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March 2015, № 3 (178)

Guriyanov A.M., Safronov A.A., Zakharov V.V., Kandalov A.A., Lapinin A.I., Chekushkin A.V. TO THE QUESTION OF THE SURGICAL TREATMENT OF TENDON DAMAGE APPARATUS LIMBSTreatment of patients with trauma of the tendons of the extremities remains an acute problem of modern surgery. Patients of working age suffer predominantly from these injures. Recently there has been a tendency of injures of extremities tendon-muscular apparatus frequency increase.The first mention of the attempted imposition of the tendon suture belong to the X century. Nowadays, there are of more than a hundred ways of connecting tendons and more than 60 different compositions and types of weave of surgical sutures, minimally invasive techniques are also widely developed. However, to date, surgeons around the world meet with a large number of complications. Alongside, there are few references on the microsurgical techniques application in the extremities tendons reconstruction. The use of microsurgical techniques would extend the surgery capabilities in this field of study, develop fundamentally new methods of tendons recovery, prevent complications, minimize socio-economic losses alongside with the costs of providing special help for this category of patients.Key words: surgery of tendons, the critical zone of а hand, seam tendons, tendon damage, microsurgery.


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Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

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