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№ 2 2011


Zabrodin Yu.M. A TEACHER FOR A NEW SCHOOL — PSYCHOLOGICAL-PEDAGOGICAL TRAINING In article problems and their perspective decisions in an education sphere and also psychological training of the teacher at theoretical, methodological and practical levels are considered. The author analyses the education function as social institute, the requirements shown to general education and professional school. Taking into account practical experience of the Moscow educational institutions and administrative establishments the question "About psychological and pedagogical internship" is investigated.Key words: acmeogenesis, psychological support of a growing and of a professional career, integrated approach, new standards of education, psychological and pedagogical internship.
Lukov Val.A., Lukov V.A., Zakharov N.V. VALUE ORIENTATIONS OF THE RUSSIAN YOUTH FROM THE POINT OF VIEW OF THE VALUE THEORY The article refers to the value orientations as a significant side thesaurus examined patterns of changes in value orientations of students, an analysis of the concept of "value". Key words: value orientations, students, youth, moral orientation, the axiological potential concept.
Kiryakova A.V. VALUE REFERENCE POINTS OF UNIVERSITY EDUCATION The axiological paradigm of pedagogics as a strategic orientation of the development of higher education is presented in the article. The education axiology is the perspective scientific trend, which allows finding a resource of improvement of education quality. The basic resource of improvement of education quality, in the axiology context, is the personal potential of the university student and the teacher.Key words: axiological approach, axiological orientations, axiological potential of the person.
Gorshkova V.V. AXIOLOGICAL FACTOR AT THE PROCESS OF INNOVATION DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATION In the article the author analyses innovative transformations in the high school and training after the university in the context of axiological paradigm realization. Solution of pressing problems is examined in the format of advance.Key words: axiological paradigm, personal potential, format of advance, innovative transformations, value and semantic orientations.
Gulenina S.V. AXIOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF PSYCHOLOGY OF WORKER SELF-DETERMINATION IN AN ORGANIZATION In article important aspects of economic self-determination of the person in the organizations, its social and psychological content are considered. The author reveals the essence of the organization and human behavior in the light of the basic psychological modalities and orientations of valuable type. Mechanisms and phenomenon of management and submission, methods and forms of development of effective organizational culture are analyzed.Key words: the organization and organizational relationships, psychology of self-determination, a psychological modality, imperious influence, organizational culture.
Strelets Yu.Sh. VALUE HORIZON OF CULTURE AND MEANING OF EDUCATION Article is devoted to research of a modern paradigm of culture, its values, world outlook and ideological bases. The author reveals spiritual development of a society and the individual, sense of education in a context of necessary mental and educational reform on the basis of the philosophical analysis and interdisciplinary and synergetic principles.Key words: humanism and humanisation, essence and existence of the person, self-determination, sense of education, mental and educational reform.
Shulcheva O.B. ABOUT THE PROBLEMS OF VALUE BASES FORMATION OF POLITICAL YOUTH SUBCULTURE In article questions of formation of political orientations of youth are considered: features of youth political subculture, formation of positive values of political culture of youth. The author defines a higher school role as the active agent of political axiologisation as the institute reflecting progressive political culture. Key words: political youth subculture, values of civil and political culture, political orientations, the higher school as the agent of political axiologisation.
Anishchenko V.A., Mitchenkova O.V. MANAGEMENT PROJECTION OF EDUCATION AND UPBRINGING QUALITY AT KUMERTAU BRANCH OF SEI OSU Questions of projecting of management of quality of education and upbringing in the conditions of transition of the domestic higher school to new "federal" state educational standards are considered.Key words: projecting, educational space, management of quality of educational process, management of quality, creativity.
Bazaeva F.U. THE PROBLEM OF SELF-ACTUALIZATION AT THE HISTORY OF EDUCATION AND PEDAGOGICS: AXIOLOGICAL ASPECT Based on retrospective analysis of various researches and approaches the author gives characteristics of self-realization in acsiological aspect as a holistic quality of personality. Key words: self-realization, personality development.
Belova T.G. DEVELOPMENT OF RESEARCH ACTIVITY OF STUDENTS OF MOSTESSORY-EDUCATION The importance of schoolchildren's research work is observed in the context of Russian educational system innovative development. The potential of Montessori education in the development of schoolchildren's research work is revealed. The approbation experience of the schoolchildren's research work model of development is presented.Key words: schoolchildren's research work, Montessori education, development
Borovikova L.V. INNOVATIONS IN EDUCATION TROUGH INTEGRATION OF ONTOLOGICAL AND AXIOLOGICAL APPROACHES The article deals with the problem of post-modern philosophy's influence over contemporary education. This problem arises from historical changeability, plurality of systems and phenomena, which are rocking the cornerstones of humanity. We can outline the innovative trends in education, driven by the integration of ontological and axiological approaches. The quality of such education ensures humanitarian values to be an essential part of a person.Key words: innovation, modernization, ontology, axiology, values, being, education, understanding, existence, spirituality, co-being.
Bulynskiy N.N. STRUCTURING OF THE CONTENT OF PEDAGOGICAL COMPONENT OF PROFESSIONAL-PEDAGOGICAL EDUCATION AS A FACTOR OF FORMING OF STUDENTS' OF INSTITUTE OF HIGHER EDUCATION COMPETENCE In article the maintenance professionally-pedagogical education is considered. Three have been allocated knowledge the block the methodological, theoretical, methodical and applied block of abilities. Problems of perfection of the maintenance of training on psihologo-pedagogical cycles have been considered.Key words: professionally-pedagogical education, competence, thesaurus the approach, structurization of knowledge.
Buslaeva E.L. VALUE-SEMANTIC ORIENTATIONS OF STUDENTS OF HIGHER PROFESSIONAL SCHOOL The system of valuable orientations is the major characteristic of the person and indicator of his development. Degree of development of valuable orientations, features of their formation allow to judge by a level of development of the person. Actual problems of students are connected with spiritual and moral sphere of life. In educational process of the higher school it is important to consider the change of personal senses and the semantic orientations, social change, and also the conditions promoting formation of values and valuable orientations of the person, defining its professional and personal development.Key words: system of valuable orientations, valuable and orientation structure, system of valuable preferences of the person, valuable orientations of modern students, values, personal and universal values, valuable representations of a society and certain social group, spiritual and moral sphere of life, world outlook bases, social norms.
Valitova L.R. SOCIALIZING POTENTIAL OF VALUES OF FOREIGN CULTURE The article is devoted to educational aspects of realization of some fundamental values of foreign culture, which promote the development of skills in humanistic self-determination of personality in axiological space of intercultural interaction.Key words: values of foreign culture, conversation of cultures, socialization of personality.
Vakhitova L.G., Mosienko L.V. SUBJECTIVE POSITION OF A STUDENT FROM UNIVERSITY AT THE SPACE OF YOUTH SUBCULTURE In this article the concept of a subject position of the student of university in space of youth subculture is specified. The authors reveal the features of a subject position of the student, define the space of youth subculture and the education significance in formation of a subject position of the student in space of youth subculture.Key words: subjectivity of the student of university, subject position, space of youth subculture.
Veretennikova E.P. PEDAGOGICAL GUARANTEEING OF VALUE ORIENTATIONS FORMING OF STUDENTS AS A FACTOR OF THEIR PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE The given article considers the actual problems of the future specialist professional competence development in the contest of their upbringing and orientations of values. It covers different approaches o the given problem solution via the contradictions to be resolved between the necessity of the axiological trend of the modern pedagogic education and the absence of the conditions and demanded scientific and methodological base to carry it out. Key words: orientations of values, axiological tendencies, professional competence, innovation in higher school, supportive pedagogy, students as a subject to the value orientated activity.
Gamova N.A., Kazakova O.N. SPHERE OF PEDAGOGICAL ACTIVITY OF THE FACULTY The article depicts math's faculty staff and lecturers experience in educational area building; it's structure, functions, principles of faculty's educational area building and educational area's in socially mature personality formingKey words: educational, educational area, personality, subject-subject interaction, value orientations.
Gibatova G.F. AXIOLOGY AT THE LANGUAGE In article the value problem is discussed from a position of the different lines of thought existing in philosophy, psychology, sociology, cultural science and linguistics. The language status of categories of value and an evaluation is considered. Expression of valuable senses in language is investigated.Key words: an axiology, value, an evaluation, a predicate, language.
Gladkikh V.G., Emets M.S. FORMING OF PROFESSIONAL-PEDAGOGICAL READINESS OF A BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATION AS A SCIENTIFIC PROBLEM This article characterizes the direction, current trends and the nature of the training of future undergraduate technology education. The characteristic nature of this process and are the factors affecting the content of his teaching career.Key words: preparation, training, readiness, professional preparedness
Gorutko E.N. USING OF TEACHING SPHERE MOODLE FOR FORMING OF A WORLD OF A JUNIOR TEENAGER AT MONTESSORY-EDUCATION In article deals with the possibility of learning environment Moodle for formation of the world image of the younger teenager in Montessori-education are considered.Key words: M.Montessori's pedagogical system, Moodle, younger teenager, the world image
Grigorieva O.S., Makarova T.P., Petrovicheva E.A. INNOVATIONAL LABORATORY PRACTICE OF GENERAL CHEMICAL DISCIPLINES IN A FORM OF MICHROCHEMICAL EXPERIMENT The article is devoted to scientific developments in the introduction of micro-chemical equipment for laboratory studies on obschehimicheskim disciplines at the university. The technique of setting microscience, stages of pedagogical research and the main results of testing of an innovative workshop.Key words: microscience, laboratory classes, obschehimicheskie discipline, improving the quality of education.
Gurtovenko I.Yu. LINGUISTIC EDUCATION AS A PROFESSIONAL IMPORTANT AREA FOR DEVELOPMENT OF PROFESSIONAL READINESS OF FUTURE RAILWAYMEN The article presents the analitical review of the concepts "education" and "the space" which comparison allows the author to specify the concept "the linguistic education in technical institutions". The author defines it as professionally significant space for development of professional readiness of the future railwaymen. The author accents the basic attention on the axiologic potential of linguistic education.Key words: education; values of education; linguistic education; space; professionally significant space; axiological potential of foreign language.
Еzhova T.V., Samorukov А.А. DISCURSIVE COMPETENCE AS A FACTOR OF SUCCESSES OF PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY OF A SPECIALIST The article provides the analysis of the concept "discourse competence". The article also examines conceptionally significant characteristics of discourse competence as the integral component of general and professional culture of a specialist. The article states the role of discourse competence in successful professional activity of a subject. Key words: discourse competence, general culture, professional culture, status-role communication.
Zaporozhko V.V. MODEL OF READINESS FORMING OF A FUTURE TEACHER OF INFORMATIONAL SCIENCE TO WORK IN A COMPUTER SPHERE OF TEACHING This article is devoted to the model of formation of readiness of the future teacher of computer science for the work in a computer training environment. The model represents structure, hierarchy of components of system, and illustrate inner logic of development under consideration process. Key words: professional readiness, teacher of computer science, computer training environment.
Zaritskaya L.A. PROFESSIONAL-LINGUISTIC DEVELOPMENT OF A FUTURE DESIGNER WITH MEANS OF A FOREIGN LANGUAGE In this article the author gives the analyses of the training appliances and method recommendations concerning the professional-linguistic development with the help of English. Key words: professional-linguistic development, professional training, designer, linguistic education.
Kargapoltseva N.A. SOCIALIZATION OF PERSONALITY AND VALUES OF MODERN EDUCATION The article is devoted to substantiation of methodological status and exposure of specification of pedagogical realization of Unity's of socialization and upbringing of personality principle in axiological paradigm of competencial education.Key words: socialization, upbringing, intergration, values of education, personality.
Kolobova L.V. SOME ASPECTS OF POLYCULTURAL EDUCATION Aspects of polycultural education are considered in article: a humanisation and education globalisation, culturological aspect and ethnosocial aspect. The polyculturological approach in education is analyzed.Key words: polycultural education, a school education humanisation, culturological aspect, ethnosocial aspect.
Kuznetsov V.V. METHODICS OF PROFESSIONAL EDUCATIONAL AS A FACTOR OF DEVELOPMENT OF A TEACHER'S ACTIVITY AND PERSONALITY The main structural components of professional and pedagogical activity, its content, pedagogical culture as an essential personality characteristics and teacher's activity of professional school are made out in the article.Key words: professional and pedagogical activity, teachers pedagogical functions of professional school, professional and pedagogical activity's components, pedagogical culture, axiological foundations of professional and pedagogical activity, methods of professional studying.
Kuznetsova E.G. TO THE QUESTION OF VALUE ORIENTATIONS FORMING OF TEENAGERS The article deals with the formation of value orientations of adolescents, the results of investigations of value orientations of teenagers; review of the components, mechanisms and models of value formation.Key words: value orientation, the components of value orientations, the mechanism of value orientations, value-regulatory model of the formation of value orientations.
Mazitov M.A., Sagitov R.F. SYSTEM OF MANAGEMENT OF QUALITY AT EDUCATION There is the existing methods description of education quality determination in the article. The authors give the prepositions of education quality perfection, the effectiveness measurement methods of quality management in education system.Key words: education quality, management model, mass good quality of teaching, measured elements of teaching quality, the satisfaction degree of consumers' inquiry, devices and indicators for satisfaction degree measurement.
Mahrova E.I. VALUES AND VALUE ORIENTATIONS AT THE MODERN SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE Article is devoted research of concept of value and valuable orientations in the modern scientific literature within the limits of pedagogical, psychological and sociological theories. The basic approaches to the analysis of concepts of "value", "valuable orientations" are allocated, the attention to which various interpretation is caused by their ideologically-esthetic maintenance. The points of view in works of domestic and foreign scientists of last time of Z. Frejd, D.B. Zilberman, River Nol, H. Brunkhorst have been considered.Key words: value, valuable orientations, the valuable doctrine, the person, valuable consciousness, the doctrine, social values.
Melekesov G.A. AXIOLOGICAL FUNCTION OF A PEDAGOGICAL PRACTICE OF STUDENTS FROM UNIVERSITY Pedagogic education axiologication questions, particularly questions of the pedagogical practice as one of the factors of the future teacher' personality axiological potential development, are discussed in this article. Considering the axiological function of pedagogical practice, the author proposes to amend the content of university teacher preparation: identifies regularities of the training of future teachers, specifies the objectives of pedagogical practice, defines conditions for manifestation of axiological features of pedagogical practice.Key words: the axiologication of the pedagogical education, the pedagogical education, the pedagogical practice axiological conception.
Mokritskaya Е.А. "MASTERING" OF ETHICAL KNOWLEDGE AT UNIVERSITY EDUCATION This article considers some principles of students ethical knowledge mastering during the process of University education in the light of modern globalization. Those principles are revealed in the concept introduced by the author — "mastering" of ethical knowledge. The author points out that ethical knowledge mastering can be carried out not only during the "Ethics" course, but also at some other disciplines, including the "Foreign language".Key words: mastering, ethical knowledge, ethics in a century of globalization, moral values, ethical categories, dignity, a moral choice.
Mosienko L.V. RESEARCH OF YOUTH SUBCULTURE: AXIOLOGICAL ASPECT Annotation: In this article was exposed the notion " youth subculture", analyzed the approach to the researching of youth subcultures: functional, gender, racial, system-dynamical, synergetic, etc. The author presents the axiological approach to the research of youth subcultures as one of the most principal approaches, that determines the values of the representatives of these communities.Key words: The definition of a notion " youth subculture", approaches to scientific research of the youth subculture, axiological approach, values of youth subcultures.
Nazarov N.V. VALUE POTENTIAL OF STUDENTS' INTERACTIVE INTERACTION The article deals with the content and consequences of online interaction of students as a way of reality, which actualizes the individual's perception of personal values as its initial installation of self-improvement and self-realization in situations of the making a decision and of the making the choice of the behavior. Key words: interactive cooperation, interaction context, the content of the value potential of online interaction of students; personal sense of value.
Naseikina L.F. USING OF ELECTRONIC EDUCATIONAL ISSUES AND RESOURCES AS COMPONENTS OF UNIVERSITY INFORMATIONAL-EDUCATIONAL AREA DEVELOPMENT Annotation: In article features of working out of electronic educational editions and resources as perspective direction of information of formation and society as a whole are considered. Use of the information-educational environment as bases of introduction of electronic educational editions and resources in educational process is offered. Advantages of application of electronic educational editions and resources are considered at training of students with use of possibilities of a network the Internet.Key words: society information, formation information, the information-educational environment, electronic educational means and resources, computer curriculums, web-resources.
Nefedova Z.U. FORMING OF ECOLOGICAL COMPETENCE OF A PERSONALITY AT MODERN EDUCATION The article devoted to the problem of potential of behavioral constituent of ecological competences formation principal in humanistic context of modern educational paradigm.Key words: competence, ecological behavior, ecological activity, personality.
Odenbakh I.A. INTEGRAL INDEXES OF THE QUALITY OF THE PROCESS "MOBILE EDUCATION" The integral indexes of quality of mobile education are described with the purpose of achievement of the desired results in higher professional education. Informative accompaniment which will be realized in the process of the use of information technologies in educational space of university is considered. Changes are marked in educational technology in the functions of teacher and student.Key words: integral indexes, mobile education, informative accompaniment, educational technologies.
Oleinikov A.A. THEORETICAL ANALYSIS OF THE PROBLEM OF INTERACTIVE DEVELOPMENT OF A PERSONALITY OF A FOSTER CHILD AT PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION AT CONDITIONS OF COMPUTER-INFORMATIONAL DEPRIVATION The article considers the ways decision of development problem's the interactive pupil personality offer all necessary facilities for computer-informal deprivation.Key words: computer-informal deprivation, knowledge forms, interactive group.
Olkhovaya T.A. VALUE-SYNERGETIC APPROACH TO THE RESEARCH OF THE PROBLEM OF STUDENT'S SUBJECTIVITY FORMATION AT THE UNIVERSITYIn the article the result of synthesis of the axiology methodological ideas and innovatics is presented, which allows investigating the problem of a subjectivity formation in educational space of university as a difficult, changeable, self-organizing phenomenon. The author defines the leading idea of the axiological-synergetic conception of the subjectivity formation as the idea about a role of the axiological structures of the person as a source and the mechanism of self-organizing of personal and professional growth.Key words: subjectivity, axiology, synergetics, university education, subjective position.
Osiyanova O.M., Osiyanova A.V. AXIOLOGICAL DIRECTION OF STUDENTS' TEACHING TO THE CULTURE OF SPEECH COMMUNICATION AT SUBJECTIVE-ORIENTATIONAL SYSTEM The article presents the innovation system, ensuring teaching students verbal communication culture in the context of the personal and professional development within the educational process. The support on students' self-reliant orientation in the choice of significant aims and principles of the activity on the basis of existing and acquiring experience and knowledge defines the axiological trend of the system.Key words: the personality-oriented system of education, the system-personality-oriented approach, axiological orientations, verbal communication culture, person-to-person relations.
Perekhodko I.V. AXIOLOGICAL BASES OF POLYCULTURAL CONSCIOUSNESS FORMING OF STUDENTS AT UNIVERSITY The article describes the necessity of university students polycultural formation. The article gives general characteristics of this process, on the basis of axiological analysis of incultural process.Key words: polycultural consciousness, cultural values, valuable orientations, foreign language valuable-oriented education dialogical principle.
Petruneva R.M., Dulina N.V., Vasilyeva V.D. FGOS OF A THIRD GENERATION AND PEDAGOGICAL ACTIVITY OF EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION In this article the problem of organization of educational activity in process of realization of the federal state educational standards of third generation are considered.Key words: standards, main educational program, socio-cultural environment, educational technology.
Pradchuk O.I. PEDAGOGICAL ASPECTS OF SOCIAL ADAPTATION OF DEVIANT TEENAGERS In article it is told about social adaptation teenagers. This problem even more often excites teachers, parents, psychologists as for last decade growth of the violent acts interfaced to cruelty, is marked by aggression. Factors, in particular such as a family, mass-media, reference groups, and also the forms of rejecting behaviour caused by age features of teenage age are considered. The pedagogical aspects influencing social adaptation of teenagers are allocated.Key words: deviating behaviour, teenage age, aggression, uneasiness of teenagers, social adaptation, self-estimation level, pedagogical work.
Rybakova L.V. AXIOLOGICAL PARAMETERS OF INFORMATIONAL-EDUCATIONAL SPHERE OF MODERN INSTITUTE OF HIGHER EDUCATION In the article the interrelation of axiology and innovation in modern higher education is considered. The axiological function of education which consist in person's inner world formation, in finding the possible directions of development and self-development. The axiological parameters of the university information-educational environment, such as students' cognitive independence, the individualized training, the integration of information technologies into university educational process.Key words: axiology, axiological parameters, students' cognitive independence, training individualization, information technology, self-realization, information-educational environment.
Sablina T.A. ORIENTATION OF STUDENTS-JOURNALISTS FOR VALUES OF PROFESSIONAL CULTURE In the article the features of the orientation process on the values of professional culture of future journalists was discussed. The result of this process is the axiological potential's development of the student's personality and updating its subjective position. In the article the application of training technologies in journalism education was justified. Key words: professional culture of journalist, value, subject position of student-journalist, axiological potential of the student's personality, training technologies.
Sakharova N.S. DEVELOPMENT OF ACADEMIC MOBILITY OF STUDENTS AT UNIVERSITY AT THE CONTEXT OF FOREIGN COMPETENCE This paper deals with the problems of higher education results, foreign languages competence of the students and academic mobility.Key words: Foreign languages competence, academic mobility, educational results.
Silkin A.V., Tsvetkova K.E. TECHNOLOGIES OF ACTIVE TEACHING AT PREPARATION OF FUTURE MANAGERS TO THE MANAGEMENT OF CRISIS SITUATIONS In article actual aspects of qualification of the future managers are presented? Their preparation for management and minimisation of consequences of crisis situations. Possibilities and requirements of FGOS ВПО, and also functions of game technologies in formation of professional readiness of the future manager are investigated.Key words: active training, crisis situations, professional readiness, business games.
Slabospitskaya M.V. VALUE ENRICHMENT OF SOCIAL EXPERIENCE AS FACTOR OF SOCIALIZATION OF UPPERCLASSMEN Main trends of educational formation of social experience of upperclassmen in axiologicaly centered sphere of behavioral activity are reviewed in this article.Key words: social experience, value enrichment, social interaction.
Smirnov A.V. CONCEPTUAL BASES OF ACMEOLOGICAL STRATEGY OF UNINTERRUPTED EDUCATION SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT Annotation: The main concepts of development approach of the continuous educational system are reflected in the article. The principle of acmeological approach, focused on the constant development of motivation, creation, acmeological attitude, acmeological individual culture, is revealed.Key words: acmeological development approach, cultural creation, priority development of the individual, acmeological attitude.
Starshinova E.I. MODEL OF PROFESSIONAL MOBILITY FORMING OF FUTURE ECONOMIST AT STUDYING OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE AT INSTITUTE OF HIGHER EDUCATION The aim of this article is to define the structure and contents of the model of the future economist professional mobility formation within high school foreign language studies. The model is built on the basis of interdependence, system complementarity and integrity of its components. The article provides the analysis and study of components, conditions, criteria, indicators, levels, methods and means of the future professional mobility formation within foreign language studies.Key words: professional mobility, component, pedagogical conditions, educational technology, evaluation criteria.
Stenina T.L. PEDAGOGICAL AIMS OF SOCIAL PROJECTING AS A METHOD OF STUDYING In the article analyzes the theoretical concepts of project activities, including the concepts of social planning. The basic pedagogical goal of social engineering, we formulate conditions of organization of educational spaces, contributing to implementation of its own "self-concept." Key words: social engineering, project method, educational technology.
Teplyakova G.V. FORMING OF PROFESSIONAL MOTIVATION OF FUTURE ENGINEERS OF FOOD PRODUCTION AT THE PROCESS OF MATHEMATICS STUDYING In this article the author gives the results of conditional process concerning the formation of professional motivation of future engineers specializing in food production and learning mathematics. The article deals with the problems concerning the professional — personal characteristics. It offers possible effective methods concerning the formation of the professional motivation of future engineers of food production. Key words: motivation, professional motivation, professional — personal characteristics, professional preparations.
Tomina E.F. PEDAGOGICAL IDEAS OF JOHN DEWEY: HISTORY AND CONTEMPORANEITY The article presents stages of development of pedagogical ideas John Dewey in educational space of foreign countries and Russia. The is shown urgency of ideas John Dewey in modern educational practice. The methods based on ideas are considered John Dewey: the Dalton-plan, a method of projects.Key words: pragmatical pedagogics, pedagogical ideas, values, progressive school, the Dalton-plan, a method of projects.
Trushnikov D.Yu. PROJECTING OF PEDAGOGICAL SYSTEM AT UNIVERSITY COMPLEX ON THE BASE OF CLUSTER APPROACH The author reveals the essence of the cluster approach in the design of educational systems. For the first time in the scientific use the notion "naturnost" (modification of the concept of "visibility"). Summarizes the results of years of research in the field of vocational education of engineers.Key words: claster approach, innovative educational system, an educational system, a university complex.
Usova L.B. ACTUALIZATION OF MATHEMATICAL KNOWLEDGE AT PROFESSIONAL PREPARATION OF FUTURE ENGINEERS OF VITAL ACTIVITY SAFETY There are the results of state analyses of process of the mathematical cognizance's actualization in the professional training of a future engineer of personal and social safety; the aspects of mathematical cognizance's actualization of a future engineer are considered in the given article. Possible effective ways of improving of the process under consideration are suggested here.
Utyamisheva T.Yu. AXIOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF SOCIAL EXPERIENCE FORMATION OF SENIOR PUPILS Value's guideline of moral and spiritual inauguration of personality as educational dominant in formation as individual experience as social interactions of upperclassmen is reviewed in the article.Key words: social experience, value guideline, personality of upperclassmen.
Kholodova G.B. MEANS OF UPBRINGING OF SUBJECTIVE PROFESSIONAL POSITION OF A FUTURE TEACHER OF PHYSICAL TRAINING Abstract. In this article analysis the term "the subject professional position of the teacher"; substantiate the system of the pedagogical resources aimed to the higher of the effectiveness of the education the subject professional position of the student at the university.Key words: the subject professional position of the teacher, resources of the education, pedagogical conditions.
Shaikhetdinov R.G. SANITARY VECTOR OF GENERAL ATHLETIC EDUCATION OF STUDENTS Summary: There is an algorithm of realization of the students common physical education which provides formation of a healthy way of life. Success of realization of this algorithm is in activity, intellectualization, independence, individualization and personification of the students during the educational process.Key words: common physical education, improving orientation.
Shukhman A.E., Belonovskaya I.D., Tsvetkova K.E. MODEL OF CONSTANT MULTILEVEL PREPARATION OF SPECIALISTS FOR INNOVATION BRANCHES OF ECONOMY The article presents a model of expert training for innovative branches of economy. The model determinates the relationship the existing levels of professional education with the levels of general professional competencies, as well with activities in the innovation economy. The model assumes many possible educational trajectories in training.Key words: professional education, construction of educational programs, competency framework.
Yankina N.V. AXIOLOGIZATION OF THE LINGUISTIC EDUCATION AT A UNIVERSITYPresenting historical and cultural background for intercultural interaction and its modern status, the author offers to develop university students' intercultural competence through saturation linguistic training with axiology fundamentals.Key words: global integration and globalization, axiology, intercultural communication, linguistic education, dialogue of cultures, university education.


Agapov V.S. CREATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF PROFESSIONAL I OF A FUTURE SPECIALIST Article is devoted a problem of creative development professional I of the future expert. The author proves necessity of complex studying of potentials and sources of creative development professional I of the future experts in ontologic unity of their person with the world.Key words: creative development, I, professional I, creative I, an ontologic principle.
Malikova V.A., Aptikieva L.R., Aptikiev A.H. AXIOLOGICAL FACTOR AT THE PROCESS OF INNOVATION DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATION The concept of violence and cruel treatment of children is investigated. Characteristics victimhood persons are considered. The psihologo-pedagogical conditions promoting formation of ability to resist to violence are offered.Key words: violence and cruel treatment of children, skills of opposition to violence, personal adaptable potential, viktimogenez persons, psihologo-pedagogical conditions of formation of ability to resist to violence.
Zubova L.V. PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF ANTISOCIAL PERSONALITY SELF-ACTUALIZATION FROM THE POINT OF VIEW OF INSTITUTIONAL APPROACH The article presents the psychological aspects of self-realization in terms of the institutional approach, consider the problem of self-realization in the context of changing values obschestva.Key words: self-realization, antisocial personality, institutional podhod.
Boldyrev A.V., Thorzhevskaya L.V., Boldyreva T.V. SEMANTIC-VITAL ORIENTATIONS IN THE STRUCTURE OF PHENOMENON OF PERSONAL PROFESSIONAL DESTRUCTIONS OF OFFICERS OF CRIMINAL- EXECUTIVE SYSTEM In article the parity and interrelation of concepts professional деструкции the person and a syndrome of emotional burning out is considered. On the basis of empirical researches the role of distortion of system of values and process of its formation at employees of penitentiary system is defined.Key words: professional deformation of the person, a syndrome of emotional burning out, system of values, axiological potential of the person.
Kirienko A.A. TO THE PROBLEM OF THE CONTENT OF ORIENTATION AND ITS TYPES AT NATIVE AND FOREIGN SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE On the basis of analysis of domestic and foreign scientific literature on the issue orientation describes the main approaches to the study of this category, the analysis of structure and function of orientation, given the classification of types of orientation of the person.Key words: orientation, value-motivational sphere, asocial and prosocial types of orientation.
Malikova V.A., Prokopenko I.G. PSYCHOLOGICAL READINESS OF A STUDENT TO THE CAREER GROWTH This article contains the research results on generated psychological readiness for career advancement of students. Modern representations on the phenomenon readiness for career advancement gave the theoretical base for the research. In the light of new social and economical conditions the discussed problem is of great importance for the transition to the training of competent, highly skilled personnel, due to the objective social needs.Key words: career, career advancement, completeness of the level of psychological readiness case study.
Polikarkina M.S. TO THE PROBLEM OF SPECIFICITY OF AGGRESSIVENESS PHENOMENON AND FORMATION OF "I IMAGE" AT JUVENILE AGE The aim of this paper is a psychological analysis of specific manifestations of aggressiveness in adolescents and its relationship with the image of the self. As well as fixing the data, when piloting a study on aggression at juvenile age.Key words: adolescent, aggression, manifestations of aggressiveness, "The image I" teenager.
Tikhomirova E.I. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT OF A MAN AT THE SPHERE OF MODERN EDUCATION In article the tendencies defining essence of personal development of a human being in modern education are presented. Key words: space of modern education, personal development of a human being, the subject approach, subject self-realization.
Shcherbinina O.A. TO THE QUESTION OF CRITERIA, INDEXES AND LEVELS OF DEVELOPMENT OF INTERNAL POSITION OF JUNIOR PUPIL'S PERSONALITY The article considers approaches to the selection criteria, indicators and level of formation of the individual positions in the scientific literature, presented by the author's approach to the selection criteria, indicators and levels of development of the internal position of the individual student's junior. Key words: individual moral position, the internal position of the individual, criteria and indicators for the internal position of the individual

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ: Эл № ФС77-37678 от 29 сентября 2009 г.
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