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October 2017, № 10 (210)

Olkhovaya T.A., Karataeva T.A. ACTUAL AIMS OF SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL SUPPORT OF THE PROCESS OF CIVIC IDENTITY FORMATION OF SENIOR PUPILS IN A MODERN SCHOOLThe article is devoted to the scientific and methodological support of formation of civil identity of pupils and to identify opportunities in the educational process of the modern school in this process. The relevance of this topic is related with increasing in the conditions of democratization of public life demands spiritual and moral education of the person citizen of Russia, especially significant in the context of the implementation of the FSES. The content of scientific publications identified pedagogical initiative for the introduction of value-oriented technologies in educational and extracurricular activities of high school students. Special attention is paid to assessing the level of formation of axiological component of civil identity. On the basis of diagnostic data confirmed the presence of a medium level of development of the axiological component of national identity, expressed in the predominance of situation-the positive attitude of students in relation to basic national values, which actualizes the task of implementing value-oriented techniques of civil identity formation of students. In the end, the majority of respondents, the authors state that there is a medium level of civil identity on value-semantic component (57%). The authors consider value-based technology as a tool of development of the axiological component of civic identity of adolescents, identifying the basic principles of their implementation in educational process at school: Dialogic and eventfulness of interaction between teacher and student; subjectivity as a teacher and a teenager; activity the nature of the pedagogical interaction; axiological education; humanization of the educational process.Key words: civil identity, value-oriented technologies, axiological component of civil identity, subjectivity, eventness.


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About this article

Authors: Olhovaya T.A., Karataeva T.A.

Year: 2017

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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