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February 2015, № 2 (177)

Shadrina I.M. TEACHER'S MORAL LITERACYThe spiritual renewal of society for people seeking edification to enrich human values is a moral law, which becomes a fact in overcoming generated mixed socio-economic changes of values crisis, leading to the loss of their moral evidence, not a person's ability to distinguish where there is good and where evil, where there is good, and where the benefits. One of the necessary conditions for the spiritual renewal of society is moral literacy of teachers as the possession of knowledge about morality, about the teaching of morality, the values that form the core of his moral culture that justify (the knowledge) the moral choice of a teacher; command of the morality language, moral education methods, ethics education, ways of their resolution and the students moral issues, the relationship between them (knowledge and methods, techniques) provides an understanding of the relationship between themselves and the students who have the space of morality. In a space like that the moral concepts of good and evil, honor and dignity, justice and mercy, etc. "move", values that sanctify moral choice of a teacher. This paper is aimed to study the problem of moral literacy of teachers, the concept of which should be considered appropriate and necessary for the pedagogical theory and practice. The concept development of "moral literacy of a teacher" is based on a tradition that is stored and it broadcasts ideas, attitudes and customs by the culture. We discuss the concept of "literacy". It is proposed to define the concept of "moral literacy of a teacher", and the structure of moral literacy of a teacher as a component of its moral culture is revealed: 1) knowledge of morality, teaching morality; terms of cultural studies; values that form the core of moral culture of a teacher; methods of moral education and ethical education where there is an introduction of students to moral values; 2) Comprehension as knowledge understanding and moral relations that emerge between students and a teacher, where moral culture of a teacher appears. It is proved that comprehension within the process when a preservice teacher masters the knowledge, the reflection of its process makes the meaning of knowledge "visible", which is (the meaning) a context of comprehension.Key words: teacher, moral literacy, moral knowledge, understanding, reflexivity, structure.


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About this article

Author: Shadrina I.M.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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