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2014, № 9 (170)

Safonov M.A., Malenkova A.S., Shamraev A.V., Bulgakov E.A. DISTRIBUTION AND ECOLOGY OF PHYTOPATHOGENIC WOOD-DESTROYING BASIDIOMYCETES OF THE SOUTHERN PREURALSSouthern Preurals features a low percentage of forest that defines a focus on forests in the region. One of the factors that determine the dynamics of forest stands are phytopathogenic basidial fungi. The article presents data on the species composition and the spatial distribution of phytopathogenic basidiomycetes at the Southern Preurals. Discusses the variation in the degree of contamination of forest stands by phytopathogenic species depending on forest type and in the latitudinal gradient. The decline in the share of plant pathogenic species in the latitudinal gradient in the transition of the forest-steppe by steppe zone is marked, which testifies to the increasing of time of conservation of elements in wood. Key words: macromycetes, wood-destroying fungi, phytopathogens, invasion of species, mycobiota, Southern Preurals.


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About this article

Authors: Safonov M.A., Malenkova A.S., Shamraev A.V., Bulgakov E.A.

Year: 2014

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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