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February 2015, № 2 (177)

Kalashnikov N.V., Artemenko B.A. PEDAGOGICAL CONDITIONS OF FORMATION APPLIED AND PURE CREATIVE SKILLS IN SCHOOLCHILDRENThe article analyzes the ratio of federal state educational standards for general education area "Natural sciences" with the current legislation in the field of natural science, or rather, of ecological education of rising generation. Revealed that there is a contradiction between the requirements of the legislative framework in matters of continuing environmental education and general education standards, because the in the latter is given insufficient time to form nature-oriented person ready rationally relate to the environment. In order to resolve this contradiction is proposed to build the educational process through creativity, namely, through the formation of at schoolboys creative abilities in the natural sciences bioecooriented environment educational environment. The authors conducted an analysis of generic concepts of "creativity", "formation", "creative natural science skills" and proposes a new concept of "natural sciences formation of creative skills of the schoolboys". To implement the process of formation of creative natural sciences skill at schoolboys proposed pedagogical conditions that contribute to the successful becoming the child's personality ready for creative environmental activities. The first condition — is to create of educational environment bioecooriented environment together subject, information, and creative components of interpersonal relations. This condition is enforced in the course of creating of components bioecooriented environment. The second condition — culture creative educational technology of natural sciences creative abilities of students. Third pedagogical condition — the organization of interaction with the subjects of the educational process (teachers, parents, social partners), which provides natural sciences formation of creative abilities in students. The proposed pedagogical conditions allow you to create a holistic the educational organization bioecooriented educational environment aimed at forming a natural sciences creative abilities in schoolboys that contribute to the harmonious development of nature-oriented personality. Key words: pedagogical conditions, creative skills, creative skills and pure, bioecooriented environment.


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About this article


Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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