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February 2015, № 2 (177)

Kobseva N.I. PROCEDURAL MODEL OF BECOMING OF NATURAL SCIENCE IMAGE OF THE WOLD OF MODERN STUDENTS UNIVERSITY Analysis of the understanding of the image of the world in the context of pedagogical science reveals a fundamentally new problem situation is not so much a system of pedagogical knowledge as a whole educational environment of the university. On the teacher puts great responsibility — in the becoming of modern university student's personal neoplasm's "The image of the world" with the activation of emotion-value orientation of the individual. In this methodological basis, permeating all elements of the educational mechanism acts axiological approach that values relationships entangle all spheres of human activity, the transition of personal needs in human values and reflect the core of becoming an integral and valuable scientific outlook of university students. The process of becoming rich in structure, content, since it includes both development and formation, but the formation is the highest phase of a qualitatively new form is characterized by the subject of cognition. Analyzing the implementation of the formation of natural scientific image of the world of university students, we have designed a procedural model for the formation of the phenomenon, based on testing that went to the isolation of us in the course of the experiment pedagogical conditions of this mechanism. Procedural model of formation of natural science images of the world is a complex integrative design, involving the students in the whole process of attitude, worldview, outlook on the basis of the actualization of emotion-valuable relation to scientific knowledge, scientific research which reflects the historical types of scientific rationality. Thus, the procedural model of the formation of natural scientific image of the world is structured in the context of axiological approach and presented in the form of the relationship of three blocks: basic, basic and evaluation. The model is a single axis in the form of criteria and indicators of level, which is the fundamental basis of psycho-pedagogical specificity of discipline "Concepts of modern science" and a number of pedagogical principles that reflect the ideological ideas of natural-scientific picture of the world. The top of the model expresses the emergence of the phenomenon, which is realized through the introduction of pedagogical conditions in the educational process.Key words: process, Image of the world, becoming, university student, model, natural history.


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About this article

Author: Kobzeva N.I.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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