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October 2017, № 10 (210)

Sakharova N.S., Tomin V.V. CULTURAL AND EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT IN A POLY-ETHNIC CLASS: THE DEVELOPING POTENTIAL OF CROSS-CULTURAL INTERACTIONPoly-ethnic groups of students are defined as “advanced groups”, because the participants of these groups demonstrate the most effective manifestation of tolerance, socio-cultural adaptation and social responsibility. The authors have studied the nature of cross-cultural interaction within these groups, which have a significant potential in terms of the development of tolerant consciousness. Observations of the activities of the poly-ethnic groups were conducted in the following age groups: (partly) senior pupils of general education schools, as well as bachelors and undergraduates of higher educational institutions of the Orenburg region. Presence of the allocated students’ qualities was measured by means of author’s techniques, among which the central place belongs to the method of identification. Correlation of types and levels of communication in various poly-ethnic groups, as well as types of value attitudes of participants in these groups, was revealed. The directions that activate the potential of cross-cultural interaction in such groups are described, the principles of creating a cultural and educational environment as the most important factor in shaping the personality traits of the student that determines its organic and complete self-realization in the multicultural space of the society are presented. In terms of the concept of cross-cultural interaction, the main value in the educational process is the student’s personality, as well as the personality of the teacher, and their common desire for comprehensive effective interaction. At the same time, every student, regardless of ethnic origin, language, political and speech differences, has the opportunity for their full personal and professional development. The developing potential of cross-cultural interaction in poly-national groups is determined by the flexibility of the pedagogical support system, the establishment of subject-subject relations among the participants of the interaction and is realized in the cultural and educational environment through the learning situations in the process of collective creative activity in the course of building knowledge about the multicultural world.Key words: cultural and educational environment, poly-ethnic class, communication, value, cross-cultural interaction.


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About this article

Authors: Saharova N.S., Tomin V.V.

Year: 2017

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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