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March 2015, № 3 (178)

Polkina S.N. GOAL-SETTING IN THE CONTEXT OF ACTIVITY APPROACH TO TRAINING IN LITERATURE AT SCHOOL Orientation of all educational process to the diagnosed purposes which are formulated as the educational results presented in actions of pupils became the main feature of creation of training on the basis of activity approach. In this situation the great value gets research of process of a goal-setting in the educational activity including joint activity of the teacher and pupils. It should be noted that ability of statement of the purpose isn't formed spontaneously in development of the person, it is result of specially organized training therefore development of a technique of training in a goal-setting as teachers, and pupils becomes one of actual problems of modern pedagogical science and educational practice. In structure of activity, including to detection of specifics of a goal-setting in educational activity, to disclosure of features of statement of the purpose in joint activity of the teacher and pupils, development of separate aspects of development of ability of a goal-setting in school students numerous works of psychologists and teachers are devoted to studying of features of a goal-setting. However at all variety of the works devoted to goal-setting problems it is possible to note that methodical aspects of development of this ability in the context of realization of activity approach to training in literature at school are investigated insufficiently. Therefore, necessary are an analysis of the available experience of the solution of the revealed problem and development of an evidence-based technique of development of ability of a goal-setting in educational activity at literature lessons.Key words: activity approach, goal-setting, educational activity, literature lesson, problematic issue, problem situation.


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About this article


Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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