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March 2015, № 3 (178)

Puchina T. A. SYSTEM CHINOPROIZVODSTVA "PRIMARY PEOPLE" SERVITORS COSSACKS IN THE CITIES OF BELGOROD DISCHARGE IN THE XVII CENTURYThe article deals with the historical and social aspects of the evolution of military service under "Devices" in the Moscow State in XVII century. Affected by poorly studied in Russian historiography issues of organizational structure and functioning of policemen military servicemen corporations Cossacks in the process of public policy development of the South Russian territories. The features of the formation of the officer corps "instrument of service" in the cities of Belgorod regiment. Of particular interest attracted the case of the award to the "initial position" to Sagittarius and regimental Cossacks (petitions on the appointment with tales about the service, track records of applicants for jobs from Archer's orders), the approval of petitions for Chieftain positions petitions of the "award affairs" and others documents that are in the collections of the discharge order RGADA for the period 1688-1697 years. System chinoproizvodstva "primary people" Russian troops took into account especially social class structure of Muscovy. Device public service "on the device" had traditional for Russian society decimal system, which correspond to grades "primary people": the head of the order (instrument) — Centurion — Pentecostals — foremen — ordinary. Material basis for the existence of Russian troops has long been the manorial system. Of the variety of types of "instrument of service" in the article the history of "Cossack life" in the cities of Belgorod fence features previously not an independent subject of study. The variety of categories and different jurisdiction servitors Cossacks caused socio-economic, geopolitical reasons, as well as the consequences of repeated attempts to reorganize the troops of Muscovy during XVI–XVII centuries. Difficulties in introducing innovations in the organizational structure of the policemen Cossacks caused by the dual position of servitor — on the one hand of a warrior, are required to regularly service, on the other — small landowner-freeholders, subordinate to the agricultural cycle. Introduced innovations have been forced to adapt to the peculiar conditions of functioning of the Russian army, gradually paving the way for radical reforms of the Petrine era. Key words: Muscovy; the sovereign Service "Devices"; Cossack service; category servitors Cossacks: regimental guard, stanitsa, Belomestny Cossacks Local chieftains; "Initial people" instrument of service in the cities of Belgorod regiment: the head and the captains of musketeers and Cossacks chieftains, captains; militarization of life and service, service settlement.


[1] Margolin, SL On the question of organization and social composition of Archer''s troops [Text] / SL Margolin; Scientific notes MOPI. T. HXVII .Vyp. 2. M., 1953. pp 63-64.

[2] Chernov AV The Armed Forces of the Russian state in HV- XVII centuries. (with the formation of a centralized state before the reforms of Peter 1) [Text] — Moscow, 1954.

[3] Rabinovich, MD Archers in the first quarter of the eighteenth century. [Text] / "Historical Records". 58. T. M., 1956. S. 273-305.

[4] Volkov SV Russian officer corps. M., 1993.

[5] "The annual estimated book towns, Veda Belgorod table (brace O.S.Normatskogo" 1684). RGADA. F. 210. Books Belgorod table. D. 130. LL. 1-1802ob.

[6] Platonov C. "On the history of cities and routes on the southern outskirts of Moscow State in HV1 century" [Text] / ZhMNP, March 1898. S. 22).

[7] RGADA. F. 210, Moscow columns of the table. D. 49. LL.64 17.

[8] RGADA. F. 210, Moscow columns of the table. D. 49. LL.1-134; D. 327.LL.36-37.

[9] "The Code of Alexei Mikhailovich." Chapter XXIII "On Sagittarius" [Text] / Complete Collection of Laws of the Russian Empire. T. 1. SPb., 1830. S. 156.

[10] Stroelnaya book Korotoyak .// Materials on the history of Voronezh and neighboring provinces. Issue HV1. Coll. Weinberg LB Voronezh: Tipo-Lithography provincial government, 1890. S.1880.

[11] "Mandate SM Protasov in the appointment of the heads of archers and Cossacks Tsarev Alexeyev on March 23, 156 (1648). "RGADA, F. 210. Columns Belgorod table. D. 325.L. 463.

[12] RGADA .F. 210 Books Moscow table, D. 1, L. 208.

[13] Stanislavski AL The civil war in Russia XVII century .: Cossacks at the turn of history [Text]. M .: "Thought". 1990 .With. 226-227.

[14] The total amount of the Village Cossack Cossack order in 1639 was 1,528 people. RGADA.f. 210 The discharge order, op. 9 Columns Moscow table, d. 49, pp. 169-173).

[15] The total amount of the Village Cossack Cossack order in 1643 1384 human. (RGADA, p. 210 discharge order, op. 9 Columns Moscow table, d. 190, pp. 452-455)

[16] Ogloblin NN On the history of Chelobitennogo order (1642-1644) [Text]. / ZhMNP. June 1892. Spb., 1892. S.282-283.

[17] RGADA. F. 210. The columns of the table Moscow. 84. D. L.12.

[18] RGADA. F. 210. The columns of the table Moscow. D. 111. LL.166-168, L.239; D. 84 LL.6, 12, 13, 95, 108.

[19] RGADA, F. 210. The columns of the table Belgorod, d. 10.L. 463.

[20] RGADA. F. 210. Books Belgorod table, d. 130 (1684-1685 / 193 years), LL. 1-1802ob. "The annual estimated book towns, Veda Belgorod table (brace O.S.Normatskogo 1684.

[21] RGADA, F. 210. Columns Belgorod table. D. 327. L. 54.

[22] RGADA. F. 210. Columns Belgorod regiment. D. 267. LL.11-13, 14, 30-31.

[23] RGADA. F. 210. Columns Belgorod table. D. 1694. L. 245.

[24] RGADA. F. 210 Columns Belgorod table. D.1366. L. 45.

[25] RGADA. F. 210. Belgorod columns of the table. D. 1694. L. 247.

[26] RGADA. F. 210. The columns of the table Belgorod D. 205. LL. 25-45, 450, 451-457, 458 L., l.459; ll.460-466; d.1505, pp. 73-74, 78-89, 90-91, 225; d.1694, l. 220; d.1366, l. 29-48, 56-61,98-99, 100-115, 116-130, 151-158; d. 1694 l.77-81, 110-127, 144-146, 159, 169-171, 180-199,200- 224, 233-236, 296-304 240-252,274-276, 366-368, 369-373 . ).

[27] "The Code of Alexei Mikhailovich." Chapter II "On the sovereign''s honor" [Text]. / COR RI. T. 1.SPb., 1830. S.3-4; Chapter XII "On the service of any military men of the Moscow State" [Text]. Ibid. S. 8.

[28] Acts of the Moscow State issued the Imperial Academy of Sciences, ed. NA Popov [Text]. T. 1. The discharge order. Moscow Table. Spb., 1890. 52 pp.

[29] RGADA. F. 210 Columns Belgorod table. D. 1525. LL. 100-115, 277-281; D.205. LL. 24-34, 451-457.

[30] RGADA. F. 210. Columns Belgorod table. D. 1694. L. 237-239.

[31] RGADA. F. 210. Belgorod columns of the table. D. 205. LL. 450-450ob.

[32] RGADA. F. 210. Columns Belgorod table. D. 1366. L.108.

[33] "Mandate EF Petrov Kursk Streletskoye and Cossack head in 1701 ". RGADA. 210 F. The discharge order. Moscow columns of the table. D. 783. L. 31.

[34] RGADA .F. 210. Belgorod columns of the table. D. 1366. L. 310.

[35] RGADA.F. 210. Columns Belgorod table. D. 205. L.25-26.

[36] Likhachev NP Bit clerks in HU1 century. The experience of historical research [Text]. Spb., 1888.

[37] Myshlaevsky AZ Officer''s question in the XVII century. Sketch of the history of military affairs in Russia [Text]. — SPb., 1899.

[38] RGADA. F. 210. Columns Belgorod table. D. 1694. L. 303.

[39] RGADA. F. 210. Columns Belgorod table. D. 267. L. 42.

[40] RGADA. F. 210 Columns Belgorod table. D. 205. L. 26.

About this article


Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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