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February 2015, № 2 (177)

Gladkikh V.G., Vanchinova O.V. PEDAGOGICAL CONDITIONS OF FORMATION OF RESEARCH ABILITIES FUTURE SPECIALISTS NURSINGThe article described pedagogical conditions of formation of research abilities of the future specialist nursing. In recent decades, undertaken modernization of practical public health determined the new format requirements for activities nurse. In this context, the traditional functions supplemented willingness to research work in medical institutions of various types and profiles. The urgency of the problem of formation of research skills of students in training nurses due to the requirements of society and the needs of employers in the specialists capable of effectively engaging in research in public health practice. In this regard, to the fore the problem associated with the ability to assess the situation from the perspective of the researcher to approach the solution of professional circumstances, using scientific knowledge exploratory nature. In our opinion, pedagogical conditions are a necessary link in the preparation of specialist nursing, for their effective implementation contributes to a need for research, strategy development research cooperation, mastery needed to develop a research project knowledge and skills. Study of the problem of formation of research skills, according to the specifics of our research it possible to distinguish the following pedagogical conditions conducive to the formation of the test quality of the future specialist nursing: an exploded formation purposes of teaching and professional activities, targeted saturation disciplines jobs exploratory nature, the implementation of a research project in educational and professional activities that can be used to improve the training of future professionals of nursing.Key words: research skills, pedagogical conditions, specialist nursing, the formation of research abilities.


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About this article

Authors: Gladkih V.G., Vanchinova O.V.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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