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February 2015, № 2 (177)

Dmitrieva N.M., Zavadskaya A.V. THE ETHICAL CONTENT OF THE CONCEPTS OF "LIFE", "MIRACLE", "HAPPINESS" AND THEIR USE IN ADVERTISINGThe authors consider the ethical fullness of the concepts of "happiness", "miracle", "life", typical for the Russian mentality. The semantics of the concepts is analyzed in the lexical entries of Russian and Church Slavonic languages. The use of enumerated concepts is explored in the texts of modern advertising. Key words: concept, mentality, linguistic view of the world, ethical burden, connotation.


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2.Vereshchagin E. M. Church Slavonic Literacy in Russia. Linguotextology Surveys. — M.: Indrik, 2001. — 608 p.

3. Vorkachev S.G. The Concept of Happiness: Conceptual and Figurative Components // Izvestiya of Russian Academy of Sciences. A series of literature and language — 2001. — V. 60, No. 6. — P. 47-58.

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5. Dmitrieva N. M. Influence of Ethically Relevant Vocabulary on the Formation of World // Philological Reading. Materials of International scientific-practical conference. — Orenburg: FGBOU VPO "OSIM", 2011. — P. 287-291.

6. Dmitrieva N. M. The Ethical Content of the Concept of "Happiness" in the Russian Linguistic View of the World // Herald of the Russian University of Friendship of Peoples. Series: Russian and foreign languages and methods of teaching. — 2013. — №. 4. — P. 12 — 19.

7. Dmitrieva N. M. The Ethical Burden of the Concepts of "Creativity" and "Thaumaturgics" in the Russian Linguistic View of the World // The Slavs in the Ethno-Cultural Space of the South Ural Region: materials of the Interregional scientific-practical conference devoted to the Day of Slavic writing and culture in the region. — Orenburg: OOO IPK "University", 2013. — 374. — P. 147 — 151.

8. Dyachenko G. Full Church Slavonic Dictionary. — M.: Otchiy Dom, 2001. — 720 p.

9. Zaliznyak A.A., Levontina I.B., Shmelev A.D. Key Ideas of the Russian Linguistic View of the World. Collection of Articles. M: Languages of Slavonic culture, 2005. — 540 p.

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About this article

Authors: Dmitrieva N.M., Zavadskaya A.V.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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