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February 2015, № 2 (177)

Polkina S.N. FEATURES OF THE CONTENT OF LITERARY EDUCATION IN SCHOOLS IN THE CONTEXT OF DIFFERENT APPROACHESTraditionally the leading role in spiritual and moral, emotional, esthetic development of the school student, in his familiarizing with the world of culture is assigned to literature. This circumstance causes inclusion in the content of school literary education as obligatory components of fundamental concepts, ideas, the facts from area of the theory and history of literature, a certain list of works of folklore, the Russian and world literature. Such content of literary education is developed within the widely adopted znaniyevo-focused approach which specifics are shown that broadcasting by the teacher to the pupil of a set of the systematized scientific knowledge, necessary skills is the basis for educational process at school. However transformations in economic, political, sociocultural spheres of development of the Russian society entailed change of requirements to education which is entrusted with the common cultural and personal development of pupils. Therefore now there was actual a problem connected with development of the new theoretical bases for formation of the content of education. New approaches in training assume such organization of educational process which promotes formation of the identity of the school student during vigorous independent educational activity, assists preparation of the younger generation for life in modern society. Competence-based approach is one of the approaches focused on achievement of new result of training. It should be noted that realization of training in literature on the basis of competence-based approach was complicated for a number of reasons from which are distinguished lack of the coordinated position on definition of the concept "competence" and the list of kompetentnost as result of training, complexity of estimation of the formed kompetentnost that limits possibility of receiving the new result designated from a development position, but not from a training position. Considerable updating of the content of education is possible on the basis of the activity approach guaranteeing achievement of the expected result. However, in our opinion, to questions of formation of the activity content of literary education it is insufficiently given now attention that staticizes need of carrying out research for this direction.Key words: the content of literary education, knowledge-based approach, competence-based approach, activity approach, educational activity, an educational situation.


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About this article


Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

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