№ 13 2011
Economic sciences
Andreyeva T.V. THE PROJECTING OF PRODUCT COST CREATION CHAINS IN FOOD INDUSTRYStructural and logical sequence of the stages of projecting of product cost creation chains in food industry is substantiated in the article. This sequence is based on the analysis of intersectoral chain of final product production, the dynamics of product price, identification of managing link in the chain, the calculation of integral indicators of the quality of added cost. The method of effectiveness evaluation of product cost creation chain in food industry is offered in the article. The algorithm is supplemented of the scheme of cost creation chain of a final product forming with regard of key elements: materialfluss, basic processes, basic ways of activity, participants. Key words: product cost creation chain, the stages of projecting, added cost, managing link of cost chain, food industry.
Anisimov S.D. NATURE OF BUSINESS: AN ATTEMPT TO DEThe author proposes a model of entrepreneurial activity of the five main elements and outlines directions specifying the model outputs from the house in the economic psychology.Key words: the essence of entrepreneurship, dominant the factor, the business model Y.L. Frost, "the principles of genius", a model of psycho-logical effects of P.L. Sukharev, fairness factor Hyusmana-Hatfield, a formal portrait of the entrepreneur, the marketing of war.
Aralbaev Z.T., Smirnova E.V. METHODICAL ASPECTS OF FORMATION OF SYSTEM OF INDICATORS OF INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES IN THE CONDITIONS OF BUSINEES STRUGGLEUse of system of indicators in an operation of enterprises allows to achieve its more effective functioning as it displays a current condition and development strategy, gives the chance to a management to control its realization and achievement of necessary financial results.Key words: system of indicators, system of well-balanced indicators, strategic planning, strategic management, industrial enterprises.
Aralbaeva G.G., Afanasjev V.N. FORECASTING OF STRUCTURAL SHIFTS IN A BRANCH STRUCTURE OF ECONOMY OF THE ORENBURG REGION ON THE BASIS OF SYSTEM OF EKONOMETRIC EQUATIONSThe article is devoted to the forecasting of structural changes and shifts in a branch structure of gross regional product by kinds of economic activities in the Orenburg region. The positive tendency of the change of the gross product in favor of hi-tech branches and sphere of services is characteristic for the states with the developed economy.Key words: branch structure of gross regional product, structural shifts, forecasting, system of econometric equations.
Aralbaeva F.Z., Kuzaeva T.V. THE STRUCTURE OF THE INNOVATIVE SUBSYSTEM IN THE REGIONAL SOCIO-ECONOMIC SYSTEMThe article represents the innovative subsystem as an element of regional socio-economic system. The structure of the innovative subsystem is considered by taking in to account different subsystems such as: the resource, organizational and functional subsystems which provide the innovative process. The subjects and objects carring out the innovative activities are marked in the structure of the innovative subsystem.Key words: regional socio-economic system, system properties, structure of the innovative system, innovative, resource, organizational, functional subsystems, subjects, objects, innovative system.
Aralbaeva F.Z., Starkov M.D. MEANING OF CLUSTERIZATION IN THE FORMING OF REGION'S STRATEGYThe article is devoted to the use of a cluster approach and its application in the forming of region's strategy. 2 blocks in the conception of cluster development of regional economics are marked. The general view of mechanisms of realization region's strategy was presented. The suggestion of using of integrating mechanisms of competitive development of regional economics for realization of the strategy social-economic development of region was get.Key words: cluster approach, cluster policy, social-economic development.
Bekbergeneva D.E., Iskhakova A.F. FORMATION OF STRATEGY OF SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONNecessity of working out of methodological approaches, conceptual theoretical and applied aspects of a complex scientific problem of formation of a regional social and economic policy in the conditions of modernization of economic space of modern Russia is revealed. It is proved that the problem of formation and realization of an effective regional social and economic policy is essentially staticized at the present stage of development of Russia as proceeding market transformations and integration of national economy into world economy structure cause qualitatively new requirements to competitiveness of a way of the organization of economic space of the country, an estimation of the contribution of regions-subjects Russian Federations in development of the general social and economic system, to results of integration interaction between separate regional complexes. Approaches used are opened at formation of a social and economic policy of region.Key words: the social and economic policy, management, region, efficiency, regional economy.
Beljaeva M.A., Buresh O.V., Shatalova T.N. WORKING OUT OF THE INTEGRATED SYSTEM OF SUPPORT OF DECISION-MAKING ON MANAGEMENT OF PROJECTS IN THE CONDITIONS OF UNCERTAINTYIt was proposed and realized the concept of an integrated decision support system for management of projects, allowing to carry outcomputer support for solution of a wide range of tasksof the project life cycle in conditions of uncertainly, fuzziness and many criteria, based on a synthesis of project management methods, decision theory, systems analysis and technologies of intrllectual information processing.Key words: project management, decision support system, uncertainly, fuzzy sets, theory of decision making, intellectual technology.
Bobrova V.V., Martyniuk E.A. FREE ECONOMIC ZONES — DYNAMIC "ISLANDS" OF THE WORLD ECONOMY: THEIR ESSENCE AND CLASSIFICATIONThis article describes definition, essence, the history of free economic zones in the world economy. The scientific approaches are presented to the classification of free economic zones.Key words: free economic zone, innovative development, benefits, competitive base, preferential zone, transitive zone enclave type, open type, regime type, territorial type.
Bobrova V.V., Temirova N.A., Shuyskova E.A. FAST-FOOD RESTAURANT OPENING'S FEASIBILITY AND ANALYSIS ON THE FRANCHISE BASIS The investment project of the opening of the first fast-food restaurant Subway in one of the biggest molls of Orenburg is represented in this article. There is also a detailed project of the restaurant's opening, bringing it into service and reaching the break-even point in the article.Key words: franchise, royalty, franchisee.
Borisyuk N.K. RESTRUCTURING OF THE ENTERPRISES: THE THEORY AND PRACTICEIn article questions of the theory and the practical decision aboutblem restructurings of the enterprises are considered, carrying out stages restrukturizatsii are defined.Key words: re-structuring, the unprofitable enterprises, having collectedshaja debts, attraction of investments.
Budilovskaya O.A., Bazhenova T.L. INVESTMENT APPEAL OF THE REGION AND METHODS OF ITS ESTIMATIONAuthors consider methods of research of the conditions defining the character of the investment activity of regions of the Russian Federation which take on special significance, both for economics, and for the practice of management of regional systems of various levels because high level of investment activity is the necessary factor of steady social and economic development of regions.Key words: a method, a region, investments, an estimation, a development.
Bulganina S.N., Karabaev R.Y. THE INSTITUTIONAL APPROACH TO THE ANALYSIS OF THE ECONOMIC CYCLE OF THE CAPITALIST MARKET-ECONOMY SYSTEMThe paper presents an institutional approach to the study of cyclic development of the capitalist economy, traded to the behavior of economic agents. Revealed the dual nature of the subject of capitalist accumulation. The accumulation of capital is seen as a way to implement an economic interest. It was determined that in a modern market economy, capital accumulation, through routinization, becomes a function of market institutions.Key words: economic interest, the subject of capital accumulation, the institution, institutional environment, the economic cycle.
Buresh A.I. FORMATIONS PERSONALIZED INVESTMENT PORTFOLIOIt is defined that a basis of model of formation of the personalised investment portfolio will be the criterion of maximisation of expected utility taking into account personal characteristics and brave preferences. The analysis of the basic models of formation of the personalised investment portfolio existing currently (model of maximisation of expected utility Neumann-Morgenshterna background, and also the separate positions of the theory of K.Errou connected with it and J is carried out. Pratt, G.Markovitsa's models, J. Тобина and U.Sharpa, concerning the theory of a portfolio). The basic lacks of models arising at construction of an investment portfolio for the institutional investor taking into account its personal characteristics are revealed. It is proved that as a whole is expedient in realities of the Russian stock market to use for practical application the combined model.Key words: investments, портфельное investment, the income, the capital, securities, the investor.
Buresh O.V., Batrov V.A. ANALYSIS OF THE DYNAMICS OF SECURITY ORENBURG REGION AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTSIn article branches of market specialization on the basis of production factor per capita are revealed. Branch of market specialization in the Orenburg region is the agriculture. A principal view of the agricultural production having strategic value for the country as a whole, grain manufacture is.Key words: industry market specialization, agricultural specialization, the coefficient of per capita output, agricultural products, the level of crop yield, technical and technological backwardness.
Buresh O.V., Zhuk M.A., Froloff A.V. INTEGRATION OF REGIONAL SUBJECTS AS POTENTIAL OF FORMATION REGIONAL CLUSTERSIn article problems of formation regional clusters as tool of increase of efficiency of social and economic development of region are considered. Modern integration tendencies of occurrence of "soft" integration forms at the regional level are analyzed, allowing the regional enterprises to unite for the purpose of increase of competitiveness of made production, expansion of market segments and niches. Regional integration tendencies are considered in aspect of formation кластерных strategy of development of region.Key words: Key words: integration, strategy, region, cluster, strategic planning, social and economic development of region.
Buresh O.V., Lapaev S.P. FORMATION OF INNOVATIVE SYSTEM IN REGIONIn article the analysis of functions of regional innovative system and the factors influencing its formation is carried out, basic elements RICE and branch features of innovative development of the Orenburg region reveal.Key words: regional innovative system, functions of regional innovative system, factors of innovative development, basic elements of regional innovative system, branch features of innovative development of the Orenburg region.
Buresh O.V., Prjadkina N.N. THEORETICAL ASPECTS MANAGEMENTS OF REGION ECONOMY Each region needs efficient control. Regional government includes set of principles, functions, forms and methods of system influence on social and economic processes in the region, providing economic activities coordination, realization of the specific potential, the expanded reproduction of conditions of ability to live of the population, updating of economy and social sphere of the region, directed on improvement of quality of life of the population according to modern public requirements on the basis of rational use of resources taking into account territorial factors and local features. It is revealed that developments of a control system by region it is caused by objective factors. Principles of a control system are defined by region economy. Making control systems of region economy are investigated.Key words: regional economy, management, a control system, an economic activities, regional development.
Buresh O.V., Stepanova O.B. REGULATION OF TRANSFORMATION OF RELATIONS OF OWNERSHIP OF LAND Theoretical aspects of process of regulation of transformation of relations of ownership of land are investigated. The basic stages of decision-making on regulation of transformation of relations of ownership of land in region are allocated. It is defined that provision of economic incentives of rational land tenure consists in the taxation, crediting, квотировании industrial activity, limitation of use of natural resources. It is offered that regulation of transformation of relations of ownership of land and number of the device of regulation at all levels should be formed taking into account amount of works and the maintenance of accepted decisions. Key words: transformation, management, ground resources, the property, economy
Burkeeva R.G., Schukina E.S. THE MECHANISM OF FUNCTIONING OF THE RUSSIAN NATURAL MONOPOLIESIn given article the mechanism of functioning of the Russian natural monopolies as their criterion function is defined doubly is considered: as the adjustable monopoly which purpose is manufacture of the public blessings and as the corporation which purpose is reception of profit and company capitalization.Key words: natural monopoly, transaction costs, adjustable monopoly, the specification of the property rights, washing out of the property rights, public functions of natural monopolies, profit of corporations.
Burlakova O.V. DEVELOPMENT OF CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS IN RUSSIAN FEDERATIONConsolidated book-keeping gives information about financial condition and results of corporative group's action. Each of juridical independent organization from this corporation must to declare operations with external and internal constituencies separately from each other. It helps to prepare the consolidated book-keeping more quickly.Key words: consolidated accounts, consolidated book-keeping, corporative groups, common accounting policy.
Voronina V.M., Mullov A.V. THE DEVELOPMENT TRENDS OF THE RUSSIAN BORDER REGIONS OF THE CUSTOMS UNION AND THE PROBLEMS OF GROSS FIXED CAPITAL FORMATION: A QUICK ANALYSISThe article presents a quick analysis of the dynamics of the most important statistical indicators that characterize the inner potential of the Russian border regions of the Customs Union in comparison with the economic indicators at the national level, and reveals the problems of gross fixed capital formation.Key words: quick analysis, dynamics, Russian border regions, gross regional product, fixed capital.
Gerbeeva L.U. THEORETICAL–METHODOLOGICAL BASES OF PERFECTION OF MANAGEMENT OF ECONOMY OF REGION ON THE BASIS OF TRANSFORMATION OF RELATIONS OF THE PROPERTYAt the present stage of development of economic relations more and more attention it is given not to process of transformation of relations of the property, namely management by it. It is defined that with the lawful will allocate in a complex of relations of the property not only possibility of possession, the order, using, but also assignment and management possibility. Objective necessity of creation of model of interaction of system of relations of the property is revealed. The expediency of creation of effective system of state regulation of management by process of transformation the relation of the property which, keeping their continuity at formal level is proved, at the same time will change quickly enough them at maintenance level, in a direction of maintenance of effective performance by the property of all functions inherent in it in interests of the person, a society and the state.Key words: transformation, regional economy, the property, management, the real estate market.
Gnatyuk A.N. DIAGNOSTICS OF DEVELOPMENT OF RAILWAY TRANSPORTThe railway transport represents the system which dynamics of development is completely subordinated to the unique purpose — to ensuring requirements of society in transportations with maximum efficiency. The level of development of railway transport should correspond to the maintenance of solved economic tasks. Taking into account change of character of these tasks the successful policy in the field of railway transport should differ flexibility, allocating such priorities which play a crucial role in achievement of the put economic targets.Key words: industry, management, organization, economy, railway transport.
Denisov V.T., Denisov D.D. ABOUT INCREASE OF EFFICIENCY OF INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT AIRCRAFT INDUSTRY COMPLEXIn article the economic and social essence of efficiency of an aircraft industry complex is shined and necessity of its increase is proved. Criteria and indicators of production efficiency and operation of the hi-tech production which use gives the chance to carry out the profound scientific analysis of efficiency of development of the enterprises of an aircraft industry complex, use of the revealed reserves and maintenance on this basis of competitiveness of production and a complex as a whole are resulted. Key words: efficiency, operation, the aviation industry, indicators of efficiency.
Dokashenko L.V., Bobrova V.V. THE ROLE OF HUMAN RESOURSES IN INNOVATION ECONOMY DEVELOPMENT In the article qualitative characteristics and the role of human resources able to generate and implement new ideas and modern technologies into innovation process are determined and peculiarities of human resources control function in innovative organization are considered. Key words: human resources, innovation, innovation process, resources of innovation development.
Dornostup I.P., Kuzmin D.V., Ostapovsky M.S. ANTI-CRISIS MECHANISMS OF FINANCIAL STABILIZATIONDiscussed stages of financial stabilization in a crisis situation, is the classification of internal mechanisms for financial stability of the organization. Objectives and methods of each stage of financial stabilization.Key words: financial stabilization, anti-recessionary management, internal mechanisms for financial stabilization.
Drogobytsky I.N. ORGANIZATIONAL MANAGEMENT: NATURE, THE TEAM AND LEADER ORGANIZATIONIn this paper we investigate the variability and psycho-energetic nature of organizational management, emotional intelligence of the modern manager is analyzed, the algorithm of choosing the leader by complementary management team is provided and recommendations on self-improvement are made in order to perform his/her mission properly. The conclusion about the need for interdisciplinary research is made in order to find a new paradigm of organizational management, linking it to the rank of the engineering sciences.Key words: organizational management, managerial dominants, PAEI-code, emotional intelligence, leadership, self-improvement, management team.
Zhovnir N.V. THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF PRODUCT QUALITY NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONSThe author describes theoretical aspects of non profitable organizations' product quality management: basic and additional non profitable organizations' product is determined; quality of non profitable organizations' product is determined; classification of factors effecting quality of non profitable organizations' product is proposed; modern requirements for the system of non profitable organizations' product quality management are set.Key words: system of quality management, non profitable organization, non profitable organization's product, quality of non profitable organization's product.
Zelenina T.A. EVALUATION OF THE STABILITY OF COMMERCIAL BANK TO MACROECONOMIC SHOCKSIn the article the results of analyzing of a сommercial bank stability to macroeconomic shocks on the basis of the binary probit-model are presented.Key words: creditor debts, stress-testing, binary probit-model.
Zelentsov D.G. MULTIDIMENSIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE-TERRITORIAL FORMATIONS OF REGION BY INDICATORS OF DEVELOPMENT OF BUILDINGIt is defined, importance of differentiation of administrative-territorial formations of the Orenburg region on indicators of development of building. It is allocated five classes differing with a level of development of building for which allocation for the purpose of reception of steadier splitting have used an iterative method кластерного the analysis. Construction of an integrated indicator has allowed to present the information on building development in the Orenburg region in the most compact and more convenient form, than representation of results кластерного the analysis.Key words: claster analysis, housing construction, differentiations of administrative-territorial formations.
Zolotareva O.A. NON-INFLATIONARY WAYS OF THE REGULATION OF THE BELARUSIAN ECONOMY MONETIZATION LEVELNon-inflationary ways of the increase of the Belarusian economy monetization level were considered. The creation of the adequate institute of financial intermediation, the Bank of capital, was offered. The Bank of capital could serve as an instrument of money circulation specification created by capital goods turnover, namely it could help transform business entities and population savings into investment projects.Key words: economy monetization level, restrictionary monetary policy, specification of capital goods turnover, the Bank of capital, foresight method, investment socialization.
Ivanova E.V., Shchukina E.S. THE ECONOMIC NATURE OF THE TRANSFER PRICE IN THE MECHANISM OF MANAGING OF THE HOLDING COMPANIESThis article is devoted disclosing of the economic nature of the transfer price in the mechanism of functioning of the holding companies. The basic forms of display of the transfer price are revealed. The importance of the transfer price as decrease tool transaction costs and, hence, increase of production efficiency and maintenance of competitiveness of the holding companies is proved. The role of the transfer price in maintenance of interrelation intrafirm and external in relation to holdings of commodity-money streams is defined.Key words: the transfer price, transfer pricing, the holding companies, the interdependent companies, the price-transfer, domestic trade, home market, the transfer rate, transaction, transaction costs.
Ivanova N.A. THEORETICAL APPROACHES TO THE STUDY OF THE HOUSEHOLD AS AN ECONOMIC ENTITYHousehold research from a position of this or that branch of the economic theory reveals only its separate characteristics inherent in it at certain steps of development as institute or the economic subject. There is the attempt to prove necessity of the concrete historical and complex theoretical and methodological approach to its studying which will allow to reveal essential lines and housekeeping functions as the subject of certain type of economic system is made in the article. Key words: household, the economic entity, institute, family, the individual.
Izmailova A.S. VARIANTS, FEATURES AND PRINCIPLES OF THE INVESTMENT POLICY OF THE METALLURGICAL ENTERPRISE AS A PART OF HOLDINGTheoretical aspects of an investment policy of the enterprise are investigated. Its maintenance and variants depending on stages of development of control systems are defined by the industrial enterprises. Features are revealed and principles of an investment policy of the metallurgical enterprise as a part of holding are allocatedKey words: the investment policy, holding, the metallurgical enterprises, management structure, decentralization.
Inevatova O.A., Prokofievа E.P. THE MECHANISM OF DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT OF THE CONSUMER MARKET IN THE REGION UNDER CURRENT CONDITIONSThe article studies the theoretical and methodological approaches to the development of regional consumer market. Possible scenarios for the development and the factors of industrial and regional consumer markets. Comparative characteristics of the directions of development of regions with different socio-economic structures. Identified objectives and principles of development control mechanism for the consumer market in the region today.Key words: region, the consumer market scenario, the mechanism of formation of the factors, the methodology of regional development, regional policy, the task mechanism, development trends, principles of management.
Kalieva O.M., Mikhailova О.P. METHODS AND METHODS MARKETING COMPANY BUILDINGDefined the marketing potential of the company. A classification of methods and research techniques of marketing potential of the company, made their links to the areas and objectives of the study. Revealed the specifics of the selection and application of methods for the study of marketing potential of the company.Key words: market potential, marketing environment, method, tool, survey, SWOT-analysis.
Kartasheva V.K. ADMINISTRATIVE BARRIERS IN THE CONTEXT OF ANALYSIS OF OPPORTUNISTIC BEHAVIORThis article examines the administrative barriers, but their operation is such that they contribute to the development of some forms of opportunistic behavior.Estimates of direct loss of society of the existence of administrative barriers are the costs of opportunistic behavior, which includes the category of transaction costs.These issues are analyzed on the example of the functioning of the market of engineering services and construction works in the Orenburg region.Key words: opportunistic behavior, shirking, extortion, transaction costs, transactionand administrative barriers, the economic losses to society, licensing, self-regulatory organizations, certification.
Kozlova A.A. FEATURES PROTSESNOGO APPROACH IN THE MANAGEMENT OF BUSINESSInvestigated the nature of the process approach in business management. The basic principles of process management. Refined performers of the business process. We present the distinctive features of the process approach to the functional approach of business management. Shows the positive effect of the use of process management to improve the efficiency of the enterprise.Key words: process-oriented approach, process, business principles, the performers, distinctive features, the positive effect.
Komarova, M.I., Kharitonova N.G. ROLE TECHNOPARKS IN THE REGIONAL ECONOMYThe article describes the competitive advantages of industial park in the region, its functions and structural elements of the scheme to business development, system characteristic of inter-university research and education complex. The necessity of industrial park is reasonable as an instrument of providing of continuous stream of innovations in a regional economy.Key words: innovation, entrepreneurship, technopark, competitiveness of, the regional economy.
Korabeynikov I.N., Korabeynikova O.A., Gerasimenko T.I. THEORETIC BASES OF DEVELOPMENT OF REGION BY THE CONDITIONS OF BECOMING OF POSTINDUSTRIAL SOCIETYIn the article are adjusted theoretic bases of development of region by the conditions of becoming of postindustrial society. The characteristic of development of aspects, examination of region as an integral territorial complex are represented. The intention "the network region" is adjusted and the intention "the virtual region" is introduced for scientific use. The developmental pyramid of transformation of the intention "region" is represented.Key words: network, virtual, region, postindustrial society, development.
Korkeshko O.N., Tuyakova Z.S. BASIS OF MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOGY MODERNIZATION BUSINESSThe paper considers the nature of the technological modernization of industry, defined hierarchical levels of the economy on which it is carried out. According to the survey revealed that the main link in the technological modernization of the economy are the corporations and enterprises, using the individual strategies and mechanisms for managing this process.Key words: technological modernization of industry, the strategy of technological upgrading, the mechanism of control of technological modernization.
Krivorotov V.V., Kalina A.V., Pahtusov A.V. CREATION OF A MOTIVATION MECHANISM TO INCREMENT COMPANY COMPETITIVENESSUnderstanding of the company competitiveness with a special accent on necessity of overall development of the constituents of the motivation mechanism that stimulates employees is presented within the frames of resource theory of company competitive advantages formation. The process of formation of the indicated mechanism is demonstrated and the interrelation of its implementation with the increase of a company competitiveness level is commented on.Key words: competitive advantages, competitiveness, personnel motivation, motivation mechanism, system of indicators of factors evaluation, competitiveness planning system.
Kripak Е.М. METHODS AND MODELS OF SALES STRATEGY FORMATION FOR THE ENTERPRISEIn this article author analyzes optimal approaches for sales strategy formation for the enterprise. Strategy is based on analysis, prognostication and selection of enterprise's location using mathematical methods and models. An integrated approach which takes into consideration peculiarities of consumer behavior is also suggested.Key words: prognostication, optimal location, characteristics influencing on operating effectiveness of the business.
Kripak E.M. FORMATION OF EFFECTIVE MARKETING POLICY OF THE ENTERPRISE: METHODS, MODELS, TECHNOLOGIESIn this article author suggests integrated approach to marketing problem solution which is based on application of quantitative vindication solutions method and information technologies.Key words: strategic marketing analysis, segmentation, assortment, pricing.
Krolivetskaya V.E. ABOUT THE CHANNELS OF THE CENTRAL BANK'S MONEY SUPPLY FOR THE RUSSIAN ECONOMYThe paper considers the main channels of the Central Bank's money supply for the National economy. There is comparative description of the influence of each of the channels on the results of economic development. Activation of using the credit and budget channels as the most effective ones is proved. Key words: money supply, currency, budget, credit channels of money supply, monetary bas.
Kuzmina E.S. SYSTEM OF INDICATORS OF THE ESTIMATION OF RESURSNO-INDUSTRIAL POTENTIAL OF THE OIL AND GAS EXTRACTION ENTERPRISESThe methodical approach to an estimation of economic efficiency of activity of the enterprises of oil and gas extraction industry with category use "resursno-industrial potential" is offered. The algorithm of calculation of a complex indicator of an estimation of resursno-industrial potential (РПП) is described. Areas of use RPP are defined. Results of approbation of estimation RPP at the large gas enterprise of the Orenburg region are resulted.Key words: resursno-industrial potential, efficiency of activity, an economic estimation.
Kurmanova A.H. VARIANTS OF THE ORGANISATION OF THE INDUSTRIAL ACCOUNT In article the basic approaches to the organisation of the industrial account at the domestic enterprises are considered. Target directions of the analytical account of expenses and ways of their reflexion in system of accounts of the industrial account are investigated. Advantages and lacks of various variants of reflexion of expenses are revealed. The variant of the organisation of the industrial account, having purposeful communications with planning, control and the analysis is offered.Key words: the industrial account, the account of expenses, the analytical account, system of accounts, the account-screen.
Koutsenko E.I., Gerasimenko T.I. STRATEGIC PLANNING FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN THE REGIONStrategic planning is a critical factor in ensuring sustainable and balanced development of both individual regions and the country as a whole. The study of strategic planning in the region have developed strategic objective of sustainable development, defined by the control elements of sustainable development, proposed assessment procedure for sustainable development, worked out an algorithm making management decisions. Key words: region, strategy, planning, strategic planning, sustainable development.
Lapaev S.P. INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ORENBURG REGIONIn article models of innovative process are considered, features of the Orenburg region as one of the uralo-Volga region regions, competitive advantages and directions of innovative development of Orenburzhye are shown.Key words: models of innovative process, regional features of the Orenburg region, competitive advantages, directions of innovative development.
Lapaev S.P., Esenbaeva A.A. ESSENCE AND CLASSIFICATION STRUCTURE OF THE MENTAL POTENTIALIn article the concept and essence of a mental potential, its kinds and a role of society development are considered.Key words: intelligence, a mental potential, educational potential, scientific and cultural.
Lapaev S.P., Lapaeva L.V. SOURCES OF FINANCING OF INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONIn article the analysis of forms and sources of financing of innovative development of region on an example of the Orenburg region is carried out, it is offered to make active use of savings of the population as a source of investments. The scheme of investitsionno-extra system of region as the tool of transformation of savings of the population in the investment is developed.Key words: financing sources, own financing, extra financing, budgetary financing, leasing, factoring, venture funds, forfeiting, design financing, mortgage financing, a franchize, investments into the basic of the capital, population savings, investitsionno-extra system of region.
Lapaeva M.G. THE ECONOMIST AS THE TRADEIn article the analysis of essence of a trade of the economist is carried out, stages of development of an economic science and a trade of the economist are considered, qualities of the economist-theorist and the economist-expert are shownKey words: a trade the economist, stages of development of a trade, scientific economic schools, qualities of the economist.
Lapaeva M.G., Alekseeva E.Yu. THE CONCEPTUAL APPROACH TO THE FORMULATION OF BUDGET MANAGEMENT TO ENGINEERING PLANTSArticle is devoted to the implementation of the budget management process. An algorithm of solving the problem of reengineering the process of budgeting for engineering plants. This algorithm can be used not only during production but also as a tool for improving the previously implemented system of budgeting.Key words: budgeting, re-engineering, production budget management.
Malafeyev A.A. PROBLEM OF DEFINITION OF OBJECT IN RESEARCH OF INNOVATIVE SYSTEMSIn article the modern lines of development of innovative systems and efficiency of their functioning are considered. Possibility of increase the efficiency with use an economic-mathematical modeling is defined. The object of such research taking into account a various spectrum of opinions, concerning key elements of such systems and character of interrelations between them, is defined.Key words: innovative system, an element, interrelation, parametrical coordination.
Marchenko V.N. WORKING OUT OF THE COMPLEX OF MARKETING OF THE RETAIL TRADING NETWORKIn article the major modern objects of branch of trade — retail trading networks are investigated. The basic attention is given questions of application of marketing of relations in the course of formation of a complex of marketing of a retail trading network. Key words: trade, a retail trading network, marketing of relations, the consumer, a marketing complex, value.
Ogorodnikov P.I., Usik V.V. PREDICTION OF PRODUCTION AND YIELD OF GRAINS THROUGH REGRESSION MODELSAgricultural production is the most complicated object from the point of view of modeling of industrial-technological processes. Complexity of modeling consists in likelihood character of the majority of the factors forming models. In article are presented регрессионные the models adequately describing studied process both allowing to predict manufacture and productivity of grain crops.Key words: productivity, total gathering, mathematical model, the regress equation, factors of pair, plural correlation.
Omelchenko T.V. MULTI-AGENT APPROACH TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SYSTEMS OF THE ACCUMULATION OF KNOWLEDGE ABOUT THE LABOR MARKET In the article the actual problems of the construction of the systems of the accumulation of knowledge about the labor market at the level of municipal formation are examined. The multi-agent approach to the modeling of the labor market and the system of the accumulation of knowledge about the labor market on the base of frame idea is examined. The multi-agent intellectual information system of the support of making decision by the production of the measures providing the effective employment on the labor market is proposed. Key words: the labor market, the accumulation of knowledge, multi-agent approach, intellectual information system.
Pankova S.V., Krivtsov A.I. AUDIT EXAMINATION OF THE PROSPECTIVE FINANCIAL INFORMATION ON TERMS OF INVESTMENT PROJECTS' REALIZATIONThis article considered the role of auditing in the course of investment projects' realization, the auditor standards regulating of the prospective financial information are offered, recommendations by the auditor's application of strategic investment analysis methods are resultedKey words: international standards on auditing, prospective financial information, strategic analysis, investment analysis
Parusimova N.I. POTENTIAL OF RUSSIAN BANKING MARKETPost-crisis recovery offers the possibility of Russia to solve the accumulated problems. For this we need to prioritize structural policies, to develop effective tools to stimulate investment in the real economy, expanding domestic demand, as well as a mechanism to minimize the negative impact of the global environment. The article investigates the environment in the banking market in Russia today, justified proposals for the development of banking products that have growth potential.Key words: banking market, banking, banking products, banking services, refinancing.
Polyakova I.L. TOURISTIK RECREATIONAL COMPLEX: ESSENCE, FUNCTIONS AND STRUCTUREWithin the limits of research of features of use of touristic recreational resources the concept of a touristic recreational complex is offered, are studied its essence and functions. Elements of a touristic recreational complex and the factors influencing its development are defined.Key words: a touristic recreational complex, touristic recreational resources, an infrastructure.
Provotorova V.P. ABOUT ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND EXPERIMENTAL DEVELOPMENTS.The aim of the article is to consider the ways of increase of scientific research and experimental developments. The article covers the problems of specific characteristic of project works. The ways of solving the problems are: conducting the economic analysis in the beginning of scietific research and experimental developments; researchers and developments participating in the analysis.Key words: SR (scientific research), ED (experimental developments), SRED (scientific research and experimental developments), innovation product, probability — statistic methods, managerial monitoring and analysis.
Prytkov R.M., Nemirova G.I. FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT REGION EXPORT POTENTIALArticle is devoted formation and development of an export potential of region. In the conditions of integration of economy of Russia into world economy and accession to WTO structure a key direction of development is orientation to sale foreign markets. Ample opportunities in sphere of formation and export potential development as efficiency of use of an export potential in a greater degree defines success in a foreign market are given to the enterprises and regions.Key words: formation, development, potential, region, export potential, region export potential, structure potential export, strategy.
Rakita A.M. SOCIAL CARD PROJECTS AS A TOOL FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THE SPHERE OF NON-CASH PAYMENTSThe actual aspects of the implementation of the social card projects in Russia as a tool for development of non-cash money circulation are described in the article. The author analyzes the key trends and problems of social card projects, describes the mechanisms of the public-private partnerships for their implementation, and draws a conclusion about the prospects of this direction in strategic federal programs. Key words: social card projects, non-cash money circulation, strategic federal programs.
Konyshev V.A., Ryabikov R.I. THE KOMPETENTNOSTNYJ APPROACH AS A BASIS OF EFFICIENCY OF MODERN FORMS OF CO-OPERATIONArticle is executed on a vital topic as given article is caused by necessity of constant search of the best ways of achievement of success. Application of various approaches to consideration of problems opens the latent reserves of increase of efficiency. At the present stage, first of all, it is necessary to consider firm potential as one of its leaving and level of competence of shots.Key words: the competence, the concept of the competence, classification and typology of the competence, competitive advantage.
Savina A.M. BASIC DIRECTIONS OF RATIONAL USE OF WATER RESOURCES IN A REGIONThe article is devoted to an exposure of basic directions of rational use of water resources in a region. The program-targeted approach in management of water use is used. It's offered to carry out state regulation of water use on the basic of the economic mechanism.Key words: state regulation of water resources, program-targeted approach in management of water resources, leakages of water, water saving, economic mechanism of rational water use.
Sviridova L.A. CLASSIFICATION OF COSTS IN ADVERTISING COMPANIES ACCOUNTING The article includes the author's position on the need to select an accounting advertising company of unified items costing direct costs, grouped in areas of promotional activities related to production and distribution of advertising. The proposed specification requirements under pricing, will help to justify the inclusion of the cost of advertising.Key words: advertising, promotional materials, features advertising companies, distribution of advertising, direct costs of advertising company, indirect costs of advertising company, the classification of direct costs, costs.
Snitko N.A. VOLUME OF EXPORT OF DIRECT FOREIGN INVESTMENT IN THE WORLD ECONOMYThe article is devoted to consideration of the scale of and trends of outward FDI in the world economy. The analysis of volumes of export of FDI across countries and regions. Defines the position of the countries-investors. The reasons and the effects of outward FDI in the world economy.Key words: transnational company, foreign direct investment (FDI), developed countries, developing countries, Russia.
Soldatova L.A. HOUSING FINANCE MECHANISMS IN RUSSIAThe article analyzes housing finance. Studied result of implementing long-term programs of housing finance in the Russian Federation. Analyzed the structure of sources of housing finance and worked on housing finance.Key words: housing, funding structure, funding, budget allocations, the state housing strategy.
Spivacheskiy P.M. THE PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION AND THE MAIN ACTIVITIES OF MULTILATERAL DEVELOPMENT BANKSThe article describes the principles for the establishment and operation of multilateral development banks, disclosed the main directions of the functioning of this group of banks and their role in enhancing the integration between member states.Key words: multilateral development banks, interstate integration, activities of multilateral development banks.
Starkov D.A. DEVELOPMENT OF THE BUILDING COMPLEX OF REGIONIt is defined that building as a component of an investitsionno-building complex, posesses a special role in structural reorganization of material resources of industrial potential of a regional economic complex. Considering destructive tendencies operating long time in a building complex, it is revealed that it is necessary to recognize — development of building and formation of corresponding territorial complexes (кластеров) has regional character in modern conditions. It is proved that development of the theory and management practice by a building complex as regional industrial system should lean against principles of the system approach to economic development and the methods of administrative activity answering to modern market realities.Key words: building, regional economy, privatization, building complexes.
Syrovatkina T.N. ROLE OF A UNIVERSITY COMPLEX IN REPRODUKCTION TO STRUCTURE OF ECONOMY OF FORMATION AND THE ECONOMY BASED ON KNOWLEDGEThe economy of formation and the economy based on knowledge as independent industries of an economy are researched. The general structural element — the modern university complex possessing educational, scientific and reprodukction in potential for forming of knowledge, the information and innovations is found out. It is offered воспроизводственный a method for revealing of separate stages — productions, distributions, an exchange and knowledge consumption. The capability of a university complex is established to provide creation of the high technology product, its distribution and application, and also provisions of scientific and branch knowledge.Key words: knowledge, reproduction, воспроизводственная structure, a university complex, a human capital.
Tyakova Z.S., Popova E.S. DEVELOPMENT OF DOCUMENTARY SUPPORT FOR ACCOUNTING OF INVESTMENT-CONSTRACTION ACTIVITYIn clause problems of qualitative registration of primary documents under the account of incomes and charges in the construction organizations are considered, additions and the specifications offered for entering into operating unified primary documents prove, the maintenance of the new forms of documents developed by authors which consider changes of specificity of investment-construction activity and its нормативно-legal regulation is stated. Key words: construction, primary registration documents, requisites of documents, building branch, investment and building activity, capital construction, civil and erection works, starting-up and adjustment works, давальческие materials, book keeping, the tax account, accounts, proceeds.
Tjapuhin A.P., Aralbaeva F.Z. SPHERES OF AUDIT OF SUBSYSTEMS AND BUSINESS PROCESSES IN SUPPLY CHAINSIn article the logistical chain essence as object of management is disclosed, the list of business processes and managerial subsystems in chains of supply is specified, the purpose, problems and spheres of audit of subsystems and business processes of the enterprises forming logistical chains are determinedKey words: logistical chain, audit of business processes, management, enterprise structure
Fedorischeva O.V. THE BALANCED SCORECARD OF THE ENTERPRISE: THE DEVELOPMENT OF INDICATORS OF PREVENTIVE CRISIS MANAGEMENT The article describes determination of interrelation between factors of the external and internal environment and the formalization of these factors in the indicators. At the same financial block (financial component) is considered as summarizing all the remaining blocks of balanced indicators.Key words: balanced scorecard of the enterprise, preventive crisis management, financial goals, indicators, dynamic normals.
Fedoseeva J.A. DIFFERENTIATION AND METHODS OF FINANCIAL REGULATION OF A SALARY IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATIONIn article problems of interbranch, inter-regional and intraregional differentiation of a salary in the Russian Federation and methods of its financial regulation are considered.Key words: financial regulation, a salary, salary differentiation.
Frolov A.V. ORGANIZATIONAL — ECONOMIC TOOLS FORMATIONS CLUSTERS IN REGIONAL ECONOMYIt is defined that in the conditions of an economic crisis and postcrisis development of regional economy has ripened necessity of perfection of the working model of social and economic relations on a basis clustered the mechanism of the management providing communication of the interfaced enterprises of various branches of economy, mutually promoting growth of competitiveness of regional economic system. Use clustered the approach to management that will allow to provide economic benefit at the expense of information interchange about the market, technologies is offered, to updating of motivations and quality of the human capital and will lead to creation of possibility of innovative development of the enterprises.Key words: clustered a policy, clustering, region, regional economy, management.
Frolov D.V., Isaeva V.M. TECHNOLOGIES MANAGEMENT OF NON-MATERIAL ACTIVESIt is defined that at transformation of social and economic systems special value is got by questions of management of actives which aren't reflected in the documentation, including accounting and financial, but are a source of competitive advantages of the organization. Three basic groups of non-material actives are allocated. Rational management of non-material actives which can help the organization is offered.Key words: non-material actives, intellectual property, business reputation, management.
Frolova I.M., Pasechnikova L.V. THE CONCEPT OF EFFICIENT CONTROL COMPETITIVENESS OF THE ORGANIZATIONS It is defined that the attention lack to a question of increase of competitiveness of the organization at the present stage of development of economic relations, leads to the raised crisis vulnerability of the company that, first of all, is expressed in easing of some its market positions. Within the limits of formation of the concept of efficient control by competitiveness of the organizations use of the information factor is offered. It is proved that the competitive business subject can not possess competitive advantages if has no the results exceeding results of the competitor. The purposes of management by competitiveness the organizations structured by criteria of their achievement are described. The special principles taken as a principle of an estimation of potential of competitiveness of the organization are developed.Key words: a competition, management, the organization, efficiency, region, marketing.
Frolova I.M. THE ROLE OF LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT BODIES IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF INTEGRATED REGIONAL INVESTMENT POLICYIs determined, that in modern conditions in the face of economic science, there arises a problem of finding and theoretical substantiation of new approaches to the formation of investment policy, corresponding to the tasks of the state of modernization of the economy and the achievement on this basis a high level and quality of life of the population. It is revealed, that with the start of market reforms, in the absence of adequate mechanisms of state influence on the economy of the regions of the asymmetry in their socio-economic development is constantly increasing. It is proved that the role of local self-government bodies in the implementation of integrated regional investment policy becomes all the more essential.Key words: investments, management, investment policy, the effectiveness of the regional economy.
Kharitonova N.G. INVESTMENT AND FINANCIAL AND CREDIT POLICY TO SUPPORT SMALL AND MIDDLE ENTERPRISESThe article is devoted research of features of development of support of enterprise on the kinds of activity employment of population, changes of structure of financial streams witch form a general picture and folded climate for development of enterprise in the Orenburg area. Key words: investment, finance and credit policy, entrepreneurship, small and middle businesses, the regional economy.
Holodilina Yu.Ye. THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF DEVELOPMENT SCIENTIFIC TOURISM IN REGIONIn article the concept of scientific tourism is investigated, principal views of scientific tourism, the factors influencing its development in region are considered, stages of formation and development of scientific tourism in local territory are allocated. The mechanism of organizational-economic management by development of scientific tourism in the region which realization will allow to make active development of the given kind of tourism in region is offered. Key words: scientific tourism, uniqueness of territory, the organizational-economic mechanism.
Chernenko V.A. THE MAIN TYPES OF OUTSOURCING IN THE PROCESS OF ECONOMIC RELATIONS WITH FOREIGN PERFORMERSVarious types of outsourcing realizing in connection with external performers are examined. Particular aspects of Russian practice and strategy of production, informative, financial and other kinds of outsourcing are revealed. The functions given to external performers by Russian companies are disclosed.Key words: outsourcing, offshoring, outsourcing partnership.
Chertykovtsev V.K. DUALISTIC APPROACH IN MARKETINGThe paper discusses the issues dualistic approach to marketing as a philosophy of modern management of socio-economic system. A mathematical model and a block diagram of a dualistic marketing.Key words: marketing theory, the dualistic approach, the dualistic model of marketing development, marketing, as a management philosophy.
Chigrova N.V. PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP IN DEVELOPMENT OF PRIMARY PROFESSIONAL EDUCATIONThe basic problem of vocational education, analyzed the sources of its funding. The sources of financing for development of basic vocational education. Definitions and examined the mechanism of public-private partnership in primary professional education.Key words: vocational education, public-private partnerships, financing, co-financing.
Chmyshenko E.G., Medvedeva T.P. FORMATION OF THE MARKETING APPROACH TO MANAGEMENT OF REGION DEVELOPMENTIn article basic elements of the regional plan of marketing are shined the importance of the marketing approach to management of social and economic development of region; necessity of formation of a strategic sphere of action of region.Key words: region, management, marketing, the marketing plan, a strategic sphere of action.
Sharipov T.F., Terekhova S.A. APPLICATION OF PLANNING MECHANISM FOR CREATION OF MACHINE– BUILDING CLUSTERThis article covers the essence and possibilities of using planning mechanism for creation of machine-building cluster. Special attention is given to principles, methods, informational flows, organizational and structural issues in machine-building cluster. Economic -mathematical model which takes into account the most essential factors and conditions of machine-building production process trough technological chain from initiation to final product realizing was created. Key words: cluster, principles, methods, processes, informational flows, cluster model creating, machine-building industry.
Shepel V.N. THE PROCEDURE OF DECISION MAKING IN ECONOMIC AND MATHEMATICAL MODELINGWe consider increasing the degree of formalization of the decision-making process by the decision maker, using economic and mathematical modeling. A rational decision-making process is suggested. We study some of the steps of the proposed procedure.Key words: procedure, decision making, criterion, alternative, modeling.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |