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2013, № 4 (153)

Ermakova O.V., Iskakov I.A., Chernykh V.V., Trunov A. N., Razhev A.M., Churkin D.S., Kargapoltsev E.S. INVESTIGATION OF THE EFFECTS OF THE EXCIMER LASER WITH A WAVELENGTH OF 308 NM ON SCLERAL TISSUEThe paper presents the results of experiments series using an excimer laser at 308 nm (KrF) to the scleral tissue. The main parameters of influence: the threshold energy density ablation, ablation rate. The comparative characteristics of the excimer laser with a wavelength of 248, 308, 353 nm were described. The optimal UF wavelength for effects on the sclera was determined.Key words: excimer laser, ablation, sclera.


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About this article

Authors: Chernyh V.V., Trunov A.N., Ermakova O.V., Iskakov I.A., Razhev A.M., Churkin D.S., Kargapoltsev E.S.

Year: 2013

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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