№ 8 2006
Economic sciences
Lapaeva M.G., Lapaev S.P. REFORMS IN RUSSIA: XX CENTURYAnalysis of economic reforms in Russia during the period of market transformations beginning from 1991 is given in this article, and also its positive and negative sides are shown here.
Ilyutkina T.V. ESSENTIAL AND STRUCTURAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE CONCEPT "ECONOMIC SECURITY"Structural elements of the phenomenon "economic security" are determined in this article. Comparative analysis of conjugacy of "national security" and "economic security" categories are fulfilled here. Author’s approach to determination of the concept "economic security" with detachment its providing specificity in conditions of world economics globalization is suggested in this work.
Dyulmanova T.M. CONTENT AND FACTORS OF ECONOMIC SYSTEM TRANSFORMATIONTheoretical-methodological aspects of research of economic systems transformation are determined in this article. Internal and external factors which predetermine the character and dynamics of economic development passing are regarded here.
Burdigina E.A. DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIAL INSURANCE IN RUSSIATheoretical bases of insurance are regarded in this article and also the characteristic of stages of social insurance development in Russia is given here too.
Mikhailov A.M. REMUNERATION OF LABOR IN INCOME STRUCTURE OF OWNERS’ FACTORS OF PRODUCTIONThe structure of Internal Grass Product assessment at types of initial incomes is regarded in this article, also comparative analysis of income share of wage earners in Russia and other countries with developed market economics is made and general tendencies of income changes of owners’ factors of production in Samara region and other regions of Russia are shown here. The author makes a conclusion that low level of remuneration of labor in Russia brings to replacement of capital on labor. It is necessary to perfect Russian agricultural mechanism in part of price formation on factors of production in direction of payment share moving in the income structure of owners’ factors of production.
Ivanova E.V., Shchukina E.S. TRANSFER PRICE AS A TYPE OF PRICE FORMING MECHANISM PERFECTION OF HOLDING STRUCTURES IN CONDITIONS OF TRANSFORMATION ECONOMICSTransfer price as an instrument of price forming mechanism perfection is regarded in this article and also functions and tasks of transfer price are considered here. The necessity to use transfer prices in holding structures is discussed in this work too.
Kishenin V.N. METHOD OF QUANTITATIVE EXPRESSION OF ECONOMIC CONFLICTS DEGREETypes of economic conflicts with accounting of balance observance of independent sides subordinate to common aims of the enterprise are analyzed in this article. The method of practical realization of economic conflicts resolution ways with computer means is worked out by the author of the work.
Kogan A.B., Boldyreva N.P. THEORETICAL ASPECT OF ECONOMIC SYSTEMS EFFECTIVE-NESSTerminological analysis of the concept "effectiveness" is given in this article and also the combination of possible variants of economic effectiveness appraisal is distinguished here. General types of managed subject effectiveness are provided and the model of economical activity management of economic subject at the criteria of potency, economic effectiveness and management effectiveness is worked out in this work.
Fedorova O.I. FUNCTIONS OF PERSONAL CONSUMPTION IN MARKET-CAPITALISTIC SYSTEM OF MANAGEMENTThe role and functions of personal consumption in the system of economic relations of market-capitalistic system are shown in this article. Specificity of personal consumption at different stages of market-capitalistic economy development and its tendencies at modern conditions are denoted here.
Smirnova E.V. INSTRUMENTS PERFECTION OF PLAN WORKING OUT OF ORGANIZATIONAL-TECHNICAL DEVELOPMENT OF MACHINE-BUILDING ENTERPRISEThis article is devoted to task solution of methodological instruments perfection of new products release planning on enterprises of machine-building complex, which provide strong competitive advantages on branches market.
Aristov S.A. USING OF MULTIFUNCTIONAL IMITATING SYSTEMS OF DECISIONS TAKING SUPPORT AT ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENTThe problems connected with working out of imitating systems of decisions taking support at economic system management on enterprise scale, are regarded in this article. Classification of decisions taking support system is given here and in accordance with which demands to the structure and functions of imitating systems of decisions taking support are formed.
Balalova E.I. STATISTICAL APPRAISAL OF FUNCTIONING QUALITY OF RETAIL TRADE SPHEREThe content "functioning quality of retail trade sphere" is determined in this article. Opportunities of variance analysis and grade correlation methods using for temporary aggregates are established. On the base of these methods the appraisal of equilibrium degree of general subsystems and elements of retail trade sphere of out country development is made in this work.
Demchuk O.N. FORMS OF PROFESSIONAL TRAINING OF SMALL-SCALE BUSINESS OWNERSEntrepreneurial ability and activity are regarded as main recourse of market economics. Timely exposure of persons with necessary initial qualities and organization of scaled professional training of entrepreneurs in higher school are necessary. General forms of training, professional development and retraining of entrepreneurs in Russia and abroad are discovered here.
Denisov V.T., Nazaryeva N.A., Grishchenko O.V. ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT – IS A BASIS OF SUCCESS OF THE INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISE ACTIVITYIn the article the analysis of various theoretical approaches is carried out to interpretation of the conceptual and tool device of the industrial enterprise management and the new approach to understanding of adaptive development essence, formation of the management mechanism is offered.
Borodin E.A., Kogan A.B. ORGANIZATIONAL ASPECTS OF INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENTIn the article the theoretical positions of industrial management are stated reflecting modern lines of manufacture development, classification is given of the basic kinds of industrial activity of the enterprise, necessity of realization of the logistical approach to management of the industrial enterprise is proved, the contents of preparation of manufacture in new conditions of managing is opened.
Gerasimov B.N., Rubtsova M.N. ECONOMIC STABILITY IN ACTIVITY OF THE ENTERPRISESThe concept of economic stability is examined. The factors influencing the economic stability of the enterprise are defined. The concept of economic stability is resulted on the basis of which the model of economic stability is constructed. The technique of an estimation of economic stability of the enterprise is examined. The mechanism of management is described by economic stability of the enterprise.
Krivorotov V.V. MECHANISM ALGORITHM OF THE OF COMPETITIVENESS INCREASE OF THE ENTERPRISEIn the article the formation algorithm of the competitiveness increase mechanism of the enterprises is offered with the brief consecutive description of stages included in it.
Levin V.S. THE COMPARATIVE CHARACTERISTIC OF RUSSIA’S REGIONS ON THE DEGREE OF CONCENTRATION OF MANUFACTURE AND INVESTMENTS IN THE AGRICULTURE The problem is examined of irrational regional structure of investments in the agriculture of Russia. Confirming the given fact the graphic materials evidently reflecting are resulted, and also 3 integrated parameters of structures distinction "investments in a fixed capital in an agriculture" and "manufactures of agricultural production" are calculated, that allow to draw a conclusion on "an essential level of distinctions".
Kogan A.B., Borodin E.A. VARIANTS OF PARTICIPATION OF REGIONAL AND MUNICIPAL CONTROLS IN REALIZATION OF INNOVATIONAL PROJECTS IN INDUSTRIAL SPHEREIn the article the experience of regional and municipal bodies of Tatarstan Republic is generalized on the organization of introduction of innovations at the industrial enterprises, the concrete mechanisms are offered of participants of three innovational projects interaction at their realization, stages of realization of the given projects are worked in details.
Kravtsov V.I. LAND AND PROPERTY COMPLEX AS TERRITORIALLY - ORGANIZED ECONOMIC SYSTEMThe definition of a land and property complex is given, its attributes as open, ordered, self-organizing, complex economic system are established, components of its structure and the problems of its ordering connected to dynamics of the ground cost are determined.
Sokusheva L.G., Shchukina E.S. THE ECONOMIC MECHANISM OF NATURE MANAGEMENTIn the article features and elements of the economic mechanism of nature management are examined, necessity is proved of the rigid approach to the property responsibility of the enterprises who are malicious pollutants.
Levchaev P.A. PROSPECTS OF INNOVATIONAL ORIENTATION OF THE RUSSIAN BUSINESS DEVELOPMENTFinancial aspects are examined of innovational development and growth of the Russian business in globalization conditions. The concept of a cost estimation of business allows to reveal target reference points and priorities of innovational development. It is also allows to estimate efficiency of carried out innovations and validity of a strategic orientation of managing subjects.
Hayrullin I.G. METHODOLIGICAL BASES OF THE ANALYTICAL SUBSTANTIATION OF MANAGERIAL DECISIONSThe given article is devoted to consideration of methodological bases of an analytical substantiation of administrative decisions. The debatable moments are reflected in a subject of analytical researches with a view of management. Bases of the concept of an analytical substantiation of administrative decisions are opened on the basis of an effective factorial field.
Dubrovina N.A. STRUCTURE OF STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT OF REGION’S SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT In the work theoretical aspects of strategic management of region, in particular structure of management and the factors determining a direction of its social and economic development are considered. Expectations are described of the basic agents of management of region, and also recommendations are given for formation of interaction of regional management bodies and various groups interested during development and realization of the region development strategy.
Aralbaeva F.Z., Petrova E.V. ESTIMATION OF EFFICIENCY FROM POSSIBLE ELIMINATION OF DAMAGE AT REALIZATION OF ECONOMIC POLICY OF THE STATE AT A REGION LEVEL Questions of necessity of an efficiency estimation of economic policy realization of the state at a region level are considered. Approaches are analyzed to efficiency concept. The technique is developed of an estimation of absolute efficiency of economic policy realization of the state at a region level. The technique is approved on materials of Orenburg region for the period of 1999-2003. Significant reserves are revealed for increase of efficiency of economic policy realization of the state at a region level.
Baltin V.E., Skobeleva E.V. ESTIMATION OF SYNERGY EFFECT OF HOLDING CREATIONS AND FUNCTIONING In the article the formalized approaches are offered to estimation of probable sizes of synergy effect at holding creation and holding functioning efficiency for its participants.
Kislyakova M.D. PRIORITY DIRECTIONS IN THE PROBLEMS DECISION OF PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OF THE AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISES OF ORENBURG REGIONNow the problems of experts attaching on village and also deterioration of preparation and ageing of the staff are very sharply stood before the agricultural enterprises of Orenburg region. For their decision the certain steps are required both on the part of agricultural productions, and on the part of the state. For this purpose it is necessary to develop programs of support and development of personnel potential of the agricultural organizations, having allocated on it necessary means. Thus it is necessary to make use the scientific experience which has been saved up by agricultural educational establishments. It demands creation of the new integrated model of interaction of educational establishments, the agricultural enterprises and the Ministry of Agriculture of Orenburg region.
Chulkova E.A. THE ANALYSIS AND MODELING OF THE RURAL MANPOWER RESOURCES CONDITION IN ORENBURG REGIONThe analysis is executed of manpower resources condition in Orenburg region. The models are constructed of workers wages as the major components of the population incomes and investments in housing and communal services as the parameter partly reflecting change of life conditions. The influence is considered of volumes of manufacture in the basic branches on these parameters.
Dimitrova T.Yu. ESSENCE AND ELEMENTS OF INSTITUTIONAL INFRASTRUCTURES OF THE REGIONAL FOOD MARKETIn the article the essence is defined of institutional infrastructures of the regional food market. The objective necessity of its formation and development is proved. The elements are examined of institutional infrastructures. The institutes of the regional food market and their interaction are defined.
Ergazin B.S. INNOVATIONS IN REGIONAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTThe author of the given work has put the purpose to consider a multiple problem of an innovation through regional development. The microeconomic analysis, of existent processes of modernization of all branches of the country’s economy, requires separate theoretical judgment.
Esbergen R.A. DEVELOPMENT OF OIL EXTRACTING IN THE KAZAKHSTAN SECTOR OF CASPIAN SEAIn given article the place and the role of the Caspian shelf in oil-and-gas branch of Republic of Kazakhstans, the analysis of experience of development of oil-and-gas resources in Northern sea, influence of a legal status of Caspian sea on attraction of investments, and also value of the Caspian petroleum for steady development of the country are examined.
Lazarev V.N. ECONOMIC INTERPRITATION OF SYNERGETIC LAWS OF ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENTThe article is devoted to theoretical problems of the enterprise research as complex social and economic system on a basis of the synergetic concept, allowing to realize the system approach to the description of laws of its development.
Nemirova G.I. ECONOMIC SAFETY OF FRONTIER REGIONThe author considers indicators of economic safety of frontier region of Orenburg region. The paradoxical phenomenon is: at presence of economic development factors the frontier region who is the donor the economic safety reduction threatens, that in a consequence can cause reduction of national safety in the country.
Aralbaev A.T. PROBLEM OF ILLEGAL POPULATION MIGRATION IN ORENBURG REGIONPopulation migration renders positive influence on a population, reducing decline in population and a manpower resources. However the given factor has also the negative side connected to illegal migration. The article is devoted to consideration of a problem of illegal migration in Orenburg region.
Renner A.G., Bakirova L.M. BRANCH ASPECTS OF RUSSIA’S JOINING WТО (ON THE EXAMPLE OF ORENBURG REGION)The market economy formation in Russia makes necessary in the long term its participation in the Worldwide Trading Organization. The researches of benefits and losses, both for all country, and for separate regions should precede such introduction with the purpose of development of preventive measures for reduction of negative consequences. In the given article the authors consider regional consequences of joining WТО for agriculture of Orenburg region as branch of economy specialization.
Orlova N.A. THEORETICAL AND APPLIED ASPECTS OF PUBLIC ORGANIZATIONS MARKETINGIn the article the theoretical aspects of public organizations marketing are considered as specific kind of the marketing directed on achievement of social effect, positive attitude of the public to activity of such organizations. The first marketing operating time began to use those noncommercial organizations who work in conditions of a rigid competition, they are: political parties, religious organizations and educational establishments, further interest to them began to show and other noncommercial subjects. Marketing technologies help in the decision of existing problems and start to be used by public organizations with the purpose of increase of their efficiency. In the article the necessity of application of the complete concept of marketing for activity of public organizations is proved and the basic directions of its realization are given.
Hayorov J.V. FEATURES OF REALIZATION OF MARKETING STRATEGY OF ENTERPRISE RE-STRUCTURING In the article the features of introduction measures of marketing strategy of enterprise restructuring are examined. The maintenance of knowledge and skills of the personnel is investigated at realization of innovations at the enterprise; the problems arising at application of marketing strategy of enterprise restructuring are submitted; the essence and value of internal marketing is revealed at management of changes.
Mikhailova O.P. FROM THE EXPERIENCE OF USING OF MARKETING RESEARCHES TRADITIONAL INSTRUMENTS ON THE MARKET OF PRODUCTION-TECHNICAL PURPOSE PRODUCTS Traditional instruments of marketing researches (questioning, observation, experiment, expert methods) are regarded in this article and the experience of its using on practice is summarized here. The conclusion of necessity of new (modern) research instruments using on the market of production-technical purpose products with aim to get reliable quantitative and qualitative information for solution of valid management and marketing decisions is made in this work.
Gadzhiev M.G. MODERN CONDITION OF THE FINANCIAL MECHANISM OF MORTGAGE LENDING SYSTEM IN RUSSIAIn the scientific article the basic theoretical and practical features of the financial mechanism of mortgage lending system are considered. The specified definition of concept ML system, and also author’s definition of the financial mechanism of ML system is given. Basic elements of the financial mechanism of ML system in Russia are considered, for example, such as investment, bonded debt, the interest rate, hypothecation bonds guarantee, refinancing. The organizational model of the financial mechanism of ML system in Russia is submitted.
Orlova E.O. THE ANALYSIS OF BUDGET PERFORMANCE UNDER TAX INCOMES AS THE FACTOR OF PERFECTION OF AUTHORITIES FUNCTIONAL INTERACTION In the article budget performance under tax incomes is analyzed. Priority value of budget performance is proved, factors influencing on budget performance are allocated, tendencies, characteristic for region are reflected. The analysis has revealed essential lacks of budget performance and opportunities of forecasting receipt of incomes. For an estimation of existing techniques of the analysis of budget performance it is offered to use a number of criteria for their more complex characteristic.
Steba N.D. SOURCES OF FINANCING OF ACTIONS FOR ENVIRONMENT PRESERVATION In the given article the role of sources of financing of actions for environment preservation is examined in connection with presence of deficiency of financial assets for realization of nature protection actions. The question rises on expediency of restoration of Federal Ecological fund as the basic body which is carrying out coordination and financing of nature protection actions.
Troyanskaya M.A. MODELING OF TIME LINES OF TAX RECEIPTS BY ADAPTIVE METHODSIn the article the analysis is carried out of dynamics of time lines of taxes, dependence between an average level of a productive attribute and the allocated economic parameters is revealed and the forecast of receipts in the budget of the Orenburg region is constructed which has shown impossibility of application of the same statistical method for planning various taxes.
Gorelik O.M., Paramonova L.A. THE MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTS IN ECONOMY OF ERGANIZATIONThe activity of an organization depends in many respects from skilful and efficient control the managing subject at the present stage of Russia’s economy development. The management accounts as a sphere of activity of an organization is closely connected to managerial process by the enterprise. The management accounts presents the system directed on the decision of a concrete administrative problem and is called to provide the administrative personnel with the information used for planning of management and the control of activity of an organization.
Terentyeva T.A. THE PURPOSES, POBLEMS AND PRINCIPLES OF THE TAXATION AUDIT REALIZATIONIn the article the theoretical bases of the tax accounts audit of organizations are stated, definition of its purpose is offered and also the formulation of problems and principles on the basis of which check of calculations with the budget and off-budget funds by the independent auditor is carried out.
Sokolov A.Yu. MODERN APPROACHES TO THE ORGANIZATION OF THE MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTS SYSTEMIn the article the structure of the management accounts is investigated. The role and value of methods LCC, the HARDWARE, "kaizen-costing" is given. The comparative analysis of methods "normal costing" and "standard costing" is carried out. Author’s interpretation of objects of the management accounts is submitted. Concepts "analytical management accounts" and "target management accounts" are revealed
Pankova S.V., Tuyakova Z.S. DEVELOPMENT OF THE ESTIMATION THEORY OF PERSONALITY AND INSTITUTIONAL SCHOOLS OF THE BUSINESS ACCOUNTING IN USA AND ENGLANDThe article is devoted to one of the major questions of the theory of business accounting - to a cost estimation of objects of accounting supervision. Authors prove tendencies in change of modern concepts of estimation depending on market conditions on the basis of generalization of conceptual approaches to estimation in frameworks of personality and institutional theories which have received distribution in the account of USA and England in the beginning of the last century.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |