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March 2015, № 3 (178)

Zhivotova A.N., Khazheeva I.V. THE FATE OF THE REPRESSED TEACHERS, STUDENTS AND STAFF OF TYUMEN PEDAGOGICAL INSTITUTE IN 1930-THTyumen State Pedagogical Institute, founded in 1930, became one of the main centers of political life Tyumen. The staff and students had a certain influence on the inhabitants of the city. In this regard, the staff of the Institute were constantly under the control of the party organs and were arrested in the second half of the 1930s. They were accused of anti-Soviet propaganda, espionage, wrecking activities. The teaching staff of the Institute suffered a serious loss, bereft of competent teachers and scientists. These include: Gregory Tarasovich Ogibenin — head of the Department of chemistry, Yuri Petrovich Iordansky — head of the Department of geography, Natalia Ilyinichna Grigorieva — teacher of Russian language, Pavel Ivanovich Selikhov — teacher of physics, Nikolay Markovich Nikolov — teacher of dialectical materialism, Tatiana Alexandrovna Bureva, Alexander Alexandrovich Vikhrov, etc. The documents show the injustice of the charges and punishments awarded in those years. The sentences were passed in mass, and on the consideration of one case the prisoner was gone about a minute. Often in cases lacked these accusations prove the guilt of the accused persons — witnesses and documents, and if there was, it did not contain any serious arguments for sentencing, which led to their subsequent rehabilitation. The main guilt of the faculty, staff and students of the pedagogical Institute, according to documentary evidence, was connected with the circumstances of their past life. These included service in the white army, refugee status or fist-deprived, mere belonging to the clergy and non-Bolshevik parties. Managed to avoid arrest those who for various reasons left the Institute, changed his place of residence or work. The repressions of the 1930-s claimed the lives of many faculty, staff and students of the University, as members of the party and non-party, and caused considerable damage to the formation and development of the young University.Key words: repression, pedagogical staff, higher education in the 1930-s, political purges, "the great terror", the fate of the repressed, Tyumen State Pedagogical Institute, Tyumen state University.


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About this article


Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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