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2014, № 10 (171)

Dryuchin D.A., Fattakhova A.F. TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF APPLICATION OF GAS FUELS DIESEL VEHICLES The features of the application of liquefied gas for vehicles with diesel engines. Described the calculated method of estimating the effectiveness of gaseous fuels, based on a comparison of operating costs in their application with costs when operating in similar conditions, but using traditional fuels. The simulation and identify areas for break-even operation of vehicles with diesel engines in the implementation of the gas-diesel fuel circuit. Key words: liquefied natural gas, the efficiency of the operation of automobiles, gas diesel, automotive gas fuel, maintenance costs, fuel economy.


1. Vehicles. Hardware requirements of the terms of traffic safety. GOST R 51702-2001. [Text]. — M .: State. Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization, Metrology and Certification, 2001. — 34 p.

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3. Karbanovich, I.N. Automotive fuel economy [Text]: experience and problems / I.I. Karbanovich. — M .: Transport, 1992. — 145 p.

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5. Lyotko, V. The use of alternative fuels in internal combustion engines / Ed. V. Lyotko, V.N. Lukanin. — M .: MADI, 2000. — 311 p.

6. Russian Autotransport Encyclopedia [Text]: tehn. operation, maintenance and repair autotransp. funds / Ed. E.S. Kuznetsova. — M .: Education, 2001. — Library accountant and businessman; Ed. 2, V. 3. — M. — 2001. — 456 p.

7. Fire safety requirements for companies that operate motor vehicles on compressed natural gas: A Guidance Document, RD-3112199-98.

8. TU 152-12-007-99 "Cars. Conversion of trucks, cars and special vehicles in the gas-cylinder to run on compressed natural gas. Acceptance for the conversion and release after the conversion. Test gas management systems"

9. TU 152-12-008-99 "Cars and buses. Conversion of trucks, cars and buses in the gas-cylinder to run on liquefied petroleum gas. Acceptance for the conversion and release after the conversion. Test gas management systems."

About this article

Authors: Fattahova A.F., Dryuchin D.A.

Year: 2014

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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