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2014, № 9 (170)

Bolodurina I.P., Boldyrev P.A., Dusakaeva S.T. INFORMATIONAL AND ANALYTICAL SUPPORT OF EDUCATIONAL LITERATURE DEMAND In the article the issue of acquisition of the libraries of the University's Humanities and distribution of textbooks on faculties on the basis of analysis of the usage of educational literature. Discusses the work of the University library from the point of view of demand purchased textbooks. The demand of educational literature is studied on the basis of developed by the authors of the software.Key words: demand of educational literature, book provision of educational process, the library Fund, the integrated automated informational system.


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5. Bolodurina, I.P. Relevance of educational literature as assessment of the effectiveness of financing of the library the formation of the basic directions of development of up-to-date statistics and econometrics / I.P. Bolodurina, P.A. Boldyrev, S.T. Duskaeva // Materials of the I-t International scientific conference. Volume I (26–28 September 2013). — Orenburg: OOO IPK "University", 2013. — 459 p. — P. 232–240.

6. Bolodurina, I.P Application of data mining in the management of demand for the educational literature / I.P. Bolodurina, P.A. Boldyrev, S.T. Duskaeva // Mathematical methods and intellectual systems in industry and education : Materials of all-Russian correspondence scientifically-practical conference under the editorship of V. Letchikov. (In Iaiu the MINISTRY "UdSU. Izhevsk, 2013. – 114 p. — P. 80–83.

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About this article

Authors: Bolodurina I.P., Boldyrev P.A., Dusakaeva S.T.

Year: 2014

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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