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October 2017, № 10 (210)

Tavstukha O.G., Muratova A.A. THE QUESTION OF FORMATION OF THE GENERAL CULTURE OF THE PRESCHOOL CHILDFormation of the general culture of the personality is the leading task of preschool education. Determination of an entity of the general culture requires the appeal to a concept of culture as phenomenon. In foreign science the concept of culture is considered within the anthropological researches. In the 19th century the correlation of the person as member of society and culture as creativity and products of intellectual and art work was marked. In the 20th century scientists come to judgment of existence of a set of cultures and select the general cultural kernel: traditional (historically received and selected) the ideas embodied in values. In domestic science the concept of culture is considered within the humanitarian researches. D. Likhachev treats culture as the material and spiritual environment created by the person promoting enhancement and maintaining social norms and values and a humanization of the public relations. S. Mikhalap understands interdependent changes of the person as culture: from the development happening in activities to change of behavior and life. The concept of the general culture is reflected in declarative documents of the international level. In the Declaration on science and use of scientific knowledge and the agenda in the field of science of UNESCO the science which plays an important role in conversion of the modern society is defined by a component of the general culture. The general culture is understood by scientists as the sphere of social and creative activity of the personality (N. Smirnova), unity of education and good breeding (A. Belyaev); awareness of the student on national and universal culture, spiritual and moral aspects of life, public phenomena (B. Yarmakayev). In the research I. Zimnaya in the content of the general culture interdependent concepts are selected: personality, activities, attitude of the person towards, pattern, to another. N. Orekhovskaya calls “creation of culture” the leading characteristic of the modern education. Results of the theoretical analysis demonstrate that formation of the general culture assumes a directivity of pedagogical process on increase in level of social, intellectual, spiritual and moral development of the person. It needs to be begun with preschool education.Key words: culture, general culture, formation of the general culture, personality, activity, cultural values, education, experience, common cultural competence.


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About this article

Authors: Tavstuha O.G., Muratova A.A.

Year: 2017

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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