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№ 2 (177), 16 february 2015


Borscheva E.A. ADDITIONAL PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION AS A FACTOR OF THE PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SPECIALISTThe problem of the professional competence development of the specialist in the system of the additional professional education is one of the current problems in pedagogical theory and practice. The essence of professional competence of the specialist is defined by the willingness to solve current and future problems and challenges. The effectiveness measure of professional competence development is the content of the new knowledge, professional competence improvement and acknowledgement of these results in the work experience. The problems of the professional competence development of the specialist in the system of the additional professional education are presented on the example of intersectoral regional center for training and professional retraining of the specialists of the Orenburg state University. Analyzing changes in the system of specialists' pedagogical support, the following should be noted: the increasing number and variety of professional program topics; the growth of interest and participation in the implementation of additional professional programs; development of network interaction during the implementation of additional professional programs; increasing demands of listeners to the quality of professional programs. The renewal of professional competence and upgrading the level of training requires more mobility and flexibility of the system of additional professional education; educational infrastructure that allows a person to learn new skills in the course of a lifetime; the creation of educational resources appropriate to up-to-date needs.Key words: professional competence, continuous education, principles of continuous education.
Vanshina E.A., Gunkov V.V. ON USING THE UNITED DIDACTIC MATERIAL FOR TEACHING STUDENTS IN PHYSICS AND ENGINEERING GRAPHICS (BASED ON STUDING STUDENTS OF ELECTRICITY DEPARTMENT, ORENBURG STATE UNIVERSITY)Pedagogical conditions of formation in the minds of students the united scientific world view are the following: the solution of the same problems of reality in terms of different academic disciplines, the establishment of optimal links between their learning materials, the use of a united visual didactic material. Problem solving with a creative component contributes to the development of research potential (RP) of future technical specialists — a set of qualities necessary for the modern engineer to integrate successfully in a rapidly changing manufacturing process, to know how to work independently and to use creatively the acquired knowledge, skills and experience for solving various professional tasks. In the process of practice training in Engineering Graphics students draft a shaft part in the AutoCAD system. In subsequent studies in Physics they solve the problem by calculating the moment of inertia of this part, without spending classroom time on reading its drawing. The article presents the results of using in the educational process the united didactic material developed by the authors — a drawing set of a typical part for tutorials and laboratory works on such disciplines as "Engineering Graphics" and "Physics" in accordance with their work programs taught consecutively in the same term students of Electricity Department, Orenburg State University (hereafter — ED OSU). Development, creation and use by the authors of the united set of detail drawings for practice during teaching in engineering graphics and physics have helped to increase the performance level of ED OSU student. Analysis of the results has shown that the approach used in the article can uplevel students' research potential, also it can form a holistic perception of the world and engineering thinking. It can be used to identify interdisciplinary connections, the development and introduction in educational process of united didactic materials in the teaching disciplines of specialist, bachelor, master, post-graduate training and also student training of the faculties of retraining and advanced training.Key words: research potential; effectiveness of education; didactic material; drawing set; engineering graphics; physics; computer graphics.
Gilazieva S.R. OPTIMIZATION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION IN THE CONDITIONS OF NEW SOCIO-ECONOMIC RELATIONS Continuous education physical component represented by the contradiction between the level sufficiently high demands of society to the level of health, physical development and training of the working population. However, it is clear that the level and rate of solution of problems of organization of physical activity depend first and foremost on people, to final account of their physical culture, defining and understanding, and mochi-you, and installation on the action, real action to improve the state of Affairs in this sphere.Along with the problem of physical education is quite reasonable and logical statement of the problem physical rehabilitation for the General population of our country. Deploying a kind of "physical literacy" could be the beginning of a practical solution of this problem. Elimination of the gap between the social status of citizens and the creation of conditions providing the opportunity for citizens maintain a healthy lifestyle, regularly engage in physical activity throughout life. This should be one of the postulates of continuing education, i.e., the intertwining of professional physical education for extension of professional longevity. With the development of society sports activity is becoming more important, getting in people's lives, fulfilling an important social function. Sports activities is an important means of protecting and improving human health, physical to improve, rational form of organization of meaningful free time, by means of increasing social activity of people. Thus, the article identified the need for the formation of professional sports competence of adults in the system of continuous education. Based on the analysis of different viewpoints professional athletic competence is defined as a specific component of mesocale and physical culture of the individual, and as one of the characteristic indicators of the quality of the entire system of continuous professional education.Key words: physical education, continuous education, professional athletic competence.
Gladkikh V.G., Vanchinova O.V. PEDAGOGICAL CONDITIONS OF FORMATION OF RESEARCH ABILITIES FUTURE SPECIALISTS NURSINGThe article described pedagogical conditions of formation of research abilities of the future specialist nursing. In recent decades, undertaken modernization of practical public health determined the new format requirements for activities nurse. In this context, the traditional functions supplemented willingness to research work in medical institutions of various types and profiles. The urgency of the problem of formation of research skills of students in training nurses due to the requirements of society and the needs of employers in the specialists capable of effectively engaging in research in public health practice. In this regard, to the fore the problem associated with the ability to assess the situation from the perspective of the researcher to approach the solution of professional circumstances, using scientific knowledge exploratory nature. In our opinion, pedagogical conditions are a necessary link in the preparation of specialist nursing, for their effective implementation contributes to a need for research, strategy development research cooperation, mastery needed to develop a research project knowledge and skills. Study of the problem of formation of research skills, according to the specifics of our research it possible to distinguish the following pedagogical conditions conducive to the formation of the test quality of the future specialist nursing: an exploded formation purposes of teaching and professional activities, targeted saturation disciplines jobs exploratory nature, the implementation of a research project in educational and professional activities that can be used to improve the training of future professionals of nursing.Key words: research skills, pedagogical conditions, specialist nursing, the formation of research abilities.
Gorban I.G., Grebennikova V.A. ORGANIZATION OF LABOUR PROTECTION AND SAFETY PRECAUTION ARRANGEMENTS AT PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT CLASSES AT HEE (ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE ORENBURG STATE UNIVERSITY)Physical exercise, regardless of their form and content, must promote human health. However, in the practice of sports activities there are significant disadvantages caused by reasons of organizational and methodical nature. Negative effects of various factors, reduced or excessive motor activity, poor conditions of employment, poor technique, failure to discipline, violation of safety rules during training in HEI can lead to injury. At present there is a question about safe methods of work on "Physical Education" in a variety of its manifestations. The relevance of the article is determined by the need to master every teacher of physical education and students with theoretical knowledge, practical skills and abilities of safety in the classroom. Therefore, there is a need to develop measures to protect the health and safety in the process of training in HEI, with mandatory use of laws and regulations on occupational safety and health, taking into account the material and technical equipment and the specific location of gyms, conditions of training and competition. The article stated organizational issues that prevent the occurrence of traumatic situations. Labour protection and safety techniques measures include: students passing a medical examination on schedule in accordance with a group of health; the formation of groups by age, sex and medical condition; briefing on safety; site preparation activities of sports equipment; compliance with the methodology of maintaining class discipline, etc. Experience has shown that compliance with these requirements by using this technique, increase the level of students' education regarding personal and public hygiene, preservation of health and safety organization for physical education and sports.Key words: labour protection and safety precaution at physical education and sport classes, traumatism prevention, health safekeeping and safety organization.
Gorshkova V.V. METHODOLOGY OF PRESENT-DAY PEDAGOGICAL RESEARCH IN THE ASPECT OF ONTOLOGICAL INTEGRATION The article reveals a new approach to the management of modern pedagogical research in the aspect of ontological integration. The results of critical analysis of the present-day teacher experience taking into account anticipating educational trends under modern social needs are suggested. Key words: methodology of pedagogical research, ontological integration, phenomenology of subjective experience, anticipating educational trend, event-trigger reality.
Denisova O.V. PEDAGOGICAL CONDITIONS OF PROFESSIONAL SELF-DEVELOPMENT OF A FUTURE MECHANIC ENGINEER IN THE PROJECT TRAINING ASThe development of the future technology is mainly in the use of educational technologies aimed at the assimilation of certain technological mechanisms. In this regard, attention is paid to the pedagogical technology that can effectively absorb technological knowledge. The article presents the rationale for the pedagogical conditions of professional self-development of the future technology in design education. Reveals the creation of educational-spatial environment for the successful adaptation of future engineering College for teaching and professional activities. The necessary elements of the educational-spatial environment of the College, ensuring a successful professional self-development of future engineering are: developed a mechanism of social partnership; the range of the educational environment; the intensity of the educational environment; the consistency and efficiency of educational-methodical work. The main types of professional activity of future specialists in mechanical engineering technology. The motivation of future engineers for the implementation of priority activities — the second condition for effective professional development of the future technology in design education. The establishment of a technical project in a joint activity of the teacher and student includes several stages (organizational and installation, information-analytical, practical and the final result is generalizing), each of which is represented by the motives of the future specialist mid-level to professional self-development. Characterized mechanisms of goal-setting and teleassistance, motivating future plant to educational activities.Considered pedagogical conditions of professional self-development of the future technology motivates students to educational activities. They stimulate the opportunity to nominate goals, plan their actions, to define methods and tools activities in accordance with the intended purpose, to learn to adjust these steps to develop criteria of success, to operate educational information in various conditions and, consequently, to develop a program of its development.Key words: professional self-development of the future of mechanical engineering, the main types of professional activity, goal-setting, teleassistance, professional motivation.
Eremina N.V., Kabanova O.V., Terekhova G.V. NONLINGUISTIC SPECIALTIES STUDENTS LINGUISTIC AND COMMUNICATIVE TRAININGEXPERIENCE (ON ORENBURG STATE UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE)The authors of this article have set a goal — to identify problem tasks exemplary system in teaching students of nonlinguistic specialties in higher education institutions. According to them, the process of bachelor's degree obtaining should not only be limited to the appropriation and consumption of knowledge, but also to its production. Employment problematic nature and an appeal to the controversial issues can significantly contribute to the creative level of teaching. Teachers of the foreign languages department are based on the fact that foreign language speech learning is the main component of professional training, while the skills acquired by students at the university, and the skills needed in the future professional activities, far apart, and in the process of learning a foreign language students do not develop communication skills. Students perceive that a foreign language is not worthwhile thing. This causes to build practical classes in the way that maximum interest of students is used to foreign language tuition. The authors believe that the language studying in the Orenburg State University is not only the development of the provisions of grammar, ability to read and translate specialized texts, but also from the study of the culture of the country the language is spoken. Teachers have developed a work program on language learning based on international standards and different levels of complexity. The foreign languages learning system proposed by the authors creates a number of necessary students competencies — linguistic, communicative, general cultural that allows teachers to successfully teach productive participation of students in vocational-oriented speech activity in writing and orally. New life conditions radically changed the task of training specialists, knowing foreign languages. Responsible attitude towards speech and formed productive linguistic consciousness determine professional success.Key words: speech activity, communicative skills, linguistic and professional skills, linguistic education modernization, problem tasks, interaction technologies.
Kalashnikov N.V., Artemenko B.A. PEDAGOGICAL CONDITIONS OF FORMATION APPLIED AND PURE CREATIVE SKILLS IN SCHOOLCHILDRENThe article analyzes the ratio of federal state educational standards for general education area "Natural sciences" with the current legislation in the field of natural science, or rather, of ecological education of rising generation. Revealed that there is a contradiction between the requirements of the legislative framework in matters of continuing environmental education and general education standards, because the in the latter is given insufficient time to form nature-oriented person ready rationally relate to the environment. In order to resolve this contradiction is proposed to build the educational process through creativity, namely, through the formation of at schoolboys creative abilities in the natural sciences bioecooriented environment educational environment. The authors conducted an analysis of generic concepts of "creativity", "formation", "creative natural science skills" and proposes a new concept of "natural sciences formation of creative skills of the schoolboys". To implement the process of formation of creative natural sciences skill at schoolboys proposed pedagogical conditions that contribute to the successful becoming the child's personality ready for creative environmental activities. The first condition — is to create of educational environment bioecooriented environment together subject, information, and creative components of interpersonal relations. This condition is enforced in the course of creating of components bioecooriented environment. The second condition — culture creative educational technology of natural sciences creative abilities of students. Third pedagogical condition — the organization of interaction with the subjects of the educational process (teachers, parents, social partners), which provides natural sciences formation of creative abilities in students. The proposed pedagogical conditions allow you to create a holistic the educational organization bioecooriented educational environment aimed at forming a natural sciences creative abilities in schoolboys that contribute to the harmonious development of nature-oriented personality. Key words: pedagogical conditions, creative skills, creative skills and pure, bioecooriented environment.
Kirovа G.F. ON THE FORMATION OF THE COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE OF THE FUTURE JURISTThe development of the relationships between government, organizations and citizens, the increasing requirements of the customers, their claims, the credibility of the legal action of a lawyer requires more extensive use of various ways of speech activity. Therefore, the question of the communicative training of lawyers acquires the aspects, therefore, the different communicative quality training determines the success of a lawyer in any discipline. Under the competence implies a meaningful synthesis of theoretical and empirical knowledge, presented in the form of concepts, principles, the meaning of the provisions. Currently developing communicative competence involves a wide variety of media and forms of education under the Federal state educational standards. The implementation of this process is possible only if the following pedagogical conditions that could have a direct impact on the future establishment of a lawyer, to assist teachers in certain disciplines already in the Junior years to prepare communicative adequate master of words, which in the future will be able to fully meet the demands of modern society in terms of their training. In axiological approach the person appears as the Supreme goal of society and the goal of social development and the educational process as expanded reproduction of social and cultural experience, directs the activities of the universal, national, and professional values, and a specialist on the awareness of the values of their profession. Empirical research method to address the problem of communicative competence, the study of complex situations, problems of law students, was to conduct a survey among students, processing the results, the analysis of the results, findings and conclusion, defining the direction in the learning process in the formation of communicative competence of future lawyers. The study found that the greatest difficulty in their professional activities future lawyers experienced in the area of communicative competence and at the same time they put her on the first place in achieving a high level of his legal career. For the qualitative formation of communicative competence of future lawyers need to effectively combine the theoretical part of the training material with practical. The formation of the communicative competence of students to carry out continuously, starting with the first course, within the discipline of psycho-pedagogical cycle. Great value in helping students assigned to the professional level of teachers and quality of teaching in the universities.Key words: communication, competence, lawyer, law, legal structure of speech communication.
Kiselyova Zh.I., Shavshayeva L.Y., Shlyapnikova V.V. SOME ASPECTS OF ORGANIZATION AND METHODOLOGY OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION MINUTES WITH OBJECTSThe younger generation spends a lot of time for, at the Desk in the classroom and in the preparation of home assignments. To ensure the rational organization of mental labour, it is important to know the features work, its influence on the human organism. Know the physiological basis of changing activities. Sports minute help to change activities, increase efficiency, reduce muscle tension, are beneficial to human health. Despite the fact that athletic minute short execution time, of great importance. And nothing will be able to restore the health of the student, on a theoretical exercise, as exercise selected and designed in accordance with the requirements for the physical moments. The relevance of the article is determined by the need for fizkultura, understanding the importance of changing activities teachers of theoretical subjects and students. Thus arose the need for physical fitness minutes with items to increase interest in their implementation and to simultaneously enhance the emotional background when performing exercises. It is very important that everyone understands the importance of changing activities for personal health and the health of your body. Developed a set of exercises with objects can and should be applied at home when preparing homework. As practice has shown the implementation of physical education minutes with objects increases emotional mood in the classroom. Students gladly perform exercises with objects. A set of exercises with the ball, when performing sports moments, is a good visual gymnastics, as the entire complex is observed trace function of the eye.Key words: sports minute, changing views, activities, exercise, health.
Kobseva N.I. PROCEDURAL MODEL OF BECOMING OF NATURAL SCIENCE IMAGE OF THE WOLD OF MODERN STUDENTS UNIVERSITY Analysis of the understanding of the image of the world in the context of pedagogical science reveals a fundamentally new problem situation is not so much a system of pedagogical knowledge as a whole educational environment of the university. On the teacher puts great responsibility — in the becoming of modern university student's personal neoplasm's "The image of the world" with the activation of emotion-value orientation of the individual. In this methodological basis, permeating all elements of the educational mechanism acts axiological approach that values relationships entangle all spheres of human activity, the transition of personal needs in human values and reflect the core of becoming an integral and valuable scientific outlook of university students. The process of becoming rich in structure, content, since it includes both development and formation, but the formation is the highest phase of a qualitatively new form is characterized by the subject of cognition. Analyzing the implementation of the formation of natural scientific image of the world of university students, we have designed a procedural model for the formation of the phenomenon, based on testing that went to the isolation of us in the course of the experiment pedagogical conditions of this mechanism. Procedural model of formation of natural science images of the world is a complex integrative design, involving the students in the whole process of attitude, worldview, outlook on the basis of the actualization of emotion-valuable relation to scientific knowledge, scientific research which reflects the historical types of scientific rationality. Thus, the procedural model of the formation of natural scientific image of the world is structured in the context of axiological approach and presented in the form of the relationship of three blocks: basic, basic and evaluation. The model is a single axis in the form of criteria and indicators of level, which is the fundamental basis of psycho-pedagogical specificity of discipline "Concepts of modern science" and a number of pedagogical principles that reflect the ideological ideas of natural-scientific picture of the world. The top of the model expresses the emergence of the phenomenon, which is realized through the introduction of pedagogical conditions in the educational process.Key words: process, Image of the world, becoming, university student, model, natural history.
Kostryukov A.V., Miroshnikova D.V. APPROACHES TO THE STUDYING OF CREATIVITY IN TEACHING PRACTICE OF THE TEACHERS TO BEThe article deals with the principal approaches to the integrated studying of creativity in teaching practice of the teachers to be. The system, activity, personal, creative, axiological, optimization approaches are investigated. The idea of creativity is defined, the preferential-career approach to the studying of the professional activity of the teachers to be is suggested.Key words: approach, creativity, pedagogical creation, teaching practice, teacher to be.
Kuznetsov V.V. PREVENTIVE ACTIVITY: CONTENT AND STRUCTUREThe author's concept about the deviationsprevention in behavior of children and teenagers taking into account the Euler force showing to the tutor that the young man lost stability because of the influence of the social environment is considered in the article. The author proposes the theoretical aspects of prevention and preventive activity. In particular, the deviations in behavior of children and teenagers of the first order (soft), the second order (moderate severity), the third order (hard)are considered. Forms and methods of preventive activity, its content, structure, and also reasons of deviant behavior are considered on the basis of the theoretical analysis of the researches in the field of preventive pedagogics (L.V. Kondrashova, V.M. Orzhekhovskaya, E.M. Rangelova, A.P. Smantser, A.M. Stolyarenko, etc). Preventive activity, its aims,conditions, ways of implementation, motives, requirements, means and results are considered by the analogy with the conception of any activity. In the article means of the deviationsprevention in behavior of children and teenagers in Russia and abroadare offered and analyzed, series of examples and models of positive preventive activity is given. The author analyzes the researches of L.V. Kondrashova, V.M. Orzhekhovskaya (Ukraine), E.M. Rangelova, A.P. Smantser (Belorussia), domestic scientists (V.N. Gerasimov, S.A. Yermolayeva, Yu.M. Kudryavtsev, A.M. Stolyarenko) and draws the necessary conclusions: about the effective means of the deviations prevention in behavior of children and teenagers; about the organization of correctional and pedagogical activity, ways of prevention, services of preventive activity. There is the list of references where it is possible to see not only famous pedagogues in the field of preventive pedagogics, but also psychologists, sociologists, lawyers in article. The article completely develops the name. The readers will find answers to many questions which are considered within preventive pedagogics. Key words: preventive activity, content of preventive activity and its components, deviations prevention, forms and reasons of deviant behavior.
Kucherenko M.A. SOME ASPECTS OF FORMATION OF COMMON CULTURAL COMPETENCES OF FUTURE BIOLOGIST OF INDEPENDENT WORK ON PHYSICS Cognitive, operational and technological, motivational and social characteristics of cash communicative competence as set of the staticized common cultural competences of future biologists are considered. Structural and substantial foundations of the organization of independent work of trainees on the basis of the strategy of semantic reading realizing possibilities of germenevtiko-phenomenological approach for formation and development of common cultural competences of pupils are discussed. Key words: germenevtiko-phenomenological approach, common cultural competences, communicative competence, independent work of future biologist on physics, semantic reading the educational text on physics, ability of understanding of the educational text.
Lunina A.N. TASK-DIAGNOSTIC APPROACH TO THE ASSESSMENT OF KNOWLEDGES OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF PEDAGOGICAL THINKINGThis article actualizes problem of development of the pedagogic thinking for students and graduates. The author notices the significance of ways and methods for development of thinking. The article gives results of investigation that was made for detection of student knowledge about the pedagogic thinking and ways it's developments. In the beginning the author describes problem of development of the pedagogic thinking. The researcher gives examples of some methods and ways of development creative thinking: brainstorming, the method of empathy, the method of inversion, "I — concept" of the creative self-development of students and others. Then the article gives results of investigation that was made for detection of student knowledge about the pedagogic thinking and methods of it's developments. As a result, the author recognizes that students have low level of knowledge about different type of thinking and ways of thinking development. The most difficult thinking for description is reflective thinking. The researcher supposes that using task-diagnostic approach in the learning process will increase quality of education. There are examples of pedagogic tasks аnd description of conclusion of one these tasks in the article. This conclusion presumes using some types of thinking at one time. The author concludes that we must attend to development of different types of thinking in learning process, and use more methods and ways of thinking development too. Key words: task, creative thinking, reflective thinking, systems thinking, prognostic thinking, critical thinking, ways and methods of thinking development.
Manaeva N.N. PSYCHO-PEDAGOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF INFORMATION MOBILITY AS INTEGRATIVE QUALITIES OF THE PERSONDiversity and continuous updating of information and communication technologies requires the education system of training specialists able to quickly navigate the changing information environment and adapt to the new conditions of professional activity. Ability to such actions, in our opinion, successfully passes the category of mobility, which has been well studied in the sociological and scientific-pedagogical literature. Exploring the characteristics of such concepts as social mobility, occupational mobility, personal mobility, cognitive mobility, we introduced the notion of informational mobility. Under informational mobility of university students, we understand the integrative quality of a person, which manifests itself in the willingness of students to perceive and actively use the information to adapt quickly to new software and information environment on the basis of experience. The analysis of the structural components of different types of mobility allowed us to determine the structure of informational mobility of university students as a set of stable relations between the three main components: cognitive, operational and value. Considering the mobility mechanisms of various kinds, we can conclude that with such a quality as mobility, students more are confident, their future, their professional activities. Consequently, mobility, including the information, can be regarded as one of the main characteristics of the future specialist professional, contributing to its demand in the labor market.Key words: informatization of education, mobility, student mobility, info mobility, social mobility, occupational mobility, personal mobility, cognitive mobility, educational mobility.
Naseykina L.F., Tagirov V.K. STRUCTURALLY FUNCTIONAL MODEL OF FORMATION OF PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE OF FUTURE IT-SPECIALISTSModern labor market needs the IT shots of new generation, capable to work in the conditions of the developing information society, quickly adapting for constantly changing situation in the field of information technologies. However, at the higher school, when training graduates of the technical directions specifics of new IT professions and requirements to the content of their preparation aren't considered. When training future IT specialists teachers are based on Federal educational standards of higher education which contents doesn't conform fully to requirements of new professional standards in the field of information technologies, and, therefore, and to requirements of employers of the sphere of IT services. Therefore, the actual task of improvement of quality of vocational training of future IT specialists is set for system of the higher education. The structurally functional model of formation of professional competence of future IT specialists consisting of set of four interconnected blocks providing its functioning was designed: target, methodological, substantial and methodical and diagnostic. The offered model is used as the instrument of research of process of training in higher education institution of students of the technical directions for the purpose of improvement of quality of their vocational training. Inclusion of the developed model by preparation of IT shots promotes effective formation at future IT specialists of professional competence by means of development of professional and significant and personal qualities, and also the valuable relation to future profession and is characterized by readiness of graduates for self-realization in the sphere of information technologies. Key words: modeling, structurally functional model, professional competence, training of future IT specialists.
Ovsyanitskaya L.Y. SYSTEM APPROACH AS A GENERAL SCIENTIFIC BASIS OF THE INFORMATION COMPETENCE HEALTH PROFESSIONALS MODEL FORMATIONIn the article the methodology of the system approach to the general scientific level of the health professionals information competence formation research is substantiated. The represented model of the health professionals information competence constructed on the basis of a system approach and OLAP-technology, taking into consideration the possible effects on influence each other components of the system and environment factors and allows to find the most effective impacts on the system, to decompose the system, compare the individual components to each other, finding their similarities and differences and to carry out simulation and optimization of the system. Key words: information competence, health professionals, the systems approach, OLAP-technology.
Osiyanova O.M., Pfeyfer M.A. INTERACTIVE COMMUNICATION DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENTS IN THE COMPETENCE-ORIENTED EDUCATIONThe competence-oriented educationamends the definition of requirements for specialist training, his professional and personal qualities, competence in communication and social interaction. For the education result is important not only WHAT the future specialist knows, but HOW he can act. It is obvious, that the development of interactive communication should start at school,when the students' basic personality traits are formed and continue at the university by means of interactive learning technologies. Examine the interactive communication substance, conditions and ways of its development in the educational process of schools and universities. Interactive communication is defined as the interactive activities process which has a common goal, expected result, planning and control.The conditions of interactive communicationactualization can be equal partnership relations, the ability to listen and hear the participants' activity and others. An educational dialogue becomes a form of interactive communication. It provides an interchange of information, views, opinions, and the social experience formation, leading to the transformation of the educational activity subject. Interactive learning technologies which usage requires a review of the teacher's work, whose functionis to organize students' independent cognitive activity, play a very important role in the students' interactive communication development. The interactive skills require systematic sequential development which can be carried out on the ground of systemic-subject-oriented approach through students' orientation activity by means of points of orientation (objectives, principles, knowledge, experience, stimuli). The orientation system is very important in the interactive communication management in the process of transition from the passive forms of learning to active ones. The interactive communication developmentincludes three stages: orientation, coordination, independent activity. In conclusion, the importance of reflection in the interactive communication development is highlighted and a number of skills acquired by pupils and students in the process of purposeful workis listed. Key words: interactive communication, educational process, systemic-subject-oriented approach, interactive skills, points of orientation, management, group work.
Polkina S.N. FEATURES OF THE CONTENT OF LITERARY EDUCATION IN SCHOOLS IN THE CONTEXT OF DIFFERENT APPROACHESTraditionally the leading role in spiritual and moral, emotional, esthetic development of the school student, in his familiarizing with the world of culture is assigned to literature. This circumstance causes inclusion in the content of school literary education as obligatory components of fundamental concepts, ideas, the facts from area of the theory and history of literature, a certain list of works of folklore, the Russian and world literature. Such content of literary education is developed within the widely adopted znaniyevo-focused approach which specifics are shown that broadcasting by the teacher to the pupil of a set of the systematized scientific knowledge, necessary skills is the basis for educational process at school. However transformations in economic, political, sociocultural spheres of development of the Russian society entailed change of requirements to education which is entrusted with the common cultural and personal development of pupils. Therefore now there was actual a problem connected with development of the new theoretical bases for formation of the content of education. New approaches in training assume such organization of educational process which promotes formation of the identity of the school student during vigorous independent educational activity, assists preparation of the younger generation for life in modern society. Competence-based approach is one of the approaches focused on achievement of new result of training. It should be noted that realization of training in literature on the basis of competence-based approach was complicated for a number of reasons from which are distinguished lack of the coordinated position on definition of the concept "competence" and the list of kompetentnost as result of training, complexity of estimation of the formed kompetentnost that limits possibility of receiving the new result designated from a development position, but not from a training position. Considerable updating of the content of education is possible on the basis of the activity approach guaranteeing achievement of the expected result. However, in our opinion, to questions of formation of the activity content of literary education it is insufficiently given now attention that staticizes need of carrying out research for this direction.Key words: the content of literary education, knowledge-based approach, competence-based approach, activity approach, educational activity, an educational situation.
Sapuh T.V., Skvorcova M.V. PROCESS OF READING COMPETENCE FORMATION OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS This article is devoted to the investigation of the process of reading competence formation of university students. Based on the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, the authors define the concept of "reading competence", describe the algorithm for the formation of reading competence of university students, single out indicators of reading competence formation of students.Key words: reading, reading competence, reading competence formation, development of student's personality.
Sakharova N.S., Tomin V.V. UNIVERSITY STUDENTS POLYETHNIC COMPETENCE DEVELOPMENT DURING CROSS-CULTURAL INTERACTION The internal and external factors that can influence cross-cultural interaction, either providing or preventing its' realization, are analyzed in the article. One of such factors is, for example, personal characteristics of the interaction participants, among which a very special attention is paid to the national conscience and self-conscience. Ethnic self-conscience is a phenomenon that is constantly being in the state of transformations and changes, and that is formed under the impact of the acquiring knowledge and evaluation system, allowing a person to act as a full member of cross-cultural interaction. Using the axiological approach, authors note that ability and readiness of a person to enter the cross-cultural interaction has at least 3 stages: evaluative orientation, evaluative self-orientation and evaluative interaction as such. The article comprises different definitions of "polyethnic or cross-cultural competence" of university students. Being the condition of effective cross-cultural interaction, and at the same time, its' result, the polyethnic competence of students implies practical application and realization of knowledge ground, theoretical norms, rules and categories in cultural and social spheres in order to set a communicative channel and mutual understanding with the representatives of different ethnic groups and cultural communities. In order to define the mechanisms of cross-cultural competence development, there is its' component structure emphasized and described in the article, including cognitive, axiological and praxeological elements, though their boundaries are vague in reality and have rather idealized character. Authors arrive to the conclusion that students cross-cultural (polyethnic) competence is an intricate system anthropocentrically directed, which is characterized by total of axiological, cognitive and operational aspects, having the following dynamic properties: formation, functionality and development. Process of cross-cultural competence development comprises personal transformation by means of gradual reformation of cognitive and evaluative properties of an individual in the current real space and time dimension and is stipulated by changing succession of diverse phases, stages and levels. Key words: cross-cultural competence, polyethnic competence, ethnic self-conscience, cross-cultural interaction, evaluative orientation, development phases.
Simonenkov V.S. RUNNING AS A MEANS OF INCREASING THE TOTAL ENDURANCE OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS Physical health of modern humans depends on several factors, such as abiotic, genetic, lifestyle, environmental conditions, especially industrial activity. Harmonious development of the physical person — it is quite socially regulated process, where with the help of well-chosen exercise, work and rest, balanced diet can be wide enough to change the parameters of health, physical fitness, improve the work of the various systems of the body (nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory). Students with low levels of training must start training with distance, then move to alternate with jogging, and only after a preliminary preparation you can start jogging. The first classes are advised to carry out walking 30–40 minutes, the tempo — 90–110 steps per minute. In good health after two weeks you can increase the duration to one hour, increase the pace of walking. Frequency of sessions — 3–5 times a week. With a weak level of training walking is an effective means of improving aerobic endurance. Minimum intensity on heart rate, which gives training effect for persons 20 years — 134 beats/minute. For 20-year-olds involved in the optimal zone will have a range of heart rate 150–177 beats/minute, a zone of heavy loads — 177–220 beats/minute. The more intense the load, the quicker the training effect. For starters healthy students are allowed daily intense but relatively short-term load. Low-intensity, but prolonged exercise can be done in a day (but no more than 3 lessons per week).Key words: aerobic and anaerobic exercise, overall endurance, running.
Soldatovа L.A. FORMATION OF PROFESSIONAL MOBILITY FUTURE ECONOMISTS The paper identified the major problems associated with the definition of occupational mobility. Spotted an objective of integration of Russia into the European education system.The analysis of the scientific literature on the identified problems, highlighted features of the organization of the learning process, in which the conditions for the formation and development of occupational mobility future economist.Key words: professional mobility, teacher support, problem-based learning, professional environment, educational paradigm.
Shadrina I.M. TEACHER'S MORAL LITERACYThe spiritual renewal of society for people seeking edification to enrich human values is a moral law, which becomes a fact in overcoming generated mixed socio-economic changes of values crisis, leading to the loss of their moral evidence, not a person's ability to distinguish where there is good and where evil, where there is good, and where the benefits. One of the necessary conditions for the spiritual renewal of society is moral literacy of teachers as the possession of knowledge about morality, about the teaching of morality, the values that form the core of his moral culture that justify (the knowledge) the moral choice of a teacher; command of the morality language, moral education methods, ethics education, ways of their resolution and the students moral issues, the relationship between them (knowledge and methods, techniques) provides an understanding of the relationship between themselves and the students who have the space of morality. In a space like that the moral concepts of good and evil, honor and dignity, justice and mercy, etc. "move", values that sanctify moral choice of a teacher. This paper is aimed to study the problem of moral literacy of teachers, the concept of which should be considered appropriate and necessary for the pedagogical theory and practice. The concept development of "moral literacy of a teacher" is based on a tradition that is stored and it broadcasts ideas, attitudes and customs by the culture. We discuss the concept of "literacy". It is proposed to define the concept of "moral literacy of a teacher", and the structure of moral literacy of a teacher as a component of its moral culture is revealed: 1) knowledge of morality, teaching morality; terms of cultural studies; values that form the core of moral culture of a teacher; methods of moral education and ethical education where there is an introduction of students to moral values; 2) Comprehension as knowledge understanding and moral relations that emerge between students and a teacher, where moral culture of a teacher appears. It is proved that comprehension within the process when a preservice teacher masters the knowledge, the reflection of its process makes the meaning of knowledge "visible", which is (the meaning) a context of comprehension.Key words: teacher, moral literacy, moral knowledge, understanding, reflexivity, structure.
Chigrina A.I., Shaislamov A.R. FROM THE EXPERIENCE OF THE INFORMATIVE AND COMMUNICATORY TECHNOLOGIES IN THE EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY NATIONAL MUSEUM OF THE REPUBLIC OF BASHKORTOSTANThe article is devoted to the problems of the using of the informative and communicatory technologies in the educational activity of Russian museums, in particular the National Museum of the Republic of Bashkortostan (the NM RB), which marks 150th its anniversary in 2014. The authors analyze the activity of the museum official website and the reflection of its performance at the portal "Russian Museums". The article shows the NM RB workers using the social networks possibilities for educational purposes. The article explores such directions of the introduction of the educational informative and communicatory technologies in the NM RB as the using of interactive methods in the children's circles of the museum, the demonstration of the audiovisual sources in some expositions and others.Key words: The informative and communicatory technologies, the museum informatization, the museum virtual educational space, the e-methodical Cabinet, the interactivity, National Museum of the Republic of Bashkortostan.
Shumilina N.S. PEDAGOGICAL CONDITIONS OF FORMATION OFISPROFESSIONAL-ETHICAL ORIENTATION OF THE FUTURE SPECIALIST IN THE TRAINING OF HIGH SCHOOLThe results of professional activity of any experts in various areas depends on the direction of his personality, as the direction is determined by a person's behavior, his attitude toward themselves and others, and is manifested in professional activities. The problem of formation of professional and ethical orientation (PEN) is of particular relevance in light of the implementation of state educational standards. One of the requirements of the educational program, requirements to graduate, is the ability to adhere to ethical values as the main common cultural competence of the modern student, contributing to enhance its competitiveness in the labor market. Formation of the PEN student requires testing the effectiveness of pedagogical conditions that take into account the possibility of vocational training in high school. On the basis of the scientific literature, practices of the institution, made experimental work investigated the effectiveness of pedagogical conditions of formation of professional and ethical orientation of high school students using empirical research methods (questionnaires, tests), the results of which were calculated using the methods of mathematical statistics and the criterion of "chimeric square "Pearson. We have determined that professional and ethical orientation (PEN) students as a stable set of professional motives and personality traits, provides a theoretical and practical readiness of students to professional work, is the basis of professional competence and the acquisition provides a personal significant experience of interaction. As a result, primeneniya spetsialnyhuchebnyh technologies (business games, training, project activities, and execution of creative research work, solving the problem-situational ethical problems, etc.) there is a significant positive change in the minds of students, indicating a high efficiency of the complex of pedagogical conditions of formation PEN student of the university.Key words: students, professional and ethical orientation, pedagogical conditions, professional activity.
Yankina N.V. THE ROLE OF STUDENTS' INTERCULTURAL SENSITIVITY DEVELOPMENT IN PREPARING FOR SUCCESSFUL STUDIES AND PROFESSIONAL CAREER IN GLOBALIZED ENVIRONMENTModern system of education takes competence approach as the leading one to organize training process. The basics of this approach are the development of key competences, intercultural competence being one of them. Focusing on this essential educational outcome, the author describes the nature and development process of one of the components of intercultural competence — intercultural sensitivity. Using the Development Model of Intercultural Sensitivity by M. Bennet, the author suggests some forms of education to provide step by step development of this personal characteristic. Assuming that education in a new cultural environment will increase the general level of intercultural sensitivity, the author used Intercultural Sensitivity Index and Likert scale and diagnosed the change in the level of intercultural sensitivity development before and after students' participation in short-term study abroad programs. It led to the defining of some specific characteristics of students' educational and social activities like determination for enriching knowledge and skills of intercultural communication; demonstration of respect and understanding to different worldviews and persaptions; readiness to master various bahaviour models specified by social and cultural context; development of adaptation skills to new surroundings and norms; need for active learning of cultural diversity. Besides, there are some recommendations how to prepare students to study abroad.Key words: intercultural competence, intercultural sensitivity, short-term study abroad programs.


Karabuschenko N.B., Ivashchenko A.V., Chkhikvadze T.V., Pilishvili T.S. FEATURES OF PERSON'S SPIRITUALITY IN INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPSpirituality as an integral personal property manifests itself in the relationship between man and realized in his actions. Integration of scientific concepts of spirituality allows you to select the criteria and levels of development. Criteria manifestations of spirituality in the field of interpersonal relationships are the indicators of empathy, tolerance, self-worth in the human system of value orientations of the individual and self-actualization in the process of communicating with others. Basic levels of spiritual development of personality, reflecting the method and design features of interpersonal relationships are unspiritual layer, updating the spiritual needs of the communication, the level of implementation of spirituality in relation to others and the level of spiritual self-realization.Key words: spirituality, interpersonal relationship, spiritual self-actualization, tolerance, empathy, defence mechanism, value orientations.
Moroz V.V. DIAGNOSTIC MEASUREMENT OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS' CREATIVITYCreativity being one of the distinguishing traits of a person is the driving force of economic growth and social progress, which in turn explains the increasing interest and need in creativity. Inherently creativity is the production of novel, original and valuable ideas in every sphere of human activity: from science to arts, from education to business, as well as everyday life. Creativity is inseparably linked with innovations that are successful implementation of creative ideas. Although the creativity phenomenon has been under study for more than 60 years there are still many misconceptions of creativity, since the results of creative process are almost unpredictable. Creativity, being a multifaceted phenomenon, can be measured by such diagnostics that helps to evaluate both creative potential and creative achievements according to cognitive, emotional, motivational and environmental factors. Diagnostic instruments vary from the purpose of study, creativity aspects, features and forms, temporal limits and age range. Many of the creativity evaluation approaches are not exhaustive, but when combined can supplement and enrich each other. Clearly defined criteria set and presented to students before work make evaluation more effective. Students' creative work measurement compared with other products helps to assess its novelty, originality and value. Moreover diagnostic measurement of students' creativity facilitates the forecasting of students' creative potential development and change of creative achievements' level in educational process.Key words: students' creativity, diagnostics, creative product, creativity measurement.
Boldyreva T.A. THE QUALITY OF LIFE AND SOME OBJECTIVE AND SUBJECTIVE FACTORS OF STUDENTS' LIFE CORRELATION (WITH THE EXAMPLE OF ORENBURG STATE UNIVERSITY)The article, based on the empirical study results describes the psychological structure of students' quality of life dependence on the objective conditions and subjective personality traits. The material well-being of a student empirical study data, his parent families, the individual parameters of the attitude to oneself, the dominant emotional states, self-assessment of health, the importance of life spheres and values have allowed the author to allocate the specific structure, the quality of life characteristic to the students.Key words: quality of life, semantic space, life values, individual life potential, adolescence.
Molokostova A.M., Iakimanskaya I.S. SOCIAL-PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF SAFETY EDUCATION ENVIRONMENT AND SUBJECTIVE WELL-BEING HELPING PROFESSIONALSThe article is devoted to the study of the components of psychological safety. Presents objective characteristics and conditions of psychological safety of organization, factors of psychological safety at the individual and organizational level, subjective characteristics and the group of workers that require psychological support. The article presents the results of a survey of teachers, education managers, psychologists and social workers, their evaluation of the organizational environment and personal objectives.Key words: helping professions, psychological safety of the environment, subjective well-being, mental health, personal potential and personal goals.
Pyryev E.A. EMOTIONS AND NEEDS IN THE PROFESSIONAL AND TRAINING ACTIVITY MOTIVATION OF HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS STUDENTSIn the article the comparative analysis of the motivational opportunity of emotions and needs is tentatively performed. The comparative analysis starts with the difference value and is continued in the practical pilot study. The motivational opportunities of emotions are checked on the effective operations of the professional and training activity indicator of higher education institutions students. Academic merits, efforts in professional training, students wish to study and to work in their field of expertise are reviewed as compositiveindicators. To carry the qualitative and quantitative analysis the test data were transferred in the form of a numerical value. Mathematical methods (including Student`s t-test and Pearson`s linear correlation) are also proving emotions to be key in the motivational activity. The Colour Association Test developed and approved by the author was used as the research method. The indicator of students need in study is assessed by students self-assessement based diagnostics. The pilot had found that correlation coefficient data connected with emotional attitude to study are higher then "need in study" data. Among the coefficient of "emotional attitude" (0,746; 0,231; 0,728; 0,618) only one is out of significance (0,231) whereas among the coefficient of the variable "need in study" (–0,269; –0,042; 0,552; 0,335) only one of the four — 0,552. The experiment to diagnose emotions and needs in ensuring effectiveness of the professional and training activities motivation of higher education institutions students proved the emotions to be key. But the study of the emotional motivation should be continued. As we see it, the comparative analysis of the value, participating in the motivation of activity will be representative for psychological theory and practice. Key words: emotions, needs, motivation, training and professional activity, emotional attitude.
Shcherbinina O.A. THE CATEGORY "RELATION" AND ANALYSIS OF THE INTERNAL POSITION OF THE PERSONALITYResearch of emotional and estimated function of an internal position of the identity of younger school students of four groups: typical (n = 82) — the I selection, with orientation to destructive actions in a situation of the conflict to adult (n = 37) — the II selection, with contemporaries (n = 42) — the III selection, conditionally asocial (consisting on the account at social teachers of schools in connection with admissions of lessons without valid excuse, escapes from the house, etc.) (n = 67) — the IV selection. Using modified by the author of a technique V. V. Abramenkova "If I was the wizard …" and L. V. Zubova "Deep interview „From 14 to 17”", it was succeeded to establish the main indicators of satisfaction with the personality with the taken objective position: existence or absence of requirement to change the available position; object of desirable changes (kid, adult, hero); the expected advantages of desirable change of the taken position (in systems of the relations, in the sphere of opportunities, duties, resources, etc.); the direction of changes of the relations in case of acceptance of a desirable position (improvement, deterioration, the termination). At the younger school students satisfied with the taken position the requirement to keep the available relations with adults is expressed; the choice of object of desirable changes is connected by them mainly with opportunity to expand a focus of interest, to give help to another. At the younger school students unsatisfied with the taken position, the requirement to improve the relations with adults dominates; the choice of object of desirable changes is connected by them mainly with opportunities to be enriched, be protected or do harm to another.Key words: internal position of the personality, objective position of the personality, relation of the personality, system of the relations.

Philological sciences

Banokina K.O., Temkina V.L. THE CONCEPT "FEAR" IN ENGLISH WORLD WAR I POETRYAnnotation. The investigation is connected with the concept "fear". The subject is the components, forming the interpretative field of the concept under investigation. The present paper focuses on the analysis of the lexemic realization methods and peculiarities of the concept "fear" in the "trench poetry". The authors also propose classification of all components included into the field of the concept "fear". Key words: concept, fear, "trench poetry", lexemic realization, classification.
Dmitrieva N.M., Zavadskaya A.V. THE ETHICAL CONTENT OF THE CONCEPTS OF "LIFE", "MIRACLE", "HAPPINESS" AND THEIR USE IN ADVERTISINGThe authors consider the ethical fullness of the concepts of "happiness", "miracle", "life", typical for the Russian mentality. The semantics of the concepts is analyzed in the lexical entries of Russian and Church Slavonic languages. The use of enumerated concepts is explored in the texts of modern advertising. Key words: concept, mentality, linguistic view of the world, ethical burden, connotation.

Philosophical sciences

Mishuchkov A.А. CATEGORICAL STATUS OF THE CONCEPT "DIALOGUE OF CIVILIZATIONS"The article discusses the concept of the semantic space of dialogue among civilizations in the context of different humanitarian discourses involved in the collision trends of globalization and traditionalism in the modern world. Reveals the essential relationship of terms "dialogue" and "civilization", critical reading of their definitions in connection with the implementation of the phenomena of moral substance communicativeness — refinement and humanization of man. A hypothesis is about the two models of "dialogue of civilizations" — liberal, supporting globalization trends and aliberal, anti-global, based on traditionalism and fundamentalism of religious and civilizational values. The author’s definition of the terms "dialogue of civilizations" are given in a broad sense and in relation to the two selected models of dialogue.Key words: dialogue of civilizations, dialogue, civilization, discourses of globalization, liberalism, forms of dialogue among civilizations, traditionalism, fundamentalism.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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