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March 2015, № 3 (178)

Chikeeva Z. Ch., Ten A.V., Maralbaeva A.Sh. DEVELOPMENT OF LEGAL SYSTEM OF THE KYRGYZ REPUBLICAfter the collapse of the USSR the Kyrgyz Republic system of law, which was formed in the previous Soviet period, has received a new impetus to development. In Kyrgyz Republic basic human rights and freedoms are recognized as the basic value. The state declarestheir protection. However, it is known that transition is a quite difficult period in the history of the state. Declaration of fundamental human rights and freedoms does not necessarily mean compliance them in practice. The implementation of these constitutional and legal provisions in practice faced with certain difficulties of the transition period as gaps and collisions in legislation, corruption, legal nihilism and others. In paper modernization of theKyrgyz Republic system law is studied through the prism of legal reforms thatoccurringin transitional period. In this regard, the authors identify followingmain tendenciesof the Kyrgyz Republic system of law development. Firstly, over the last twenty years there has been diverse development of publicand private areas of law. Comparative legal analysis of the basic branches of public law (criminal law and administrative law) and private law (civil law and family law) allows us to conclude that the public law branches are more susceptible to amendments than civil law branches. Secondly, the development of substantivelaw and procedural law is also different. Substantive law updates faster than procedural law. Thirdly, during the development ofthe Kyrgyz Republic system of lawintransition period, new legal institutions appeared (e.g., human trafficking, terrorism, genocide, ecocide, the jury, etc.). On the one hand, it is due to the rapid development of the system of social relations, and scientific and technical progress. On the other hand, it is the result of the influence of globalization and integration. Fourthly, the trend of humanization of criminal legislation should ensure the protection of basic human rights and legal interests from criminal attacks. It should express the state'sobjectives, principles, strategies, policies, forms and methods of combating crime. For example, there is the decriminalization of certain offenses and increase penalties for more serious crimes. Fifthly, among the major trends in the development of private law special place is occupied by development of the institution of ownership rights. Thus, the development of the Kyrgyz Republicsystem of lawoccursthrough its modernization which is aimed on implementation of the constitutional provisions concerning with the state's guarantees of fundamental human rights and freedoms.Key words: legal system, private law, public law, legislation, Constitution, the Kyrgyz Republic


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About this article


Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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