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March 2015, № 3 (178)

Zhavoronkova T.V. THE USE OF THE INTERNET BY TERRORIST AND EXTREMIST Internet today is a universal means of communication and exchange of information between people located anywhere in the world. Undoubted advantages of the Internet are the possibility of a wide audience coverage; high speed and avalanche information dissemination; the opportunity to conduct an anonymous illegal activity. However last decade has witnessed a threatening trend as the orientation of terrorist organizations in the Internet space. There are up to 10 thousand extremist electronic platforms, over 500 of which — Russian-speaking. The objectives of the terrorists on the Internet are advertising their activities, promotion of terrorist ideology, intimidation and misinformation, maintaining interaction within the terrorist organization and counter enemy promotion. Information resources contributing to the development of extremism and terrorism can be divided into four groups: websites directly spreading the ideas of separatism and extremism; websites calling for terrorist activities; resources inciting xenophobia on the basis of nationality or race; reference websites. The Internet gives a great opportunity to form "autonomous cells" to youth associations terrorist orientation in virtual space. There are the ideological work, management of terrorist groups, charges of money for their existence and the recruitment of new members. In addition to websites created by terrorist organizations the Internet communication platform for interaction between terrorists and potential members are pages in social networks, blogs and copyrights online forums, expert pages. Extremists do not leave without attention and actively use in their criminal purposes known video portals. There are hundreds available free videos promoting the idea of "Jihad". Is spreading among extremist youths flash mob. Thus, over the past ten years the terrorist organizations firmly established in all segments of the Internet and use it as the main tool for the dissemination of their ideas.Key words: Internet, terrorist and extremist activities, the ideology of terrorism, advocacy of extremist ideology.


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About this article


Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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