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№ 3 (178), 17 march 2015


Ahmedyanova G.F., Pishchukhin A.M DESIGNING EDUCATIONAL ROUTE IN THE SPACE OF COMPETENCESThe conceptual basis of modern educational process is competence-based approach. Considering competence as inter-integrated quality, based on the core competencies can be considered to be its particular level as a point in multidimensional space,on coordinates which delayed the levels of the components of competencies. In this space region competent bachelor, in accordance with the require-ments of the educational standard, will be clearly delineated planes normal to the coordinate axes, located on levels of competencies sufficient to assign the appropriate qualification requirements. This means that is known in advance of the target region, which should lead the student educational process. By how closely the direction of change the level of competent performance, stemming from the educational process with the use of concrete pedagogical means to a beam directed to the target area can be judged on the effectiveness of pedagogical tools. It is clear that a quantitative assessment of the effectiveness of educational technology can be set to any two of the following criteria: guide cosine of the angle between the directions described above, in the guise of a projection of changes in the beam directed to the target area or the absolute value of these changes. Since the construction of the educational process on the ideal educational tool leading level of competence of the learner strictly on target beam unbelievable, it is necessary to build zigzag educational route with a choice of the most effective pedagogical tools. Gaining the necessary statistics, you can identify the space of competency efficiency of all used pedagogical tools. The educational process takes place in the interval mode, so changing pedagogical tools must be timed to the moment of change intervals. Thus, the multidimensional space of competencies is a convenient tool for designing educational route. He is based on real changes in the level of competence of the learner in the educational process with the selected pedagogical tool that allows you to choose an adequate pedagogical tools that have the highest efficiency under given conditions, that is, optimization is more educational route.Key words: educational route, competence, competency, efficiency of pedagogical tools
Polkina S.N. GOAL-SETTING IN THE CONTEXT OF ACTIVITY APPROACH TO TRAINING IN LITERATURE AT SCHOOL Orientation of all educational process to the diagnosed purposes which are formulated as the educational results presented in actions of pupils became the main feature of creation of training on the basis of activity approach. In this situation the great value gets research of process of a goal-setting in the educational activity including joint activity of the teacher and pupils. It should be noted that ability of statement of the purpose isn't formed spontaneously in development of the person, it is result of specially organized training therefore development of a technique of training in a goal-setting as teachers, and pupils becomes one of actual problems of modern pedagogical science and educational practice. In structure of activity, including to detection of specifics of a goal-setting in educational activity, to disclosure of features of statement of the purpose in joint activity of the teacher and pupils, development of separate aspects of development of ability of a goal-setting in school students numerous works of psychologists and teachers are devoted to studying of features of a goal-setting. However at all variety of the works devoted to goal-setting problems it is possible to note that methodical aspects of development of this ability in the context of realization of activity approach to training in literature at school are investigated insufficiently. Therefore, necessary are an analysis of the available experience of the solution of the revealed problem and development of an evidence-based technique of development of ability of a goal-setting in educational activity at literature lessons.Key words: activity approach, goal-setting, educational activity, literature lesson, problematic issue, problem situation.

Historical sciences

Zhivotova A.N., Khazheeva I.V. THE FATE OF THE REPRESSED TEACHERS, STUDENTS AND STAFF OF TYUMEN PEDAGOGICAL INSTITUTE IN 1930-THTyumen State Pedagogical Institute, founded in 1930, became one of the main centers of political life Tyumen. The staff and students had a certain influence on the inhabitants of the city. In this regard, the staff of the Institute were constantly under the control of the party organs and were arrested in the second half of the 1930s. They were accused of anti-Soviet propaganda, espionage, wrecking activities. The teaching staff of the Institute suffered a serious loss, bereft of competent teachers and scientists. These include: Gregory Tarasovich Ogibenin — head of the Department of chemistry, Yuri Petrovich Iordansky — head of the Department of geography, Natalia Ilyinichna Grigorieva — teacher of Russian language, Pavel Ivanovich Selikhov — teacher of physics, Nikolay Markovich Nikolov — teacher of dialectical materialism, Tatiana Alexandrovna Bureva, Alexander Alexandrovich Vikhrov, etc. The documents show the injustice of the charges and punishments awarded in those years. The sentences were passed in mass, and on the consideration of one case the prisoner was gone about a minute. Often in cases lacked these accusations prove the guilt of the accused persons — witnesses and documents, and if there was, it did not contain any serious arguments for sentencing, which led to their subsequent rehabilitation. The main guilt of the faculty, staff and students of the pedagogical Institute, according to documentary evidence, was connected with the circumstances of their past life. These included service in the white army, refugee status or fist-deprived, mere belonging to the clergy and non-Bolshevik parties. Managed to avoid arrest those who for various reasons left the Institute, changed his place of residence or work. The repressions of the 1930-s claimed the lives of many faculty, staff and students of the University, as members of the party and non-party, and caused considerable damage to the formation and development of the young University.Key words: repression, pedagogical staff, higher education in the 1930-s, political purges, "the great terror", the fate of the repressed, Tyumen State Pedagogical Institute, Tyumen state University.
Iskhakov R.R. LAND USE REGULATION INSIDE BAPTIZED TATAR LAND COMMUNE VOLGA-URAL REGION IN LATE XIX — EARLY XX CENTURYOf particular importance in the social and economic life of the baptized tatars of the rural population in the second half of XIX — early XX century. Had the regulation of property relations in land and land use within the community. By study the distribution of land holdings they were allocated land redividing periodically to which the bulk of the crop areas, grasslands and forests and areas excluded from processing. Land was distributed to registered males souls or tax. Steam was predominant grain farming system with three-field crop rotation. Until the second half of the XIX century. have baptized Tatars there was no clear chronological period redistribution of public lands. He could range from a few to 25 years. Since the 1880s. more and more farmers are moving toward an equalizing system of land distribution on cash souls of men. Some adjustments to the tradition of communal land tenure made Stolypin agrarian reform, as a result of conduct which in some villages there were individual farms have broken a close relationship with rural communities. Despite these local changes up to the revolutionary events of 1917 have baptized tatars continued to dominate the collective, communal ownership of land.Key words: history of the Russian peasantry, customary law, the history of the baptized tatars land relations in the Volga-Urals.
Puchina T. A. SYSTEM CHINOPROIZVODSTVA "PRIMARY PEOPLE" SERVITORS COSSACKS IN THE CITIES OF BELGOROD DISCHARGE IN THE XVII CENTURYThe article deals with the historical and social aspects of the evolution of military service under "Devices" in the Moscow State in XVII century. Affected by poorly studied in Russian historiography issues of organizational structure and functioning of policemen military servicemen corporations Cossacks in the process of public policy development of the South Russian territories. The features of the formation of the officer corps "instrument of service" in the cities of Belgorod regiment. Of particular interest attracted the case of the award to the "initial position" to Sagittarius and regimental Cossacks (petitions on the appointment with tales about the service, track records of applicants for jobs from Archer's orders), the approval of petitions for Chieftain positions petitions of the "award affairs" and others documents that are in the collections of the discharge order RGADA for the period 1688-1697 years. System chinoproizvodstva "primary people" Russian troops took into account especially social class structure of Muscovy. Device public service "on the device" had traditional for Russian society decimal system, which correspond to grades "primary people": the head of the order (instrument) — Centurion — Pentecostals — foremen — ordinary. Material basis for the existence of Russian troops has long been the manorial system. Of the variety of types of "instrument of service" in the article the history of "Cossack life" in the cities of Belgorod fence features previously not an independent subject of study. The variety of categories and different jurisdiction servitors Cossacks caused socio-economic, geopolitical reasons, as well as the consequences of repeated attempts to reorganize the troops of Muscovy during XVI–XVII centuries. Difficulties in introducing innovations in the organizational structure of the policemen Cossacks caused by the dual position of servitor — on the one hand of a warrior, are required to regularly service, on the other — small landowner-freeholders, subordinate to the agricultural cycle. Introduced innovations have been forced to adapt to the peculiar conditions of functioning of the Russian army, gradually paving the way for radical reforms of the Petrine era. Key words: Muscovy; the sovereign Service "Devices"; Cossack service; category servitors Cossacks: regimental guard, stanitsa, Belomestny Cossacks Local chieftains; "Initial people" instrument of service in the cities of Belgorod regiment: the head and the captains of musketeers and Cossacks chieftains, captains; militarization of life and service, service settlement.

Humanitarian sciences

Zhavoronkova T.V. THE USE OF THE INTERNET BY TERRORIST AND EXTREMIST Internet today is a universal means of communication and exchange of information between people located anywhere in the world. Undoubted advantages of the Internet are the possibility of a wide audience coverage; high speed and avalanche information dissemination; the opportunity to conduct an anonymous illegal activity. However last decade has witnessed a threatening trend as the orientation of terrorist organizations in the Internet space. There are up to 10 thousand extremist electronic platforms, over 500 of which — Russian-speaking. The objectives of the terrorists on the Internet are advertising their activities, promotion of terrorist ideology, intimidation and misinformation, maintaining interaction within the terrorist organization and counter enemy promotion. Information resources contributing to the development of extremism and terrorism can be divided into four groups: websites directly spreading the ideas of separatism and extremism; websites calling for terrorist activities; resources inciting xenophobia on the basis of nationality or race; reference websites. The Internet gives a great opportunity to form "autonomous cells" to youth associations terrorist orientation in virtual space. There are the ideological work, management of terrorist groups, charges of money for their existence and the recruitment of new members. In addition to websites created by terrorist organizations the Internet communication platform for interaction between terrorists and potential members are pages in social networks, blogs and copyrights online forums, expert pages. Extremists do not leave without attention and actively use in their criminal purposes known video portals. There are hundreds available free videos promoting the idea of "Jihad". Is spreading among extremist youths flash mob. Thus, over the past ten years the terrorist organizations firmly established in all segments of the Internet and use it as the main tool for the dissemination of their ideas.Key words: Internet, terrorist and extremist activities, the ideology of terrorism, advocacy of extremist ideology.

Social sciences

Repina T.A. ECOLOGICALMIGRATION: THEESSENCEOF THE PHENOMENON AND PATTERNSAuthor this article draw an analysis the phenomenon of ecological migration — form factors and cause, diversity and peculiarity. Author to propose a method grouping reasons to formed of ecological migration stream for simplification further to study this problem. Author in this article have ground presence a bond between behavior of ecological migration and cause their migration. Author thought what if social protection bodies take into consideration this bond, be rise effective social adaptation of ecological migration.Key words: key characters ecological misfortune, ecological migration, migration stream, social behavior model, ecological crisis, accept society, ecological conditions, ecological migration adaptation.

Philological sciences

Kochetova M.G. FOREIGN ACCENT SYNDROME AS A FACTOR OF LANGUAGE VARIATIONThe article focuses on language variation. It may be due to several factors, among them — a foreign accent syndrome which gives rise to a systemic change in specific phonological segments of native speech. Foreign accent occurs subsequent to psychosis and/or lesions in the left hemisphere and its malfunction which may result from brain injury, multiple sclerosis, etc. The speech is strongly accented, which is detected by both: the speaker and the listener. The accent is postulated to be due to changes in accentuation of syllables, pauses and vocal stress. The article describes cases of native English-speaking Americans who took on British accent concurrent with their psychotic symptomatology. They had foreign accents during the times their psychotic symptoms were worse. Usually, the accent is one to which the speaker has never been exposed in the past. Its linguistic, paralinguistic and psychosocial components are still to be further investigated. As the only manifestation of the syndrome is language change, it may produce false impression of one's nationality, cultural background and education — everything that relates to language and is reflected in it. The accent may persist changing the language and thus having impact on one's self-identification, mental state and many spheres of one's life. Key words: accent, language, brain, foreign accent syndrome
Matyash S.A. ABOUT RELATION OF FOLKLORE AND LITERARY TRADITIONS IN THE "BOOK ABOUT A COMBATANT" OF A.TVARDOVSKY "VASILY TERKIN"Researchers who analyzed the traditional sources of the "Book about a Combatant" (poem) "Vasiliy Terkin" rightly take into account both folklore and literary traditions. Talking about these traditions analysts were analyzing specifics of verse — metrical form, rhyme, strophes, sounds. The author of this articles proposes and justifies the necessity to analyze the correlation of these two traditions and suggests that analysis of enjambements will help in this process. Enjambements in this poem didn't draw the attention of any researcher so far. Russian folk poetry does not use enjambements at all, therefore presence of them in the "Book about a Combatant" proves the strong influence of literary tradition. The author of this article analyzed frequency and structure of enjambements with few parameters and compared the results with similar data in Russian poems of XIX-XX century, which allowed to see that Tvardovsky was inspired by epic poetry of Pushkin's and post-Pushkins' era. The author also performed the analysis of lexis of enjambements, using stylistics data in vocabularies, which allowed to reveal one of the mechanisms of links between folk and literary traditions. Key words: Tvardovsky A.T., "Vasiliy Terkin", folk tradition, Russian classical poetry tradition, theory of verse, enjambement, lexis.

Philosophical sciences

Kolesnikova I.V. ASTHETIC AS A PRECONDITION FOR THE SUCCESSFUL DEVELOPMENT OF WIND ENERGY. In this article, the author identified and analyzed visualization rules that will ensure the aesthetic unity in the local concentration of wind turbines as a stand-alone and clustered. Based on the analysis the author came to the conclusion that compliance with these rules will avoid a number of aesthetic problems and have a positive impact on the formation and development of the wind power industry.Key words: wind power, wind turbine, aesthetic, landscape, rules visualization environment.
Kolomiets G.G., Voropaeva Y.P. ETHICS OF HUMAN DIGNITY: NEW TIMEThe ethics of human dignity seems a bare issue of our time. The article gives a reinterpretation of ethical category of "human dignity" in moral philosophy of new time and in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the main trend of this philosophy is the theoretical justification of ascent of human dignity, considered in antitheses of ethical rationalism, substantial pantheism, empiricism, sentimentalism, refined selfishness, altruistic naturalism, transcendentalism. The article notes that in the modern philosophy a human dignity is understood in the context of responsible implementation of human creativity, which is aimed to benefit of human existence, to the development of civilization and cultural processes, generic human identity, awareness of personal significance. There are Descarte's moral philosophy of rationalism and Spinoza's philosophy of pantheism. It's pointed that in the ethics of another approach, on empirical basis — ethics of "moral sense", or ethical sentimentalism, typical to English philosophers of Enlightenment great importance is attached to feelings, consciousness of self-esteem, individual expression of human qualities, personal moral worth of man, which is aimed to the individual good and good of the human race. Herewith morality, based on a moral sense and moral qualities of human nature, puts forward the sense consciousness of subject (Shaftesbury, D. Hume, D. Diderot). It's marked a critical opinion at Kant's problem. Criticizing eudemonism and utilitarianism in ethics from the perspective of unlimited kindness, free moral choice, I. Kant justifies absolute moral value of human dignity. In native Kant Studies there's a value of I. Kant's philosophy in the modern world in the light of absolute moral values of human studies of the prevailing situation of the human mind in correlation with the moral law and the value of man as a subject of the moral law. It's presented rethinking views by I.G. Fichte on human dignity in terms of contradictions subjective idea of man and his activities, activity in the current context of globalization.Key words: ethics of new time, human dignity or dignity of human, Descartes, Spinoza, Shaftesbury, Hume, Diderot, Kant, Fichte.
MishuchkovА.А. TRADITIONAL VALUES IN GLOBALIZING WORLDOne of the fundamental contradictions of modernity between traditional values of civilization and postcivilizational unconventional values of the globalizing world is described in the article. Russian civilization development strategy depends on the choice of civil society and government — liberal or illiberal value paradigms.Key words: traditional values, globalization, civilization, conflict of values, cultural policy, religious discourse, tradition
Hadzharov M.H. GLOBAL SOCIOCULTURAL PROCESSES AND SPIRITUAL SAFETY OF RUSSIAIn article problems of deformation of cultural wealth are considered. In the context of change of social reality the intrinsic characteristic of ideology of globalization is on a global scale given. Problems of transformation of cultural values under the influence of globalization processes are investigated. Negative результаты of this process which are reflected in spiritual safety of Russia are revealed. Key words: Western world, globalization, democracy, sovereignty, spirituality, cultural values, safety.
Shcherbakov D. A. IDEAL BEING OF THE PASTArticle is devoted to research of the ontologic bases of understanding of historical reality. The author considers a problem of forms of existence of past social reality. It is shown, that one of the forms of existence of past social reality is its existence in the form of ideas, knowledge and representations. It is admitted, that the historical reality is multidimensional reality. It is formed by three spheres of being: being of the material nature, being of consciousness and world of ideas, being of society. The assumption of possibility of actual existence of components of past social reality in the present is made. The course of a solution of this problem includes consideration and the analysis of ontologic structure of historical reality, detection of characteristics and living conditions of its spheres, their interconnection and relations, ways of their existence. Using methods of the system analysis, formal logic and phenomenology, the author reveals the ontologic bases of the statement about actual existence of the past in the present. As such bases the invariance of form and content of historical texts, their partial independence from characteristics of their material carriers and consciousness of people, admitting the fact of existence of relationships of cause and effect between the phenomena, continuity processes of cultural development are revealed. The carried-out analysis revealed and explained the constituting role of ideas in historical reality. The author comes to a conclusion about actual, but fragmentary existence of past social reality in the present in the forms of ideas, knowledge and representations. It is shown that spiritual components of historical reality exist as text form and content. It is revealed that the ideas making contents of the historical text are unchangeable and, so, the indestructible components of the past reality which reached us by means of the carrier — the text. The statement is proved that the invariance and self-identity of spiritual components of historical reality creates unity of past, present and future its states. The author concludes, that understanding of ideas and a form of the text, thinking out of author's thought is existence of the past in the present.Key words: being, reality, ontology, past, ideas, text, time.


Volosova N. SOME DISCUSSION ABOUT THE CLERIC'S SEAL OF CONFESSION AND WITNESS IMMUNITY IN CRIMINAL PROCEDURE.In the article is considered the issue of cleric participation regulation in criminal-procedural relations and his lodgment of witness immunity. The author concludes that current procedural law regulates the problem inconsistently, without taking present time realis into consideration. Particularly, it is emphasized, that not all creeds have sacrament of communion and therefore the seal of confession. The author also reveals other legislative lacunas, which it is offered to solve through respective amendments to article 56 of CPC RF. Key words: the seal of confession, cleric's witness immunity, refusal to testify, religious organizations.
Kamardina A.A. FEATURES OF APPLICATION OF THE MEASURE OF RESTRAINT IN THE FORM OF DETENTION CONCERNING MINORS OF ACCUSED (SUSPECTS)In article features of application concerning the minor suspects (accused) of a measure of restraint in the form of detention are considered. The author analysed the international normative legal acts, the criminal procedure legislation, and also opinions of scientists-protsessualistov concerning election and application of this measure of restraint. The special attention is paid to exceptional circumstances which are considered at purpose of a measure of restraint — detention, ways of improvement of the criminal procedure legislation regulating an order of election and application of the specified measure of restraint concerning minors are offered.Key words: minor; detention; measure of restraint; the circumstances which are subject to proof; exceptional circumstances.
Konovalov V.A. FEATURES OF COUNTERACTION OF CORRUPTION IN LEGISLATIVE AUTHORITIES OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION The first manifestation of corruption in legislative authority, and both on time (sequence), and on importance, is personnel, or, by B. L. Vishnevsky's definition "electoral corruption". Its key forms — use by the candidate of an administrative resource, including mass media, bribery of the bodies providing legality of electoral process, and also technology of bribery of voters. Speaking about political responsibility, it is necessary to notice: the representative power in many respects lost today lines public, that is controlled by society, the authorities. The political mechanism practically excludes direct collision of the people's deputy with voters. To participate in elections, it is necessary to enter one of popular parties, to pass "coordination" and you will pass automatically if such decision is made, that is without direct participation of the voter. According to the experts, in the country supreme legislative body, the State Duma, naboly significant manifestations of corruption settle down in the following hierarchy: lobbying of interests of various commercial structures, combination by deputies of the State Duma of the post with occupation by business; transfer of duties and functions of lawmaking of executive power; braking of adoption of laws and legal acts of an anti-corruption orientation; corruption mediation; "trade" in deputy inquiries; lobbying of corruptogenic precepts of law. In legislature of subjects of the Russian Federation the processes similar with above-mentioned, adjusted for locality of action of precepts of law are observed. Corruption arrangements concerning municipal orders to these or those structures with the subsequent payment of some sum from the used municipal means are the most large-scale article of the corruption income of the corrupted deputies of municipal legislature. In large municipalities these means are very great, and for them there is a fight between various groups. Corruption in legislative authorities very serious phenomenon menacing to an economic solvency of the state and national securityKey words: Legislative authorities, corruption, bribery, national security, state, Executive power, lobbying, commercial structures.
Letuta T.V. ALTERNATIVE WAYS OF CIVIL DISPUTE RESOLUTION IN ORENBURG REGION: HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT PROSPECTS Historical aspects of arbitration, verbal and conscience courts in Orenburg region are described from the time of government's official formation. Possible background of such courts formation and examples of its practice are considered on the basis of archival materials. A certain similarity in the methods of dispute resolution is observed. Statistical analysis of general jurisdiction court in Orenburg region, arbitration court of Orenburg region as well as courts' practice of Samara region and Kazakhstan Republic allowed finding out a low demand for conciliation and arbitration proceedings at the present time. Presumable reasons for nonoccurrence of alternative way of dispute resolution in pre-revolutionary and modern Russia are presented. A general analysis of proposed changes in draft law concerning arbitration courts in Russian Federation in comparison with pre-revolutionary legislation (according it an arbitration court decision was enforced on a regular basis) is carried out. It is offered to give a special consideration to the legislation of Kazakhstan Republic regarding alternative methods of dispute resolution, whereas historical trade between Asian and Russian merchants had particular importance. Author formed conclusion concerning necessity of government control displacement, proposed in draft law, from the moment of arbitration institution's formation and arbitration proceedings to the stage of obtaining the status of arbitrator. It is claimed that draft law does not consider the historical aspect in legal regulation of alternative ways for dispute resolution in Russian pre-revolutionary and Soviet legislation. The paper suggested that regional arbitration courts will not be developed appropriately in case of legislative control's hardening by state on the stage of arbitration institution formation and during the arbitration proceedings. Key words: arbitration court, mediation, judicial practice, legislation reforming.
Mishchenko E.V. REALIZATION OF THE PRINCIPLE OF RESPECT OF HONOUR AND DIGNITY OF THE PERSONALITY IN PRODUCTION ON APPLICATION OF COERCIVE MEASURES OF MEDICAL CHARACTERIn science of criminal trial the question is actual, whether realization in criminal legal proceedings a number of the principles which are directly concerning the identity of the participant of the criminal trial having a mental disorder and, in particular, the principle enshrined in аrt. 9 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation "Respect of honor and dignity of the personality" is subject. First of all the problem is put forward by absence of uniform treatment of concept of the personality, and her contents were and remain a subject of scientific discussion. The general concept of the personality covers, first of all, the specific person, the individual having own consciousness, outlook, installations, the principles, character, a place in social life of society and legal status. At the legal level of structure of the personality, the person having a mental disorder is a personality. Legal status of such persons admits special and is provided with the state by means of necessary guarantees, one them which the respect of their honor and advantage is. According to the conceptual provision of the principle concerning respect of honor and dignity of the personality it is forbidden to carry out actions and to make proceeding decisions which would humiliate honor of the participant of criminal legal proceedings, and also its human dignity. Of course, at the person having a mental disease, the advantage and honor fully can't be shown, however the Constitution of the Russian Federation in аrt. 21 proclaimed situation according to which "The dignity of the personality is protected by the state. Nothing can be the basis for its derogation" (p.1). So, the person concerning whom production about application of coercive measures of medical character is conducted agrees p.1 аrt. 437 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, has the right personally to carry out the procedural laws belonging to it if a mental state it allows it. In it respect of the state for the persons having a mental disorder and who made socially dangerous act is shown. Besides, the person can give explanations, declare petitions and branches to participants of process, to produce the evidence, etc. The principle of respect of honor and dignity of the personality provides also situation according to which participants of criminal legal proceedings can't be exposed to violence, tortures, ill treatment. The special relation is deserved thus by mentally sick persons. Thus, the principle of respect of honor and dignity of the personality extends on all participants of criminal legal proceedings.Key words: the personality, the person having a mental disorder, coercive measures of medical character, legal status, honor, advantage.
Nikiforova Kh.P. THE SUBJECT OF JUDICIAL CONTROL OVER THE LEGALITY AND VALIDITY OF INVESTIGATIVE ACTIONS, LIMITING CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS AND FREEDOMSСontrol in the criminal court proceedings is a multifunctional criminal procedure of the judicial authority, carried out in the statutory procedural forms, aimed at implementing the constitutional definition of judicial protection. This paper considers one form of judicial control − judicial control of the legality and validity of investigative actions limiting constitutional rights and freedoms of the individual. The study concluded that the implementation of judicial control over the production of certain investigative actions is an essential issue in the protection of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of an individual. We offer to supplement article 165 of the Code of Criminal Procedure with paragraph 5.1 as follows: "The cases of urgency should be considered as the situations arising as a result of the need to promptly stop or prevent the commission of the crime, as well as creating the conviction of the examining magistrate and the investigator that the delay in the conduct of investigations may lead to destruction, damage, disappearance or concealment of objects having probative value in a criminal case, a change in their properties and qualities under the influence of certain persons or natural phenomena, in the absence of opportunities to ensure their safety". Part 5, Article 165 of the Code of Criminal Procedure should be reworded as follows: "In exceptional cases, when home inspection, search and seizure in the dwelling, body search and seizure of the thing pledged or deposited in the pawnshop, distraint specified in the Section 104.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, is urgent, these investigations can be made on the basis of the examining magistrate's decision or investigator's decision without court decision. The decision of the examining magistrate and the investigator motivate the impossibility of conducting investigations in the manner prescribed by parts 1-4 of this article.(hereafter referred to as)". Key words: provision of individual rights, international law, protection, principles of criminal procedure, limitation of a right, judicial review
Nosenko L.I., Levina L.K. SOME THOUGHTS ON THE UNIFICATION PROCEDURAL LEGISLATIONRussian scientists-protsessualisty gives much attention to questions relating to reforming of judicial system and as a result forecasts changes of the current legislation. The particular interest causes Draft of the Code of Administrative Legal proceedings and Conception of the uniform code of civil procedure which unites existing now GPС, APС of the Russian Federation. Of the analysis of the conception has to be noted the interesting offer concerning representation, namely, the representative will belong to "other participants of process". According to authors of the document it will allow to emphasize his procedural status in the proceedings. In the code of civil legal proceedings it is planned to save separate articles about representation. Also would be not superfluous possibility of compensation of professional risks allowing to abolish the professional irresponsibility in the lawyer environment. The forthcoming changes are very interesting and timely. Nevertheless, hasty adoption of legislative acts doesn't seem justified. Doesn't raise doubts the possibility of combining civil and arbitration procedural legislation because procedural right should not have to differences in the relationship regulated by one substantive right. Differences in the existing legislation take place. As a general rule thereof should not be because subjects of controversial substantive relations does not have to get up at a disadvantage. Meantime the question arises related with the possibility of accession to the concept of a unified Civil Procedure Code developed Code of Administrative Procedure. These questions require serious theoretical processing, but areas of research submitted to be very interesting. In our opinion, unification is possible.Key words: administrative process, civil litigation, arbitration, judicial law, judicial reform
Ruzaeva E.M. THE QUESTION CARE FOR HIV-INFECTED AS ONE OF THE BRANCHES OF SOCIAL SECURITYHIV/AIDS is one of the obstacles to free labor and sustainable development of social production. Medical care and treatment for HIV-infected as a form of social security is carried out in the framework of the project "Healthy Russia 2020", the regional program of the Orenburg region "Preventing the spread of the disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection on 2011-2014.".Currently, there is that a violation of federal law in the field of medical care and treatment of HIV-infected patients is not justified under international and Russian legal standards by restricting the rights of people with HIV — in various fields, which creates a situation where people who have received the diagnosis, or have passed a course of medical treatment, automatically lose their livelihoods, and as a consequence the possibility to realize themselves in the profession. In establishing the real or perceived HIV — status of the patient, it may be noted violations of basic labor rights, expressed in the discrimination and stigmatization of workers, despite effectively realized in our country medical care and treatment provided to these individuals as a form of social security. At the same time it should be noted that according to the forecasts of the World Bank on the impact of the HIV epidemic in the Russian economy in 2020 is expected to decline in the labor force, which is very much based on the aging of the population, despite the ongoing modernization of health. But despite this, the labor legislation of the Russian Federation does not want to take into account that HIV-positive employees need constant medical treatment, most often by combining medical treatment with the work, and have no additional guarantees in the workplace. This gap needs to be addressed in the near future and to make appropriate changes in the LC RF.Key words: Health care, treatment, HIV infection, rabotik, employer, social security, labor relations.
Soldatovа L.A., Davydova N. Yu. LEGAL AND FINANCIAL ASPECTS OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF LONG-TERM HOUSING PROGRAMFrom an economic and social position housing is an important industry and needs to be accelerated development, this may contribute to the development of competent and effective implementation of long-term housing programs. Theoretical research on the problems of financial and legal regulation of the implementation of long-term housing programs devoted to scientific papers E.V. Bardasovoy, T.V. Gritsyuka, V.S. Kusmartsevoy, A.A. Tumanova, Ya.V. Schetinina and others. Despite the large number of works on the subject is marked, there is no comprehensive approach to solving the problems of financial and legal regulation of the implementation of long-term housing programs. Incomplete degree of elaboration of the problem confirms the prospective study the legal and financial aspects of the implementation of long-term housing programs. It should be noted that an important task of the state in the current economic environment is the development of financial security housing and forming an effective legal mechanism for regulating mortgage complex of the Russian Federation. The article reveals financial and legal problems of implementation of long-term housing programs, highlighted the norm of the Housing Code, governing the process of transition to a state housing policy. In the article the basic methods of solving housing problems, namely the purchase of housing at the expense of budget and other funds (without the involvement of their own financial resources); the purchase of the property at the expense of only their own sources of funding; by using a mixed form. Recommendations for improving the structure of the legal mechanism for regulating mortgage complex of Russia: the development of regulatory and legislative acts aimed at regulating market system of mortgage lending; legal regulation of the subsidized mortgage lending system used on the real estate markets.Key words: legal framework, housing legislation, state programs, housing reform, residential mortgage lending.
Chikeeva Z. Ch., Ten A.V., Maralbaeva A.Sh. DEVELOPMENT OF LEGAL SYSTEM OF THE KYRGYZ REPUBLICAfter the collapse of the USSR the Kyrgyz Republic system of law, which was formed in the previous Soviet period, has received a new impetus to development. In Kyrgyz Republic basic human rights and freedoms are recognized as the basic value. The state declarestheir protection. However, it is known that transition is a quite difficult period in the history of the state. Declaration of fundamental human rights and freedoms does not necessarily mean compliance them in practice. The implementation of these constitutional and legal provisions in practice faced with certain difficulties of the transition period as gaps and collisions in legislation, corruption, legal nihilism and others. In paper modernization of theKyrgyz Republic system law is studied through the prism of legal reforms thatoccurringin transitional period. In this regard, the authors identify followingmain tendenciesof the Kyrgyz Republic system of law development. Firstly, over the last twenty years there has been diverse development of publicand private areas of law. Comparative legal analysis of the basic branches of public law (criminal law and administrative law) and private law (civil law and family law) allows us to conclude that the public law branches are more susceptible to amendments than civil law branches. Secondly, the development of substantivelaw and procedural law is also different. Substantive law updates faster than procedural law. Thirdly, during the development ofthe Kyrgyz Republic system of lawintransition period, new legal institutions appeared (e.g., human trafficking, terrorism, genocide, ecocide, the jury, etc.). On the one hand, it is due to the rapid development of the system of social relations, and scientific and technical progress. On the other hand, it is the result of the influence of globalization and integration. Fourthly, the trend of humanization of criminal legislation should ensure the protection of basic human rights and legal interests from criminal attacks. It should express the state'sobjectives, principles, strategies, policies, forms and methods of combating crime. For example, there is the decriminalization of certain offenses and increase penalties for more serious crimes. Fifthly, among the major trends in the development of private law special place is occupied by development of the institution of ownership rights. Thus, the development of the Kyrgyz Republicsystem of lawoccursthrough its modernization which is aimed on implementation of the constitutional provisions concerning with the state's guarantees of fundamental human rights and freedoms.Key words: legal system, private law, public law, legislation, Constitution, the Kyrgyz Republic
Sharipov T. F. ON THE ISSUE OF DISCLOSURE OF FINANCIAL AND LEGAL ARRANGEMENTS CRIME"Analysis of the economic crimes law enforcement indicates that under current conditions the latency of this category of crime, remains significant. Great difficulties faced by investigators, investigators, the judge, workers operative investigation authorities in law enforcement and first of all in the process of suppression, detection and investigation of crimes. Significant challenges to be overcome in problem situations where knowing subject confront multiple logical and information barriers. To obtain evidence in criminal cases of economic orientation, you must seizure information on financial and legal schemes, which in most cases is a whole package of documents: description; legal basis and a list of the investigated regulations; a graphic image; financial justification: the calculation of absolute and relative performance, the scheme achieved savings or income; model of accounting and accounting entries; a list of significant risks and evaluation of application; staff memo that can be stored on a secure disk to be removed and a single keystroke. The main conclusion from the above: the disclosure of crimes related to the construction of financial and legal arrangements, must be clearly and deeply explore the information stored on your computers and remote access suspect companies, as well as check for signs of disloyalty taxpayer series: significant amounts of tax deductions value added tax; founder frequent among its counterparties; lack of fixed assets and others.Key words: information, fraud, cashing scheme, criminal liability.
Yagofarov S.M. CRIMINAL PROSECUTION EXERCISE IN THE COURSE OF PRETRIAL PROCEEDING As a result of pre-trial criminal proceeding reform in the criminal procedure science there is no consensus on the question whether the totality of powers set out in the Code of Criminal Procedure allows one to talk about retaining the possibility of criminal prosecution exercise in the course of pretrial proceeding on the part of the prosecutor's office. Existing views can be divided into three groups, which bring together representatives of science who speak in favour of: a) impossibility of criminal prosecution by the prosecutor in the course of pre-trial proceedings; b) only partial prosecution when it is connected with the need to prosecute in court proceedings by means of prosecution on behalf of a state; c) maintenance of criminal prosecution by the prosecutor even to a limited extent. The prosecutor, despite significant cuts in powers still continues to maintain a fundamental role in pre-trial proceedings. However, the presence of the combination for criminal prosecution and its implementation supervision in relation to other bodies may be associated with competing interests, so the prosecutor's supervisory activities should be subject to judicial review, the mechanism of which should be improved, including organizational activities aimed at the formation of the institute of investigating magistrates. The necessity of such institute gains approval of both representatives of science and practitioners. We believe that the prosecutor should return the commencement of prosecution, the termination of prosecution without the consent of the prosecutor should be avoided. In case of disagreement with the position of the prosecutor regarding criminal case, they should be given the opportunity to challenge the actions of the prosecutor from the investigating magistrate, whose decision can be reversed only by a court order. It is proposed to restore the powers of the prosecutor to draw up the text of the indictment independently and to change the qualification actions of the accused, proposed by the investigator.


Veisberg E.I., Lagunov A.V., Smagin A.I. PROTECTED BIOLOGICAL SPECIES OF NATURE SANCTUARY "LAKE UVILDY" (COMPOSITION, PROGNOSIS OF CONDITION)Inventory of the protected objects in especially protected natural territories has important nature protection value. The nature sanctuary "Uvilda's Lake" was originally created in 1969 as a hydrological monument. Earlier there were only separate data on the protected species of this territory. Recreational load of the lake and its coast sharply grew for the last decades. Its level exceeds admissible norms several times. Questions of safety of the protected species in this protected territory are considered. As a result of researches existence in the territory of a nature sanctuary "Uvilda's Lake" of 32 protected species is revealed. From them 6 views from the international Red List, 6 — from the Red List Russian Federation, 26 from the Red List of Chelyabinsk region. The cohort of protected species of a nature sanctuary includes 2 species of mushrooms, 15 species of plants, 14 types the naseokmykh and 1 species of reptiles. Protected species are divided into three categories on degree of risk of disappearance from the territory of a nature sanctuary. With a high risk are carried to group a sheykhtseriya marsh, a kamnelomka marsh, a nabrodnik leafless and a koktsinellida — хилокорус pochkovidny. With average degree of risk of disappearance from the territory of a monument 2 species of the protected mushrooms, 6 species of plants and 6 species of insects are carried to group. Other protected species are carried to group with low degree of risk of their loss in the protected territory. For preservation of "Red Book" views of territories of a nature sanctuary it is necessary to organize continuous (annual) monitoring of a condition of the types relating to the first and second groups with the raised degree of risk of disappearance. For views from the third group monitoring of a condition of types is recommended periodic (1 time in 5 years). Key words: protected species, Red Book, the lake Uvildy, monument of nature, Chelyabinsk region, forecast of the state.
Kallas E.V., Solovyeva T.P. PROPERTIES OF STEPPE SOIL OF CENTRAL SIBERIA AND PROBLEM OF DEGRADATIONSoil properties are an important factor in soil degradation. They determine the stability of the soil against erosion and deflation. The aim of the research is to identify the particular properties of steppe soils of southern Siberia, which determine their resistance to degradation. Kastanozems, southem chernozems, gleysoils and solonchaks are studied. All soils are formed in depressions on lake Uskol (South-Minusinsk basin) and Gorkoe (Chulym-Yenisei basin). The southern chernozems and kastanozems are characterized by low humus content (3–5 %), low clay content (5 %) and high of sand particles (50 %), the weak degree of development morphological structure and mechanical strength of macro-aggregates, high content of carbonates (20 % and more), the absence of salinity. The investigated soils are used as cultivated and pasture land. They are characterized by high density of the composition of the humus horizon (1,23–1,27 g/cm3). Soil compaction is accompanied by a decrease in the number of inter-aggregate pores and increases the proportion of capillary pores. Involving soils in the cultivated and pasture land will be followed by sputtering structure, increased degradation, while secondary salinization in irrigated agriculture is not serious threat. Hydromorphic soils are more resistant to degradation processes, but they are saline, which does not allow them to use in agriculture. It is necessary to carry out activities aimed at protecting the soil from degradation and desertification on the cultivated and pasture land. You must use the adaptive-landscape system of agriculture, which take into account all the factors of water erosion, deflation and other forms of soil degradation.Key words: degradation processes, southern chernozems, kastanozems, granulometric composition; humus; soil structure.

Natural sciences

Ovchinnikov V.V., Ponomareva G.A. TO THE QUESTION OF GENESIS OF THE SADKINSKY FIELD OF THE ASPHALTITEFeatures of this field are given in article: vein type, connection to a tectonic crack, presence of abnormally high contents in asphaltites and in a zone of contact of breeds with asphaltites of the following elements: V, Ni, Mo, Cu, Со, Mg, Ag, U and other metals, and also effusions and volcanic glasses and detection of coarse-crystalline pyrites of octahedral shape in the near-contact metasomatic rocks.Key words: Sadkinsky field of an asphaltite, tectonic crack, abnormally high concentrations of V, Ni, Mo, Cu, Mg, Ag, U et al., features of the distribution of metal debris effusions, nature expanded clay.
Reshetnikov M.V., Grebenyuk L.V., Kuznetsov V.V. SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION OF MAGNETIC SUSCEPTIBILITY OF SOILS WITHIN THE CITY MEDNOGORSK (ORENBURG REGION)The magnetic susceptibility of soil samples from the territory of the town Mednogorsk. Zones of high technological transformation of soil. The relationship between areas of high values of the magnetic susceptibility of soils and the major industrial areas of the city. Actions for a detailed study of soils town Mednogorsk. Key words: magnetic susceptibility of soils, soil cover, geo-ecological condition, Mednogorsk.
Bukharin O.V., Chelpachenko O.E., Perunova N.B., Ivanova E.V., Andryuschenko S.V. EXPERIMENTAL AND CLINICAL BASIS OF SELECTION BY ANTIMYCOTIC PHYTODRUGS The use of antilysozyme and lipolytic activity as biotarget allowed to select herbs with maximum inhibitory effect of biological properties C.albicans: Artemisia absinthium L., Rosa cinnamomea L. infusions and Juniperus communis L., Citrus limon burm., Dianthus, Melissa officinalis Chaix. и Aloe arborescens mill aromatic substances. Conducted clinical laboratory studies have shown the efficacy of selected herbal drugs, which manifestated by reducing the frequency of intestinal dysbiosis with C.albicans hypercolonization by patients with CTD and decrease frequency somatic diseases in research group,and proved the possibility of using this method of selection antimycotic drugs.Key words: Candida, antilysozyme activity, lipolytic activity, herbs.
Guriyanov A.M., Safronov A.A., Zakharov V.V., Kandalov A.A., Lapinin A.I., Chekushkin A.V. TO THE QUESTION OF THE SURGICAL TREATMENT OF TENDON DAMAGE APPARATUS LIMBSTreatment of patients with trauma of the tendons of the extremities remains an acute problem of modern surgery. Patients of working age suffer predominantly from these injures. Recently there has been a tendency of injures of extremities tendon-muscular apparatus frequency increase.The first mention of the attempted imposition of the tendon suture belong to the X century. Nowadays, there are of more than a hundred ways of connecting tendons and more than 60 different compositions and types of weave of surgical sutures, minimally invasive techniques are also widely developed. However, to date, surgeons around the world meet with a large number of complications. Alongside, there are few references on the microsurgical techniques application in the extremities tendons reconstruction. The use of microsurgical techniques would extend the surgery capabilities in this field of study, develop fundamentally new methods of tendons recovery, prevent complications, minimize socio-economic losses alongside with the costs of providing special help for this category of patients.Key words: surgery of tendons, the critical zone of а hand, seam tendons, tendon damage, microsurgery.
Ershov V.I., Leontev A.Yu., Bobylev V.V., Safronova A.I. ON EFFICIENCY OF ALGORITHM OF PATIENTS WITH ACUTE ISCHEMIC STROKEIschemic stroke does not lose its relevance, which is associated with high morbidity and mortality. Despite the fact that in recent times due to serious organizational efforts to identify some positive trends, the situation remains extremely tense. Especially severe acute ischemic stroke which lasts up to 7 days. In addition, different strokes for localization, severity, dynamics of the pathological process, as well as the presence of concomitant pathology and background. All these aspects influence the course and outcome of disease. It was developed a special algorithm for the management of patients with ischemic stroke. To check the efficiency of the algorithm were taken two groups of patients: a group of algorithm and control group. The patient groups were matched by initial stroke severity, localization, pathogenic subtypes, as well as age and sex of patients. Thus, in the group of patients in the management of which the algorithm used, take into account the average severity on admission. That in turn led to a reduction of the patient to find the resuscitation bed. Results of the study proved the effectiveness of the algorithm for decision support in the management of patients with ischemic stroke in the acute phase of the disease in terms of moving the patient within a stroke unit. The algorithm can be recommended for use in the treatment of patients with this nosology. We note that for the period of study of the effectiveness of the algorithm hospitalized stroke patients through intensive care structure increased from 91 to 98 %.Key words: ischemic stoke, acute period, prognosis.
Karmanova D.C., Chesnokova L.A., Krasikov S.I. THE IMPACT OF NON-TOXIC DOSES OF THE HERBICIDE 2,4-DA ON THE DYNAMICS OF BODY WEIGHT OF ANIMALS IN THE EXPERIMENTThe article is devoted to assessing the possible role of the herbicide 2,4-DA (2,4-dichlorophenoxy acid dimethylammonium salt) in the development of overweight in long-term intake of low doses of the substance in the organism of laboratory animals with drinking water. This herbicide is of particular interest, since on the one hand it is widely used in agriculture and its inherent unique combination of such qualities as chemical stability and high lipophilicity contribute to its accumulation in the objects of wildlife and the delay in the body. The results of these studies showed that the uptake of the herbicide 2,4-DA led to a more rapid increase in body weight than the control animals. At the same time, in the experimental group rats showed greater accumulation of adipose tissue, as measured by the criterion weight indicate epididymal fat. Overall, the results showed that the intake of pesticide in doses that are an order of magnitude below the maximum allowable, indicate that when assessing the effects of pollutants of anthropogenic origin, should be paid not only on the ecological validity of these pollutants, but also on the fact of their presence, even at doses that do not have toxic effects.Key words: herbicide, 2,4- dichlorophenoxyacetic acid dimethylammonium salt, obesity
Korneev A.G., Verschagin N.N., Sankov D.I., Pan'kov A.S., Mikhajlova N.R. POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS OF DOMINANT SMALL MAMMALS SPECIES, AND IMPACT PRODUCED BY THEM ON INCIDENCE OF HEMORRHAGIC FEVER WITH RENAL SYNDROME AMONG POPULATIONThere are natural foci of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in the territory of the forest-steppe and steppe landscapes. The populations of small mammals circulates Hantavirus Puumala. The purpose of the work — an example of the Orenburg area to determine the number of dominant species of small mammals and assess their impact on the incidence of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome population of steppe and forest-steppe zones. Analysis of the parameters of the population of small mammals was conducted over the years 1992–2013 according to the spring and autumn catches. We studied the species composition and numbers. By dominant types of small mammals in the forest steppe zone includes Myodesglareol, Apodemusuralensis and Musmusculus, and in the steppe zone — only Myodesglareolus and Musmusculus. In the steppe zone in the absence of significant changes in the long-term population dynamics of Apodemusuralensis showed a tendency to increase the number of. In the forest-steppe zone of dominant population remained stable from year to year. The increase in the number of Myodesglareolus from spring to autumn in the steppe zone occurred more rapidly than in the steppe zone. Significant correlations between the number of dominant species on the results of the spring catches and morbidity of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in both zones were absent. Revealed correlations between the incidence of moderate strength and number of the Myodesglareol fall, and in the forest-steppe zone and Musmusculus. This supposedly determines the leading role of these species in the infected person in the study area.Key words: dominant species, number of small mammals, hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome.
Mikhaylova N.R., Kalinin T.N., Leggings E.I., Tuchkov D.Yu., Meshcheryakov V.G., Korneev A.G. RARE OPPORTUNISTIC DISEASES AT HIV-POSITIVE PATIENTS: ATYPICAL MYCOBACTERIOSISRecently at HIV-positive patients with the expressed manifestations of an immunodeficiency in the Orenburg region the secondary diseases which are found earlier in rare instances, including atypical микобактериоз began to be registered. Mikobakterioz is among opportunistic infections which develop at HIV-positive people at late stages of a disease and can be indicators of a deep immunosupressiya, that is is the HIV-associated pathology. Often микобактериоз coincides on a clinical, laboratory, radiological picture with other opportunistic infections, such as tuberculosis, a tsitomegalovirusny infection, limfoproliferativny defeats that causes the necessity of carrying out differential diagnostics with these diseases. The main diagnostic criterion of not tubercular mikobakterioz is allocation and identification of mikobakteriya which is carried out in establishments of a ftiziatrichesky profile and causes difficulties of diagnostics in other medical institutions. The clinical case illustrating features of a current and complexity of diagnostics of not tubercular mikobakterioz at the patient with HIV infection at a stage of secondary diseases with a deep immunosupressiya is presented. The symptoms, laboratory indicators testifying to need of carrying out diagnostic search for verification of an atypical mikobakterioz at HIV-positive patients are allocated.Key words: HIV infection, immunosupressiya, atypical микобактериоз, differential diagnostics.
Shilin V.A., Safronov A.A., Kozhanova T.G. STIMULATION OF REPARATIVE OSTEOGENESIS IN PSEUDOARTHROSIS IN THE EXPERIMENT IN RATSPseudoarthrosis are observed in 16–40 % of cases of long bones fractures. This pathology is observed in young adults. Applied surgical techniques are characterized by a high percentage of failures. The using of hydroxyapatite-collagen complex "Litar" in the experiment on rats showed its high effectiveness in stimulation of reparative osteogenesis. Immunohistochemical method was developed to quantify the proliferative activity of osteoblasts in the experiment compared to the control group. The use of "Litar" increases the processes of osteogenesis. The mechanism is associated with increased activity of blasts cells and stimulation of angiogenesis.Key words: stimulation of osteogenesis, pseudoarthrosis, "LitAr", hydroxyapatite.
Romashkina A.V., Burdakov V.V., Safronova A.I. FACTORS INFLUENCING THE QUALITY OF LIFE OF PATIENTS WITH CONSEQUENCES OF COMBAT TRAUMAGeneral questionnaire SF-36 ("SF-36 Health Status survey") was used to study quality of life in 70 patients with consequences of combat trauma, undergoing treatment in neurological department the establishment of health care "Orenburg regional clinical psycho-neurological hospital of war veterans". It is not established the link between quality of life with age, education and employment. It is positive influence of the family on the indices of quality of life patients with consequences of combat trauma. It is shown that the parameters of quality of life of patients with consequences of combat trauma on questionnaire SF-36 is lower than in the healthy population. It is detect factors affecting the quality of life of patients with consequences of combat trauma. On the physical health component of quality of life is affected by the degree of the injury, the severity of neurological symptoms. It is revealed negative impact of severity of headache on the physical and psychological components of quality of life. With increasing residual period after injury there is a significant restriction of social contacts, reducing communication due to deterioration of physical and emotional condition.Key words: combat injury to the head, quality of life, SF-36.

Physical-mathematical sciences

Rustanov A.R., Kharitonova S.V., Каzакоvа О.N. TWO CLASSES OF ALMOST C (λ)-MANIFOLDSAlmost contact metric manifolds have a rich differential geometric structures. The paper deals with almost contact metric manifolds, which are almost c (λ)-manifolds. D. Janssen and L. Vanhecke began investigated of almost c (λ)-manifolds. The curvature tensor is crucial for almost c (λ)-manifolds and curvature identities satisfied by this tensor are very important for understanding the differential geometric properties of almost c (λ)-manifolds. The results obtained in this paper identities expressing additional symmetry properties of the Riemannian curvature tensor of almost c (λ)-manifolds, allow to solve an actual problem of classifying almost c (λ)-manifolds, namely, to distinguish the class CR1 and CR2-class almost c (λ)-manifolds. We obtain the following identities curvature almost manifold. Key words: almost c (λ)-manifold, cosymplectic manifold, c (λ)-manifold, the Riemannian curvature tensor, Sasakian manifold, manifold Kenmotsu.
Kazakova O.N., Pikhtilkova O.A., Pikhtilkov S.A. ABOUT ONE IMPLEMENTATION OF TORUS CRYPTOGRAPHYThe most popular cryptosystems with public key are: RSA codes, shifrosistem El-Gamalya, Mac-Ellis's shifrosistema and elliptic cryptography. Now the elliptic cryptography is considered as the most successful system providing good cryptofirmness in case of smaller key length. Recently there were works on torichesky cryptography where the new shifrosistem of CEILIDH based on algebraic Torahs is offered. Key words: algebraic group, algebraic torus, torus cryptography.

Technical sciences

Dadabaev S. DEVELOPMENT OF MATHEMATICAL MODELS IRRIGATION PUMPING STATION FIRST LIFTIn this article, the object of study is the irrigation pumping station of the 1st ascent (ANS-1) of Asht district Republic of Tajikistan. The design capacity of the ANS-1 is 1.7712 million m3 of water per day, and in the machine hall ANS-1 has 4 electric motor series VDS2-325 / 69-16 with total capacity of 32000 kW. Irrigation pumping stations due to large pumps consume huge amounts of electricity. These units are usually equipped with an uncontrollable drive that leads to additional costs. To solve this problem it is necessary to develop a mathematical model and analysis of ways of controlling electric pumps. In order to create a mathematical model of the pump station ANS-1 first created a flow chart ANS-1, which is shown in Figure 1. After the analysis of the technological processes of the pumping station was proposed mathematical description and the result is a block diagram that describes the processes of the object (Figure 2). In practice, the feed pump is regulated mainly by the following methods: changing the speed of the pump, by throttling pipe, and step control of bypass flow. From all the above methods is effective to regulate pump speed variation, i.e. the use of variable speed electric drives. Adjustable electric drives can save energy and increase the lifespan of the equipment. The studies developed a mathematical model and analyze ways to regulate pump units ANS-1. The analysis showed that the introduction and use of variable speed drives has many advantages such as efficiency and economy. Estimated energy savings in pumping units in the implementation of the variable speed drive is about 15 to 25 %.Key words: irrigation pumping station, pumps, mathematical model, equations, methods of control, electric motors, electric drive, frequency converters, soft starters.
Zobova M.G. MODERN PRINCIPLES OF ARCHITECTURAL AND URBAN DESIGNING OF UNIVERSITY CAMPUSESThe article contains the main reasons for actuality of University campus design and development under modern conditions. They are progress in the science and education field, changing of social needs and expansion of the range of higher educational institution functions, investment attractiveness of these facilities, the implementation of Federal purposeful programmes of campus development in metropolitan areas, the lack of a modern legal framework and others. Modern aspects of architecture and urban design of these facilities are marked. The aspects are divided into seven main parts: urban planning, functional planning, compositional, social and economic, environmental, design, engineering. Urban planning considers issues of a campus location in the city structure, its relationships with surrounding buildings, territory reserves for development, pedestrian-vehicle frame and recreational resources. Functional planning aspect examines actual functional programme and planning of a campus, communication links, the main functional areas, accessibility, multifunction of objects, relationships of space and informativity of the environment. The compositional aspect considers principles of formal and colour solution and techniques of the environment aestheticization. Social and economic aspect considers the appropriateness of a town planning, architectural and planning decisions, economic efficiency and social significance of a campus. The environmental aspect examines a safe impact of a campus on the environment and the environment on campus residents. Constructive aspect considers the security of buildings and the efficiency of their designs. The engineering aspect examines issues of engineering infrastructure and maintenance of a campus. In conclusion, the basic recommendations for the design are given, including a composite structure, the balance of functional areas and technical and economic indicators. Key words: university campus, actual functional program, universal lay-out, comfortable environment, territorial reserves.
Petrova I.Yu., Yevdoshenko O.I., Lezhnina Y.A. CONCEPTUAL MODEL OF THE SUBSYSTEM OF THE CHOICE OF METHODS OF IMPROVEMENT OF OPERATIONAL CHARACTERISTICS OF TECHNICAL DEVICESSignificant changes in scientific and technological development concept are occured each 6-10 years at that 85–90 % of published technical information in the world are contained in patent documentation. Nowadays annual addition to the patent collections is at the level of 1 billion documents. It's hard for design engineer within creation of a new device to stay well-informed in such a huge data flow. It will result in re-invention and errors at the initial design stages. Partial solution of the issue is to create a knowledge database on the improving of devices improving characteristics in the specific subarea. The paper describes revealing and application methods of devices construction improving, represented certificate blank of special approach. There are formulated requirements to the knowledge database and choice subsystem of such approaches. There are worked out conceptual model of improving approaches choice system, considered its architecture and main functions: approaches choice, their ranking and analysis. Knowledge database is created. There are presented infological models of special and common approaches.Key words: performance acharacteristics; common improving approaches of device constructions; inforlogical models of special and common approaches; approach certificate; automation of approach search (choice); information system; knowledge database; client-server architecture; system conceptual model.
Terskov V.A., Demchenko S.K., Sirazetdinova A.D., Zolotarev S.A. METHODS OF REDUCING OPERATIONAL COSTS ON THE WAYS UNCOMMONIn the modern context of growing competition from other modes of transport one of the main tasks of transport and technological systems of Railways, is to ensure a high economic efficiency of all stages of the transportation process. Since 2003, there has been a gradual restructuring of the former Ministry of Railways, the result of this restructuring was the increase in the share of private rolling stock, and a decrease in inventory of the Park on the rail market, which led to the emergence of a large variety of rolling stock owners with different characteristics. The selection of the owner of the railway rolling stock for transportation of shipper and consignee of the goods, is one of the important stages of the transportation process, since the choice of the owner of the train for transportation, you should consider many factors, characteristics of owners of a railway train, which will further affect the efficiency of the entire transportation process. This article discusses the reduction of operating costs by optimizing the formation of a railway train cars owners train for specific transportation routes exhalations. Analysis of the routes in the ways of exhalations and processing of statistical data allowed us to build a probabilistic dependencies influence the characteristics of the owners of the train at the annual economic indicators. An author to optimize the formation of a railway train is proposed to evaluate the current owners of the train by three indicators: cost, speed, quality. To determine these parameters owners trains were the factors that affect changes in these indicators. Factors characterize owners trains with both quantity and quality. The influence of these factors in the developed model the choice of the owner of the train was made using the theory of fuzzy sets. The determination of the degree of importance of the factors was carried out by the method of expert estimates consistent solutions of experts from among the employees of the General ways and exhalations. Based on the data values are composed of a matrix of pair wise comparisons and defined the normalized vectors of priorities matrix for each indicator, the owner of a railway train. For each factor were identified its possible values, and built membership function. The membership function defines the degree of preference for a particular factor values. The actual values of the membership function at the moment of each factor for a random number of owners train a calculation of the matrix by three indicators: cost, speed, quality. The resulting vector of this matrix is used to determine these parameters. As a result of the calculation, for each current operation may automatically detect vectors of the complex index of suitability owners train for transportation. This study will help to reduce operating costs for processing the stream of cars on the ways exhalations by optimizing the composition of the train cars of different owners train and improve the efficiency of the ways exhalations.Key words: ways uncommon, owner of the rolling stock, the theory of fuzzy sets, operating costs, a comprehensive indicator of fitness.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
Зарегистрировано в Федеральной службе по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций
Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ: Эл № ФС77-37678 от 29 сентября 2009 г.
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