№ 10 (171), 2014
Technical sciences
Dryuchin D.A., Rassokha V.I., Yakunin N.N. MODERN DIRECTIONS OF THE INTERNATIONAL INTEGRATION OF EDUCATIONAL PROCESSESRelevance of international cooperation development in the field of vocational training of experts of the top skills is defined. One of existing programs of the international integration of masters training educational processes is considered, the characteristic of higher education institutions-participants of this program is given, and nature of their cooperation is described. Results of the comparative analysis of domestic and foreign educational programs are presented; ways of cooperation and further cooperation of higher education partners institutions are planned.Key words: international cooperation, educational program, curriculum, magistracy, Tempus, motor transport, technology of transport processes.
Aralbaev T.Z., Saraikin A.I., Khasanov R.I. ON-BOARD SYSTEM OF DIGITIZATION MECHANICAL TRAJECTORY OF VEHICLE ON THE BASES OF SATELLITE NAVIGATIONThe paper presents the organization and architecture of the on-board system of digitization mechanical trajectory of vehicle on the bases of satellite navigation, and also its technical variant — the prototype system. The authors have developed recommendations of choosing a safe path of the vehicle in conditions a deficit of information.Key words: digitization of the motion path of the car, computer support driver, satellite navigation "GLONASS/GPS".
Barylnikova E.P., Kovrikov I.T., Kovalenko S.Yu. RESOURCE INCREASE OF AUTOMOBILE ENGINES BY STABILIZATION OF A GREASING MODE OF THE CONNECTING-ROD BEARING IN OPERATIONIn work results of research of lubricant process in bearings of a cranked shaft of the engine KAMAZ are presented. Violation of continuity of an oil stream is established at operational the deterioration of the bearings reducing pressure in system of greasing less than 0,26 MPa. Application of the developed way of diagnosing and by its results of the precautionary repair consisting in replacement of inserts at run of 125 thousand km. allows to low a share of failures of bearings of cranked shaft of KAMAZ engines to 34 %.Key words: bearings of a cranked shaft, lubricant process, oil stream, deterioration.
Bondarenko E.V., Fedotov A.M., Shailin R.T. FORMATION OF A GAS STATIONS NETWORK BY COMPRESSED NATURAL GAS Article contains methodical instructions for formation of a gas stations network by the natural gas, that serving city route transport. The indicator, which allows estimating of filling network from a position of availability to clients is presented. The flowchart of selection method of gas cylinder set with compressed natural gas for buses, the flowchart of selection of refill means with methane taking into account indicators of work of city buses in a route, the structure of goals and objectives of a study are given. Key words: compressed natural gas, gas station, mobile means of gas station, gas cylinder equipment.
Vitvitsky E.E., Trofimova L.S. THE APPROACH TO DETERMINE THE CURRENT ACTIVITIES OF THE TRANSPORT ENTERPRISES TAKING INTO ACCOUNT THE PRACTICES OF ROLLING STOCKDescription of practice for the operation of rolling stock has allowed formulating the approach to determine the current activities of the motor company, as a complex system consisting of subsystems — commercial exploitation and technical maintenance, which is carried out as a single entity to fulfil the conditions of the contract.Key words: rolling stock, motor transport enterprise, the system approach, commercial exploitation, technical maintenance.
Volnov A.S., Tretiak L.N., Gerasimov E.M. NEW APPROACHES TO PURIFICATION OF THE FULFILLED GASES OF INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINESThe patent search showing the direction of world scientific and technical progress on catalytic purification of fulfilled gases of internal combustion engines is carried out. The analysis of essential signs of the devices intended for neutralization (neutralization) of fulfilled gases of an internal combustion engine with use of chemical ways of neutralization is made. Pilot researches are conducted according to efficiency of use of gas reactors on the methanation basis for decrease in concentration of carbon oxide in fulfilled internal combustion engine gases, and also according to efficiency of use of liquid converters for decrease in the main component composition of the fulfilled gases of an internal combustion engine on the domestic cars which haven't been provided with converters.Key words: the vehicle, the internal combustion engine which have fulfilled gases, converters, methods of neutralization of component composition of the fulfilled gases of an internal combustion engine, catalysts, methanation.
Gavrilov A.A., Vlasov Y.L., Morozov N.A. DYNAMIC MODEL OF RELATIVE BALANCE OF LIQUID IN THE TANKER AT UNIFORM MOTION ON THE CURVILINEAR SITE OF THE ROADThe model of relative rest of liquid in tanker partially filled with liquid is developed at movement on a curvilinear site of the road, considering inertness of liquid. The equation of a free surface of liquid in a tanker is received. Coordinates of the center of mass of liquid and dependence of forces of inertia of liquid on the speed of a tanker, volume of the liquid filled in in it and the radius of curvature of turn are determined.Key words: tanker, liquid level, center of masses, inertia force, curvilinear movement.
Golovanov V.S., Khasanov R.H. DIAGNOSTIC PARAMETER OF CAR ELECTRICAL ELEMENTThe paper assesses the impact of the role of the technical condition of electrical equipment for safe operation of the vehicle. Modern methods of diagnosing the technical condition of the vehicle's electrical. A hypothesis about the dependence of the values of the heating elements from the failure of electrical systems and validated diagnostic parameter characterizing it. Key words: motor vehicle, electrical components, diagnostic parameter, safety.
Golovanov Yu.V., Khasanov I.Kh. THERMOVISION CONTROL METHOD OF THE CAR BODY TECHNICAL CONDITION In work results of research of parameters changing of technical cars bodies condition in operation on the basis of adaptation of a thermovision method of nondestructive control in relation to cars bodies are presented at their diagnosing.Key words: nondestructive control, diagnosing, technical condition, car body, latent defects, thermovision research.
Dryuchin D.A., Fattakhova A.F. TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF APPLICATION OF GAS FUELS DIESEL VEHICLES The features of the application of liquefied gas for vehicles with diesel engines. Described the calculated method of estimating the effectiveness of gaseous fuels, based on a comparison of operating costs in their application with costs when operating in similar conditions, but using traditional fuels. The simulation and identify areas for break-even operation of vehicles with diesel engines in the implementation of the gas-diesel fuel circuit. Key words: liquefied natural gas, the efficiency of the operation of automobiles, gas diesel, automotive gas fuel, maintenance costs, fuel economy.
Dubrovsky А.F., Abramov М.I., Sakulin Y.A. SELECTION OF "URAL" TRUCKS SUSPENSION PARAMETERS TO INCREASE THE SPEED OF TRAVELLING ON DETERIORATED SOIL ROADSThe article considers the features of selecting the truck suspension parameters while driving on high-speed sections of soil roads; analyzes the influence of springs, shock absorbers, tires parameters on ride comfort.Key words: truck, suspension parameters, springs and tire stiffness, shock absorber resistance.
Zadorozhnaya E., Mukhortov I., Levanov I. MECHANISM OF THE FORMATION OF THE BOUNDARY LAYERS AND THE RHEOLOGICAL VISCOSITY MODEL OF THIN LAYERS LUBRICANTRheological model lubricant, reflecting the viscosity dependence on various parameters at the macro-and micro-level was presented. Assessing the impact of a highly viscous boundary layer on the hydro-mechanical characteristics of the heavy-loaded tribo-unit of the heat engine was performed.Key words: rheological model, viscosity, heavy-loaded tribo-unit.
Kalimullin R.F., Kazakov A.V. DETERMINATION OF RATIONAL CONDITIONS OF USE OF PRE-HEAT TREATMENT MEANS FOR CAR ENGINEThe article describes the main provisions of the development of calculation and experimental methods in evaluation of resource efficiency of the car engine start mode allowing to define ranges of its pre-starting temperatures under which we have minimal pre-heat treatment losses of technical and fuel and energy resources for a single start.Key words: start mode, car engine, heat treatment, lubricating process, resource efficiency.
Semenov A.A., Pivovarov V.V. IMPACT ASSESSMENT ELECTROMAGNETIC PULSE ON AIRCRAFRT ANTENNA SYSTEMS (FOR BOEING 737)Research the influence of the powerful electromagnetic pulse of a nuclear explosion on radio communication and navigation antenna-feeder devices aircraft. First proposed methodology for assessing the impact of high-power pulses for different types of on-board antennas: dipole, aperture and frameworks. Defined antenna systems that are particularly susceptible to the influence of strong electromagnetic fields.Key words: electromagnetic pulse of a nuclear explosion, radio communication and navigation antennas, avionics.
Kartasheva M.A. RESEARCH OF FLOWS IN BOTTOM FIELD OF AN EXTERNAL EXPANSIONS ANNULAR NOZZLES The scheme of flow in external expansions annular nozzle with short-cut center body is considered. The conditions of open bottom field and closed bottom field in annular nozzles of viewed type depending on value of environment pressure are allocated. The shock-wave flows pattern is determined for annular nozzle for condition of closed bottom field.Key words: external expansionўs annular nozzle, pressure of environment, condition of bottom field, shock-wave flows pattern.
Kuksanov V.F., Filippov A.A., Dudchenko O.V. IMPROVEMENT OF THE ECOLOGICAL AND ECONOMIC INSTRUMENTS OF INTRODUCTION STIMULATION OF GAS MOTOR FUEL ON ROUTE TRANSPORT (ON THE EXAMPLE OF ORENBURG)In article the problem of replacement of liquid motor fuels by natural gas due to increase of efficiency of ecological and economic instruments of introduction stimulation of gas motor fuel on the motor transport is solved. The method of calculation of a payment for emissions of harmful substances from mobile sources on the basis of the accounting of level of ecological danger of any considered fuel used instead of basic fuel (gasoline or diesel fuel) is improved. By a technique the assessment of ecological and economic effect of the translation of shuttle buses of Orenburg on natural gas on the example of the large motor transportation enterprise is executed.Key words: ecological and economic tools, introduction stimulation of gas motor fuel, compressed natural gas, city route transport.
Kulakov A.T., Frolov A.M., Gattarov I.F. INFLUENCE OF COMPOSITION FUEL-AIR MIXTURE INDICATORS FOR BUS GAS ENGINE The article presents the results of running and bench testing of the gas engine of the bus with a catalytic converter. The data on the effect of the composition of the fuel-air mixture to the environmental and economic performance, and reliability of the gas engine. Key words: emissions, gas engine, the catalytic converter, the concentration, the exhaust gases, fuel-air mixture, compressed natural gas.
Kushnarenko V.M., Nazarov V.V., Nazarov S.V. IMPROVING OF REOSEPARATORS DESIGN METHODS FOR CLEANING AUTOMOTIVE OPERATIONAL MATERIALS The article examines the current methodology for designing reotcentrifug centrifugal cleaning automotive consumables from mechanical impurities and moisture. Marked its drawbacks. Proposed additions thereto, used in the design reotcentrifug increased productivity and higher quality treatment. The principal adjustment program with the aim of producing reoseparators import substitution. Key words: reoseparator, road maintenance materials, centrifugal cleaning, a technique of designing, import substitution.
Lovygina N.V., Trofimov B.S, Vitvitsky E.E. AUTOMATED PLANNING OF TRANSPORTATIONS OF CARGOES IN SMALL ROAD TRANSPORT SYSTEM POMESHENIE SHIPMENTS TAKING INTO ACCOUNT THE PROBABILITY FACTORSSoftware and mathematical support of functioning of small transport system allows you to plan, taking into account the discrete nature of the transport process, to determine the possible magnitude of development and results of the operation during the planning of cargoes transportations in the cities, on time and with sufficient accuracy with and without taking into account probabilistic factors.Key words: transport system; planning of cargoes transportations; probabilistic factors; the software.
Lyubimov I.I., Sultanov N.Z. THEORETICAL BASES OF IMPROVEMENT OF MOTOR TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS FUNCTIONING In the article mathematical and methodical justification of increasing of efficiency of difficult motor transportation systems functioning on the basis of rational use of the available resources are given.Key words: vehicles, motor transportation enterprises, structure, motor transportation system.
Maksimenko N.V. ASSESSMENT OF THE SERVICE STATION ENTERPRISES ACTIVITYIn article the problem of increase of competitiveness of the service station enterprises is solved. For an assessment of activity of the service station enterprises the complex of private and integrated indicators is offered. The model of forecasting of demand for car service services is given. Results can be used for improvement of quality of work of the service station enterprises.Key words: service station enterprise, service, client, performer, car service, repair, competitiveness.
Manaev K.I., Melnikov A.N. OPTIMIZATION OF ROAD AND CONTAINER FLEET IN THE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF SOLID WASTE The problem of the development of infrastructure for collecting and disposal of solid waste. The analysis of the constituent elements of the infrastructure for collecting and disposal of solid waste. Formed by the optimization of the system of collection and disposal of municipal solid municipalities Key words: municipal solid waste, collection and disposal, optimization.
Miftakhov T.M., Miftakhov M.N. INFLUENCE OF OIL STREAM PARAMETERS TO THE TURBOCOMPRESSOR TKP 7N-1 ON ITS TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS Data on studying of a stream of oil are provided in a turbocompressor of TKR 7N-1 and the major factors influencing efficiency and reliability of work of this type of a turbocompressor are revealed. Key words: TKR 7N-1 turbocompressor, bearing knot, oil stream.
Nguyen H.M., Rementsov A.N. REALITY AND PROSPECTS OF MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR WORKSHOPS OF AUTO TRANSPORT ENTERPRISES IN HANOI The article presents an analysis on the production activities at maintenance and repair workshops of passenger transport enterprises in Hanoi. Trends on development and improvement at these workshops are given.Key words: Hanoi, public transport, maintenance and repair workshop, auto transport enterprises.
Penkov E.A., Husnetdinov Sh.S., Garipov R.I. DIAGNOSING OF CAR CLUTCH BY INDICATORS OF POWER UNIT VIBRATIONIn work the problem of diagnosing of car clutches is solved. The method of vibration diagnosing of clutch is offered. For clutches of models 14 and 142 of KAMAZ cars structural and diagnostic parameters are established and the diagnostic model is defined.Key words: vibration diagnostics, clutch, oscillatory power, spectral analysis, power unit.
Poslavsky A.P., Hludenev A.V., Fadeyev A.A., Sorokin V.V., Troshina T.V. RESOURCE-SAVING METHOD AND DIAGNOSTIC DEVICES OF PERFORMANCE DATA OF HEAT-TRANSMITTING SURFACES OF TRANSPORT AND TECHNOLOGICAL MACHINESThe description of a diagnosing method of performance data of the heatexchange equipment of transport and technological machines and the developed stand of realization of the method is provided in the presented work, allowing to increase the accuracy of results of diagnosing and considerably to reduce it power and resource intensity.Key words: diagnosing, thermolysis, heat exchanger, measuring stand, energy efficiency.
Puzakov A.V. JUSTIFICATION OF AUTOMOBILE GENERATOR SETTINGS DIAGNOSTIC PARAMETERS Justification of the diagnostic parameters characterizing operability of automobile generating installation is given in article. Interaction of structural and diagnostic parameters is considered and the range of structural parameters values which excess conducts to change of diagnostic parameter is established. It is offered to estimate a condition of generating installation in size of scope of output tension.Key words: automobile generator settings, structural parameter, diagnostic parameter.
Rassokha V.I., Isaychev V.T. REGULATION OF THE CONVERGENCE OF STEERED WHEELS OF VEHICLE WHEN COASTING The expressions considering a lag effect of elements of system of continuous regulation of a convergence of steered wheels of the vehicle in the course of movement which use at control of system allows to increase regulation accuracy when coasting are given. Key words: vehicle, convergence of steered wheels, regulation system, lag effect, coasting.
Rozhdestvenskiy Y.V., Boyarshinova A.K., Zadorozhnaya E.A., Cherneyko S.V. THE NUMERICAL COMPUTATION HYDROMECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS FOR THRUST BEARING WITH LASER TEXTURING OF LOAD SURFACEА brief analysis of contemporary research on the hydrodynamic thrust bearing and in particular thrust bearing which pads are treated with the texturing. Developed a mathematical model calculation hydro mechanical characteristics of thrust bearing with laser texturing of load surface. Comparative analysis showed a satisfactory agreement between the experimental and theoretical data.Key words: thrust bearing, laser surface textured, coefficient fluid friction, load capacity.
Tretiak L.N., Kosykh D.A. ABOUT IMPROVEMENT OF AUTOMOBILE OPERATIONAL MATERIALS QUALITYIn article it is established that for the operational materials made on a prescription basis, the effective instrument of improvement of quality and competitiveness will be application of the functional and cost analysis. It will allow consider object as part of the functions which are carried out by it, to create functional model of object of research, to reveal the most essential functions, thereby to define zones of concentration of useful and harmful expenses which exception will help to increase competitiveness and quality of operational materials. Key words: value engineering, operational materials, consumer properties, ductile greasing, cost characteristics, main function, additional function.
Trubin N.A. BACKGROUND OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ROAD TRANSPORT ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT The article is devoted to the development of adaptive control road transport on the example of the city of Orenburg. The existing system of passenger transportation in the city of Orenburg is analyzed. A scheme of the framework for passenger counting is proposed. Key words: adaptive management, transport system, road safety, road transport.
Khasanov R.H., Sidorin E.S., Kovrikov I.T. JUSTIFICATION OF MAINTENANCE FREQUENCY OF CARS ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT ELEMENTS In article the problem of decrease in refusals of elements of electric equipment of cars is solved. The method of determination of frequency of maintenance of elements of electric equipment of cars on the basis of the developed mathematical model of potential of working capacity is reasonable.Key words: vehicles, safety, electric equipment elements, working capacity potential, technical condition.
Uzyakov R.N., Kushnarenko V.M., Repyakh V.S., Chirkov Yu.A. INFLUENCE OF HARDNESS ON STEEL HYDROSULFIDE CRACKINGIn article cases of hydrosulfide cracking of steel details and products are considered. It is shown that along with a chemical composition the most complex mechanical criterion characterizing suitability steel to operation in the hydrosulfide containing environments is hardness.Key words: pipe, corrosion, hardness, crack, cracking.
Schurin K.V., Fedorov A.V., Keyan E.G. MOBILE REPAIR AND POWER COMPLEX FOR OIL PRODUCTION NEEDS In article geographical, climatic, economic features of the main oil provinces of Russia are analyzed. The main features and work methods of steam-water supply service are marked out for each of the considered oil provinces. Calculation of drilling rig requirement in saturated steam is made. On the basis of this analysis and calculation, the design of a mobile repair and power complex for needs of oil production is offered. Key words: drilling of oil wells, oil province, steam-water supply service, drilling rig, need for saturated steam, mobile repair and power complex, boiler module.
Faskiev R.S. MONITORING VENTILATION MODES PAINT OVENS FOR CAR REPAIR PAINT The article presents the results of a study to develop a methodology for monitoring ventilation modes paint ovens used for refinishing cars. Novelty is an approach to assessing the current state of the filter and limit the paint ovens through analysis provides a mode of ventilation of the working chamber. Key words: car, paint, paint ovens, ventilation, fan filter.
Filatov M.I., Yusupova O.V. FORMATION OF A RESERVE OF SPARE PARTS FOR REPAIR OF TRANSPORT TECHNOLOGICAL MACHINESIn article the major factors influencing to the need for spare parts for maintenance and repair of transport technological machines are defined. The scheme of definition methods of need for spare parts is provided in the sphere of operation of transport technological machines. Need of development of the advanced method of management of stocks considering conditions of consumption of spare parts in use of transport technological machines at the unsteady stream of refusals is proved.Key words: spare parts, requirement, transport technological machines, repair, methods, reliability.
Yakubovich I.A., Kulakov A.T., Shafeev D.R. IMPROVEMENT OF KAMAZ-7403 ENGINES CHARACTERISTICS BY AUTONOMOUS SUPPLY OF OIL TO TURBOCHARGERS Results of bench tests of the KAMAZ-7403 engine with an oil supply are given to TKR 7N-1 turbochargers from autonomous system of oil supply. It is established that pressure increase to 0,7 MPa provides more intensive greasing and heat removal. Influence of increase of pressure brought from autonomous system of supply of oil to turbochargers of the engine on its parameters is estimated.Key words: motor tests, turbocharger, autonomous system of oil supply, bearing knot.
Yakunin N.N., Nurgalieva D.H. TRANSPORT MOBILITY OF THE POPULATION IN ORENBURG The paper presents the results of a study of the transport mobility of the population in the city of Orenburg. Survey methods and mathematical statistics defined statistical characteristics of the main indicators of the transport mobility of the population: the number and distance of movement on the various modes of transport and on foot; transportation work. The results can be applied to optimize the routing of the transport network and the definition of technological and structural indicators of public road transport. Key words: transport mobility, the amount of movement, the distance of movement, transportation work.
Yakunina N.V. IMPROVEMENT OF SYSTEM OF THE APPLICANTS ADMISSION TO PASSENGER TRANSPORTATION BY THE MOTOR TRANSPORT ALONG ROUTES OF REGULAR COMMUNICATIONArticle is devoted to improvement of system of the applicants admission to passenger transportation by the motor transport along routes of regular messages, development of evidence-based competitive documentation indicators on the basis of safety requirements and quality of transport process, technological readiness of a carrier with determination of their values.Key words: passenger traffic, the regular communication, system of the admission to transportations, ball system of an assessment, technological readiness of a carrier.
Goncharov A.A., Goncharov N.S. IMPROVED METHODS OF DIAGNOSING OXYGEN SENSOR AUTOMOBILE ENGINES The article presents a solution to the problem of diagnosing concentration oxygen sensor automobile engines with electronic control systems. Used as current approaches to diagnosis and proposed measures aimed at reducing the overhead of time and increase the accuracy of diagnosis. An algorithm for diagnosing sensor oxygen concentration obtained experimental results establish the performance of car engines with the state of the oxygen sensor. Theoretical and experimental position intended for use on vehicles and service companies, as well as in the training of specialists in the field of maintenance and repair of motor vehicles equipped with electronic engine control system with feedback. Key words: oxygen sensor, electronic engine management, diagnostics, exhaust gases.
Konovalova T.V., Nadiryan S.L., Papazyan M.V. ACCOUNTING OF OUT-TRANSPORT EFFECT WHEN ASSESSING INVESTMENT IN URBAN PASSENGER TRANSPORT The article describes the basic accounting issues of out-transport effect when assessing investment in urban passenger transport. In modern conditions, the greatest interest is the theory and practice of evaluating the performance of transport systems in developed countries, where priority is given to the solution of social problems. This is reflected in the rejection of a unilateral approach to transport (especially the passenger), which takes into account only its profitability. As a result of profound changes in the socio-economic conditions of people living in modern conditions there is a need of managing change in the transport sector of the country. This should be considered when predicting the rate of development of individual modes of transport and transport systems of the regions. Key words: transport, transport services, transport services, passenger services, investment, investment project.
Meleshenko O.I., Konovalova T.V. EVALUATING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE TRANSPORT SERVICE OF PRODUCTION OF AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISES The article describes the performance evaluation of transport service of production of agricultural enterprises proposed method estimates the efficiency of transport service of production of agricultural enterprises allows control with minimal cost of transport and logistics activities of any enterprise of agriculture, quickly adjust production process and consequently, increase profits. Key words: transportation, transportation and logistics activities, logistics system, method of evaluation of efficiency, the integral index, the weighting factor, comprehensive indicator.
Nadiryan S.L., Parmukhin N.P., Papazyan M.V. IMPROVING ROAD SAFETY IN GORYACHY KLYUCH The article describes the main ways and means to improve road safety in Goryachy Klyuch. The problem of road safety can not be solved without the support of the broad strata of the population, taking into account the views of the public in the implementation of management decisions, targeted programs and projects. In this paper, an important step is the systematic measurement of the dynamics of public opinion, as the state of the mass consciousness of drivers and pedestrians in their interaction with stakeholders to ensure road safety and purposeful shaping tools promote a positive sense of justice. Key words: transportation, traffic rules, traffic accident, risk, injuries, road, kids.
Montella A. ROUNDABOUT DESIGN CRITERIA: AN INTERNATIONAL OVERVIEWRoundabouts are hastily spreading around the world, mainly because of their good safety performance, and several countries have recently updated their standards and guidelines. However, inconsistencies in design standards and practices are observed. In this paper, a critical review of the Australasian, EU and US standards and guidelines is performed. As a result, key issues and best practices of the existing standards are identified. Based on this review, it is recommended to adopt the concepts of design flexibility and performance based design. Indeed, rigid standards, which do not really take into account safety and operational consequences of the design decisions and the need to balance opposing demands, might produce undesirable outcomes. Finally, research areas to fill the knowledge gaps are identified. Key words: roundabouts, geometric design, sight distance, speed control, radius of deflection, entry path radius, deviation angle, safety, standards, guidelines.
Amiridis K., Psarianos B. APPLICATION OF DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY TO SOLVE THE HIGHWAY ALIGNMENT LOCATION PROBLEM The objective of this paper is to develop a mathematical methodology that allows the design of the 3-d alignment of a road directly in space thus overcoming the conventional approach of studying the three-dimensional road configuration separately and sequentially in its horizontal and vertical alignment. Initially, the proposed methodology is based on the fact that the road centerline is actually a three-dimensional curve, whereas the road as a whole is in turn a three-dimensional surface. In other words, the geometric road alignment is faced as the mathematical definition of a three-dimensional curve (road centerline) and a three-dimensional surface (road surface). There are many ways to represent and study a three-dimensional curve. However, in the suggested methodology the road centerline (3-d curve) is selected to be approached as a three-dimensional B-spline curve on the grounds that it has certain significant properties regarding highway engineering which will be described in the discussion that follows. Indeed, the road surface (3-d surface) is selected to be approached as a three-dimensional B-spline surface. The field of mathematics which is most relevant in studying curves and surfaces is differential geometry. This is why the mathematical background used in the methodology is directly associated with concepts incorporated in differential geometry which are expressed and linked to terms of highway engineering. The computational part of this approached is attained by expressing the functions in code through the programming language offered by the software Mathematica, whereas the whole process is demonstrated as a case study.Key words: 3-d highway design, B-Spline curves, B-Spline surfaces, pseudogeodesic curvature, pseudonormal curvature, pseudonormal unit vector, Procrustes transformation.
D'Alessandro C., Psarianos V. THE TEMPUS PROJECT HDMCURF: QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURESThis paper presents the Quality Assurance process developed in the framework of the project "HDMCuRF — Highway Design and Management: Curricular Reform for Russian Federation Design and Implementation of Higher Education Master Courses in Russia" funded by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) of the European Commission within the framework of the TEMPUS IV program. The project supported the transfer of EU higher education best practices in Highway Design and Management to develop advanced university courses to train competent resources in Russian Universities. The project made available, to Russian Universities, knowledge, management approaches, modelling and assessment techniques which are adapted and taken over by the Russian higher education system. Those best practices are based on the principles of the European Credit Transfer System and the recognition of the university degree. The EU participants shared best practices, training management and quality assurance approaches according to the Bologna principles and in line with Level 7 of the European Qualification Framework to support the development and diffusion of an innovative experience in technical higher education in Russian institutions supporting the capacity and knowledge building in highway design and management.Key words: Quality Assurance, European Qualification Framework, Master course, learning outcomes, TEMPUS program, Russian Federation.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |