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February 2015, № 2 (177)

Sakharova N.S., Tomin V.V. UNIVERSITY STUDENTS POLYETHNIC COMPETENCE DEVELOPMENT DURING CROSS-CULTURAL INTERACTION The internal and external factors that can influence cross-cultural interaction, either providing or preventing its' realization, are analyzed in the article. One of such factors is, for example, personal characteristics of the interaction participants, among which a very special attention is paid to the national conscience and self-conscience. Ethnic self-conscience is a phenomenon that is constantly being in the state of transformations and changes, and that is formed under the impact of the acquiring knowledge and evaluation system, allowing a person to act as a full member of cross-cultural interaction. Using the axiological approach, authors note that ability and readiness of a person to enter the cross-cultural interaction has at least 3 stages: evaluative orientation, evaluative self-orientation and evaluative interaction as such. The article comprises different definitions of "polyethnic or cross-cultural competence" of university students. Being the condition of effective cross-cultural interaction, and at the same time, its' result, the polyethnic competence of students implies practical application and realization of knowledge ground, theoretical norms, rules and categories in cultural and social spheres in order to set a communicative channel and mutual understanding with the representatives of different ethnic groups and cultural communities. In order to define the mechanisms of cross-cultural competence development, there is its' component structure emphasized and described in the article, including cognitive, axiological and praxeological elements, though their boundaries are vague in reality and have rather idealized character. Authors arrive to the conclusion that students cross-cultural (polyethnic) competence is an intricate system anthropocentrically directed, which is characterized by total of axiological, cognitive and operational aspects, having the following dynamic properties: formation, functionality and development. Process of cross-cultural competence development comprises personal transformation by means of gradual reformation of cognitive and evaluative properties of an individual in the current real space and time dimension and is stipulated by changing succession of diverse phases, stages and levels. Key words: cross-cultural competence, polyethnic competence, ethnic self-conscience, cross-cultural interaction, evaluative orientation, development phases.


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About this article

Authors: Saharova N.S., Tomin V.V.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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