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October 2017, № 10 (210)

Ezhova T.V. THE ROLE OF THE PEDAGOGICAL DISCOURSE IN THE FUTURE PROFESSION IMAGE FORMATION In the educational process not enough attention is paid to the formation of concept of the image as a socially significant value, which influences the effectiveness of activity in different spheres of social practice. The potential of the educational discourse in the image formation activity of agents of educational process is not fully realized, its options and resources in the context of the future profession image formation are evidently underestimated and not completely analyzed. On the basis of analyses and generalization of theoretical data in the given article the key statements in the definitions of concepts “pedagogical discourse”, “image”, “image of the future profession”, conceptually significant characteristics of the pedagogical discourse are presented, the potential options of the pedagogical discourse in the context of the future profession image formation and specification of the image of professional future are disclosed. The image of a specialist in certain sphere of science or industry, which is considered in the mass consciousness as the image of a representative of some profession, influences the vectors of professional orientation in the consciousness both of an individual and society in the whole. Relevance of a profession at the labor market, the possibilities of life journey, professional advancement and self-actualization in the profession chosen are of paramount importance for the agents of educational process in the future profession image formation. Maximal use of the pedagogical discourse potential in the future profession image formation can help to avoid the possible mistakes of attribution, caused by the wrong conceptualization of specifics in the future professional activity by the agent of educational process and minimize the risks of corrupted image of the future profession and professional future. Key words: discourse, pedagogical discourse, image, image of the future profession, image of the professional future, professional personality orientation, mistakes of attribution.


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About this article

Author: Ezhova T.V.

Year: 2017

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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