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March 2015, № 3 (178)

Nosenko L.I., Levina L.K. SOME THOUGHTS ON THE UNIFICATION PROCEDURAL LEGISLATIONRussian scientists-protsessualisty gives much attention to questions relating to reforming of judicial system and as a result forecasts changes of the current legislation. The particular interest causes Draft of the Code of Administrative Legal proceedings and Conception of the uniform code of civil procedure which unites existing now GPС, APС of the Russian Federation. Of the analysis of the conception has to be noted the interesting offer concerning representation, namely, the representative will belong to "other participants of process". According to authors of the document it will allow to emphasize his procedural status in the proceedings. In the code of civil legal proceedings it is planned to save separate articles about representation. Also would be not superfluous possibility of compensation of professional risks allowing to abolish the professional irresponsibility in the lawyer environment. The forthcoming changes are very interesting and timely. Nevertheless, hasty adoption of legislative acts doesn't seem justified. Doesn't raise doubts the possibility of combining civil and arbitration procedural legislation because procedural right should not have to differences in the relationship regulated by one substantive right. Differences in the existing legislation take place. As a general rule thereof should not be because subjects of controversial substantive relations does not have to get up at a disadvantage. Meantime the question arises related with the possibility of accession to the concept of a unified Civil Procedure Code developed Code of Administrative Procedure. These questions require serious theoretical processing, but areas of research submitted to be very interesting. In our opinion, unification is possible.Key words: administrative process, civil litigation, arbitration, judicial law, judicial reform


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About this article

Author: Nosenko L.I.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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