Shcherbakov D. A. IDEAL BEING OF THE PASTArticle is devoted to research of the ontologic bases of understanding of historical reality. The author considers a problem of forms of existence of past social reality. It is shown, that one of the forms of existence of past social reality is its existence in the form of ideas, knowledge and representations. It is admitted, that the historical reality is multidimensional reality. It is formed by three spheres of being: being of the material nature, being of consciousness and world of ideas, being of society. The assumption of possibility of actual existence of components of past social reality in the present is made. The course of a solution of this problem includes consideration and the analysis of ontologic structure of historical reality, detection of characteristics and living conditions of its spheres, their interconnection and relations, ways of their existence. Using methods of the system analysis, formal logic and phenomenology, the author reveals the ontologic bases of the statement about actual existence of the past in the present. As such bases the invariance of form and content of historical texts, their partial independence from characteristics of their material carriers and consciousness of people, admitting the fact of existence of relationships of cause and effect between the phenomena, continuity processes of cultural development are revealed. The carried-out analysis revealed and explained the constituting role of ideas in historical reality. The author comes to a conclusion about actual, but fragmentary existence of past social reality in the present in the forms of ideas, knowledge and representations. It is shown that spiritual components of historical reality exist as text form and content. It is revealed that the ideas making contents of the historical text are unchangeable and, so, the indestructible components of the past reality which reached us by means of the carrier — the text. The statement is proved that the invariance and self-identity of spiritual components of historical reality creates unity of past, present and future its states. The author concludes, that understanding of ideas and a form of the text, thinking out of author's thought is existence of the past in the present.Key words: being, reality, ontology, past, ideas, text, time.
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Year: 2015
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |