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February 2015, № 2 (177)

Pyryev E.A. EMOTIONS AND NEEDS IN THE PROFESSIONAL AND TRAINING ACTIVITY MOTIVATION OF HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS STUDENTSIn the article the comparative analysis of the motivational opportunity of emotions and needs is tentatively performed. The comparative analysis starts with the difference value and is continued in the practical pilot study. The motivational opportunities of emotions are checked on the effective operations of the professional and training activity indicator of higher education institutions students. Academic merits, efforts in professional training, students wish to study and to work in their field of expertise are reviewed as compositiveindicators. To carry the qualitative and quantitative analysis the test data were transferred in the form of a numerical value. Mathematical methods (including Student`s t-test and Pearson`s linear correlation) are also proving emotions to be key in the motivational activity. The Colour Association Test developed and approved by the author was used as the research method. The indicator of students need in study is assessed by students self-assessement based diagnostics. The pilot had found that correlation coefficient data connected with emotional attitude to study are higher then "need in study" data. Among the coefficient of "emotional attitude" (0,746; 0,231; 0,728; 0,618) only one is out of significance (0,231) whereas among the coefficient of the variable "need in study" (–0,269; –0,042; 0,552; 0,335) only one of the four — 0,552. The experiment to diagnose emotions and needs in ensuring effectiveness of the professional and training activities motivation of higher education institutions students proved the emotions to be key. But the study of the emotional motivation should be continued. As we see it, the comparative analysis of the value, participating in the motivation of activity will be representative for psychological theory and practice. Key words: emotions, needs, motivation, training and professional activity, emotional attitude.


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About this article

Author: Pyryev E.A.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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