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March 2015, № 3 (178)

Zobova M.G. MODERN PRINCIPLES OF ARCHITECTURAL AND URBAN DESIGNING OF UNIVERSITY CAMPUSESThe article contains the main reasons for actuality of University campus design and development under modern conditions. They are progress in the science and education field, changing of social needs and expansion of the range of higher educational institution functions, investment attractiveness of these facilities, the implementation of Federal purposeful programmes of campus development in metropolitan areas, the lack of a modern legal framework and others. Modern aspects of architecture and urban design of these facilities are marked. The aspects are divided into seven main parts: urban planning, functional planning, compositional, social and economic, environmental, design, engineering. Urban planning considers issues of a campus location in the city structure, its relationships with surrounding buildings, territory reserves for development, pedestrian-vehicle frame and recreational resources. Functional planning aspect examines actual functional programme and planning of a campus, communication links, the main functional areas, accessibility, multifunction of objects, relationships of space and informativity of the environment. The compositional aspect considers principles of formal and colour solution and techniques of the environment aestheticization. Social and economic aspect considers the appropriateness of a town planning, architectural and planning decisions, economic efficiency and social significance of a campus. The environmental aspect examines a safe impact of a campus on the environment and the environment on campus residents. Constructive aspect considers the security of buildings and the efficiency of their designs. The engineering aspect examines issues of engineering infrastructure and maintenance of a campus. In conclusion, the basic recommendations for the design are given, including a composite structure, the balance of functional areas and technical and economic indicators. Key words: university campus, actual functional program, universal lay-out, comfortable environment, territorial reserves.


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9. The construction of the SFU campus — an official site [Electronic resource]. — Mode of access: Internet:

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15. Infrastructure project "Campus Environment"- an official site [Electronic resource]. — Mode of access: Internet:

About this article


Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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