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№ 4 (153), 2013

Natural sciences

Agafonova V.V., Marshava D.O., Shatskih A.V. EXPERIMENTAL CALCULATED RATIONALE OF ORIGINAL BILENSECTOMY TECHNIQUE IN EYES WITH PREVIOUSLY IMPLANTED POSTERIOR CHAMBER PHAKIC IOLSimulation of the laminar current of aqueous humor, using the software complex FlowVision HPC, has shown a practical absence of aqueous humor flow movement in the upper contour over the phakic lens partly dislocated with luxation into the anterior chamber, during manipulations of all the stages of cataract phacoemulsification with the aphakic IOL implantation under it in the process of bilensectomy, using the original technique, what is verified in the experiment ex vivo.Key words: cataract phacoemulsification, phakic IOL, bilensectomy technique.
Akulina I.V., Мoskvichev Е.V., Pozdeyeva N.А., Frolychev I.A. HISTOMORPHOLOGICAL MONITORING OF REPARATIVE ACTIVITY OF GEL 2-(1'-HYDROXI-4'-ISOPROPENIL-1'-METHYLCYCLOGEXIL-2'-TIO)-METYLETANOAT ON THE CORNEA OF EYES OF RABBITSHistological preparations of corneas of rabbits under the influence of the 2% and 3% gel of 2-(1'-hydroxy-4'-isopropenyl-1'-methylcyclohexyl-2'-thio)-methylethanoate (sulphur containing terpenoid of mentan series) were studied. It is found that the rate of repair processes in the application of 3% gel of sulphur containing terpenoid of mentan series, compared to the data of the control group was higher. The morphological picture of the corneas of rabbits treated with 3% gel of 2-(1'-hydroxy-4'-isopropenyl-1'-methylcyclohexyl-2'-thio)-methylethanoate is identical to the structure of the normal cornea of rabbits.Key words: terpenesulphide of terpane series, flat non-penetrating wound, reparative activity, rabbits, cornea.
Antsiferova N.G., Puzyrevskiy K.G., Plisov I.L., Chernykh V.V. SURGICAL TREATMENT OF EXOPHORIA WITH V SYNDROME WITHOUT HYPERFUNCTION INFERIOR OBLIQUES MUSCLESTraditionally, the surgical treatment of patients with latent exophoria limited correction of deviation only horizontally to achieve ortoposition in primary position. Compass calibration in all positions of gaze, revealed exophoria complicated by V syndrome without hyperactivity inferior oblique muscles. Surgical treatment by vertical transposition of horizontal muscle action combined with correction of the horizontal deviation use median dublication, allowed to achieve stable functional result in a state of V syndrome.Key words: exophoria, V syndrome, the median dublication, vertical transposition.
Aprelev А.E., Yakovleva N.А. PECUALIRITIES OF STRUCTURE AND OUTCOME OF DISEASE IN PATIENTS WITH CORNEAL ULCER DIAGNOSISIn the work the statistical data of 134 in-patients with corneal ulcer diagnosis in the ophthalmology departments of the Orenburg regional hospital from 2009 till 2011 were analyzed. Increased risk of the corneal ulcer development and unfavorable outcome of disease in elderly patients were found.Key words: corneal inflammatory diseases, corneal ulcer, anophthalmos, epithelization.
Astasheva I.B. DIFFERENT METHODS OF COAGULATION RETINA IN SEVERE FORMS OF RETINOPATHY OF PREMATURITYThe authors conducted coagulation of the retina in 82 children (164 eyes) with the aggressive posterior retinopathy of prematurity (AP ROP) and 246 children (467 eyes) with stage 3+ retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). Established that the indication for the coagulation of the retina in the AP ROP is the appearance of signs separating elements between vascularized and avascular retina that occurs on average 34,32±1,47 weeks of gestation age. The best way to treat this form of ROP is the use of the confluent technique with a number of coagulates on average 1871,49±475,1.Key words: retinopathy of prematurity, aggressive posterior retinopathy of prematurity, "plus"-disease, laser coagulation of the retina, retinal cryosurgery.
Bakutkin V.V., Bakutkin I.V, Spirin V.F., Zaiko Y.N. COMPUTER IMAGE ANALYSIS OF THE OPTIC NERVE IN CLINICAL PRACTICEThe authors have developed a computer program for analysis of images of the optic nerve, which can be used for early diagnosis and monitoring of the vision, assess the effectiveness of treatment. There have been carried out the analysis of the efficiency of its use in various eye diseases.Key words: colorometry, information technology, the optic nerve, image analysis, eye diseases.
Bakutkin I.V. OPTIMIZATION OF DIAGNOSTICS OF ACCOMMODATION SPASM The article is devoted to the optimization of diagnostics of accommodation spasm, which occurs when the excess of the visual load. There were examined 220 patients, which on the basis of complaints and clinical examination had the diagnosis of accommodation spasm. Proposed scheme of phase-out diagnostics of a spasm of accommodation with the appointment of the Irifrin 2.5% for the diagnosis of decomposable spasm of accommodation. While maintaining myopia indicators in refractometry recommended the appointment of additional Cyclomed 1% (resistant, relatively resistant patients accomodation).Key words: accommodation spasm, myopia,visual fatigue, medicamental treatment.
Balalin S.V., Fokin V.P. RISK FACTORS AND TOLERANT INTRAOCULAR PRESSURE IN PATIENTS WITH PRIMARY OPEN-ANGLE GLAUCOMAA study of target intraocular pressure was performed basing on values of tolerant pressure in 1310 patients (1638 eyes) with primary open-angle glaucoma. It was established that level of tolerant and target intraocular pressure tends to decrease with age increment, elongation of anterior-posterior eye globe dimension, aggravation of glaucoma stage. Increase of diastolic blood pressure in brachial artery is characterized by growth of tolerant and target values of intraocular pressure.Key words: glaucoma stage, tolerant pressure, target pressure, age, anterior-posterior eye globe dimension.
Balashevich L.I., Kachanov A.B., Varavka A.A., Bauer S.M., Zimin B.A. CLINICAL ABERROMETRY AT LENS PATHOLOGYThe authors described Hartmann-Schek aberrometric changes in patients with nuclear and cortical cataract and also in patients with lens subluxation. The authors confirmed, that vertical coma is a very important aberrometric sign in patients with lens subluxation. Key words: aberrometry, lens, lens subluxation, cortical cataract, nuclear cataract, vertical coma.
Belyy Yu.A, Temnov A.A., Mirgorodskaya S.A. THE DEVELOPMENT OF CULTIVATION TECHNOLOGY OF MESENCHYMAL STEM CELLS WITH MAGNETIC PARTICLES FOR THE SUBRETINAL INJECTIONThe technology of the cultivation of mesenchymal stem cells with magnetic particles for the subretinal injection was developed in this work. The estimation of the effect of magnetic particles on the proliferation and functional activity of mesenchymal stem cells has been done. We studied the induction of apoptosis and viability of stem cells with magnetic particles. It has been proved that the technology is safe, the efficiency of the labeling of MSCs by magnetic particles for this technology is about 90%, the viability of stem cells is about 95%.Key words: stem cells, magnetic particles, subretinal injection, fixation.
Blinkova E.S., Solodkova E.G. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF CUSTOMIZED AND STANDARD ABLATION ON POSTOPERATIVE RATE OF HIGHER ORDER ABERRATONS AFTER MYOPIC LASIKHigher order aberrations (HOA) were studied in photopic and scotopic conditions according to findings of 82 bilateral LASIK on Schwind Amaris excimer laser (Germany) in various optical zones. Rate of post-LASIK higher order aberrations within the 4-mm corneal optical zone has no tendency to increase. However, optical zone, corresponding to scotopic conditions, was characterized by HOA-rate enhancement. OZ calculation should be made with consideration to scotopic pupil diameter. Wavefront guided LASIK eliminates risk of scotopic side effects.Key words: myopia, LASIK, corneal optical zone, pupil, higher order aberrations
Boriskina L.N., Balalin S.V., Makovkin E.M. CORNEOSCLERAL RIGIDITY AS A CUMULATIVE BIOMETRIC PARAMETERExamination of corneoscleral rigidity by means of dynamic differentiated tonometry was performed in 640 healthy persons (640 eyes). Rigidity factor is a cumulative parameter, comprising various characteristics, such as age, corneal thickness, anterior-posterior ocular globe size, clinical refraction. Key words: rigidity, cumulative biometric parameter, differentiated tonometry.
Galimova L.F., Kurchatova N.N., Stepanov M.V., Yusupova R.Sh., Usmanova A.F. EVALUATION OF THE GENERAL IMMUNE STATUS AT PATIENTS WITH POST-TRAUMATIC EYE SUBATROPHY In this report there are represented the results of the immunological examination of patients suffering from post-traumatic eyeball subatrophy. There were revealed the most characteristic peculiarities of the immune status of the patients such as increase of the number of immuno-component cells resulting in the start of the auto-aggressive changes in the organism.Key words: post-traumatic subatrophy, uveitis, enucleation, immune system, lymphocytes, activation receptors, cytotoxicity, autoantibody formation, monoclonal antibodies, free-radical processes.
Gareev E.M., Kadyrov R.Z., Usmanova A.F., Sarbaeva A.S. THE CORNEAL TISSUE STRAIN IN NORM, IN CASE OF LAMELLAR KERATOPLASTY AND MYOPIAThe parameters of the corneal hysteresis and corneal tissue strain were registered using the complex of biomechanical and morphometric methods, with the intraocular pressure being measured and keratopachymetry conducted in three groups (the control group included 23 eyes and the first basic one 8 eyes and the second basic one 15 eyes). The research showed that the corneal tissue strain (CTS) index was significantly higher in the first basic group. The authors colligate the present fact with the revealed tendency for some cornea thickening after the lamellar keratoplasty by Alloplant biomaterial. There have not been detected any differences between the control and basic groups according to the level of corneal hysteresis and intraocular pressure.Key words: cornea biomechanical properties, lamellar keratoplasty.
Gatsu M.V., Gordeyeva M.V. FUNCTIONAL RESULTS OF THRESHOLD LASERCOAGULATION AT DIFFERENT SOFT MACULAR DRUSENThis study demonstrated functional results of threshold direct photocoagulation in eyes with different types of soft macular drusen. After 6 month-period of follow-up, the threshold photocoagulation of large soft macular drusen (similar to pigment epithelial detachment) leads to their regression, which is accompanied by increased retinal thickness and improved retinal sensitivity. Key words: soft macular drusen, age-related macular degeneration, photocoagulation of soft drusen, microperimetry.
Ginoyan A.A., Kopayev S.Yu., Kopayeva V.G. LASER CATARACT EXTRACTION IN EYES WITH OPEN-ANGLE GLAUCOMA 69 eyes with primary open angle glaucoma undergo laser (Nd:YAG 1.44 mcm) cataract extraction and 68 glaucomatous eyes — ultrasound phacoemulsification. After laser cataract refraction postoperative hypertension were registered in less case than after the ultrasound phacoemulsification. Laser cataract extraction is less traumatic method especially for tardy stage of glaucoma. No complications which could be attributed to the specific effect of laser.Key words: 1.44 mcm Nd:YAG laser cataract extraction, ultrasound phacoemulsification, postoperative hypertension, glaucoma.
Dikovskaya M.А., Kuleshova O.N., Luksha E.B., Korolenko T.А. SEARCH FOR ADDITIONAL MARKERS FOR THE DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS OF INTRAOCULAR TUMORS AND DISEASES, THEIR SIMULATEDAnalysis of the ultrasound results of 198 patients with acoustic symptom "plus" — tissue in the eye showed that the most common reason for it was uveal melanoma. The estimation of tumor blood flow was held depending on the size of uveal melanoma. Concentration study of protease inhibitor cystatin C in the tear showed an increase in its level in patients with the eye tumors compared to the control.Key words: uveal melanoma, intraocular tumor, cystatin C, duplex scanning.
Doga A.V., Kachalina G.F., Gorshkov I.M., Kuranova O.I. PROSPECTS OF MICROPULSE LASER IMPACT AT MACULAR EDEMA AFTER SURGICAL REMOVAL OF EPIRETINAL MEMBRANESInvestigation of epiretinal membrane (ERM) is an urgent problem in ophthalmology. There are no safe and effective methods of ERM conservative treatment. The only effective method ERM treatment is its surgical removal. But there is no improvement in morphology and function of macula after operation. Subthreshold micropulse laser therapy may be effective and safe method of recovering macular structure and function after surgical ERM removal. Key words: epiretinal membrane, morphology and function of macula, subthreshold micropulse laser therapy.
Dryagina O.B., Kopayev S.Yu., Kopayeva V.G. NEW PROCEDURE OF LASER HEMOSTASIS IN EYE CONJUNCTIVAL VESSELS USING ND:YAG 1.44 MCM We carried out hemostasis in conjunctival vessels in eyes of 8 rabbits. In each rabbit we employed 1.44 mcm Nd:YAG laser in one eye and diathermy in the fellow eye. Laser hemostasis produces leaves smaller conjunctiva de-epithelization area and causes vessel occlusion without any inflammatory reaction and necrosis. Defect epithelization completes three times faster without scar formation.Key words: 1.44 mcm Nd:YAG laser, laser and diathermy hemostasis in conjunctival vessels.
Egorova E.V., Lubimova T.S., Milingert A.V., Opletina A.V. CHANGES OF ANATOMO-TOPOGRAPHIC EYE PARAMETERS IN CASES OF MIXED GLAUCOMA AFTER LASER IRIDECTOMYThe examination was performed in 146 eyes (146 patients) with the first mixed glaucoma. The narrow anterior chamber angle with segmental its closing was revealed in all cases and was accompanied with the anterior chamber depth decreasing and the displacement of irido-lens diaphragm forward due to increasing lens thickness. The anterior chamber depth remained shallow after laser iridectomy in 86 eyes out off 146 (35.8%) and it was accompanied with the small opening of the anterior chamber angle(7.2 -11. degrees). The absence of sufficient efficacy of laser iridectomy was due to lens component significance in mechanism of mixed glaucoma.Key words: combined form of primary open-angle glaucoma, laser iridectomy, shallow anterior chamber, lens-iris diaphragm, anterior chamber angle.
Ermakova O.V., Iskakov I.A., Chernykh V.V., Trunov A. N., Razhev A.M., Churkin D.S., Kargapoltsev E.S. INVESTIGATION OF THE EFFECTS OF THE EXCIMER LASER WITH A WAVELENGTH OF 308 NM ON SCLERAL TISSUEThe paper presents the results of experiments series using an excimer laser at 308 nm (KrF) to the scleral tissue. The main parameters of influence: the threshold energy density ablation, ablation rate. The comparative characteristics of the excimer laser with a wavelength of 248, 308, 353 nm were described. The optimal UF wavelength for effects on the sclera was determined.Key words: excimer laser, ablation, sclera.
Zharov V.V., Lyalin A.N., Perevozchikov P.A., Vasilyev Yu.G., Karban O.V. IMPLANT-CARRIER NANOPARTICLES APPLICATION UNDER THE EXPERIMENTAL CONDITIONSImplantation influence of implant containing human nanodispersed placentae on processes of reparational regenerations in experimental conditions on rabbits is studied. It is shown that considerable biological effects occur not only on contact border sclera — implant, and practically in all thickness of sclera in a zone of implantation of the implant with human nanodispersed placenta. Thus there is a strengthening as actually the recipient sclera in the field of not less 1/2 of its thickness, and shaping thick connecting-woven formation in zone of the implantations on a surface of sclera that significantly surpasses similar changes with application of a implant without human nanodispersed placenta.Key words: implant, human nanodispersed placenta, umbilical cord.
Zagorulko A.M., Nemsitsveridze M.N., Novak K.A. ESTIMATION OF RUSSIAN TECHNOLOGIES OF LASER CATARACT EXTRACTION EFFICIENCY IN PATIENTS WITH FUCHS ENDOTHELIAL DYSTROPHYEfficiency and safety of laser cataract extraction using laser radiation l = 1,44 mkm among patients with Fuch's endothelial dystrophy is analyzed. Results were analyzed in comparison with ultrasound phacoemulsification of cataract. If the technique of operation is kept, may be the chosen method for patients with Fuch's endothelial dystrophy. Key words: laser cataract extraction, Fuch's endothelial dystrophy.
Zaika V.A., Yakimov A.P., Kursakova U.V., Michalevich I.M. PREDICTION OF VISUAL FUNCTIONAL RESTORATION IN PATIENTS WITH RHEGMATOGENOUS RETINAL DETACHMENT AFTER SURGERYUse of discriminant analysis in patients with rhegmatogenous retinal detachment at the stage of preoperative examination allows predict ability and rate of visual functional restoration after surgery. It determines the tactics of rehabilitation measures which should be directed to revealed changes of initial status of visual system as possible predictors that characterize postoperative processes of sanogenesis. Key words: visual functional restoration, rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, surgery.
Zolotarev A.V., Pаvlova O.V., Karlova E.V., Ilina N.V., Skvortsova S.V. TO THE MECHANISM OF ACCOMMODATIVE ANSWER OF PSEUDOPHAKIA EYESThe relationship of hydrodynamic processes with accommodation is becoming more evidence in the works of various authors. At present relationship of postoperative astigmatism with value of phacoemulsification hypotensive effect were not found. Analysis of the data showed that in astigmatism presence of in the range of 1.5 to 1.75 diopters "defocusing curve" is much lower and wider, reflecting the increase in the depth of field of optical system of the eye. The degree of reduction of intraocular pressure after phacoemulsification depends on the extent of the resulting astigmatism surgery.Key words: hydrodynamics, intraocular pressure, aberrations, refraction.
Ivanov A.N., Tankovskiy V.E., Mizerova O.V. YAG LASER DESTRUCTION OF EXUDATE IN ANTERIOR CHAMBER WITH PSEUDOPHAKIA AND YAG-LASER VITREOLYSIS IN PATIENTS WITH UVEITISTherapeutic and surgical approaches are two modern ways to treat exudation on the anterior chamber and vitreous fibrosis. Today we need new methods to affect the exudation on the anterior chamber and fibrosis Nd:YAG-laser destruction improves vision acuity to destruction of connective tissue and enhancing the effect of therapy.Key words: YAG laser vitreolysis, YAG laser destruction, vitreous fibrosis, exudate of anterior chamber.
Doga A.V., Ismailova S.B., Branchevskaya E.S. FIRST EXPERIENCE WITH "MICROSCAN VISUM" EXCIMER LASER FOR REFRACTIVE CORRECTION AFTER COLLAGEN CROSS-LINKING IN KERATOCONUS PATIENTSThe aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of topography-guided PRK with "Microscan Visum" excimer laser after collagen cross-linking in keratoconus patients. 22 patients had topography-guided PRK performed 10-12 months after collagen cross-linking. Improvement of uncorrected and best corrected visual acuity was observed and all patients were satisfied with achieved results.Key words: "Microscan Visum" excimer laser, topography-guided PRK, keratoconus.
Iskhakova A.G. SCREENING POSSIBILITIES OF DIABETIC RETINOPATHY ON THE BASE OF MOBILE OPHTHALMOLOGIC TREATMENT AND DIAGNOSTIC COMPLEXIt is known that prevalence of the main complications of diabetes is 20 — 50% higher than the registered one. It is shown that only in Russia the mobile ophthalmologic medical and diagnostic module (Samara) does real carrying out screening epidemiological researches on distribution of a diabetic retinopathy in the territory of the Samara region with possibility of rendering the specialized ophthalmologic help to patients.Key words: diabetic retinopathy, ophthalmologic mobile complex.
Kadyrov R.Z. EXPERIMENTAL KERATOPLASTY WITH AMNION AND ALLOPLANT BIOMATERIALThe experiments on rabbits showed that Alloplant biomaterial for keratoplasty is replaced very slowly during the year by the connective regenerate that reduplicates the perikeratic structure without apparent inflamable processes. Transplantation of the amnion into the cornea results in the formation of non-uniform on structure of a connecting fabric affecting the transparency of the cornea.Key words: Transplantant for keratoplasty, amnion, cornea, regeneration stimulation.
Kanyukov V.I., Tayguzin R.Sh. TECHNICAL SUPPORT OF STRABISMUS REMOVAL MICROSURGERYPrinciple of microsurgical approach extends to methods of surgical strabismus treatment, but traditional tools do not always allow carrying it out. There is represented a series of devices that reduce the trauma and carry out sparing surgery on direct muscles.Key words: ophthalmology, microsurgery, strabismus, tool, muscles.
Kanyukov V.N., Chesnokova E.F. INSTRUMENTAL AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT OF MODERN OCULOPLASTIC OPERATIVE TREATMENT There is represented a complex of microsurgical instruments and technologies developed and implemented in oculoplastic ophthalmosurgery and providing sparing surgery for ptosis, epicanthus, different types of strabismus with good functional and cosmetic result.Key words: instrumental and technical support, oculoplastic, ophthalmosurgery
Karlova E.V. USING OF DYNAMIC CONTOUR TONOMETRY IN UVEOSCLERAL OUTFLOW MEASUREMENTS IN GLAUCOMA PATIENTSСomparison of results of dynamic contour tonometry and tonography in uveoscleral outflow measurement confirm the influence of vacuum-compression on cornea biomechanical properties. Dynamic contour tonometry is useful for correction of uveoscleral outflow measurement results in glaucoma patient after medication or surgery. Key words: primary open-angle glaucoma, uveoscleral outflow, dynamic contour tonometry.
Kachalina G.F., Pedanova Ye.K., Solomin V.A., Klepinina O.B. MORPHOLOGICAL AND FUNCTIONAL RESULTS OF CENTRAL SEROUS CHORIORETINOPATHY TREATMENT IN SUBTHRESHOLD MICROPULSE LASER THERAPY WITH 577 NM WAVELENGTH (PRELIMINARY REPORT)The root of the onset and progression of central serous chorioretinopathy (CSR) is a series of disorders at the level of retinal pigment epithelium cells and choroid (hyperpermeability of vessels). The subthreshold micropulse 577 nm wavelength laser therapy is an effective and safe method of CSR therapy affecting all parts of the pathological process.Key words: central serous chorioretinopathy, subthreshold micropulse laser therapy, retinal pigment epithelium, hyperpermeability of choroidal vessels.
Kachanov A.B., Balashevich L.I., Bauer S.M., Zimin B.A., Novak Ya.N. TONOMETRIC IOP INDICATORS AFTER LASIK SURGERY FOR MYOPIA Myopic LASIK provokes to decreasing of central corneal thickness and correlates with the post-LASIK reducing of pneumotonometry and Maklakoff tonometry. The authors confirmed, that pneumotonometry data reducing more faster, than Maklakoff one, but there is statistical significant reducing of tonometric IOP in both cases. Key words: LASIK, pneumotonometry, Maklakov tonometry, central corneal thickness, IOP, myopia.
Kishkin Yu.I., Takhchidi N.Kh. EFFECTIVENESS OF THE Q-VALUE GUIDED FEMTOLASIK FEMTO-VISUMQ-value guided FemtoLASIK Femto-Visum is shown to be effective. The aberrations changed slightly after Q-value guided FemtoLASIK from conventional FemtoLASIK.Key words: myopia, visual quality, aberrations, Q-value, FemtoLasik.
Kogan M.P., Novikova V.V., Utkin S.I., Egorov V.V., Sorokin E.L. ASSESSMENT OF SEVERITY OF A SOMATIC CONDITION OF PATIENTS WITH 2 TYPE DIABETES MELLITUS BEFORE PERFORMANCE OF AN OPHTHALMOSURGICAL INTERVENTION AND PARTICULARITIES OF THEIR PREOPERATIVE PREPARATIONThe preoperative somatic condition of 650 patients with 2 type diabetes mellitus with various ophthalmosurgical pathology was analyzed. It was taped that the 2nd degree of operational risk took place at 33,4% of patients, the 3rd degree — at 62,7%, the 4th degree — at 3,9%. Carried-out preoperative preparation of patients with 2 type diabetes mellitus allowed at the vast majority of them to minimize operational and anesthesiology risk, to avoid intra– and postoperational complications.Key words: diabetes mellitus, ophthalmosurgery, operational risk, complications.
Komakh Yu.A., Borzenok S.A., Kachegura L.V., Petrichuk S.V., Samokhina I.V., Volodin P.L., Pavlenko V.V., Polyanskaya E.G. THE CLINICAL-IMMUNOLOGY STUDY OF INFLAMMATIVE-PROLIFERATIVE RESPONSES IN CHILDREN WITH CONGENITAL CATARACTS IN THE EARLY POSTOPERATIVE PERIOD (THE INTRODUCTORY RESULTS)The results of the study of structure of early postoperative complications after congenital cataract aspiration with IOL implantation in children are presented in the article. At the moment of operation minimal age of the children was 2 years and maximum age was 14 years. The average age was 7,28±3,59 years. For 16 children (18 eyes) the comparison was made between the early postoperative period and the results of blood immunological tests. The risks factors of the early postoperative complications were researched. Key words: congenital cataract, early postoperative period, cataract aspiration, inflammative-proliferative responses, lymphocyte.
Kotsur T.V., Izmaylov A.S. ANALYSIS OF LASER COAGULATION EFFICIENCY IN MACULA AND MICROPHOTOCOAGULATION OF HIGH DENSITY IN DIABETIC MACULOPATHY TREATMENTThe modern standard of treatment of clinically significant diabetic macular edema is macular laser photocoagulation was suggested in the reports of the Early Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS, 1985–1990). Subthreshold microphotocoagulation (MicroPulse) leads to developing barely visible or invisible retinal burns and also has been shown to be effective in treating macular edema with no side effects comparing with ETDRS methodic (retinal pigment and choroidal atrophy, decreasing of retinal sensitivity). Effectiveness of microphotocoagulation may arise in high density laser applications, however in modern literature rare publications concerning this question exist.Key words: diabetic maculopathy, diabetic retinopathy, diabetes of II type, microphotocoagulation, subthreshold laser coagulation.
Kruglova T.B., Egiyan N.S., Kononov L.B. SURGICAL TACTICS OF CONGENITAL CATARACT EXTRACTION AT PRIMARY IOL IMPLANTATION IN CHILDREN WITH POSTERIOR CAPSULAR LENS PATHOLOGYApplication of the developed by us differentiated technologies of surgery of congenital cataracts, combined with congenital changes of transparency and forms of posterior capsule of a lens allows to conduct intracapsular IOL implantation even in the presence of marked posterior lenticonus, avoid the development of intraoperative and postoperative complications, improve the quality of rehabilitation of patients with congenital cataract in complicated forms of lens.Key words: congenital cataract, posterior lenticonus, congenital opacity of posterior capsule.
Lukyanova A.A., Trufanova L.P. STRABISMIC AMBLYOPIA WITH ECCENTRIC FIXATION IN CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS: ANALYSIS OF TREATMENT RESULTSThere were analyzed the results of strabismus amblyopia with eccentric fixation treatment in 67 patients (67 eyes). Combination of pleoptic and surgical treatment approaches allows decreasing angle of strabismus, ameliorating status of visual fixation and improving visual acuity in children with strabismic amblyopia with eccentric fixation. Key words: strabismus, amblyopia, treatment.
Makovkin E.M., Kuznetsova O.S. THE RESULTS OF LASIK ON THIN AND ULTRA-THIN CORNEAThere were compared the results of 113 LASIK procedures (57 patients) performed on thin and ultra-thin cornea. It was revealed that application of mechanical longitudinal microkeratome "Moria" One-Use-Plus SBK ensures consistent and precise creation of a thin corneal flap which makes excimer laser surgery safe and effective even when dealing with thin and ultrathin corneas.Key words: thin cornea, corneal flap, LASIK, One-Use-Plus SBK.
Malov V.M, Eroshevskaya E.B., Malov I.V., Osipova T.A. THE RESULTS OF THE INTRACAPSULAR CATARACT EXTRACTION IN PATIENTS OPERATED OPEN-ANGLE GLAUCOMA WITH PARTIAL LENSThere were investigated the results of the offered method of lens subluxation intraocular extraction in patients operated open-angle glaucoma. The proposed technology does not provide for the use of additional tools and is aimed at the preservation of the vitreous membrane that allows to reduce considerably the risk of severe complications of cataract surgery. Key words: lens subluxation, operated open-angle glaucoma, front hyaloid membrane, technology of intracapsular cataract extraction.
Malyugin B.E., Panteleev E.N., Bessarabov A.N., Malyshev V.V. FEATURES OF CATARACT SURGERY IN POST-VITRECTOMY EYESDuring phacoemulsification in post-vitrectomy eyes appropriate reducing the length of the corneal tunnel, increasing emergence of the phacoemulsification needle relative to the irrigation sleeve, reducing the working angle of the chopper, use of vitreotome for posterior capsule fibrosis after IOL implantation. Combine to reduce the risk of complications. Сonstant A modification (Am=A-0.9) will let in most cases to achieve the goal refractive. Key words: phacoemulsification, vitrectomy, IOL
Matrosova Yu.V. THE EFFECT OF ORTHOKERATOLOGICAL CONTACT LENSES ON THE ACCOMMODATIVE APPARATUS FUNCTION AND TEAR FILM STABILITY IN MYOPIC CHILDREN AND TEENAGERSThere was conducted an assessment of accommodative apparatus of an eye in children and teenagers wearing orthokeratological contact lenses. The improvement of such indices as relative accommodation reserve and absolute accommodation volume was shown, that was a criterion for reduction in myopic progression. The dynamics of tear film stability as a result of orthokeratology lenses wear was studied.Key words: orthokeratological lenses, accommodation, myopic progression, tear film.
Machekhin V.A. TRUE INTRAOCULAR PRESSURE ACCORDING TO THE DATA OBTAINED WITH PNEUMOTONOMETRY AND APPLANATION TONOMETRY BY MAKLAKOVThere was performed a true IOP measurement on 289 eyes of non-selected patients with normal eyes, glaucoma suspect and glaucomatous ones. Pneumotonometry was used in each eye as well as applanation tonometry by Maklakov by means of Nesterov-Egorov's measuring conversion lines with a repeated control print measurement. It was noted that in control measurement the IOP value was higher than the first one in most cases. In normal pneumotonometric IOP level the results of the applanation tonometry were similar, in high pneumotonometric IOP level values of the applanation tonometry were significantly lower.Key words: true intraocular pressure, pneumotonometry, applanation tonometry.
Mitronina M.L., Agafonova V.V., Potapova L.S., Dziranova L.N., Nikitina I.V. SELECTION OF SPECTACLE AND CONTACT CORRECTION OF VISION IN CHILDREN AND TEENAGERS WITH HYPEROPIC ANISOMETROPIAExamination of 33 patients with hyperopic refraction aged from 7 to 16 years (mean age — 12.1±0.8 лет) with amesometropia making asthenopic complaints, has shown that most pronounced functional disorders exist in children and teenagers which do not use optic correction. The contact correction of both eyes vision is indicated in case of intolerance of spectacle correction. Key words: hyperopia, refraction, anisometropia, spectacles, contact lenses, accommodation.
Musina L.A., Muslimov S.A., Kornilaeva G.G., Solovyeva E.P., Kornilaeva M.P. THE MORPHOLOGY OF SPONGE ALLOGRAFT IN THE LONG-TERM PERIOD FOLLOWING THE ANTIGLAUCOMATOUS SURGERYThe enucleated eye balls of four patients who earlier underwent antiglaucomatous surgery using a sponge allograft have been investigated by histologic and electron-microscopic methods. It was revealed that in the long-term period (up to 8 years) following the surgery there had been detected the tissue on the place of the allograft similar to the eye trabecular meshwork structure maintaining drainage properties.Key words: glaucoma, drainage, sponge allograft.
Mushkova I.A., Kishkin Yu.I., Takhchidi N.Kh. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF OPHTHALMO-ERGONOMIC DATA AFTER FEMTOSECOND LASER-ASSISTED FEMTO-LASIK AND FEMTO-VISUMComparative analysis ophthalmo-ergonomic data after femtosecond laser-assisted Femto-LASIK and FemtoVisum did not reveal differences. Contrast sensitivity under photopic conditions after both types of surgery recovered to preoperative values.Contrast sensitivity under mesopic conditions after both types of surgeries did not recover to preoperative values.Key words: Femto-LASIK, myopia, visual functions, contrast sensitivity.
Neroev V.V., Tankovskiy V.E., Grigoriev A.V., Serebryakova O.E., Urakova N.A. THE CHANGES OF PLATELET AGGREGATION IN PATIENTS WITH RETINAL VEIN OCCLUSION DUE TO ANGIITIS AFTER THE INTRAVITREAL INJECTION OF BEVACIZUMABThe study reports an evaluation of changes of platelet aggregation in patients with retinal vein occlusion due to angiitis after the intravitreal injection of Bevacizumab. 29 patients (29 eyes) were observed: 14 patients were given the complex treatment for retinal vein occlusion due to angiitis, 15 patients were given the intravitreal injection of Bevacizumab besides the complex treatment. The platelet aggregation activity was found to be normalized after the intravitreal injection of Bevacizumab. The data needs to be further investigated. Key words: platelet aggregation, VEGF, Bevacizumab.
Nerpina M.E., Pozharitskaya Ye.M., Pozharitskiy M.D. MODERN ALGORITHM OF KERATOCONUS EARLY DIAGNOSTICSCurrently, there is a growing incidence of keratoconus. However, there is no universally accepted diagnostic algorithm. This article presents a comparative analysis of modern diagnostic techniques, identified the most sensitive indicators and, based on an algorithm for the early diagnosis of the disease.Key words: keratoconus, early diagnosis, pachymetry, tomography, topography.
Nigmatullin R.T., Kulbaev N.D., Dyatchina E.V. TENSOMETRIC PARAMETERS AS A BIOPHYSICAL STRUCTURE EQUIVALENT OF THE FACIAL SOFT SKELETONA comparative analysis of the biomechanical research results of the facial soft skeleton structures was held, using the needle tensometry methods on the cadaver material and with the help of the tissue strain contact registration on living faces. When doing it, age-related changes of the tissue strain were taken into account. The time history of the tissue strain changes in case of Alloplant biomaterial transplantation was described.Key words: contact tensometry, needle tensometry, tissue strain, facial soft skeleton, biomaterial transplantation.
Osipova T.A., Eroshevskaya E.B., Malov I.V. COMPARATIVE RESULTS OF SURGICAL TREATMENT METHODS OF PATIENTS WITH LENS SUBLUXATION There had been carried out the comparative analysis of the surgical treatment results of patients with lens subluxation and preudoexfoliation syndrome according traditional and the presented technologies. The developed methods of intracapsular extraction of lens subluxation allows considerably rise the treatment efficiency of patients and reduce the risk of heavy operative and postoperative complications. Key words: cataract, preudoexfoliation syndrome, lens subluxation, new method of an intracapsular cataract extraction.
Panteleev E.N., Malyugin B.E., Bessarabov A.N., Sobolev N.P., Agafonov S.G. SELECTION OF OPTIMAL POSTOPERATIVE REFRACTION IN CATARACT PHACOEMULSIFICATION IN POST RADIAL KERATOTOMY PATIENTSIn the present study a possibility of selecting the optimal postoperative refraction in cataract patients after radial keratotomy were investigated in phacoemulsification. Refraction goals during phacoemulsification in cataract patients who have previously had a radial keratotomy are determined, by the choice of the patient and the overall treatment strategy. Calculation for emmetropia even with astigmatism allows to obtain a higher uncorrected visual acuity in comparison with the planned simple myopic astigmatism. Compound myopic astigmatism is a target refraction of choice for further excimer laser correction.Key words: target refraction, phacoemulsification, radial keratotomy.
Plisov I.L., Puzyrevskiy K.G., Antsiferova N.G., Atamanov V.V. STRABISMUS AFTER COMBINED CRANIAL AND ORBITAL TRAUMA: CLINIC, DIAGNOSTIC, AND TREATMENTWe analyzed the functional and cosmetic results of treatment of 95 patients with strabismus occurring after combined cerebral and orbital trauma. The results of MRI and MSCT are diagnostically and tactically significant. Chemodenervation and orthoptic methods of treatment increase efficiency of restoration of lost EOMs functions. The use of surgical techniques, a simpler in perform and with a lower degree of complications risk allows to achieve maximal results.Key words: paralytic strabismus, cranial trauma, chemodenervation, prismatic correction, transposition surgery.
Pozdeeva O.G., Kovalenko T.G., Lapina E.B. CHARACTERISTICS OF EYEBALL VESSELS HAEMODYNAMICS IN PATIENTS WITH EARLY ARTERIAL HYPERTENSION IN COMBINATION WITH HYPERVENTILATION SYNDROMEOn the basis of clinical material studies and monitoring of 23 patients with arterial hypertension, characteristics of local haemodynamics in eye and orbit vessels in young patients with early hypertension and retinal angiopathy under alveolar hyperventilation were identified.Key words: haemodynamics, eye vessels, arterial hypertension, hyperventilation syndrome.
Rozanova O.I. REGULARITIES OF INVOLUTION CHANGES OF VISUAL SYSTEMThrough comparative and correlation analysis the significant differences in the visual system of young and middle-aged persons with a visual acuity of 1.0 and more without ophthalmopathology were revealed. The differences in the structure of the eyeball, the optical aberrations of electrophysiological parameters, the basic visual functions were defined. The presence of the phenomenon of binocular suppression that accompanies age-related decrease of accommodation was revealed. The theory of the transformation of a functional system of visual perception in the formation of presbyopia was proposed.Key words: visual system, aging, presbyopia.
Savina J.N., Zhukova S.I., Shchuko A.G., Yureva T.N. OPHTHALMOLOGICAL MANIFESTATIONS OF ESSENTIAL HYPERTENSION IN CHILDREN AND TEENAGERS (PRELIMINARY REPORT)The patients of childhood and adolescence with essential hypertension without visual complaints were examined. Disturbances of regional hemodynamics in the orbit vessels, sensory perception and neuronal interactions in the absence of significant ocular symptoms of hypertensive angiopathy were identified.Key words: adolescence, essential hypertension, oscillatory potentials.
SaneevaZh.Kh. APPLICATION OF REVITALIZATION INTERVENTION IN CHILDREN WITH OPHTHALMOPATHOLOGYThere was studied and analyzed the analysis of various methods of revitalizing operations in ophthalmology. There was developed a sparing method of surgical treatment of posttraumatic eyeball subatrophy and congenital microphthalmos using biomaterial "Alloplant" and the usedmethod justification was illustrated by clinical examples.Key words: revitalization, revascularization, microcornea, subatrophy, rehabilitation, alloplant.
Svyatkovskaya E.Yu., Svyatkovskaya T.Ya. ABOUT SOME INDICATORS OF CHILDREN PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT IN CONNECTION WITH FUNCTIONAL PECULIARITIES OF SIGHT ORGAN There were highlighted the most important quantitative indicators of functions of vision organ (refraction, accommodation), muscular and respiratory systems of a child's body (the force of muscles of upper extremities and torso, chest rise) and studied the correlation between them. Key words: refraction, accommodation, strength of muscles of upper extremities and torso, chest rise, dependence of indicators.
Semenov A.D., Mushkova I.A., Karimova A.N. COMPARATIVE EVALUATION OF THE RESULTS OF POSTKERATOPLASTY AMETROPY LASER CORRECTION We observed and operated 29 patients with residual ametropy after penetrating keratoplasty: by FemtoLASIK technology — 11 eyes, by standard LASIK technology — 18 eyes. There was received an increase of uncorrected visual acuity from 0,12±0,1 to 0,51±0,23 and from 0,11±0,1 to 0,5±0,24, respectively. Comparative analysis of the results of laser correction showed that corneal flap formed by a femtosecond laser, is more uniformity and less deviation in thickness than a flap formed by microkeratome.Key words: penetrating keratoplasty, induced ametropy, laser correction.
Skladchikova N.Yu., Stebnev S.D. TO THE QUESTION OF ANTISEPTIC PREPARATIONS APPLICATION FOR POSTOPERATIVE INFECTIOUS COMPLICATIONS PROPHYLAXIS IN CATARACT PATIENTS The investigation is dedicated to the actual problem of modern ophthalmic surgery — prophylaxis of postoperative infectional complications. There was studied the efficiency of the agent Ocomistin usage at 600 patients undergoing cataract surgery. The medicine was used in pre and postoperative period. The results showed that the Ocomistin is effective for prophylaxis of postoperative inflectional complications, also due to patients with allergic reactions.Key words: Ophthalmic surgery, Ocomistin, phacoemulsification of cataract, prophylaxis.
Solodkova E.G., Boriskina L.N. CORNEAL COLLAGEN CROSSLINKING SAFETY EVALUATION IN TREATMENT OF PROGRESSIVE KERATOCONUS BASING ON REMOTE POSTOPERATIVE RESULTSSafety and efficiency of two corneal collagen crosslinking (CXL) techniques was brought to comparative analysis. CXL was performed in 25 patients with progressive keratoconus: 9 patients (9 eyes) underwent a conventional CXL; 16 patients (16 eyes) had a modified CXL which novelty consisted of a depth-metered deepithelialization performed by excimer laser with on-line pachymetry Schwind Amaris (Germany). UV-A exposure was made by means of "UV-X" device (version 1000) (IROC Inc., Switzerland). All patients were prescribed to wear silicon-hydrogel soft contact lenses until a complete epithelial recovery. Improvement of NCVA, BCVA, topographic parameters, pachymetric values along with integrity of endothelial cell density was registered in all the cases which allows concluding that both CXL methods are safe and have a similar clinical efficiency. Key words: corneal collagen crosslinking, keratoconus.
Sorokoletov G.V., Zuev V.K., Tumanyan E.R., Veshchikova V.N. THE SURGERY ACCESS CHOICE DURING CATARACT PHACOEMULSIFICATIONThe most common incision for cataract surgery by phacoemulsification is corneal. But limbal incision has advantages associated with limbal regeneration function and disadvantages associated with conjunctiva chemosis in time of surgery. The introduced technology of limbal incision permits to avoid conjunctiva chemosis and get excellent results at the follow-up. Key words: phacoemulsification, limbal incision, conjunctiva chemosis.
Stadnikov A.A., Kanyukov V.N., Trubina O.M., Yakhina O.M. APPLICATION OF BIOPLASTIC MATERIAL "HYAMATRIX" IN CHEMICAL CORNEAL INJURYThe paper describes an experimental study of the cornea chemical damage (alkaline and acid) of 30 rabbits (60 eyes). In the experimental group (30 eyes) the treatment was carried out according to the method of prof. V.N. Kanyukov. In the control group (30 eyes) there were appointed instillations of keratoplastic drugs. Clinical and morphological data obtained in the experiment showed that the application helped to reduce edema, thereby reducing the risk of newly formed blood vessels, accelerated the leucoma formation at alkaline burn.Key words: eye chemical burn, "hyamatrix" application, leucoma, neovascularization.
Stebnev V.S., Malov V.M., Stebnev S.D. THE RESULTS OF COMBINED SURGERY PATIENTS WITH CATARACT AND IDIOPATHIC MACULAR HOLESIn the article features and results of the surgical treatment of patients with macular holes and cataracts with application of combined surgery are studied. To all patients phacoemulsification with IOL implantation was performed. Then microinvasive 25+ Gauge valved system chromovitrectomy was done. Such technic allows to achieve high anatomic and functional results in treatment of macular holes and cataract in the early and remote period of supervision. Intraoperative and postoperative complications are studied with anatomic and functional results.Key words: Phacoemulsification, Chromovitrectomy 25+Gauge, idiopathic macular hole.
Surkova V.K., Iskhakova A.H. THE INTRASTROMAL CORNEAL SEGMENTS KERARING IMPLANTATION IN CORRECTION RESIDUAL AMETROPIA AFTER EPIKERATOPLASTY BY KERATOKONUSThe intrastromal corneal segments Keraring were implanted for correction of residual ametropia after epikeratoplasty to 8 patients (8 eyes). As a result, the value of corneal astigmatism decreased from -10,83±0,79 D to -3,45±0,89 D, the refractive power of the cornea — from 53,16±0,73 D to 45,45±1,39 D; visual acuity improved from 0,07±0,02 to 0,45±0,05. The intrastromal corneal segments implantation is an effective way for the correction of residual ametropia after epikeratoplasty.Key words: keratoconus, intrastromal segments epikeratoplasty, correction of corneal astigmatism.
Tereshchenko A.V., Trifanenkova I.G., Belyy Yu.A., Isayev S.V., Panamareva S.V. MORPHOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF RETINAL VESSELS AT CLASSICAL COURSE OF RETINOPATHY OF PREMATURITY ACTIVE STAGES By means of the software "ROP-MORFOMETRY" made morphometric analysis of digital images of 155 (310 eyes) prematurity children with I, II and III of the active stages of retinopathy of prematurity. Vessels studied temporal and nasal arcades of the central zone and peripheral fundus. Accurate quantitative criteria diameter of retinal vessels, characterized by high and low risk of disease progression within each stage, defined diagnostic markers active course of retinopathy of prematurity with high risk of progression.Key words: retinopathy of prematurity, morphometry of retina vessels, postconceptional age.
Tereshchenkova M.S., Tereshchenko A.V., Trifanenkova I.G., Yudina Yu.A. TREATMENT RESULTS OF PREMATURITY RETINOPATHY On the development refraction prematurity children with ROP influence the anatomical features of their eyes — spherophakia, a combination of short anterior-posterior axis eye with a high refractive power of the cornea. The formation of myopic refraction is often connected with a large area of coagulation. Also, quite often, low visual functions to develop due to concomitant pathology of the Central nervous system — the defeat of the visual centers, pathways and atrophy of optic nerve.Key words: retinopathy of prematurity, transpupillary laser coagulation of retina.
Tiganov A.S., Akopyan V.S., Gavrilova S.I., Semenova N.S., Fedorova Ya.B., Gurova Ye.V., Filonenko I.V. THINNING OF RETINAL GANGLION CELLS LAYER IN PATIENTS WITH ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE AND MILD COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT: THE DIAGNOSTIC VALUE OF SPECTRAL OPTICAL COHERENCE TOMOGRAPHYThis study included 10 patients (20 eyes) with Alzheimer's disease, 10 patients with mild cognitive impairment and 10 age– and sex-matched healthy controls that had no history of dementia. All the subjects underwent psychiatric examination and complete ophthalmological examination, comprising optical coherence tomography. There was a significant decrease in the macular ganglion cell complex (GCC) thickness in patients with Alzheimer"s disease compared to the control group. Weak positive correlation of GCC thickness and psychiatric state was observed.Key words: ganglion cell complex, retinal nerve fiber layer, mild cognitive impairment, Alzheimer's disease, optical coherence tomography.
Trubina O.M., Podoprigora R.N., Kazennov A.N. WAY OF DONOR CORNEA FIXATION AT PRESERVATIONThere was developed and implemented a device for donor cornea fixing at preservation with the opportunity of cornea on the convex surface of the hemisphere, the upper part of which has a through hole for laying cornea on it. The obtained results of histological investigation of cornea preserved in vacuum at hypothermia indicate structural preservation of the material, and there are no signs of mechanical damage of preserved material.Key words: preservation, hemisphere, vacuum
Trunov A.N., Arbeneva N.C., Gorbenko О.М., Shvayuk А.P., Obukhova O.O. IMBALANCE CYTOKINES IN THE TEAR FLUID IN PATIENTS WITH AUTOIMMUNE UVEITISStudy activity the local immunoinflammatory process in patients with autoimmune uveitis. We examined 60 patients with autoimmune uveitis (study group) not receiving basic treatment system autoimmune disease and 20 control patients. In the lacrimal fluid of patients before treatment, by enzyme immunoassay, was conducted determination of IL-17A, IL-8, IL-6, IL-4. Found that in the pathogenesis of uveitis associated with systemic autoimmune diseases, an important role is the development of local immunoinflammatory process, which is manifested in a significant increase in tear fluid of surveyed patients, concentrations of proinflammatory cytokines IL-17A, IL-8, that accompanied by increased concentrations of IL-4, IL-6, which play a significant role in the development of autoimmune response and chronic inflammatory processes in their relationship, which was confirmed data correlation analysisKey words: autoimmune uveitis, сytokines immunoinflammatory process.
Ulitina A.Yu., Izmaylov A.S. ESTIMATION OF HOROID THICKNESS AT AGE-RELATED MACULAR DEGENERATION To examine horoidal thickness in eyes with age-related macular degeneration (AMD) using enhanced-depth imagine optical coherence tomography. Subfoveal choroidal thickness of eyes with early and exudative AMD was thinner than that of age-matched normal subjects. There was no significant difference in choroidal thickness between groups with early and exudative AMD.Key words: horoid, optical coherence tomography, EDI-OCT, age-related macular degeneration.
Fabrikantov O.L., Shmykov A.V. THE ROLE OF VITREORETINAL INTERFACE IN THE PATHOGENESIS OF RETINAL DETACHMENT (LITERARY REVIEW)The main parameters of retinal detachment are determined by the patho-morphological changes in the vitreoretinal interface area. Partial posterior vitreous detachment (PVD) or PVD with several fixation points are potentially dangerous for new ruptures formation as a result of traction in the areas of normal and abnormal retina attaching with posterior hyaloid membrane (PHM), therefore conversion of partial PVD into complete one is considered to be much more favorable. In cases of either thoroughly conducted vitrectomy, combined with PHM removal, or if there was a complete PVD before a procedure of episcleral sealing, more favourable prognosis of postoperative period was observed. Key words: retina, vitreous body, macula.
Fokin V.P., Gorbenko V.M. THE EXPERIENCE OF RADIO-WAVE GENERATOR SURGITRON APPLICATION IN SURGICAL TREATMENT OF STRABISMUSThere were analyzed the results of 102 surgical procedures, performed in patients with strabismus. 70 surgeries were made with radio-wave generator Surgitron, while 32 were conventional knife surgeries. Application of radio-wave generator Surgitron in surgical treatment of strabismus is highly advisable in order to eliminate risk of hemorrhagic complications and to reduce duration of surgical operation. Key words: surgical treatment of strabismus, radio-wave surgery, radio-surgical generator "Surgitron™".
Frolychev I.A., Pozdeyeva N.A. VITRECTOMY WITH TEMPORAL PFOC ENDOTAMPONADE WITH SILICON OIL SUBSTITUTION IN POSTOPERATIVE ENDOPHTHALMITIS TREATMENTTactics of different ethiology endophthalmitis treatment was worked out. Endophthalmitis developed after different surgical interventions. Treatment is carried out in 2 stages. The first stage is partial vitrectomy without epiretinal exudate and posterior hyaloid membrane removal, temporal endotamponade with perftororganic compound (PFOC) finishes the surgery. In 10-14 days the second stage is carried out — revision of vitreal cavity with epiretinal exudate and posterior hyaloid membrane removal, tamponade with silicone oil for 3 months. Such approach allows to maintain visual functions and carry out surgical intervention in spite of poor intraoperative visualization of eye structures.Key words: postoperative endophthalmitis, vitrectomy, PFOC, silicon oil.
Khokkanen V.M., Chudinova O.V. MODERN APPROACH TO THE LASER TREATMENT OF CHORIORETINITISThe possibility of complex laser-surgical influence on chorioretinal focus was studied. The use of this algorithm in treatment of focal chorioretinitis allows to accelerate the processes of repair, resorption of inflammatory masses, hemorrhages and, therefore, to speed up the process of rehabilitation. Key words: chorioretinitis, laser coagulation, focal laser coagulation, laser demarcation coagulation.
Chudinova O.V., Khokkanen V.M. OBJECTIFICATION OF ESTIMATION OF FOCAL REACTION FOR PROVOCATIVE TESTS IN CHORIORETINITIS PATIENTS There was studied the possibility of objectification of focal reaction evaluation in patients with chorioretinitis by registration of changes in chorioretinal focus size through performance of provocation tests.Key words: chorioretinitis, etiological diagnostics, focal reaction, provocation tests, tuberculin, herpetic vaccine.
Shangina O.R., Khasanov R.A., Bulgakova L.A. REGULARITIES OF THE STRUCTURE CHANGES OF THE FREEZE-DRIED CONNECTIVE ALLOTRANSPLANTATSThere was performed the analysis of the structure of the fibrous stroma of the freeze-dried allotransplants made from Achilles tendon, broad fascia, dura mater, hyaline cartilage and derma of foot supporting portion. Dependence of the allotransplants structural changes on hydration degree of the amorphous matrix and fibroarchitectonics specificity was established. Key words: donor tissue, connective tissue allotransplants, lyophilization, fibroarchitectonics.
Shkvorchenko D.O., Zakharov V.D., Rusanovskaya A.V., Norman K.S., Belousova E.V., Kakunina S.A. MODERN ASPECTS OF DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF VITREOMACULAR TRACTION SYNDROMEThe role of posterior vitreous hyaloid layers in vitreomacular traction syndrome was analyzed. The methods of peeling of hyaloid posterior layers of the vitreous were examined. All existing approaches of the treatment of the macular pathology by traction genesis were shown. Key words: back hyaloid vitreous fibers and methods of their detachment, vitreomacular traction syndrome, optical coherence tomography, pharmacological vitreolizis, 27-gauge vitrectomy.
Shmykov A.V., Fabrikantov O.L., Avdeev R.V., Vedrintseva N.V. INDUCTION OF POSTERIOR VITREOUS DETACHMENT IN EPISCLERAL SEALING ON THE EYES WITH RHEGMATOGENOUS RETINAL DETACHMENTEpiscleral sealing was made in 55 patients (55 eyes) with rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD). In 30 patients (30 eyes) surgical treatment was combined with intravitreal injection "Gemasa". Retinal detachment relapses occurred in two eyes (6.7%) of the patients treated with Gemasa and in four eyes (16%) of the patients of the control group. Intravitreal injection "Gemasa" prevents the vitreous body tractions on the retina and improves anatomical and functional results of RRD treatment.Key words: retinal detachment, vitreous body, retinal laser coagulation.
Shurygina M.F., Borzenok S.A., Khlebnikova O.V., Solomin V.A. CLINICAL AND MOLECULAR GENETIC CHARACTERISTICS OF CENTRAL HEREDITARY RETINAL DISEASE IN RUSSIAN FEDERATIONClinical, functional and molecular genetic approach in diagnostic/differential diagnostic of hereditary retinal disease allow to define an etiology of pathological process and the level of damage of the retina, to understand how severe the retinal destroys are, that important for science and practice.Key words: Stargardt disease, Fundus Flavimaculatus, clinical and molecular genetic diagnosis.
Shukhayev S.V. COMPARATIVE ESTIMATION OF ENDOTHELIAL CELL LOSS IN THE ZONE OF THE CORNEAL TUNNEL AFTER MICROCOAXIAL AND BIMANUAL PHACOEMULSIFICATIONMean endothelial cell loss at the incision area was less after microcoaxial (2.2mm) phacoemulsification with torsional ultrasound and bimanual phacoemulsification (1.2mm) as compared with microcoaxial (1.8mm) phacoemulsification with longitudinal ultrasound.Key words: microcoaxial phacoemulsification, bimanual phacoemulsification, endothelial cell loss.
Shcherbakov D.A. RECOVERY OF THE SUPPORT STRUCTURES OF RHINOORBITAL COMPLEXES USING ALLOGRAFTThe paper presents an experimental and clinical study of the principles of the reconstructive surgery of rhinoorbital complex using allografts. We have based the application of the dispersed cartilage allograft combined with membrane limiter to make up the bulk of bone defects. The expediency of using the plate cartilage allograft for the closure of the large bone defects with the biomechanical load on the biomaterial has been proved.Key words: rhinoorbital complex, allograft, bone defect, perforation of the nasal septum.
Ekgardt V.F., Zvezdin J.N., Dashenko K.N. SPATIAL CONTRAST SENSITIVITY AT PATIENTS WITH DIABETIC RETINOPATHYSpatial contrast sensitivity at patients with not proliferative stage of a diabetic retinopathy and influence of laser coagulation of a retina on this indicator is investigated. Its decrease in process of progressing of a retinopathy and after panretinal laser coagulation of a retina and preservation after retina coagulation by a "lattice" technique is established.Key words: diabetic retinopathy, spatial contrast sensitivity, laser coagulation of a retina.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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