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October 2017, № 10 (210)

Ratner F.L. THE INFLUENCE OF FOREIGN SCIENTISTS ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF INCLUSIVE EDUCATIONThe research is devoted to the analysis of the views and practical activities of outstanding foreign scientists on the formation, development and modern state of inclusive education. It is provided information about the international experience of inclusion, data on the significant role played by native scientists who have made a significant contribution to this problem, is reported in the development of inclusion in the countries of the near abroad. The special importance of the problem of inclusion in connection with the increasing number of children with disabilities is emphasized at the present stage, since the Education Act in Russia declares inclusive education as a necessary and integral part of the general education system is emphasized. Attention is drawn to the fact that, despite the concept of integrated learning children with disabilities developed in 2001, in Russia at present there are still problems and barriers to the successful implementation of inclusive education have not been overcome. In this regard, the reference to the experience and analysis of the ideas and practical activities of foreign scientists can contribute to improve the solution of this problem with an obligatory consideration of the Russian reality and specific features of Russian education, especially as the facts demonstrate existence in the world more than one billion children with features of development to which have the equal rights to education, and work, and it is inclusion is an essential factor in the socialization of these children and adults in society.Key words: inclusive education, Children with disabilities, foreign experience, ways and forms of inclusion abroad.


1. Ratner F.L., Yusupova A.Y. Integrated training of children using the opportunities in healthy children society. -M.: Humanitarian. Ed. Center VLADOS, 2014.-175p.

2. Contribution of outstanding thinkers and scientists in pedagogy (Author-compiler F.L.Ratner) .— K .: Publishing house KSMA, 2015.-40p.

3. Ratner F.L. Development of the integration process of education in modern Russia and abroad / / Anthropological sciences: an innovative view on education and personal development: Mater. V Int. scientific-prakt.konf.-Voronezh: Publishing house “Scientific Book”, 2017.-591p.-P.89-93.

About this article

Author: Ratner F.L.

Year: 2017

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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