Terskov V.A., Demchenko S.K., Sirazetdinova A.D., Zolotarev S.A. METHODS OF REDUCING OPERATIONAL COSTS ON THE WAYS UNCOMMONIn the modern context of growing competition from other modes of transport one of the main tasks of transport and technological systems of Railways, is to ensure a high economic efficiency of all stages of the transportation process. Since 2003, there has been a gradual restructuring of the former Ministry of Railways, the result of this restructuring was the increase in the share of private rolling stock, and a decrease in inventory of the Park on the rail market, which led to the emergence of a large variety of rolling stock owners with different characteristics. The selection of the owner of the railway rolling stock for transportation of shipper and consignee of the goods, is one of the important stages of the transportation process, since the choice of the owner of the train for transportation, you should consider many factors, characteristics of owners of a railway train, which will further affect the efficiency of the entire transportation process. This article discusses the reduction of operating costs by optimizing the formation of a railway train cars owners train for specific transportation routes exhalations. Analysis of the routes in the ways of exhalations and processing of statistical data allowed us to build a probabilistic dependencies influence the characteristics of the owners of the train at the annual economic indicators. An author to optimize the formation of a railway train is proposed to evaluate the current owners of the train by three indicators: cost, speed, quality. To determine these parameters owners trains were the factors that affect changes in these indicators. Factors characterize owners trains with both quantity and quality. The influence of these factors in the developed model the choice of the owner of the train was made using the theory of fuzzy sets. The determination of the degree of importance of the factors was carried out by the method of expert estimates consistent solutions of experts from among the employees of the General ways and exhalations. Based on the data values are composed of a matrix of pair wise comparisons and defined the normalized vectors of priorities matrix for each indicator, the owner of a railway train. For each factor were identified its possible values, and built membership function. The membership function defines the degree of preference for a particular factor values. The actual values of the membership function at the moment of each factor for a random number of owners train a calculation of the matrix by three indicators: cost, speed, quality. The resulting vector of this matrix is used to determine these parameters. As a result of the calculation, for each current operation may automatically detect vectors of the complex index of suitability owners train for transportation. This study will help to reduce operating costs for processing the stream of cars on the ways exhalations by optimizing the composition of the train cars of different owners train and improve the efficiency of the ways exhalations.Key words: ways uncommon, owner of the rolling stock, the theory of fuzzy sets, operating costs, a comprehensive indicator of fitness.
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About this article
Year: 2015
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |