Lovygina N.V., Trofimov B.S, Vitvitsky E.E. AUTOMATED PLANNING OF TRANSPORTATIONS OF CARGOES IN SMALL ROAD TRANSPORT SYSTEM POMESHENIE SHIPMENTS TAKING INTO ACCOUNT THE PROBABILITY FACTORSSoftware and mathematical support of functioning of small transport system allows you to plan, taking into account the discrete nature of the transport process, to determine the possible magnitude of development and results of the operation during the planning of cargoes transportations in the cities, on time and with sufficient accuracy with and without taking into account probabilistic factors.Key words: transport system; planning of cargoes transportations; probabilistic factors; the software.
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About this article
Authors: Trofimov B.S., Vitvitskiy E.E., Lovygina N.V.
Year: 2014
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |