of scientific and methodological literature and pedagogical observation made it possible to identify the main means and methods of developing students’ cognitive activity: participation in an anti-doping seminar, a training seminar for athletics referees, the use of methodological techniques of project activities in training sessions, participation in the organization and conduct of competitive athletics events, the study and analysis of modern means and methods of the training process of leading athletes of the All-Russian and international level, filling in and analyzing sports diaries, the study of the basics of rehabilitation measures, the use of information technology. Motivational, informational and cognitive components of physical culture and sports activity play a significant role in the development of cognitive activity. The development of cognitive activity of students involved in the athletics section is possible due to the acquisition of special knowledge and skills in the field of sports training, the use of elements of project activity in the educational and training process, the use of information technology in training sessions. The study of the peculiarities of the development of cognitive activity of students will optimize the educational and training process of students involved in the athletics section.Key words: cognitive activity, personality, self-development, effectiveness of the educational and training process.
Omelchenko Yu.V., Korvyackov A.A. THE INTERACTIVITY OF MIND MAPS IN TEACHING RUSSIAN AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGEMind maps as one of the in-learning technologies can be used in classes on Russian as a foreign language for students of any level and in teaching any type of speech activity. They provide visibility, structuring, ease of perception, interactivity, which are among the main factors influencing the process of learning information by students. The development of modern technologies and a rapidly changing world require continuous improvement of educational technologies. The results of the theoretical study show that the use of mind maps in classes on Russian as a foreign language helps to improve the memorization of information by students, the development of linguistic skills, and the activation of creative thinking. Mind maps can be combined with other in-learning technologies and traditional forms of learning, which makes the learning process more exciting and interactive. The use of mind maps in the lesson of Russian as a foreign language is effective and can be recommended for use in the educational process. We came to the conclusion that mind maps as one of the in-learning technologies can be harmoniously integrated into the educational process at any level of language learning and when teaching any type of speech activity. Visualization of information makes the learning process exciting, motivating, and developing.Key words: mind maps, in-learning technologies, types of speech activity, interactive methods in teaching RFL (Russian as a foreign language).
Sokolov M.V., Kucherevskaya M.O., Shalyapin O.V., Kobachevskaya S.M. PATRIOTIC EDUCATION AND ART EDUCATION OF STUDENTS OF PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITIES IN THE CONDITIONS OF THE INTERNATIONAL PLEIN AIR IN BELARUS AND RUSSIAArt education can play a certain role in the formation and development of a sense of patriotism, citizenship, respect for the memory of the defenders of the Fatherland. The resources of art education are currently used in the patriotic education of students of pedagogical universities. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the participation of students of art profiles of training pedagogical universities in international projects on organizing and holding student plein airs as a mechanism contributing to the patriotic education of youth and the development of the system of art education of the fraternal peoples of Russia and Belarus. The study is based on the axiological and personality-oriented approaches, which allow, on the one hand, to identify the influence of creative activity in the international plein air on the formation of patriotic feelings of students of pedagogical universities; and on the other hand, to ensure the practice of building an individual educational route for students of art faculties of pedagogical universities. We have implemented an international project on patriotic education and art education in cooperation between pedagogical universities of Belarus and Russia. In the course of the project implementation, an exchange of delegations of students majoring in art training from partner universities took place. Belarusian students took part in the international plein air in Novosibirsk, and Russian students took part in it in Minsk. The plein air became an effective environment for developing artistic and creative skills and patriotic education of students. It contributed to the students’ readiness to organize patriotic education in their future professional and pedagogical activities. The cooperation between pedagogical universities of Russia and Belarus allowed the researchers to obtain the following results: participation of 425 students in the International Student Art Competition “Without Borders”; participation of the competition winners in the international student plein air at places of military and labor glory in Russia and Belarus; specification of the content of students’ research work within the framework of art education for the purposes of patriotic education of youth; activation of students’ artistic abilities based on the emotional and figurative perception of objects of material culture, testifying to the contribution of the Soviet people to the defeat of Nazism and the labor valor of people in the rear; development and implementation of an individual educational route in the international plein air; embodiment of the creative result in the author's product of the plein air; formation of online and offline reporting exhibitions in partner universities from among student works completed in the plein air at places of military and labor glory; students' awareness of their participation in the international plein air as a mechanism of patriotic education.Key words: education, art pedagogy, individual educational route, education, patriotic education, plein air, international cooperation of universities, student international project, art education.
Bakaev A.A. FORMATION MODEL OF FUTURE ENGINEER RESEARCH CULTURE IN STUDENT DESIGN BUREAUTraining highly qualified engineering personnel is of crucial importance for the state. Over the past few years, the importance of such specialists has only increased. Key strategic documents at the federal level emphasize the need to increase the number of not so much engineers in the usual and even outdated sense, but rather engineers-innovators capable of engineering creativity, developing new technologies in order to achieve technological sovereignty, possessing the necessary qualities and competencies for this. Research culture seems to be one of such qualities, and its formation in the process of studying at a university should be of particular interest. I have developed a model for the formation of a research culture of a future engineer in a student design bureau, which consists of a target block representing the achievement of the planned result and determining the need to take into account the requirements for engineering personnel within the framework of a social order aimed at solving priority state tasks; a methodological block defining the relationship between the activity and contextual approaches and the corresponding principles of technology, scientific nature, cooperation, professional focus, innovation and continuity; a substantive block reflecting the components of the formation of the research culture of future engineers in the student design bureau, formed during the implementation of the pedagogical opportunities and resources of the student design bureau; a procedural block characterizing the problem-searching, immersive and group teaching technologies, tools, intra-university, external and virtual environments used at all stages of the formation of the research culture. I propose organizational and pedagogical conditions that ensure the effectiveness of the model: mutual enrichment of the content of research activities and academic disciplines; implementation of project­research technologies as a means of attracting future engineers to creative activities; modernization of the educational process within the framework of scientific and industrial social partnership.Key words: research culture, model, student design bureau, research activity, future engineer, professional training, engineering education.
Dyrdina E.V. BLENDED LEARNING MODEL IN TEACHING MECHANICS TO FUTURE ARCHITECTSThe solution to the problem of designing, developing and implementing courses in theoretical and structural mechanics for students majoring in architecture faces such problems as low motivation, insufficient mathematical training, and a shortage of contact work hours. One of the ways to solve these problems is to develop and use effective learning models. Blended learning opens up broad opportunities for developing diverse and effective teaching methods based on the capabilities of modern digital and educational technologies. The main task that I set for myself was to increase the motivation and involvement of students in the learning process in the context of a shortage of classroom hours, thereby ensuring the necessary level of development of students' design and engineering competencies. The proposed blended learning model is an alternation of face-to-face classroom training and controlled independent work in an electronic training course in LMS Moodle. A well-thought-out combination of visual methods in classroom training, competence-oriented assessment tools and interactive elements of the e-learning system allow to increase the involvement of students in the educational process. This model of training organization was tested when teaching theoretical mechanics to a stream of second-year students majoring in architecture. The experience of using the model showed its high efficiency in terms of increasing motivation and involvement of students, and also allowed to identify its advantages and disadvantages. Subjective feedback from students during the final assessment showed that they were satisfied with the organization of training and, most importantly, none of the respondents doubted the need for future architects to study mechanics.Key words: blended learning, electronic training course, LMS Moodle, general professional competencies, theoretical mechanics, engineering training of architects.
Petruneva R.M., Efimov E.G., Avdeyuk O.A., Chudasova T.D. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN EDUCATION: OPINIONS OF STUDENTS AND TEACHERS (BASED ON THE EXAMPLE OF VOLGOGRAD STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY)Digital tools based on artificial intelligence are widely introduced into the educational process. At the same time, there is no clear opinion about the effectiveness of using this technology, its pedagogical feasibility yet, either in the pedagogical environment or among students. We conducted a study of the use of artificial intelligence systems in the educational process of higher education using the example of Volgograd State Technical University. The opinion of teachers and students about the use of this resource in the educational process was studied. The survey was conducted using a Google form. The study assessed the attitude of respondents, students and teachers separately, to the use of educational resources based on artificial intelligence in the educational process, the awareness of these cohorts of respondents about its capabilities as a didactic tool, and the prospects for the widespread introduction of this tool into educational activities. The results of this study showed, among other things, a certain confusion among teachers regarding the use of artificial intelligence in the educational process. Some teachers believe that they are able to understand without the Antiplagiat system whether students have used "virtual assistants", while others have not encountered this phenomenon at all. The attitude of teachers towards the use of this resource by students also varies. Students do not see any particular problems in using the "virtual assistant", especially in routine processes. However, it should be noted that both teachers and students see the need for legal and ethical regulation of the use of this tool in educational activities. The results of the study show that, despite the generally positive attitude of teachers and students towards digital educational technologies, higher education is not ready to use these technologies on a large scale, since there is no regulatory framework, methodological justification and methodological support.Key words: digitalization of education, artificial intelligence, educational process.
Charikova I.N. THE HUMANITARIAN COMPONENT OF THE ENGINEERING EDUCATION CONTENTIn order to achieve criterion indicators of the effectiveness of professional training of engineering personnel capable of ensuring innovative technological development of the country, the problem of the formation of technical skills, abilities and knowledge of the future engineer in the context of updating the humanitarian expertise of the designed equipment and production technologies is urgent. In this regard, the purpose of this study is to substantiate the humanitarian component of the content of vocational education, which initiates the process of creating practical skills for future engineers to carry out project activities in accordance with the principles of observing the safety of developed projects, their environmental friendliness, energy efficiency, optimal use of natural and material resources, understanding social needs and needs of society. The article presents research material on the practice­oriented implementation of the didactic foundations of the content and procedural and activity methods of mastering the humanitarian component in making engineering decisions of variable educational situations borrowed from the real practice of architectural and construction design based on the principle of harmony of technical developments and the human biosphere.Key words: design, engineer, competence, university; quality of education, humanitarian knowledge.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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