№ 9 (170), 2014
Aptikieva L.R., Aptikiev A.H., Bursakova M.S. THE ORGANIZATION OF PRACTICAL PSYCHOLOGICAL AND EDUCATIONAL WORK WITH YOUNG PEOPLE WHO HAVE EXPERIENCED VIOLENCEОn the basis of theoretical analysis of the psychological and educational literature considers the problem of helping children who have experienced violence, considered eclectic, multi-modal model of counseling as the most effective when working with these children, victims of violence identified problems in the cognitive, affective and behavioral terms. Recommendations for counseling abused children, a program of workshops on working with these children.Key words: eclectic counseling model, forms of resistance, forms of group work with adolescents who have experienced violence, structured group therapy.
Zubowa L.V., Scherbinina O.A. THEORETICAL PREREQUISITES OF RESEARCH OF THE SUICIDE AS FORMS OF PERSONALITY ASOCIAL BEHAVIOURThe review of historically developed traditions of consideration of a suicide for the purpose of search of the theoretical bases for its studying as forms asocial (deviant, deviating) behavior of the personality is carried out; and also the analysis of the modern concepts confirming this ideaKey words: suicide, clinical and psychological concept of a suicide, social and psychological disadaptation, asocial behavior.
Humanitarian sciences
Bocharova I.E., Orlova E.R., Koshkina E.N. DISTANT EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES AS INSTRUMENT FOR INCREASING HUMAN POTENTIAL OF THE ORENBURG REGIONIt is well-known that knowledge and experience is the base of any economy, and population's professional competence and qualification pre-determine the growth of territory's potential. According to "Expert-RA" estimate, by investment attractiveness rating of Russian regions in 2013, Orenburg oblast is in a zone of lower potential under moderate risk. It means, that it is necessary to elaborate a more concrete strategy of its development, including human potential, and introducing innovations in education can contribute to the process. In this connection in the article possible approaches to using distant educational technologies (DET) in the region are regarded. The authors propose a methodology of applying DET, accounting the region's development level, that makes it possible to choose acceptable for the given region kinds of distant technologies, as well as to construct an individual model of using DET. Such DET model is called for help to form "creative cluster" of the region, owing to which an increase of its innovation potential will be provided.Key words: distant educational technologies (DET), DET kinds and classification, methodology of applying DET, accounting the region's development level, basic model of DET using, harmonization of regional educational space, creative cluster.
Krukova E.S. THE URGENCY OF INTERACTIVE LEARNING TECHNOLOGIES IN THE PROFESSIONAL SKILLS FORMING OF TECHNICAL SPECIALTIES STUDENTS. The article highlights the problems of professional pedagogical training of teachers — to be and forming of professional abilities by the methods of active training.Key words: professional abilities, model of develop students profession skills in high school.
Nazarenko E.V. THE PROBLEM CHILD ORPHANAGE AND PREVENTION AS A SOCIAL AND EDUCATIONAL ISSUESThe article considers the social and educational aspects of the problem of child abandonment. The proposals to optimize the policy of the state in matters of child protection, as well as suggestions for improving the legal aspects of this problem.Key words: orphans, the crisis of the family, social exclusion, social shelters.
Khisamieva L.G. COMPETENCY AND COMPETENCE IN THE STRUCTURE OF RESEARCH ACTIVITIESThe paper presents a different perspective on the concept of "competence", given the author's interpretation of the concept competence. We consider the nature and structure of competency, with correlation between competence and expertise within the research activities. Key words: competency, competence, research activities.
Chapaeva L.G. FORMATION OF PROFESSIONAL BEHAVIOR OF FUTURE SPECIALISTSThe article analyzes the current state of the problem of formation of professional conduct individual; represented the diversity of species specificity professional behavioral activity of the individual; considered pedagogical aspects of professionally important qualities of future professionals, enhancing the role of the behavioral component of his educational background.Key words: personality, professional conduct, professional qualities, behavioral activity, educational attainment, students.
Polyakov A.N. PRINCE IGOR CAMPAIGN AGAINST CUMANS IN 1185 (ROUTE, CHRONOLOGY OF EVENTS)The article deals with the problem of historical and history-geographical study of the campaign of Novgorod-Seversk Prince Igor Svyatoslavich against cumans. The issues (route, and campaign calendar) are based on the previous study of the most reliable data given chronicles. A special attention is given to the correlation of two chronical stories — Ipatyev and Lavrentyev chronicles, as they are ones which contain the main information about the campaign.Key words: Ipatyev Chronicle, Lavrentyev Chronicle, prince Igor, Novgorod-Seversky, Don, Donets, Kayala, Syurly, Salnitsa, Russiches, Kipchaks, the second week after Easter.
Bakhtiyarov R.S. ANIMAL BREEDING OF SOUTH URALS DURING GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR: MAIN TRENDS AND RESULTSThe paper contains research on the livestock enterprises operation in different regions of the Southern Urals during the period of the Great Patriotic War. The author focuses on the heroic work of the regional stock farmers who managed to supply people on the front line and in support area with the necessary products during the War. The paper provides materials which were previously published. The study shows that, despite all the difficulties and shortcomings of wartime livestock Southern Urals during the Great Patriotic War was able to fulfill its tasks, although on a limited scale and provide the country with the necessary products thereby contribute to the victory.Key words: Great Patriotic War, livestock breeding, livestock, Southern Urals, enterprise.
Economic sciences
Buresh O.V., Zhemchuzhnikova Y.A. RANKING MUNICIPALITIES ORENBURG REGION ON THE LEVEL OF INNOVATION DEVELOPMENTThe possibility of using principal component analysis and multiple-choice models for comparative analysis of municipalities in terms of innovations development. The article identifies factors that have a significant effect on the main indicators of innovation and investment activity. Built integral indicator of the level of development of innovation and on its basis were ranked municipalities under this latent category.Key words: innovation, investment activity, integral indicator, ranking.
Girina A.N. ORGANIZATIONAL-ECONOMIC MECHANISM OF MANAGEMENT BY FORMATION OF NEW TRENDS IN THE REGIONAL ECONOMIC SYSTEMReviewed the existing trends in the development of the regional economic system. The organizational-economic mechanism of management of formation of new trends in the regional economic system implemented in stages presented.Key words: trends, management mechanism, the regional economic system.
Romanova О.А., Makarov E.V. EFFECTIVENESS EVALUATION OF ENTERPRISE INTEGRATION ON METALS MARKETIn the article the necessity of the development of methodology for assessing the efficiency of integration of metal producers and metal traders is justified. Key figures for the evaluation system integration are identified. Expediency step by step integration method in the metals market is justified. Based on the concept of entropy approach proposed universal model for evaluating the effectiveness of integration and identify the optimal trajectory of the integration process as a sequence of horizontal and vertical integration steps.Key words: system, vertical integration, horizontal integration, metal producers, metal traders, metallurgical complex, entropy, model for the estimating of integration.
Fomin V.P., Igoshina N.A. THE FEATURES OF GOODS SEGMENTATION OF BUSINESS IN THE ANALYSIS OF SALES FINANCIAL RESULT Increase of level of analytical maintenance of management by financial results in a cut of separate components of goods segmentation demands to consider estimated approaches to definition of these results. Factors of financial results differ under the economic maintenance and settlement force of influence depending on estimated positions commercial or cost accounting.Key words: the analysis, factors, financial results, design characteristics of goods segmentation of business, commercial and cost accounting.
Yarullin R.R. ABOUT PROPERTY TAX ON INDIVIDUALS WHO ARE OWNERS OF THE URBAN HOUSING STOCKThe discussion of the need to improve the mechanism of taxation of real estate owners urban housing. Key words: real estate tax on individuals, taxable base, homeowners, real estate cadastre, housing fund, housing and communal services, single payment processing center.
Natural sciences
Bogdanova D.A., Bulyarsky S.V. THE MODIFICATION OF HOMO-LUMO GAP OF "ARMCHAIR" SINGLE-WALLED CARBON NANOTUBES UNDER THE HYDROGEN CHEMISORPTIONRegular hydrogen chemisorption on "armchair" single-walled carbon nanotubes was investigated by means of quantum chemical computer simulations. The dependence of nanotube's HOMO-LUMO gap on value of hydrogen coverage was for external and internal types of coverage.Key words: hydrogen chemisorption, hydrogen adsorption, "armchair" single-walled carbon nanotube, HOMO-LUMO gap, deformation of carbon nanotube, prismatic modifications.
Vaulin S.D., Kartasheva M.A. THE METHODS FOR MODELING OF PERFECT GAS IN AN ANNULAR NOZZLESThe methods for modeling of flows of perfect gas in external expansions annular nozzles without an external contour are researched. The flows scheme in external expansions annular nozzle with short-cut center body is considered. The versions of using of finite-difference methods for calculation flows in subsonic, transonic and supersonic fields of flow are proposed. On basis of proposed calculations methods are developed computational algorithms for modeling of gasdynamic and thrust characteristics of external expansions annular nozzle.Key words: external expansions annular nozzle, computational domain, relaxational method, finite-difference scheme.
Zeynidenov A.K., Ibrayev N.K., Kucherenko M.G. EFFECT OF SILVER NANOPARTICLES ON ELECTRONIC TRANSACTIONS IN THE DYE MOLECULES AND LASING CHARACTERISTICS OF LIQUID LASERS ON THEIR BASISThe influence of silver nanoparticles (NPS) on spontaneous and induced transitions is investigated in molecules of rhodamine 6G in aqueous solutions. A non-monotonic change of the dye fluorescence intensity is found with increasing concentration of the nanoparticles (NP) and constant life time 3.2 ns. The maximum of the light intensity was observed at concentrations of NP of the order of 10-4 mol/L. In the dye absorption spectra the monotonous reduction of optical density is fixed, with growth of concentration of NP. Furthermore, an increase of the radiation intensity on the length of the wave 559 nm intensified by induced transitions and the narrowing of the laser generation band is observed after addition Ag NP into the dye solution. the simplest interpretation of the observed effects is given in the model of spontaneous and induced dipole transitions. Key words: silver nanoparticles, electronic spectra, spontaneous and induced forced transitions,laser dye, spherical nanoparticle polarizability.
Morozkin N.D., Tkachev V.I., Chudinov V.V. INFLUENCE OF THERMAL EXPANSION COEFFICIENT ON THERMAL STRESSES IN THE CERAMIC PLUGIn this paper the problem of destruction of ceramic plug during locking steel casting is considered. The destruction is associated with a sharp heating of a plug when filling the industrial ladle with molten steel, and with the uneven heating of the plug parts. The algorithm for calculating the thermal stress in a three-dimensional field by the finite element method has been elaborated. For the initial data the search method of interval coefficient of thermal expansion, which does not involve the destruction of the product is proposed. This analysis allows us to modify the technology of manufacturing of ceramic plugs for different operating conditions. Key words: thermal field, thermal stresses, finite element method, mathematical modeling.
Kanygina O.N., Anisina I.N., Davletbakov R.R. BRITTLE FAILURE OF THE CERAMIC MATERIAL, REINFORCED WITH SIC-PARTICLESThe parameters of the brittle failure ceramic material reinforced with silicon carbide particles is investigated. It is established that the maximum strength and minimum rate of crack propagation is achieved by variation of the internal parameters and firing optimization.Key words: brittle failure, montmorillonite containing clay, composite ceramic material, carbide of silicon.
Rustanov A.R., Shchipkova N.N. GEOMETRY OF CLASS C11AC-MANIFOLDS CONCIRCULAR CURVATURE TENSOR This paper describes the geometry of concircular curvature tensor in AC-manifolds of class C11. We have calculated its components for the space of the associated G-structure, derivated identities satisfied by the concircular curvature tensor. On the basis of these identities allocated some subclasses of AC-manifolds of class C11 and derivated local characterization of selected classes.Key words: Associated G-structure space, concircular curvature tensor, concircularly flat manifolds, additional identities of the concircular curvature.
Ivashkina G.A., Beloborodova S.V. A PROBLEM WITH NONLOCAL BOUNDARY CONDITIONSConsider the generalized Tricomi equation with boundary conditions relating boundaries of elliptic and hyperbolic parts of the mixed region. The existence and uniqueness of the task. Key words: extremum principle, uniqueness, existence, singular integral equations.
Kozhevnikova Е.А., Sizova E.A. SPECIES COMPOSITION OF IXODES TICKS FAUNA IN ORENBURG REGIONThe paper presents the results of the collection of ticks in the Orenburg region. The study was conducted ixodid fauna about 30 administrative districts of the Orenburg region, whereby we collected 3202 ticks representative of 4 species: Dermacentor marginatus, Dermacentor reticulatus, Hyalomma detritum, Ixodes persulcatus. The most common and dangerous to humans are the following: D. reticulatus, D. marginatus, I. Persulcatus.Key words: species composition, fauna, ticks, Orenburg region.
Bogatova O.V., Кichko U.S. LAKTOAMILOVORIN INFLUENCE ON DIGESTIBILITY FEED NUTRIENTS AND VITAMINS COMPOSITION OF HATCHING EGGS DUCKSThe issue of application of probiotic lactoamilovorin as feed to the main poultry to improve the digestibility of feed nutrients and increase hatching quality of eggs. The application of probiotic repair ducks can improve the digestibility of protein, fat, fiber and to improve the exchange of energy and mineral substances in the body.Key words: probiotic, digestibility, feed, chemical compound, vitamins, egg.
Kolsanova R.R., Kalinnikova T.B., Belova E.B., Gainutdinov T.M., Gainutdinov M.Kh. ABOUT THE ROLE OF CHOLINERGIC SYNAPSES IN THE THERMOTOLERANCE OF SOIL NEMATODE CAENORHABDITIS ELEGANS AND CAENORHABDITIS BRIGGSAEIn experiments with two closely-related species of soil nematodes C. elegans and C. briggsae it was shown that resistance of cholinergic synapses correlates with differences in behavior thermotolerance of nematodes. The increase in thermotolerance of cholinergic synapses' functions may be the cause of adaptive changes of thermotolerance of organisms of nematode of Caenorhabditis genus in the course of their evolution.Key words: Caenorhabditis elegans, Caenorhabditis briggsae, acetylcholine, acetylcholinesterase, aldicarb, cholinergic synapses, behavior thermotolerance, thermotolerance evolution.
Mullagulov R.U. GENETIC DIVERSITY OF POPULATIONS OF RARE PLANT SPECIES OF THE SOUTHERN URALSPopulation genetic structure of seven rare and endangered plant species of the Southern Urals is investigated by using isozyme markers. The studied taxa revealed relatively weak differentiation among populations and relatively large differences in levels of genetic diversity. Analyses of gene pools are necessary to develop species-specific measures for conservation of this category of plants in natural habitats.Key words: rare and endangered plant species, the Southern Urals, populations, genetic structure, isoenzyme markers.
Safonov M.A., Malenkova A.S., Shamraev A.V., Bulgakov E.A. DISTRIBUTION AND ECOLOGY OF PHYTOPATHOGENIC WOOD-DESTROYING BASIDIOMYCETES OF THE SOUTHERN PREURALSSouthern Preurals features a low percentage of forest that defines a focus on forests in the region. One of the factors that determine the dynamics of forest stands are phytopathogenic basidial fungi. The article presents data on the species composition and the spatial distribution of phytopathogenic basidiomycetes at the Southern Preurals. Discusses the variation in the degree of contamination of forest stands by phytopathogenic species depending on forest type and in the latitudinal gradient. The decline in the share of plant pathogenic species in the latitudinal gradient in the transition of the forest-steppe by steppe zone is marked, which testifies to the increasing of time of conservation of elements in wood. Key words: macromycetes, wood-destroying fungi, phytopathogens, invasion of species, mycobiota, Southern Preurals.
Lyashenko I.E., Zheltova V.I. HYGIENIC PREREQUISITES, ENGINEER ELABORATIONS AND BILDING OF THE FIRST WATER-PIPE IN ORENBURG (1820–1830)The search of evidences concerning the first events on centralized water supply development in the Orenburg town in the first half of the XIX century was carried out. The facts about hygienic prerequisites, the elaboration of the first models of artificial water-pipe and water-pump in Orenburg are presented. The participation of the governor, engineers, townspeople in realization of one of the engineer constructions is shown.Key words: water-pipe, water-pump, history, building in Orenburg.
Miazina N.G., Kechinа T.M., Chernykh N.V. HYDROGEOCHEMICAL FEATURES BRINES MESOZOIC AGE IN THE VOLGOGRAD REGIONThe article describes the basic laws of formation and distribution of post-salt chloride brines Mesozoic Caspian depression and south-eastern slope of the Voronezh anticline. The chemical composition of brines. The results of the ion– salt composition of brine salinity and content of biologically active components. Are represented by the main geochemical characteristics and genetic types of brines considered their genesis. Spotted vertical zoning changes mineralization, metamorphism and ionnosolevogo brine composition with depth. The possibility of using an integrated chloride brines as hydro and spa resources.Key words: Caspian basin, chemical composition and salinity, chloride brines, the main geochemical and genetic types: oversalt infiltrogennye sedimentogene and brines.
Shnyrev N.A., Smagin A.V. DISTRIBUTION AND EMISSION OF METHANE IN SNOW COVER OF WEST SIBERIAN BOGSWe study the emission of methane fluxes from the snow surface in oligotrophic West Siberian swamp and profile distribution patterns of this gas in the snow thicker. Physically reasonable mathematical model of the process of distribution of methane in the snow cover, combining source on the surface of the peat soil and mechanism of diffusion transport of escaping gas from the soil into the atmosphere are developed. Stationary model variants are used to calculate emission of methane emissions from data on the profile of gas distribution (gradient method of snow survey). Calculated data often exceed the measured by chamber method flows 2-3 times or more, varying in the range of 0,01–0,2 mgС/m2/h. The proposed method of snow survey can successfully evaluate gas flows from marsh into the atmosphere during the cold season, smoothing their inherent large variation.Key words: methane in wetlands, winter observations, profile distribution in the snow, emission, diffusive transport, mathematical modeling.
Kanygina O.N., Chetverikova A.G., Strekalovskaya A.D., Varlamova O.V. TO A QUESTION OF SORPTION PURIFICATION OF WATER BY MONTMORILLONITE CONTAINING CLAYThe problem of water purification by natural clay minerals is considered. Basic possibility of use of the modified montmorillonite containing clay as adsorbent for water purification from ions of calcium, magnesium, iron, chlorides, sulfates and residual chlorine is established. Influence of disperse structure of clay particles on its sorption activity is shown. Key words: montmorillonite containing clay, fractions, sorption activity, modifying.
Zabolotnaya N., Salnikova E., Osipova E. PROCESSING OF THE WASTE PRODUCTION OF HYDROFLUORIC ACIDIn the given work the optimum parameters are determined in order to receive the fluoric calcium from the waste of production of hydrofluoric acid and mother liquor of fluoric sodium. The facts in the given work, which describe the use waste of production of hydrofluoric acid allow to put the processing of gupsum with the reserved production cycle into practice, what significantly reduces the ecological load in the environment.Key words: fluoric calcium, waste of production of hydrofluoric acid, mother liquor, fluoric sodium, gupsum, ecological load, environment.
Technical sciences
Bolodurina I.P., Boldyrev P.A., Dusakaeva S.T. INFORMATIONAL AND ANALYTICAL SUPPORT OF EDUCATIONAL LITERATURE DEMAND In the article the issue of acquisition of the libraries of the University's Humanities and distribution of textbooks on faculties on the basis of analysis of the usage of educational literature. Discusses the work of the University library from the point of view of demand purchased textbooks. The demand of educational literature is studied on the basis of developed by the authors of the software.Key words: demand of educational literature, book provision of educational process, the library Fund, the integrated automated informational system.
Bulatov V.N., Khudorozhkov O.V., Semeonov A.P. TECHNIQUE OF THE DIGITAL SPECTRAL ANALYSIS OF SIGNAL WITH IRREGULAR SAMPLES ON TIMEIn article the technique of drawing up of a polynomial on samples of values of a signal with non-uniform digitization on a final interval of time is presented. For an approximating polynomial expression of spectral density is resulted and on its basis expression line a spectrum for the registered file loadout a signal with irregular digitization is formed. The made technique allows to make the digital spectral analysis of signals for discrete transformation Fourier with non-uniform sample on time of their values.Key words: a signal, interpolation, spectral transformation.
Shepel V.N., Akimov S.S. HISTOGRAM METHOD MODERNIZATION TO IDENTIFY BELONGING OF UNKNOWN DATASET TO CERTAIN LAW OF PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTIONThe problem of improving the histogram method to recovering the probability density function from the sample was examined. Estimate coefficients were devised and their critical values were calculated.Key words: histogram method, coefficients, critical values, probability distribution laws.
Ishakova E.N., Zubkova T.M. MATHEMATICAL AND ALGORITHMIC PROVIDING OF RISKS FORECASTING ON THE BASIS KOKHONEN'S NEURAL NETWORKIn article the mathematical and algorithmic model of forecasting of risks with application of artificial neural networks on the example of educational process is considered. Self-organization cards (Kokhonen's network) are taken as a basis of model with use of a method main a component at various options of training.Key words: neural networks, Kokhonen's network, method main component, forecasting of risks.
Ivanova A.P., Piskareva T.I., Mejueva L.V., Gunko V.V. MATHEMATICAL MODEL STRUCTURIZATION OF DOMINANT PROCESS INDICATORSThe article deals with a block diagram of a mathematical model of the mixing process that enabled him physically in the laboratory, taking into account the degree of relevance parameters providing scientific prediction and planning results. Key words: process, mathematical model, optimization, mixer, dominating performance.
Naseykina L.F. AUTOMATION OF IT-DEPARTMENT STAFF RECRUITMENT In article the automated information system of staff recruitment of the IT-department, allowing implementing of research of compliance of applicants training level of to requirements of vacant post is considered. The fitting algorithm of the most suitable employee on the basis of an assessment of formation of professional and significant and personal qualities of candidates is described. Key words: automated information system, fitting algorithm of staff of IT-department, assessment of qualities of candidates.
Engelhardt V.V. NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF THE GENETIC ALGORITHM IN THE METHOD OF STRUCTURAL-PARAMETRIC IDENTIFICATION OF LINEAR DYNAMIC SYSTEMS WITH THE SYSTEM INPUT-OUTPUT NOISEThe research of the method, which allows producing the structural-parametric identification of linear dynamical systems with noise at the input and output of the system, was conducted. This approach is based on a genetic algorithm, which is used to identify the model structure.Key words: structural-parametric identification, linear dynamic system, evolutionary algorithm, genetic algorithm, integer programming.
Kamenev S.V., Lapynina M.Yu., Fot A.P. MODIFICATION OF PLATES OF DRIVING ROLLER CHAINS LINKSArticle is devoted to an assessment of influence on intense the deformed condition of plates of links of driving roller chains of a form and the sizes of plates.Key words: driving roller chain, chain link, plate of a link, intense the deformed condition of a plate.
Yakunina N.V. INDICATORS OF TRANSPORT PROCESS SAFETY IN SYSTEM OF THE APPLICANTS ADMISSION TO PASSENGERS TRANSPORTATION BY THE MOTOR TRANSPORTArticle is devoted to improvement of system of the admission of applicants to transportations of passengers by the motor transport on routes of regular messages, development of scientifically reasonable indicators of safety of transport process from the accounting of correcting coefficients, to definition of criteria of an assessment of applicants for the right of rendering services in transportation of passengers by the motor transport.Key words: passenger traffic, safety indicators, admission system to transportations, ball system of an assessment.
Tarasenko S.S., Vladimirov N.P. INFLUENCE OF FINE FRACTION OF WHEAT GRAIN TO EFFECTIVENESS OF BREAK PROCESSFor the purpose of rational use of grain durum wheat was conducted research technological characteristics of different fractions of wheat grain size, as well as the effect of fines on the effectiveness of ragged process. Based on the studies presented recommendations for the selection of fines to increase grain output white flour. Key words: durum wheat, pasta flour, fines, ragged process index of technological efficiency.
Timofeeva D.V., Popov V.P., Antimonov S.V., Zinyukhina A.G. DEVELOPMENT OF SCREW DESIGN OF STANDARD EXTRUDEROn the basis of experimental research design is proposed to develop a working body press extruder for the production of foodstuffs. This construction provides the ability to control the feed rate of the material in the compression zone, by adjusting the angle of the screw revolutions. Thus, the proposed modification of the working body of the press extruder allow: to optimize the process, improve the performance of the extruder and receive high quality extrudates. In research work carried out the conversion of pasta in each zone in terms of its density and, consequently, strength.Key words: extrusion, the pasta, a screw, density, durability, productivity, extrusion barrel zone.
Bochkareva I.A., Popov V.P., Zinyukhina A.G. PROCESS OPTIMISATION OF SPECIAL PURPOSE PASTA PRODUCING USING PUMPKIN PULPThe paper considers the effect of the addition of pumpkin pulp in the production of pasta, set the optimal ratio of bread flour and pumpkin pulp for making pasta dough. Optimized modes of production of pasta for this recipe on the basis of comprehensive quality metrics and expert evaluation of organoleptic properties. Key words: pasta, pumpkin pulp, extrusion, complex quality indicators.
Shahsavar V.L., Tofighi S. UNCERTAINTIES ON FREE VIBRATION OF INHOMOGENEOUS ORTHOTROPIC REINFORCED CONCRETE PLATESAnalyzing the nearly collapsed and broken structures gives a good insight in the possible architectural and engineering design mistakes, faults in the detailing and the mismanagement of the construction by the building contractors. Harmful vibration effects of construction operations occur frequently. The background reviews have demonstrated that the problem of vibration serviceability of long-span concrete floors in buildings is complex and interdisciplinary in nature. In public buildings, floor vibration control is required due to meet Serviceability Limit States that ensure comfort of users of a building. In industrial buildings, machines are often placed on floors. Machines generate vibrations of various frequencies which are transferred to supporting constructions. Precision machines require a stable floor with defined and known dynamic characteristics. In recent years there has been increasing interest in the motion of elastic bodies whose material properties (density, elastic modules, etc.) are not constant, but vary with position, perhaps in a random manner. Concrete is a non-homogeneous and anisotropic material. Modeling the mechanical behavior of Reinforced Concrete (RC) is still one of the most difficult challenges in the field of structural engineering. One of the several methods for determining of the dynamic modulus of elasticity of engineering materials is the vibration frequency procedure. In this method, the required variables except modulus of elasticity accurately and certainty determined. In this research, uncertainly analysis of free vibration of inhomogeneous orthotropic reinforced concrete plates has been investigated. Due to the numerous outputs obtained, software package has been written in Matlab and analysis on the data and drawing related charts have been done.Key words: free vibration, concrete plates, orthotropic and inhomogeneous behavior, uncertainly analysis.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |