№ 10 (210), 20 october 2017
Allagulov A.M. ON THE ISSUE OF EDUCATION OF MODERN YOUTH IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATIONEducation of modern Russian youth is a strategic task of the state educational policy. The existing model of educational work in educational organizations does not meet the modern requirements in the field of education of youth, enshrined in the “Strategy for the development of education in the Russian Federation for the period until 2025” (2015). In pedagogical science there is a potential in resolving the existing contradictions, but it requires a more thorough treatment of this problem by the authorities at all levels. The study showed that the functioning model of youth education was influenced by the oriental features of Russian civilization, which resulted in emphasis on such educational mechanisms as tradition, rituals, symbols and attributes, canons. The authoritarian and dogmatic model, which is inherently inherent in its nature, violates the principle of naturalness and leads directly to the opposite result — latent protest movement of young people. An analysis of domestic and foreign publications showed that modern youth is referred to by the term “Generation Y”, or “Generation Millennium”. In recent years, society and the state have begun to pay more attention to civic and patriotic education that fosters the formation of a political culture for young people. The current practice of organizing youth education in modern educational organizations requires its modernization aimed at developing and implementing a whole set of educational impacts not only on youth but also on parents and teachers. Historical and pedagogical experience proves that education has always prevailed over teaching in the national pedagogical tradition. Educational methods should reflect the essence of modern youth, manifested in their values and attitudes. The methodological basis of these methods should be the formed critical thinking (critical thinking) among young people.Key words: education, educational policy, civil-patriotic education, historical and pedagogical experience, the concept of free education, the modern theory of youth education, basic national values.
Amirov A.F. THE USE OF MANAGED SELF-STUDY TECHNOLOGY IN THE CONTEXT OF SOLVING PROBLEMS OF FUTURE DOCTORS’ SUCCESSFUL PROFESSIONAL SOCIALIZATION One of the main goals of educational organizations is to form particular competencies that are the integral part of a specialist’s professional competence. The new concept of higher medical education is aimed at the development of a competent highly qualified mobile specialist ready for the independent medical practice. At present, the process of the doctor’s adaptation to the profession in terms of organization needs to be changed since it doesn’t meet the requirements of both patients and medical practice. That’s why the main priorities of a new paradigm of medical school pedagogics are self-development, self-education, self-planning and self-realization. The implementation of students’ managed self-study technology into the learning process gives the opportunity for the development of an independent future specialist’s qualities that will help in solving the current educational issues. This technology implies the use of a different approach to the students’ independent work management that presents complex impact on the fundamental components of any activity: motivational-encouraging, orienting, content-technological and reflexive. As the experiments show the technology of students’ managed self-study may be used as the efficient way of knowledge synthesis and transformation in the framework of forming cultural, general professional and professional competencies in the course of humanities learning. Due to the students’ active interaction communicative skills so important for the successful socialization are formed, the current learning issues are effectively solved and students’ motivation to mastering their profession increases.Key words: innovation, competence approach, interactive teaching, subjective position, professional socialization.
Amirova L.A. VOCATIONAL SCHOOL TEACHER PERSONAL FLEXIBILITY DEVELOPMENT UNDER CONDITIONS OF EDUCATIONAL CLUSTER Social values have been constantly changing due to the historic and cultural development of the society. The dynamics of these changes depend on the natural process of social development and can be accelerated or slow down by the special government agencies actions and by the reforms and modernization. The educational environment provides not only intellectual, moral, ethical and aesthetic development of a person but consolidate and form value system, general and professional outlook as well. Educational clusters are created on the leading universities campuses to prepare highly qualified specialists for a particular professional sphere. Personal mobility enables a person to quickly change a status or a position within social, cultural or professional environment under the influence of natural, social or cultural circumstances. The formation of this personality quality meets the demands of the society to a person namely speed, pace, efficiency, and intensity. Professional pedagogical mobility is an integral human characteristic that includes professional pedagogical competence, flexibility, initiative and innovation. The problem of a specialist’s professional mobility development affects all the spheres of professional education and should be studied and solved using multidisciplinary approach.Key words: personal flexibility, professional flexibility, educational system, educational cluster.
Bеrоeva E.A. INDIVIDUAL EDUCATIONAL TRAJECTORY AS A MEANS OF DEVELOPING THE PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE OF A SPECIALIST IN THE SYSTEM OF ADDITIONAL VOCATIONAL EDUCATIONIn the article the ways of development of professional qualities of professional competence are considered. The essence of the professional competence of a specialist is determined by the willingness to solve actual and prospective problems and tasks. Forms and methods of constructing an individual educational trajectory are determined, which, within the framework of the system of additional vocational education, make it possible to achieve the intended goal. Methods for constructing individual educational trajectories of trainees in the system of additional professional education are proposed. Conditions for designing individual educational trajectories of a specialist are considered. The educational process in the framework of training for an additional professional program is presented on the basis of a modular approach. The planning of the learning process is structured in such a way that trainees have the opportunity to choose the learning paths within each module, depending on the degree of complexity of the materials presented.Key words: professional competence; professional competence of the specialist; individual educational trajectory, system of additional vocational education.
Bolodurina I.P., Zaporozhko V.V., Parfenov D.I., Antsiferova L.M. MASSIVE OPEN ONLINE COURSES IN THE FORMATION OF A SINGLE INFORMATION EDUCATIONAL SPACE OF THE UNIVERSITYThe use of mass open online courses (МООС) in the process of teaching schoolchildren can contribute to expanding the boundaries of the unified information space of the university, which is the leading link and coordinator in the development of the educational cluster: the university and schools. In this regard, the development of educational МООС platforms, which ensure the implementation of two important principles — the openness and accessibility of quality e-learning, acquires particular importance. Since the general education system is not isolated from other public institutions, in particular higher education, teachers and students can participate in the formation of a single information educational space, and the university will ensure the organizational, pedagogical and program-technological conditions for its stable existence and long-term prosperity. At the initial stage, we present the general specific features of the МООС, identify the opportunities for their use in the system of secondary general education. The following is the experience of collective development of some components of МООС, namely electronic training materials and services for sharing licensed software. All materials posted on the platform “Methodical Electronic Education Center of the Ministry of Education of the Orenburg Region and the Orenburg State University” were created by the leading teachers of the region, they underwent a comprehensive examination at the Regional Center for the Development of Education and were recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Orenburg Region for use in the educational process. Thus, for today the formation of the МООС for the education of schoolchildren is one of the most important tasks in the sphere of innovative development of Russian open education, which is reflected in the state's priority projects being implemented.Key words: open education, e-learning, online course, massive open online course, MOOC, electronic learning content.
Borytko N.M., Shirokyi A.A. UNIVERSITY DISTRICT AS A FORM OF NETWORKING FOR WORK WITH INTELLECTUALLY GIFTED CHILDREN AND TALENTED YOUTHCurrently in Russia, more than 28 percent of young people between the ages of 15 and 19 live in rural areas. Low density of infrastructure can not create local educational centers, which can be limited depending on how to do it. This problem is especially acute in relation to intellectually gifted students, since not all teachers of schools and faculty are ready to provide them with assistance in mastering and designing research on selected issues of science, without entering into a compulsory curriculum. The project of the Volgograd University District has higher education: higher education, intellectual education, education, education, education, education, education, education. The activities of the Okrug create a foundation for the social development of the Volgograd region in terms of creating a favorable educational environment for intellectually gifted children and talented youth of the region. The target audience of the project are those who demonstrate advanced abilities in mastering the sciences, studying in organizations of basic and secondary (complete) general education, as well as secondary vocational education, for which it is difficult to realize the need for high-quality education of higher level in force at a distance from large educational centers, and also teachers and teachers from whom they are trained, and public organizations / associations that provide assistance to intellectually gifted students and young people. Special attention is paid to the role of teachers in the development of the natural abilities of students. Within the framework of the project, a system of measures is proposed, aimed at improving the subject-scientific postgraduate training of teachers, as well as overcoming their anxiety towards intellectual gifted children and the formation of positive attitudes towards them.Key words: gifted children, university district, interaction, teacher.
Vitvitskaya L.A., Miroshnikova D.V. DEVELOPMENT OF THE BACHELOR'S CREATIVITY IN PEDAGOGICAL PRACTICEThe need of modern society in a new teacher, ready for the development of innovative educational technologies, to the constant search for new forms of education, actualizes the importance of developing creativity as a professionally significant quality of the teacher's personality, which determines its success, relevance, competitiveness and professional development potential. The search for the conditions for the development of the creativity of the higher education school begins with the content of the Professional Standard of the Teacher and the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education of the Generation 3+, in which the creative activity and the creative competence of the bachelor are determined. Creativity of the teacher is manifested in professional activities based on various types of pedagogical interaction, solving creative tasks at the methodological, pedagogical, educational, educational and innovation levels. The potential of pedagogical practice in the development of creativity is determined: first, the content of competences that the bachelor must master in the process of pedagogical practice; secondly, the research, design and analytical activities implemented by the bachelor in pedagogical practice; thirdly, the development of pedagogical thinking and cognitive creative activity of bachelors at the expense of obtaining the primary experience of professional pedagogical activity. Development of the bachelor's creativity in the process of pedagogical practice provides the following components: organizational, vocational-motivational, methodological-theoretical, methodical-practical, purposeful interaction, creative, reflective and action-oriented. They together create a set of conditions for the development of cognitive, activity and motivational indicators of the bachelor's creativity in pedagogical practice. One of the means of development of the bachelor's creativity is the solution of creative methodical and professionally oriented tasks aimed at developing methodical thinking and actualization of professional self-awareness, which together provided the development of the bachelor's creativity in the process of pedagogical practice.Key words: creativity, pedagogical practice, higher education, professional development, professional interaction, creative development.
Ganaeva E.A., Eremina A.P. THE IMPLEMENTATION OF PRACTICE-ORIENTED MODEL OF THE NETWORK OF EDUCATIONAL TRAINING PROGRAMS FOR FUTURE MANAGERSThe decision of the socio-cultural and socio-economic problems of a continuing nature, meet new challenges, requires the preparation of an effective Manager, able to achieve their goals in conditions of economic crisis, changes in the external environment, complexity of the innovation. So actualize activity approach in training of the future Manager, which in turn dictates the necessity of strengthening practical orientation of training and determine the integration of resources of educational institutions, ensuring the quality of design and implementation of educational programs. Effective means of professional training of a future Manager (in the direction “Pedagogical education”) becomes the network’s educational program. Based on the analysis of theoretical research and practical experience in the implementation of the network of educational programs defined organizational, informative, technological dominance in the implementation of training programs for the future manager. This leads to a change in the role of a manager in education, updating training model, theoretical, technological and resource support for the educational process. Network training program is the most important means of improving the quality of training of the future manager. The article describes the experience of the implementation of the module “State and municipal management” network of educational program “Management in Education” in the Orenburg State Pedagogical University. The core of the module becomes a content production practices — practices of obtaining professional skills and professional experience (management), implemented in the logic of the activity approach in the form of networking, together with the municipal budgetary institutions “Center for psychological and educational, medical, methodical and social assistance” Pulsed center “Orenburg”. The use of possibilities of realization of network educational programs in the professional training of a future Manager (in the direction “Pedagogical education”) allows organizational, informative, technologically, to provide the educational process aimed at training effective Manager.Key words: quality of education, quality of preparation, preparation of the future manager, professional training, management practice, network educational program.
Gayazov A.S. EDUCATION UNDER MODERN CONDITIONS: PROBLEMS, TRENDS AND PROSPECTSSocial, economic, ecological and cultural changes spread worldwide in such a quick pace that they become global having direct impact on everyone. Every participant of today’s transformations should be aware of the society being created within the completely changing world and realize the place of a man in this world. In other words, there comes a question: what a modern well-bred and well-educated man should be to cope with the challenges of the permanently changing environment? The requirements of pedagogical relationship personification and pedagogical impact are fulfilled through the adequate use of personal experience including feelings, emotions, actions, through teacher-student cooperation. These relationship comprises of all the interaction spheres not only the narrow distinction between educators and educatees. Only in that case poly-subjective approach can be applied to the educational process providing the use of a man’s positive potential, his creative abilities for the development and self-perfection due to the equality of communication partners, openness and trust, values, that result in development of the other as the Civilization Person.Key words: problems, tendencies and prospects for the development of education under modern conditions, the narrowing of educational influence zone, defects of socialization, marginalization of the population, civil immaturity, pseudo intelligence, the formation of human civilization.
Ezhova T.V. THE ROLE OF THE PEDAGOGICAL DISCOURSE IN THE FUTURE PROFESSION IMAGE FORMATION In the educational process not enough attention is paid to the formation of concept of the image as a socially significant value, which influences the effectiveness of activity in different spheres of social practice. The potential of the educational discourse in the image formation activity of agents of educational process is not fully realized, its options and resources in the context of the future profession image formation are evidently underestimated and not completely analyzed. On the basis of analyses and generalization of theoretical data in the given article the key statements in the definitions of concepts “pedagogical discourse”, “image”, “image of the future profession”, conceptually significant characteristics of the pedagogical discourse are presented, the potential options of the pedagogical discourse in the context of the future profession image formation and specification of the image of professional future are disclosed. The image of a specialist in certain sphere of science or industry, which is considered in the mass consciousness as the image of a representative of some profession, influences the vectors of professional orientation in the consciousness both of an individual and society in the whole. Relevance of a profession at the labor market, the possibilities of life journey, professional advancement and self-actualization in the profession chosen are of paramount importance for the agents of educational process in the future profession image formation. Maximal use of the pedagogical discourse potential in the future profession image formation can help to avoid the possible mistakes of attribution, caused by the wrong conceptualization of specifics in the future professional activity by the agent of educational process and minimize the risks of corrupted image of the future profession and professional future. Key words: discourse, pedagogical discourse, image, image of the future profession, image of the professional future, professional personality orientation, mistakes of attribution.
Erofeeva N.E., Melekesov G.A. THE VALUE ORIENTATIONS OF A FRESHMAN’S PROFESSIONAL CHOICE Speaking about the current professional orientations of school graduates, it is often necessary to state that they have not only difficulties in choosing their future profession, but also with the course of education, which should become the basis of their future in general. The first-year students understand their future much later, often after graduating from college or university. A socio-pedagogical study of the value orientations of the professional choice of a freshman is called to help young people in the professional choice and determination of the basic directions of moral, spiritual and personal aspirations. For several years, in close consultation with scientists of St. Petersburg in the Orsk Humanitarian Technological Institute (branch) of the OSU and educational organizations of the city of Orsk, polls, monitoring, sociological questionnaires were conducted aimed at revealing the value orientations of high school and first-year students. The analysis of the results was based on the principles of the axiological approach, the emphasis was on the educational perspective and the search for life guides in the learning process. Based on the results of the work, it was revealed that respect from parents and others remains important, but the most significant are the prestigious profession, good earnings and future professional growth, in recent years there has been an increase in healthy pragmatism. In the course of study, it was possible to determine the stable values of the first-year student, to consider the specifics of the formation of the university educational space, in which, simultaneously and at the same time, two levels of education develop — secondary vocational and higher, to allocate the role of subject-subject relations in the process of training future specialists and bachelors. The use of tutoring technology allowed to methodically and accurately build an educational route, as well as a personal growth path for a freshman student on the path to mastering the secrets of the future profession.Key words: student, freshman, education, value orientations, professional choice, tutor support, motivation.
Zhadanov V.I., Charikova I.N. EPISTEMOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF INNOVATIVE DESIGN TECHNOLOGIES’ PEDAGOGICAL REALIZATION IN EDUCATIONAL PROCESS OF HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONToday, an ever-increasing demand for innovative technologies is evidence of the public recognition of intellectual and industrial activities. In this connection, the most important aspect of modernization of modern higher education is the formation and development of project-organizational competence as a fundamental component in the professional activity of the university teacher. The constructive basis for the achievement of the target orientations of the designated competence issues is the application of innovative project-oriented pedagogical technologies for the personal development of students of modern higher education, associated with the humanitarian vectors of the generation of personal, “living” knowledge. The epistemological emphasis of the implementation of innovative design technologies in the educational process of the university is directly correlated with the knowledge of the resource-generating activity approach, which assumes the cognitive transformation of the pedagogical functional of the university teacher, the introduction of a project-based, communication.Key words: design, pedagogical design, knowledge, design development of the person, creativity.
Ilaltdinova E.Y., Ignatyeva E.V. PECULIARITIES OF POST-GRADUATE GUIDING OF THE EMPLOYER-SPONSORED EDUCATION PROGRAMS GRADUATES IN CONDITIONS OF THE REGIONAL SOCIAL-PEDAGOGICAL CLUSTERNowadays little attention is paid to the problem of arranging the post-graduate guiding of the employer-sponsored education programs graduates in conditions of the regional social-pedagogical cluster. However, the modern educational system needs changes that imply the creation of basis for the sustainable functioning of educational community and fundamentals of a teacher’s professional guidance. One of the ways to solve this problem is to develop and implementation of a new purpose-oriented teacher-training model, that ensures highly qualified motivated specialists coming into the profession due to the differentiation of university entrance processes and use of the employer-sponsored education programs. The system of post-diploma guidance lasts for three years and includes the following stages: coming into profession stage, primary adaptation stage, value –motivational stage and a graduate’s professional growth stage. The online guidance helps to respond to the arising problems in due time and provide efficient feedback with a young specialist. The structure of the regional socio-educational cluster comprises the following elements: a great number of educational organizations, practice bases, experimental facilities, teachers’ professional associations, disciplinary or project teacher-students’ communities, training school simulator, e-platform, networking programs, support and follow-on, regional system of professional orientation, regional personnel assembly kit.Key words: post-graduate guiding of a graduate, employer-sponsored education, regional social-pedagogical cluster, mentoring, young specialist.
Kargapoltcev S.M. EMOTIONAL-MORAL CATEGORY OF SYMPATHY: THE HISTORICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL ASPECTIn a multisyllabic and multifaceted matter of the pedagogical organization of the process of moral and spiritual development of the personality, an important factor is the appeal to the progressive experience of pedagogical thought, which is directed toward the formation of the sphere of humane feelings of an adult. The humanistic appearance of emotional and moral responsiveness — “sympathy” — was believed by most researchers to be synonymous with a sense of goodness and humanity, a source of justice and humanity, mercy and sensitivity, altruism and benevolence. The main form of manifestation of sympathy was “empathy”, carried out in the humanitarian plane of the two modalities of the experienced response — “sympathy”, caused by positive feelings of the other and “compassion”, the source of which was grief, misfortune, sadness; emphasized the priority significance of celebration in the formation of the moral image of a growing person, the formation of the sphere of his sympathetic feelings in the creative projections of love. The pedagogical instrumentation of the process of forming a feeling of sympathy in the ascending logic of its level of formation — “physiological” — “psychological” — “intellectual” — was based, first of all, on situations of direct communication with surrounding close people, the development of “constructive” imagination, (the ability to present oneself to the place of another), enriching the experience of a “sympathetic” experience (widening the “circle of sympathy”), systematic exercises in active sympathy and rejoice, behavioral mehan imitation and example of the Significant Other. An important role in the formation of sympathy was assigned to the aesthetic (expressive, facial) component, pedagogically realized in the personality-developing format of interrelated educational methods (method): “from the internal to the external” and “through the external to the internal”.Key words: sympathy, empathy, co-feeling, compassion, joy, development of humane feelings.
Kargapoltseva N.A., Maslikova E.F. INTERACTION OF THE GENERAL, ADDITIONAL AND PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION IN THE SPACE OF THE UNIVERSITY DISTRICTAs noted in the program documents, the main direction of the Russian state educational policy is the provision by each citizen of the positive development of its socio-cultural, economic and spiritual-moral potential, which implies the utmost strengthening of the integrative aspects of the productive interaction of educational structures, units and organizations in the innovative area of education, upbringing and development personality. The presence of an integrative impulse of cooperation in the activities of the Association “Orenburg University (Academic) District” was originally determined by the specific nature of its structural construction, according to which “association” is one of the organizational and legal forms of non-profit organizations, a voluntary association of individuals, institutions and structures of one kind of activity to achieve common goal. The basic vectors of educational cooperation, singled out and fixed in the Association’s Charter, correspond to the strategic lines of development of Russian education, which include such essential characteristics as globalization, informatization, humanitarization, humanization. Experience of the Association “Orenburg University (Academic) District” shows that the productive solution of the problem of socialization and upbringing of the personality of the modern student is possible only in the unifying potential of joint efforts, in the developing space of educational integration, in the joint implementation of socially significant programs, innovation projects and humanitarian initiatives.Key words: university district, Association, interaction, integration, quality of education, sustainable development.
Kipnes L.V. THE CREATION OF A UNIFIED CULTURAL AND EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT: EXPERIENCE OF ANO “UNIVERSITY EDUCATIONAL DISTRICT”From the beginning of formation of system of universal education its distinctive feature was the leading role of education in social life of the country. The formation and development of the individual occurs in the cultural and educational environment, which has its own specifics related to the space environment, conditions, etc. Cultural and educational environment is historically a sphere of life of the people, caused by natural, religious, financial, cultural and other conditions. Today, it is extremely important the creation of a unified cultural and educational environment within the Russian Federation. Universities have always been centres of formation and concentration of the intellectual potential of society, that is why they played an important role in the integration of educational, scientific, cultural and various state and public structures. Russia has accumulated rich experience of integration of educational institutions, in particular large-scale integration of structure, University school districts, which throughout its history contributed to the formation of cultural and educational environment, and this tradition continues in the modern world. At the end of the last century was revived, and in some cases, and formed the University district. Regional University district has teamed up with 2007 the Association is subsequently registered as an Autonomous non-commercial organization consolidating educational space “of the University Educational District”. In today’s environment educational activities is highly demanded and implemented inside the regional University districts, and through the activities of ANO “University Educational District”, which implements a number of educational projects aimed at the creation of a unified cultural and educational environment.Key words: education, culture, cultural and educational environment university districts, project, educational activity, ANO “University Educational District”.
Kiriakova A.V., Yuzhaninova E.R. THE AXIOLOGICAL POTENTIAL OF SOCIAL NETWORKS FOR HIGHER EDUCATIONInnovation and investment in higher education for the business community often look unattractive, and the state does not always have the ability to meet the financial needs of the entire education system. However, no system can develop without innovation. If we take into account the speed with which the shortcomings and the lag in higher education from the demands of society are beginning to affect all aspects of society, the position obliges to look for possible solutions. One of them is the use of technologies that had been originally created for other purposes, but with adaptation to educational objectives. One option is represented by social networks. The constant competition between social networks led to the fact that they began to possess almost all the necessary opportunities for their use in the educational process of the university, i.e. they began to have an axiological potential for education. Specific elements of the networks (recordings on the wall, the creation of a training post with the addition of photographs, photo albums, chats, discussions, video, animation, live broadcasts, the publication timer) allow to provide a full-fledged process of distance learning and pedagogical support for the student. The process of a group conducting in the social network compared to the personal site of the teacher or a special learning environment has become more convenient: content changes in the group are reflected in the news line and on smartphone screens; a delayed publication of several posts is possible; about the beginning of the video broadcast, all students receive notification in real time; recently published information is placed in the tape above, later — below; it is possible to create thematic photo albums; students enjoy social nets more willingly and visit them more often than individual sites. The teacher can see how many people got acquainted with the teaching material. Social networks have all the attributes of value for the educational process in the university: the importance, usefulness, necessity, expediency. They have a clear axiological potential for the university, since they are a full-fledged technological platform for the pedagogical support of the student during his studies.Key words: higher education, social networks, interactive learning, group in social networks.
Kuznetsova S.V., Bystritskaya E.V. POTENTIAL OF THEATRICAL PEDAGOGY IN PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION OF THE TEACHERTeachers’ professional education has been changing significantly to meet the modern requirements for the specialist in education. Theatrical pedagogy plays a great part in the formation of significantly new personal and professional characteristics of the teacher, as well as in expanding the technological tools of the teacher and raising the level of his artistic and aesthetic culture. The principles of theatrical pedagogy do not contradict the basic provisions of developing education, but rather clarify and disclose the individual aspects of this pedagogical technology. The compatibility of P. Galperin’s technology on the step-by-step formation of mental actions with the method of forming psychophysical actions by M. Chekhov helps a teacher to develop improvisation as a genuine artistry which becomes an automatic skill and triggers a teacher’s creative potential that is revealed in the practical use of acquired competences. The mechanisms of theatrical pedagogy positively affect the numerous components of the educational process. The complex use of theatrical pedagogy methods will allow the teacher to ensure the productivity of the entire teaching and educational process, since the creative nature of the teacher’s activity not only lends itself to formation, but must also be formed.Key words: theatrical pedagogy, world outlook, developmental training, pedagogical interaction, pedagogical artistry, improvisation, competences, vocational education, method, technology.
Labuzov V.A. THE STRATEGY OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF ORENBURG REGIONAL EDUCATIONIn the Russian education, the implementation of priority projects relating to the creation of a modern educational environment for the school, the development of online learning, the provision of a new quality of supplementary education, the formation of a modern human resource and the competitiveness of educational organizations in a market economy and the information society are continuing. The range of measures to update the content of education is expanding substantially, the federal state educational standard for children with disabilities is actively being introduced, the humanitarian resource of educational interaction is developing, the sphere of humanistic support for personal growth of students is expanding. In the successful implementation of the content vectors of the stated goal-setting, the regional education — the territorial integrity of educational values and meanings, ideas and ideals, intentions and desires, actions and deeds, in integrative mediation of socio-economic, historical-cultural and national-ethnic conditions and factors called upon ensure the development of the country’s human capital. Experience shows that a productive solution to the strategic tasks of regional education development is made possible through the scientific mediation of educational management strategies and tactics, in the humanitarian support of the innovative potential and optimizing the prognostication of the forms, methods and means of pedagogical instrumentation of the educational process.Key words: educational content, strategic directions of development, common educational space, innovations, prognostication, differentiated approach, educational quality.
Lutsai Е.D., Sadovaya S.A. ACTUAL PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS OF TARGET ADMISSION TO UNIVERSITIES OF THE ORENBURG REGIONThe article considers the problem of improving the legal framework that is designed to regulate relations of targeted admition, employment and, in general, staffing in the Orenburg region is relevant. The purpose of the study was to identify the specifics of the organization of targeted admission to universities in the Orenburg region. 2 528 applications for the period from 2014 to 2017 from municipalities were studied. The “efficiency of targeted admission” indicator was determined in the context of municipal entities, the most popular areas of training. There is a general decrease in the number of applications for targeted training for 2014-2017 by 3%. Structural analysis of the causes revealed an increase in applications in the Orenburg State Medical University, “Medicine”. The increase in applications to the Orenburg State Pedagogical University is associated with the emergence of directions with two training profiles. The decrease in the number of applications for targeted admition to the Orenburg State Agrarian University is due to the predominance of private enterprises in agriculture and the low prestige of entrance to agricultural training areas. The efficiency of the target admission in 2017 was about 44.5%. During the work of municipal entities, the ratio between the number of applications and the severity of the selection of applicants applying for targeted education is not always balanced. There is a need for legislative regulation of the minimum social support provided to students on the target quota.Key words: universities, Orenburg region, target admission, target education, problems, prospects.
Maygeldieva Sh.M. INTEGRAL APPROACH TO LEARNING IN THE SYSTEM OF DUAL-ORIENTED EDUCATION In the article the author considers the problem of integrative approach to learning in general and in the system of dual-oriented education in particular. Integrity is defined by the author as a phenomenon, the main feature of which is a harmonious connection of the whole previously independent parts. Proceeding from this, the integration of content is treated as a system that has certain functions and structure, and as an objective pedagogical process that assumes different stages of its development. The author reveals a narrow and wide understanding of the term “dual formation” and, on the example of his university experience, shares examples of the transition of the university to a dual model of education. A dual model of education in general understanding is a form of integrative realization of future specialists’ theoretical and practical teaching not only at the educational institutes but at the modern industrial enterprise. The main principle of the dual model of education is an equal social responsibility of educational institutes but at the modern industrial enterprises for the quality of training of specialists. The enterprise gives the valuable experience of the professional activity due to which the graduators have the opportunity to realize successfully their skills in certain industrial conditions. The elements of the dual model of education are also seen through the mutual use of academic equipment and other resources by teachers and employers; mutual participation in seminars and international academic programmes and projects. In the mode of dual education, integration is understood as the highest form of interrelation and expression of the unity of goals, the principles of content, the forms of organization of the process of education and upbringing in the university, aimed at intensifying the vocational training system of the future specialist.Key words: Integration, integrative approach, dual training, dual-oriented education.
Matvievskaya E.G., Merculova L.V. THE STRATEGY OF DEVELOPING THE PERSONALITY AND PROFESSIONAL SKILLS OF A FUTURE TEACHER WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF MINOR PROFESSIONAL EDUCATIONNowadays scientific discourse on problems and prospects of future development of the teachers training system in Russia makes it possible to speak not only about modern education technologies but also about entire strategies of training future teachers. The process of education at universities and colleges being variable, flexible and personalized, it requires new approaches to developing and implementing academic programs as well as new architecture and design of its implementation. This study is devoted to the problem of creating a strategy of developing the personality and professional skills of a future teacher by means of minor professional education programs. As a result of the study the authors defines the notion of a “training strategy”, considers approaches to creating a strategy of developing the personality and professional skills of a future teacher based on education results. The resulting Strategy of Developing the Personality and Professional Skills of a Future Teacher is focused on the National System of Teachers’ Progress (NSUR), has a modular structure, the contents of each module being determined by the contexts of modern education development and aimed at meeting the personal interests of a future teacher. Key words: training strategies, the strategy of developing the personality and professional skills of a future teacher, professional training, teachers training, minor professional education, professional communication.
Moroz V.V. UNIVERSITY STUDENTS CREATIVITY DEVELOPMENT IN THE FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNINGThe quality of a future specialist’s training is determined not only by the knowledge level, but by professional and creative potential as well. Creativity as the distinctive human feature, knowledge and competences, human capital accumulated during student’s training in educational institutions serve as a driving force for economic development and society progress. One of the key tasks of modern education is to create conditions for the successful development of students and teachers’ creative potential. Linguistic creativity enables a person to disclose, accumulate and use the knowledge of a foreign language thus enhancing self-realization. To develop students’ creativity during foreign language learning there should be certain conditions namely, friendly atmosphere, creativity model (teacher), general knowledge of a foreign language and creative skills. The success of an educational creative process depends on how well the exchange of values and competences between a teacher and students take place. To develop students’ creativity, a teacher should serve as a model and be ready for discoveries and getting new knowledge, to think out of box, to solve problems creatively, to take risk, and be tolerant to mistakes and uncertainty. The sustainable value orientations toward cognition, creativity, and self-expression make educational process more purposeful; help to avoid motivational conflict, to achieve high level of student’s creativity and self-development in creative educational activity.Key words: creativity development, university students, value orientations, resonance value-creative interaction, university educational environment, self-expression values, foreign language learning.
Nevolina V.V., Belonovskaya I.D., Baranov V.V. STRATEGY OF DEVELOPMENT OF INSTITUTES OF HEALTH IN THE STUDENT’S ENVIRONMENT OF ORENBURG REGIONАctivities of the institutes of health of the Orenburg region for the formation of a style healthy lifestyle, aimed at the formation of conscious and responsible attitude of students to health, focusing on health behavior, improving health-saving activity, the effectiveness of teaching and professional activities; prevention of socially negative phenomena in the student's environment, promoting a healthy lifestyle. In universities Orga, OSPU, OSU conducts numerous scientific studies. Strategy of development of institutes of health aimed at scientific and methodological support of the formation of the developing environment of professional education as a complex of information, social and psycho-pedagogical factors contributing to the formation of a healthy way of life, value of health as a resource for professional self-development of the student. We have developed and implemented pedagogical project of the open network pilot the foresight platform, “the Strategy of professional self-development of the student in medical education”. Key words: health, healthy lifestyle, health institutions, development strategy, pilot the foresight platform.
Olkhovaya T.A., Karataeva T.A. ACTUAL AIMS OF SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL SUPPORT OF THE PROCESS OF CIVIC IDENTITY FORMATION OF SENIOR PUPILS IN A MODERN SCHOOLThe article is devoted to the scientific and methodological support of formation of civil identity of pupils and to identify opportunities in the educational process of the modern school in this process. The relevance of this topic is related with increasing in the conditions of democratization of public life demands spiritual and moral education of the person citizen of Russia, especially significant in the context of the implementation of the FSES. The content of scientific publications identified pedagogical initiative for the introduction of value-oriented technologies in educational and extracurricular activities of high school students. Special attention is paid to assessing the level of formation of axiological component of civil identity. On the basis of diagnostic data confirmed the presence of a medium level of development of the axiological component of national identity, expressed in the predominance of situation-the positive attitude of students in relation to basic national values, which actualizes the task of implementing value-oriented techniques of civil identity formation of students. In the end, the majority of respondents, the authors state that there is a medium level of civil identity on value-semantic component (57%). The authors consider value-based technology as a tool of development of the axiological component of civic identity of adolescents, identifying the basic principles of their implementation in educational process at school: Dialogic and eventfulness of interaction between teacher and student; subjectivity as a teacher and a teenager; activity the nature of the pedagogical interaction; axiological education; humanization of the educational process.Key words: civil identity, value-oriented technologies, axiological component of civil identity, subjectivity, eventness.
Osmolovskaya I.M. THE ROLE OF PEDAGOGICS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATIONModern challenges to the sphere of education, including the growing dynamism of life processes, the increase in situations of uncertainty in life and professional activity, requiring rapid decisions, the powerful development of information and communication technologies, changes in the psyche of modern children, the change in the very situation of childhood require significant changes educational process. In this approach, the main trends and factors of the innovative development of Russian education are the activity character of instruction, project training, group work, the creation of an electronic school, the identification and support of gifted children, inclusive education, gaming, aimed at realizing the possibilities of pedagogy in improving the educational process, bringing it into compliance with the requirements of the time, “removing” the problem of the introduction of federal state educational standards, debunking the “myths” of lessons on FSES. It is pointed out that promising technologies that are widely implemented now in schools successfully work only when they are based on didactic principles and their implementation becomes the main one in their application; prospects of interdisciplinary research in the field of education are revealed.Key words: educational development tendencies, didactics, Federal state educational standards, information and educational environment, electronic textbook, interdisciplinary research.
Pozdnyakova O.K., Vereshchagina N.I. MODEL OF FORMATION OF PATRIOTIC CULTURE OF SCHOOLCHILDRENThe research substantiates the importance of forming a patriotic culture of a schoolchild as part of a person’s social culture; determines the need to develop a model for the formation of patriotic culture of students; a model for the formation of a patriotic culture of schoolchildren is proposed, including the goal, the structural components of patriotic culture, approaches, the content of the process of forming patriotic culture of students, the activities of the teacher, the forms and methods, the predicted result; the content of the cognitive, value and behavioral components of patriotic culture of schoolchildren is presented; the choice of culturological, axiological and activity approaches is justified as approaches to the formation of patriotic culture; It is proved that the use of the culturological approach, removing the narrow cognitive orientation of knowledge of the history of the Fatherland, knowledge of the small country and other similar knowledge, allows us to distinguish the value component of this knowledge and to reveal to its students its cultural meaning; it is revealed that the axiological approach is aimed at understanding the meaning of values that form the content of the value component of patriotic culture, on developing the ability of schoolchildren to understand them; argues that the activity approach is aimed at forming the experience of patriotic behavior of schoolchildren, manifested in deeds, in the activity of a patriotic orientation; the directions of the teacher’s activity in the formation of the patriotic culture of schoolchildren are defined: the formation of schoolchildren’s knowledge, the introduction of schoolchildren to values, the formation of experience in the patriotic behavior of students, and the goal of each direction is revealed; shows the correlation of the structural components of the patriotic culture of schoolchildren and the directions of the teacher’s activity in the formation of such a culture; forms and methods of forming a patriotic culture are presented; examples are given of the methods used to form patriotic culture of schoolchildren in history lessons.Key words: culture, patriotism, patriotic culture, schoolboy, formation, model, structural components, approach, content, direction of the teacher’s activity, form, method.
Ratner F.L. THE INFLUENCE OF FOREIGN SCIENTISTS ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF INCLUSIVE EDUCATIONThe research is devoted to the analysis of the views and practical activities of outstanding foreign scientists on the formation, development and modern state of inclusive education. It is provided information about the international experience of inclusion, data on the significant role played by native scientists who have made a significant contribution to this problem, is reported in the development of inclusion in the countries of the near abroad. The special importance of the problem of inclusion in connection with the increasing number of children with disabilities is emphasized at the present stage, since the Education Act in Russia declares inclusive education as a necessary and integral part of the general education system is emphasized. Attention is drawn to the fact that, despite the concept of integrated learning children with disabilities developed in 2001, in Russia at present there are still problems and barriers to the successful implementation of inclusive education have not been overcome. In this regard, the reference to the experience and analysis of the ideas and practical activities of foreign scientists can contribute to improve the solution of this problem with an obligatory consideration of the Russian reality and specific features of Russian education, especially as the facts demonstrate existence in the world more than one billion children with features of development to which have the equal rights to education, and work, and it is inclusion is an essential factor in the socialization of these children and adults in society.Key words: inclusive education, Children with disabilities, foreign experience, ways and forms of inclusion abroad.
Ryndak V.G., Mikhaleva E.S. THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF DEVELOPMENT OF POTENTIAL OF GIFTED TEENAGERS IN CREATIVE EDUCATIONIn the modern education system is increasing the demand for young people with a high level of development potential, therefore, the priority is the development of potential of gifted students, and a study of their problem areas and prospects of development is the most important task of modern education. Consequently, there is a need to create a new educational paradigm in modern education system with the priority of creative education, providing an opportunity for the development of potential of gifted adolescents, and orientation to the new tasks, finding a life perspective, the birth of many innovative ideas. An important role in the development of the potential of a gifted teenager in the creative education is given to the teacher, and more successfully developed the creative potential of the student teacher. That’s the teacher in working with gifted teenagers will be able to see something new, unusual. Activities creative teacher focused on the creative solution of professional of unusual tasks, creation of new values, the formation of the experience of generating ideas. He is characterized by such personal qualities as sociability, to make unconventional decisions, ability to participate actively in the development of new ideas, to act correctly in the face of uncertainty and high risk. Productive development potential of a gifted teenager in a creative education possible with the implementation of structural-functional models based on personalized approach, principles and functions (educational, educational, organizational, communicative, diagnostic, prognostic, reflective, adaptive environmental, creative and developmental), reflecting the optimal set of pedagogical conditions: planning an individual route, based on the diagnosis of the level of development of potential of gifted teenagers in partnership positions teen and teacher; the inclusion of a gifted teenager in the creative-reflective learning; the implementation of creative education socio-pedagogical situations, relations and communication.Key words: the potential of gifted Teens; creative education; pedagogical possibilities of creative education, activities of the teacher in developing the potential of gifted teenager, the experience of educational institutions.
Sakharova N.S., Tomin V.V. CULTURAL AND EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT IN A POLY-ETHNIC CLASS: THE DEVELOPING POTENTIAL OF CROSS-CULTURAL INTERACTIONPoly-ethnic groups of students are defined as “advanced groups”, because the participants of these groups demonstrate the most effective manifestation of tolerance, socio-cultural adaptation and social responsibility. The authors have studied the nature of cross-cultural interaction within these groups, which have a significant potential in terms of the development of tolerant consciousness. Observations of the activities of the poly-ethnic groups were conducted in the following age groups: (partly) senior pupils of general education schools, as well as bachelors and undergraduates of higher educational institutions of the Orenburg region. Presence of the allocated students’ qualities was measured by means of author’s techniques, among which the central place belongs to the method of identification. Correlation of types and levels of communication in various poly-ethnic groups, as well as types of value attitudes of participants in these groups, was revealed. The directions that activate the potential of cross-cultural interaction in such groups are described, the principles of creating a cultural and educational environment as the most important factor in shaping the personality traits of the student that determines its organic and complete self-realization in the multicultural space of the society are presented. In terms of the concept of cross-cultural interaction, the main value in the educational process is the student’s personality, as well as the personality of the teacher, and their common desire for comprehensive effective interaction. At the same time, every student, regardless of ethnic origin, language, political and speech differences, has the opportunity for their full personal and professional development. The developing potential of cross-cultural interaction in poly-national groups is determined by the flexibility of the pedagogical support system, the establishment of subject-subject relations among the participants of the interaction and is realized in the cultural and educational environment through the learning situations in the process of collective creative activity in the course of building knowledge about the multicultural world.Key words: cultural and educational environment, poly-ethnic class, communication, value, cross-cultural interaction.
Semenova N.G., Tomina I.P. INTERMEDIATE PROJECTS METHOD IN CONDITIONS OF INTEGRATED ELECTRONIC EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES APLICATIONOne of the main tasks of vocational education informatization is to prepare a highly qualified, competitive specialist who is ready to carry out professional activities in the information society, including independently conducting research activities during projects execution that integrate the subject knowledge of several scientific fields. In this regard, the interdisciplinary projects method, relating to problematic tuition methods, acquires special significance in the technical university. Under the interdisciplinary projects method we mean such way of the training organization when in the process of educational (research) projects execution, students develop the skills to apply knowledge in solving educational (research) problems from other subject areas. In the context of vocational education informatization, the structure and content of the project method is changing, a new stage is “Software Implementation”, which activates the activities of both the teacher and the student. The teacher activity activization is related to the fact that he provides training to students not only in his subject area, but also in the use of electronic educational resources. The activation of students’ learning and cognitive activity is accompanied by the activity of recording their research results in an individual tasks block of an electronic portfolio or an electronic workbook, and also by developing a presentation on the research activities results. All this activates the student’s mnemonic activity, namely: the processes of understanding, memorizing, preserving and reproducing the studied material, which is fundamental for the implementation of projects that integrate the subject knowledge of several scientific fields. The use of electronic educational resources in the intersubject projects method is accompanied by the organization of a new information interaction of the educational purpose realized in the trinity: subject (teacher) — object (ESM) — subject (student). In the traditionally formed training system, the main participants in information interaction are only two: a teacher and a student. The result of organizing and conducting the learning process on the basis of the interdisciplinary projects method in the context of the integrated use of ESM is the twofold goal achievement: the professionally directed intersubject connections formation level increase and the increase the of ICT competence level. Key words: interdisciplinary projects method, intersubject connections, vocational education informatization, electronic educational resources.
Tavstukha O.G., Muratova A.A. THE QUESTION OF FORMATION OF THE GENERAL CULTURE OF THE PRESCHOOL CHILDFormation of the general culture of the personality is the leading task of preschool education. Determination of an entity of the general culture requires the appeal to a concept of culture as phenomenon. In foreign science the concept of culture is considered within the anthropological researches. In the 19th century the correlation of the person as member of society and culture as creativity and products of intellectual and art work was marked. In the 20th century scientists come to judgment of existence of a set of cultures and select the general cultural kernel: traditional (historically received and selected) the ideas embodied in values. In domestic science the concept of culture is considered within the humanitarian researches. D. Likhachev treats culture as the material and spiritual environment created by the person promoting enhancement and maintaining social norms and values and a humanization of the public relations. S. Mikhalap understands interdependent changes of the person as culture: from the development happening in activities to change of behavior and life. The concept of the general culture is reflected in declarative documents of the international level. In the Declaration on science and use of scientific knowledge and the agenda in the field of science of UNESCO the science which plays an important role in conversion of the modern society is defined by a component of the general culture. The general culture is understood by scientists as the sphere of social and creative activity of the personality (N. Smirnova), unity of education and good breeding (A. Belyaev); awareness of the student on national and universal culture, spiritual and moral aspects of life, public phenomena (B. Yarmakayev). In the research I. Zimnaya in the content of the general culture interdependent concepts are selected: personality, activities, attitude of the person towards, pattern, to another. N. Orekhovskaya calls “creation of culture” the leading characteristic of the modern education. Results of the theoretical analysis demonstrate that formation of the general culture assumes a directivity of pedagogical process on increase in level of social, intellectual, spiritual and moral development of the person. It needs to be begun with preschool education.Key words: culture, general culture, formation of the general culture, personality, activity, cultural values, education, experience, common cultural competence.
Charikova I.N. SCIENTIFIC AND PROJECT ACTIVITIES OF STUDENTS IN THE COMPETENCE EDUCATIONAt present, progress in obtaining and accumulating scientific knowledge on the basis of the necessary-desired implementation of the idea of project-problem-research training in the university is a significant resource for the development of the quality of competence education. The phenomenon of “scientific and project activity” epistemologically accentuates the personal-developmental cognitions of the process of the pedagogical realization of the humanities in a meaningful and semantic synonymy with such traditionally distinguished educational concepts of a higher school as the “design-research” and “research” the potential of the competence approach in the information realities of the emerging knowledge society (economy). The analysis of thematic sources made it possible to identify certain areas (sections) for improving the scientific and project activity of students in competence education, which in the cognitive-semantic plane of terminological generalization can be represented by the following concepts: “context”, “collective competence”, “epistemological style of thinking.”Key words:
Zubova L. V., Kirienko A.A., Nazarenko E. V. RESEARCH OF INFLUENCE OF AGGRESSION OF TEENAGERS ON THEIR SITUATION IN GROUP OF PEERSThe research is directed to studying of interrelation of aggression of the teenager and the sociometric status in group. An empirical part of a research included two stages: the flight research and the main research directed to determination of level of aggression of teenagers, determination of their sociometric status and identification of interrelation between the level of aggression and the sociometric status of teenagers. The research has confirmed the assumption that the level of aggression is connected with the place taken by the child in group. The highest level of aggression is observed at the teenagers having the sociometric status referred to category “rejected”. The hypothesis that leaders have the high level of aggression hasn’t found confirmation.Key words: aggression, aggression, sociometric status, interpersonal relations of teenagers.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |