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February 2015, № 2 (177)

Kirovа G.F. ON THE FORMATION OF THE COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE OF THE FUTURE JURISTThe development of the relationships between government, organizations and citizens, the increasing requirements of the customers, their claims, the credibility of the legal action of a lawyer requires more extensive use of various ways of speech activity. Therefore, the question of the communicative training of lawyers acquires the aspects, therefore, the different communicative quality training determines the success of a lawyer in any discipline. Under the competence implies a meaningful synthesis of theoretical and empirical knowledge, presented in the form of concepts, principles, the meaning of the provisions. Currently developing communicative competence involves a wide variety of media and forms of education under the Federal state educational standards. The implementation of this process is possible only if the following pedagogical conditions that could have a direct impact on the future establishment of a lawyer, to assist teachers in certain disciplines already in the Junior years to prepare communicative adequate master of words, which in the future will be able to fully meet the demands of modern society in terms of their training. In axiological approach the person appears as the Supreme goal of society and the goal of social development and the educational process as expanded reproduction of social and cultural experience, directs the activities of the universal, national, and professional values, and a specialist on the awareness of the values of their profession. Empirical research method to address the problem of communicative competence, the study of complex situations, problems of law students, was to conduct a survey among students, processing the results, the analysis of the results, findings and conclusion, defining the direction in the learning process in the formation of communicative competence of future lawyers. The study found that the greatest difficulty in their professional activities future lawyers experienced in the area of communicative competence and at the same time they put her on the first place in achieving a high level of his legal career. For the qualitative formation of communicative competence of future lawyers need to effectively combine the theoretical part of the training material with practical. The formation of the communicative competence of students to carry out continuously, starting with the first course, within the discipline of psycho-pedagogical cycle. Great value in helping students assigned to the professional level of teachers and quality of teaching in the universities.Key words: communication, competence, lawyer, law, legal structure of speech communication.


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About this article


Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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