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March 2015, № 3 (178)

Veisberg E.I., Lagunov A.V., Smagin A.I. PROTECTED BIOLOGICAL SPECIES OF NATURE SANCTUARY "LAKE UVILDY" (COMPOSITION, PROGNOSIS OF CONDITION)Inventory of the protected objects in especially protected natural territories has important nature protection value. The nature sanctuary "Uvilda's Lake" was originally created in 1969 as a hydrological monument. Earlier there were only separate data on the protected species of this territory. Recreational load of the lake and its coast sharply grew for the last decades. Its level exceeds admissible norms several times. Questions of safety of the protected species in this protected territory are considered. As a result of researches existence in the territory of a nature sanctuary "Uvilda's Lake" of 32 protected species is revealed. From them 6 views from the international Red List, 6 — from the Red List Russian Federation, 26 from the Red List of Chelyabinsk region. The cohort of protected species of a nature sanctuary includes 2 species of mushrooms, 15 species of plants, 14 types the naseokmykh and 1 species of reptiles. Protected species are divided into three categories on degree of risk of disappearance from the territory of a nature sanctuary. With a high risk are carried to group a sheykhtseriya marsh, a kamnelomka marsh, a nabrodnik leafless and a koktsinellida — хилокорус pochkovidny. With average degree of risk of disappearance from the territory of a monument 2 species of the protected mushrooms, 6 species of plants and 6 species of insects are carried to group. Other protected species are carried to group with low degree of risk of their loss in the protected territory. For preservation of "Red Book" views of territories of a nature sanctuary it is necessary to organize continuous (annual) monitoring of a condition of the types relating to the first and second groups with the raised degree of risk of disappearance. For views from the third group monitoring of a condition of types is recommended periodic (1 time in 5 years). Key words: protected species, Red Book, the lake Uvildy, monument of nature, Chelyabinsk region, forecast of the state.


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About this article

Authors: Veysberg E.I., Lagunov A.V.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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