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October 2017, № 10 (210)

Kargapoltseva N.A., Maslikova E.F. INTERACTION OF THE GENERAL, ADDITIONAL AND PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION IN THE SPACE OF THE UNIVERSITY DISTRICTAs noted in the program documents, the main direction of the Russian state educational policy is the provision by each citizen of the positive development of its socio-cultural, economic and spiritual-moral potential, which implies the utmost strengthening of the integrative aspects of the productive interaction of educational structures, units and organizations in the innovative area of education, upbringing and development personality. The presence of an integrative impulse of cooperation in the activities of the Association “Orenburg University (Academic) District” was originally determined by the specific nature of its structural construction, according to which “association” is one of the organizational and legal forms of non-profit organizations, a voluntary association of individuals, institutions and structures of one kind of activity to achieve common goal. The basic vectors of educational cooperation, singled out and fixed in the Association’s Charter, correspond to the strategic lines of development of Russian education, which include such essential characteristics as globalization, informatization, humanitarization, humanization. Experience of the Association “Orenburg University (Academic) District” shows that the productive solution of the problem of socialization and upbringing of the personality of the modern student is possible only in the unifying potential of joint efforts, in the developing space of educational integration, in the joint implementation of socially significant programs, innovation projects and humanitarian initiatives.Key words: university district, Association, interaction, integration, quality of education, sustainable development.


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About this article

Authors: Kargapoltseva N.A., Maslikova E.F.

Year: 2017

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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