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Terms of directions of scientific articles

Regulations for review of manuscripts

Regulations of articles publication


The list of required data:

  1. UDC;
  2. Family name, name, patronymic name of the author (authors);
  3. The name of the organization;
  4. The title of the article;
  5. Abstract (summary of the article) in Russian, the volume of 200–250 words;
  6. Keywords;
  7. The text of the article;
  8. A bibliography list of 15–30 names;
  9. Information about the author (s);
  10. Signature of the author (s) and date certified by the personnel department;
  11. In the Latin alphabet are represented: Full name of author (s), name of the organization, contact information (e-mail), article title, summary (Abstract), key words (Key words), bibliography (References);
  12. Reviews (signatures certified by the personnel department of the reviewers).

The order of registration and the direction of the manuscript to the editor

Articles of 8–10 A4 pages should be typed in text editor in the *.doc or *.rtf format Times New Roman font, 14 pt, single spacing, all margins on 20 mm. Formulas and symbols are placed in the text with use of the formula editor Eguation. Pictures (jpg, tif — 300 dpi; for bitmaps — 600 dpi) and tables should be placed in the text, references in the text to pictures and tables are required.

Reference to the source in the text are to be placed in square brackets with the number from the list of sources used, and also page numbers are to be placed separated by a comma when citing; a list of 15-30 names are placed at the end of the article. Footnotes containing comments and clarifications should be numbered consecutively.

At the beginning of the manuscript is placed UDC code, name and initials of the author(s), name of the organization, contact information (e-mail), title of the article, author's abstract (summary of the article) in Russian, the volume of 200–250 words and keywords .

At the end of the manuscript is placed bibliography in Russian, information about the author(s): position, department, faculty, university, academic degree, academic rank, specialty code, according to the nomenclature of scientists, contact address, phone number(s) and e-mail address.

The manuscript is signed by the author(s) stating that "article published for the first time", the date is put.

In the Latin alphabet are represented: surname and initials of the author (authors), name of the organization, contact information (e-mail), title of article, summary (Abstract), keywords (Key words) and bibliography (References).

Signatures of the author (authors) of article and reviewers have to be certified in a place of their work.

Reviews of the doctor of science can be attached to the manuscript of article signed by the author (authors), for articles of the natural-science and technical directions there has to be an expert opinion. Despite existence of external reviews, the manuscript of article goes on independent reviewing.

The manuscript of article is transferred personally to edition or sent by the registered mail by mail in the hard copy on A4 format paper to the responsible secretary of the magazine. In electronic form the text of article is provided by one file on an electronic medium or is sent by e-mail.

The materials which aren't conforming to the above requirements are not considered.

The materials which came to edition don't come back. The fees aren't paid.

The author (authors) of article take responsibility for contents of article.

The arisen questions can be set to the responsible secretary of the magazine by e-mail:

Rules of manuscripts reviewing

The institute of reviewing of the magazine is based on the principle of conflicts prevention of interests of authors, reviewers, editorial office employees and members of an editorial board.

  1. Primary expertize is carried out by the responsible secretary. At primary examination accompanying documents are considered, compliance of the scientific article to a profile of the magazine, to the rules of registration and requirements established by editorial office of the magazine is estimated.
    At compliance of the manuscript of the scientific article to a profile of the magazine, to the established rules and requirements it is accepted by edition and goes to the review, in case of discrepancy – article rejects without further reviewing. The term of carrying out primary examination – 10 days. The responsible secretary notifies authors on results of primary examination.
  2. All articles which came to edition pass through institute of reviewing. After removal from article of all data of the author (authors) two independent reviewers from the associate editors who are experts in the corresponding area are appointed by the editor-in-chief. As reviewers also any other leading experts having an academic degree can be attracted. If necessary the additional reviewers who are experts in separate narrow areas can be appointed. Also the experts who are engaged in the mathematical and statistical analysis are involved in additional reviewing.
    All participants of preparation process of the manuscript for the edition are obliged to report editorial office about existence of the potential reasons for emergence of the conflict of interests. Authors have the right to enter names of those experts who, in their opinion, shouldn't be directed by the manuscript for the review in connection with possible, as a rule, professional, conflict of interests in the cover letter. This information is strictly confidential and is taken into account edition at the organization of reviewing. Reviewers are obliged to report editions about possibility of the conflict of interests during the carrying out reviewing and the reasons which can affect their opinion on the manuscript and have the right to refuse reviewing of concrete article if it is proved. The editor doesn't appoint reviewers in the presence of obvious probability of emergence of the conflict of interests.
    Reviewers are notified that manuscripts of articles are a private property of authors and treat the data which aren't subject to disclosure. Reviewing is carried out confidentially. The term of reviewing of articles – 1 month.
    Reviewers present to edition the review in which have to be reflected relevance of the executed researches, completeness and reliability of the provided data, degree of novelty of results, their scientific and practical importance, economic and social value, and also valid conclusions about article in general, remarks, and if necessary – recommendations about its improvement. The author of the reviewed article is given opportunity to study the text of the review. Originals of reviews are stored in an editorial board within five years. By inquiries of advisory councils edition provides copies of reviews in VAK of the Russian Federation.
  3. The decision on the admission of articles to the publication in the magazine is made at a meeting of an editorial board and fixed in the minutes.
    Editorial office employees, and also members of an editorial board who participate in decision-making according to the concrete manuscript, shouldn't have personal, professional or financial interest. Otherwise in order to avoid emergence of the conflict of interests they have to inform the editor-in-chief on the interest and refuse participation in decision-making. On the basis of expert opinions the editorial board accepts one of decisions: adoption of the manuscript to the publication in the presented look, need of its revision or a deviation.
    In the presence of remarks of the reviewers who aren't demanding essential processing of article it goes to the author for their elimination. The author has to present the corrected manuscript to edition in a month. At receipt of article after processing expertize and repeated reviewing is carried out. After obtaining the conclusion of reviewers the final decision on expediency of the publication is made by an editorial board.
    In case of disagreement with opinion of reviewers the author has the right to provide the reasoned answer to editorial office of the magazine which is considered by an editorial board. Inability or unwillingness of the author to consider reasonable remarks and recommendations of reviewers is the basis for a rejection of article from further consideration.
    In disputable cases article can go to the review to the additional reviewer. At a meeting of an editorial board at the solution of a question of the admission of article to the publication all received reviews, and also answers of the author are considered. In case of obtaining three negative reviews the manuscript isn't considered by an editorial board any more.
    After acceptance by an editorial board of the decision on the admission of article to the publication the responsible secretary informs the author on it and specifies publication terms. In case of a rejection of article from the publication edition directs to the author the developed motivated refusal.
  4. Articles which text is recommended for printing by an editorial board are published in the magazine. Articles are printed, as a rule, as sequence of their supply in edition.
    In a month after delivery of the next issue of the magazine on breadboarding the edition dispatches to authors the proofreading in the form of the PDF-file by e-mail.

Rules of articles publication

Rules regulate relationship between editorial office of the magazine and the author who reported the article for the publication and are based on requirements of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, and also the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The author, sending article to Edition, charges to Edition to publish work by means of its publication on the site and bears responsibility for reliability of the provided information.

The author guarantees existence of his exclusive rights to use the material transferred to editorial office of the magazine. In case of violation of this guarantee and presentation in this regard of claims to the magazine, the author independently and at own expense undertakes to settle all claims. The magazine doesn't bear responsibility before the third parties for violation of the guarantees given by the author.

The author of articles bears responsibility for reliability and completeness of the data stated in publications. Editorial office of the magazine and the publisher doesn't bear responsibility for reliability and completeness of the data stated in publications of the author.

The author bears responsibility for existence in article of the data which aren't subject to the open publication and accuracy of information on the quoted literature. For the publication of the materials containing the closed data, the author bears personal responsibility on the basis of the current legislation.

The author of articles guarantees that information and data placed in article isn't extremist and forbidden to the publication, according to the current legislation of the Russian Federation. The author bears full responsibility for the publication of the materials and data forbidden in the territory of the Russian Federation, in any form.

Article goes for reviewing after registration.

On the basis of the received review edition sends by e-mail to the author (authors) the letter on the decision made on article: to publish, to publish after revision, to reject the publication.

If article is recommended for the publication, it has editorial preparation – technical and literary editing, proofreading. The final version of article prepared for the publication is coordinated with the author (authors).

The next issue of the magazine includes articles concerning which by the time of the beginning of page-proofs (according to the production schedule) there are reviews and the solution of an editorial board on the publication coordinated with the author (authors).

The author (authors) can receive PDF file of the article on demand.

After an output of magazine circulation the edition provides to each author (co-author) which article was included into next issue, a copy of the magazine.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
Зарегистрировано в Федеральной службе по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций
Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ: Эл № ФС77-37678 от 29 сентября 2009 г.
Учредитель: Оренбургский государственный университет (ОГУ)
Главный редактор: С.А. Мирошников
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