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October 2017, № 10 (210)

Kuznetsova S.V., Bystritskaya E.V. POTENTIAL OF THEATRICAL PEDAGOGY IN PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION OF THE TEACHERTeachers’ professional education has been changing significantly to meet the modern requirements for the specialist in education. Theatrical pedagogy plays a great part in the formation of significantly new personal and professional characteristics of the teacher, as well as in expanding the technological tools of the teacher and raising the level of his artistic and aesthetic culture. The principles of theatrical pedagogy do not contradict the basic provisions of developing education, but rather clarify and disclose the individual aspects of this pedagogical technology. The compatibility of P. Galperin’s technology on the step-by-step formation of mental actions with the method of forming psychophysical actions by M. Chekhov helps a teacher to develop improvisation as a genuine artistry which becomes an automatic skill and triggers a teacher’s creative potential that is revealed in the practical use of acquired competences. The mechanisms of theatrical pedagogy positively affect the numerous components of the educational process. The complex use of theatrical pedagogy methods will allow the teacher to ensure the productivity of the entire teaching and educational process, since the creative nature of the teacher’s activity not only lends itself to formation, but must also be formed.Key words: theatrical pedagogy, world outlook, developmental training, pedagogical interaction, pedagogical artistry, improvisation, competences, vocational education, method, technology.


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About this article

Authors: Kuznetsova S.V., Bystritskaya E.V.

Year: 2017

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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