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October 2017, № 10 (210)

Gayazov A.S. EDUCATION UNDER MODERN CONDITIONS: PROBLEMS, TRENDS AND PROSPECTSSocial, economic, ecological and cultural changes spread worldwide in such a quick pace that they become global having direct impact on everyone. Every participant of today’s transformations should be aware of the society being created within the completely changing world and realize the place of a man in this world. In other words, there comes a question: what a modern well-bred and well-educated man should be to cope with the challenges of the permanently changing environment? The requirements of pedagogical relationship personification and pedagogical impact are fulfilled through the adequate use of personal experience including feelings, emotions, actions, through teacher-student cooperation. These relationship comprises of all the interaction spheres not only the narrow distinction between educators and educatees. Only in that case poly-subjective approach can be applied to the educational process providing the use of a man’s positive potential, his creative abilities for the development and self-perfection due to the equality of communication partners, openness and trust, values, that result in development of the other as the Civilization Person.Key words: problems, tendencies and prospects for the development of education under modern conditions, the narrowing of educational influence zone, defects of socialization, marginalization of the population, civil immaturity, pseudo intelligence, the formation of human civilization.


1. Berdyayev, N.A. The origins and meaning of Russian communism. — M., 1990. — 224 p.

2. Bulychev, K. Pass: The novel, the story. — SPb .: ABC-Terra, 1997. — 480 p.

3. Gayazov, A.S., Bayazitov, S.B., Amirov, A.F. Socialization of a person's identity in the space of a municipal formation. — Ufa: BSU, 2000. — 197 p.

4. For the further reading, we suggest: Gayazov A.S. Education and education of a citizen in the modern world. — Moscow: Nauka, 2003. -256 p.; Gayazov A.S. Education as a space for the formation of a citizen's personality. — M .: VLADOS, 2006. — 284 p .; Gayazov A.S. Seven problems of modern education — Ufa: Vagant, 2008. — 236 p .; Gayazov A.S. The leading role of education in society: Ufa: publishing house of the Belarusian State Pedagogical University, 2011 -152 pp .; Gayazov A.S. Ethno-educational space and the development of modern education. — Moscow: Drofa, 2012. — 168 p.

5. Naumova T. The Broken Intelligentsia // Free Thought — XXI. — No. 12. — 2001. — P. 26.

6. Likhachev DS Letters of the good and beautiful. — Moscow: Children’s Literature, 1989. — 207 p.

7. Razbegaeva L.P. Value foundations of humanistic education. — Volgograd: The Change, 2001. — 289 p.

8. Roerich N. On the eternal ... — M .: Republic, 1994. — 462 p.

9. Kholodnaya, MA Psychology of the intellect: the paradoxes of research. — Tomsk: Publishing house of Tomsk University; M .: Bars, 1997. — 392 p.

10. Kholodnaya, MA Psychology of the intellect: the paradoxes of research. — Tomsk: Publishing house of Tomsk University; M .: Bars, 1997. — P.11

11. Vaskovics L. Marginlität // Worterbuch der Sociology / Ferdinand Enke Verlag. Stutgart, 1989. Band 2.

12. Scopf R. Versuch einer Eingrenzung des Begriffs “Marginalisierung” // Marginalisierung im Sozialstaat: Beitr. aus Grossbritannien u. der Budesrep. / Autorengruppe: Blahusch F. Gekeler G. Vitchel V. et al. Marburg: Verl. Arbeiterbewegung u. Gesellschaftswiss., 1986. S. 38.

About this article

Author: Gayazov A.S.

Year: 2017

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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