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October 2017, № 10 (210)

Ryndak V.G., Mikhaleva E.S. THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF DEVELOPMENT OF POTENTIAL OF GIFTED TEENAGERS IN CREATIVE EDUCATIONIn the modern education system is increasing the demand for young people with a high level of development potential, therefore, the priority is the development of potential of gifted students, and a study of their problem areas and prospects of development is the most important task of modern education. Consequently, there is a need to create a new educational paradigm in modern education system with the priority of creative education, providing an opportunity for the development of potential of gifted adolescents, and orientation to the new tasks, finding a life perspective, the birth of many innovative ideas. An important role in the development of the potential of a gifted teenager in the creative education is given to the teacher, and more successfully developed the creative potential of the student teacher. That’s the teacher in working with gifted teenagers will be able to see something new, unusual. Activities creative teacher focused on the creative solution of professional of unusual tasks, creation of new values, the formation of the experience of generating ideas. He is characterized by such personal qualities as sociability, to make unconventional decisions, ability to participate actively in the development of new ideas, to act correctly in the face of uncertainty and high risk. Productive development potential of a gifted teenager in a creative education possible with the implementation of structural-functional models based on personalized approach, principles and functions (educational, educational, organizational, communicative, diagnostic, prognostic, reflective, adaptive environmental, creative and developmental), reflecting the optimal set of pedagogical conditions: planning an individual route, based on the diagnosis of the level of development of potential of gifted teenagers in partnership positions teen and teacher; the inclusion of a gifted teenager in the creative-reflective learning; the implementation of creative education socio-pedagogical situations, relations and communication.Key words: the potential of gifted Teens; creative education; pedagogical possibilities of creative education, activities of the teacher in developing the potential of gifted teenager, the experience of educational institutions.


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About this article

Authors: Mihaleva E.S., Ryndak V.G.

Year: 2017

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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