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№ 13š(188),š23šnovemberš2015


Kargapoltsev S.M., Tabilova M.R. PEDAGOGICAL MANAGEMENT OF EDUCATIONAL INSTITU-TIONS' PERSONNEL IN THE CONDITIONS OF FGES' IMPLEMENTATION IN PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONUnder the provisions of the updated Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation," the domestic system of preschool education serves primary, the first level of general education. This fact implies not only an increase in the socio-cultural and social status of pre-school education, which is reflected legal and regulatory provisions of the relevant federal state educational standards (FGES), but also determines the need to implement proper teaching, and therefore the maximum managerial innovations in the activities of pre-school educational institutions. Changes in the content-targeted vectors of preschool education leads to new approaches to evaluating the effectiveness of management of educational institutional system associated with a kind of "restructuring" philosophy of teaching and managerial staff, focusing on identifying the main trends in the educational development of society, developing the priority requests of the educational market, the pedagogical plane implemented the adequate response to the educational challenges of today. The volume number of professional and personal competences, which are intended to be the head of an educational organization working in the mode of innovation, far not the last place is occupied by initiative, responsibility, courage, determination, and, among the dominant prioritiesš— strong commitment to humanistic ideals and principles in building management strategies and tactics of modern pre-school education.Key words: administration, education, innovation, competitiveness and humanity.
Kargapoltseva N.A., Ivlev A.á. TO THE PROBLEM OF SOCIALIZATION OF THE STUDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY BY MEANS OF SCREEN CULTURE Being the product of informational development of the human personality of the XXIšcentury, screen culture emphasizes the decisive importance of the mass media in modern life of young people, defines the characteristic features of the morality of the modern expert, providing a significant impact on the effectiveness of professional and communicative activities. Today it is obvious that an important element of socialization in modern educational continuum is a screen culture, represented by such means as the film, television and computer technology, the Internet. In conditions of global informatization of society the socialization of students' personality is a promising vector of development of the modern university in connection with the nature of education and multimedia nature of media education. The necessity of the socialization of student's personality by means of screen culture in order to prepare a competitive specialist is proved in the article. The concepts of "socialization of the individual" and "screen culture" are clarified. Levels of formation of screen culture, defining the quality dynamics of socialization of the individual student in the conditions of pedagogical mediation of educational and developmental process are distinguished.Key words: socialization, screen culture, screen culture subject, criteria of formation of screen culture, factors of socialization.


Abdirov N.M. FORMS PROSECUTOR COORDINATION OF LAW ENFORCEMENT AND OTHER STATE BODIESThe paper analyzes the essence and content of coordination activities prosecutors detected and investigated its forms of implementation. It is noted that a specific list of key regulatory forms of coordination of activities is not exhaustive, and in practice the prosecution may use and other forms of coordination that may be more effective and perspective in dealing with certain issues of law, order and organization of the fight against crime. As practice coordination among prosecutors, development and definition of the different forms of coordination by the need to bring the relevant law enforcement agencies under the existing specific criminal situation, a creative approach to finding the most appropriate and effective ways to solve the problems in this regard tasks, overcoming of which would be possible with minimal Human cost of manpower, material and other resources. The degree of functional viability of the height level prosecutors largely determined by its focused and active in the search for optimal forms of coordination. So one of the ways to implement the coordination activities are the powers of prosecutors in the development and creation of various regulations, mediating some form of coordination. The foregoing facts coordination practices Prosecutor of the Republic of Kazakhstan, on the one hand, evidence of the similarity of forms of association of efforts of the leading criminal proceedings under the coordination of activities of public prosecution in Russia and Kazakhstan, on the other hand, aim the Russian prosecutors to the possibility, under certain conditions, the use of this Experience in the implementation and coordination of supervisory powers. In general, the basic forms of coordination are used by many prosecutors of CIS member states. The proper selection and use of different forms of coordination and interagency cooperation contributes to improving the efficiency of government agencies to strengthen the rule of law, combating crime and other offenses.Key words: coordination activities prosecutor's office, coordinating forms interaction with the court.

Social sciences

Amelin V.V. THE PRESERVATION OF CULTURAL DIVERSITY AS THE BASIS OF STABILITY IN POLYETHNIC MULTICONFESSIONAL REGIONEthno-political situation in Russia, which has a complex, multi-cultural composition of the population, require monitoring of ethno-political processes, developing mechanisms for the preservation of international peace and harmony, dialogue between different religions. The article deals with inter-ethnic and ethno-confessional situation in the multiethnic region. Showing forms of governance of cultural diversity. Ethno-cultural policy pursued by the authorities to preserve and develop national culture, native languages contributes to the preservation of ethnic and religious identity, which in turn leads to the strengthening of civic identity š— the Russian nation. Evaluated the development of Orthodox-Islamic, OrthodoÈ-Catholic, Orthodox-Protestant dialogue and the attitude of the Russian Orthodox Church to the new religious movements. Noted the positive role of the institutions of civil society, in this case of the national non-governmental organizations, in working to meet the national needs of the population, as well as the creation of mechanisms of interaction between the authorities and ethnic groups. Cited the data on the ethnic structure of the region's population, defined the factors that contribute to its change (migration, change of ethnic identity, interethnic marriages). On the basis of social questioning assessed the state of ethnic and religious relations, revealed the presence of the potential for conflict, named the risks of cross-cultural integration, described the accumulated experience of adaptation of migrants in Orenburg society. It is concluded that the positive practices in the field of state national policy contribute to the preservation of cultural diversity as the basis of ethno-political stability in the region.Key words: cultural diversity, policy of multiculturalism, ethnic and cultural education, state national policy, migration.

Technical sciences

Baranov D.A., Vlatskaya I.V. USING THE NETWORK DATABASE FOR STORING COMPLEX STRUCTURED DATA ON THE CLIENT IN AN INFORMATION SYSTEM WITH A WEB-INTERFACEThe development of Web 2.0 technologies has led to the displacement of complex applications on the Web. A Web-based applications have several advantages, however, the current limitation of the Webš2.0 platform (in particular, the lack of support for distributed object systems) do not allow to effectively handle complex structured data, which hampers the implementation of information systems in the form of web-based applications. The data with a complex structure (complex structured) include arrays, lists, trees, graphs, networks and combinations thereof. The problem is the complexity of the relevance maintenance of the web pages and synchronization with the server, the large amounts of data need to be transmitted, as this could adversely affect the reaction rate of the application user interface. Hence, an important task is to minimize the volume of transmitted data necessary to perform an operation and the elimination of reloading data. As a solution to this problem is proposed to introduce a separate (sub) level data on the client side. In the course of such a level of abstraction that solves the problems described above, it developed the concept of a unified oriented graph (UOG), which is a special case of the network database.Key words: distributed systems, object graph unified, complex structured data, databases.
Vygolova I.N., Larina T.N., Benkovskaya L.V. DYNAMIC RANGE PERIODIZATION AS INFORMATION AND ANALYTICAL FRAMEWORK OF THE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY OF VOCATIONAL EDUCATION IN ORENBURG REGIONVocational education system is an important subject of public administration and is constantly in the focus of public attention. This fact determines the need for the development of information and analytical support of the management process of this sphere. The article presents an analysis of the vocational education system of the Orenburg region in retrospect from 2000 to 2014. The information base for the study were the official data Orenburgstata. Scorecard includes 5šindicators (number of outstanding specialists with higher education per 10,000 of the population, the number of admitted students in the training programs of training mid-level professionals per 10,000 population,šetc.). The purpose of researchš— to implement the periodization of the complex dynamics of the development of a number of study areas that should ensure the allocation of time slices that are experiencing the most significant change in the system. As a result, allocated three homogeneous period in the development of professional education of the Orenburg region (2000–2004 yearsš— the period with the lowest software professional staff and middle level of demand for educational services; 2005–2010š— "peak" period to change the demand for educational services ; the years 2011–2014š— still enough to ensure a high level of professional staff with a sharp decrease in demand for educational services). Periodization performed by algorithms of multivariate statistical methods (cluster and factor). The results of calculations by different methods consistent with each other, which indicates that the objective character of the periodization. The periodization of the dynamic series will enable further measures to adjust the public administration sphere of education, as well as improve the accuracy of forecasts of the regional economy needs for qualified personnel.Key words: periodization, the dynamic range of vocational education, region, multivariate statistical methods.
Erokhina å.V., Letuta ô.V., Shagivaleeva I.Z. ALTERNATIVE FORMS OF CIVIL RIGHTS PROTECTION IN ORENBURG REGION: THEORETICAL AND APPLIED RESEARCH Study alternative forms of civil rights protection, which traditionally includes arbitration and mediation, assumes importance due to the need to expand the scope of their application in Russia. The study materials of the State Archive of Orenburg region and the Documentation Center of the Modern History of the Orenburg region has revealed a number of significant moments in the history of alternative forms of civil rights protection in the Orenburg region, and distinguish two types of arbitration forms of civil rights protection. Comparison of the key features of arbitration in the pre-revolutionary, Soviet and modern period of Russian Law development and the court practice allowed us to estimate the status of the arbitrator and mediator (with fiduciary theory of judging), the principle of competence and the principle of confidentiality in the modern arbitration. Forming the modern legal regulation of alternative forms of civil rights protection advocated the need for consider foreign legislation and peculiarities of the Russian cultural heritage. On the basis of statistical data and surveys in the framework of ascertaining experiment formed conclusions about the practical need for extending the application of alternative forms of civil rights protection, and legal measures aimed at promoting these forms. In particular, the need to consolidate the principle of legislative competence; to reduce the role of the principle of confidentiality; concrete definition in Law alternative mediation procedures (promoting mediation, evaluative mediation, negotiation), the mechanism of their implementation; the proclamation in Law decision of the arbitration court in all cases be final; the introduction to the Russian practice online dispute resolution.Key words: alternative forms of protection, arbitration, mediation, international acts.

Economic sciences

KolodinÁ N.F. METHODOLOGICAL STUDY THE SITUATION OF FOOD SECURITY IN THE REGION IN TERMS OF IMPORT SUBSTITUTIONThe article discusses the concept of "food security", the main factors to ensure food security, criteria and evaluation of food security, food security of the country and the region, studied and summarized a number of methods to assess the level of food security; an analysis of the region and the Orenburg region for the production of agricultural products, the level of self-sufficiency in agricultural products on the basis of actual consumption and recommended standards, deviations of the actual dynamics of the recommended level of self-sufficiency and the main types of agricultural production in the Orenburg region, foreign trade in food and raw materials for their production; summarized the achievement of food security of the state and the region.Key words: food security, food safety criteria, methods to assess the level of food security, self-sufficiency in agricultural products, and the actual consumption of the recommended daily consumption of agricultural products.
Korabeynikov I.N., Korabeynikova O.A. SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL ASPECTS OF FOOD SAFETY IN THE ORENBURG REGION BASIS OF CLUSTER APPROACHCurrently, under the food security is to understand the economic development of the territory, which will ensure the implementation process to ensure physical and economic access to every citizen of foods that meet the requirements of the Russian legislation on technical regulation. This modern authors formation and functioning of product clusters primarily examined from the standpoint of production approach. However, this approach does not fully reflect the various aspects of the practical implementation of a network of economic actors in the process of providing the population with food. The article highlights the need to provide a theoretical study of the problems of food security in the region, based on the cluster approach, which includes the provisions of the following theories: the cluster theory of economic development, the theory of stagnation and theories of regional development, defined by their characteristics. Based on the analysis of the practice of building clusters in the Russian grocery isolated model clustering product that have an orientation for the development of the relations of production and the development of food consumption. Clarification of theoretical and practical aspects of the product cluster formation has led to the possibility of clarifying the concepts of "food security" and "food cluster". According to the results of the research in the formulation of models of building product clusters and determine the content of mono-product polyproduct clusters and networks multicluster manifested in the differentiation of production and economic specialization and priorities of cluster development. It was determined that the priorities in the implementation of food consumer market organizations should reflect the need for the development of consumer markets for local producers. Clarification of the concepts of "food security" and "food cluster" allowed to determine the need to build regional production, logistics, service, trade and other systems in a variety of processes implemented to ensure food security.Key words: food security, food cluster model, typology, orientation, production, consumption.
Lapteva E.V. STATISTICAL RESEARCH RUSSIAN FEDERATION POPULATION SAVINGS ACTIVITYThe paper studied the activity of savings of the population of the Russian Federation in dynamics for 2000–2013 years. At the preliminary stage of the study was to assess changes in public opinion on the assessment of favorable conditions for the formation of savings (according to a sample survey of consumer expectations) and the priority conservation objectives (according to sample surveys). Further, the paper considers the structure of household incomes, the dynamics of monetary expenditures of the population, the structure of the savings of the total income; dynamo of individuals' deposits. As time series of 2000–2013 years. carried out modeling of interrelation of indicators of the banking sector and savings activity of the population, made the forecast on the basis of multiple regression equations.Key words: savings of the population, revenues, cash expenditures, cash held by the public, the banking system, deposits of individuals, multiple regression forecast.
Nosenko L.I., Gevorkyan T.V. THE CONCEPT OF DEVELOPMENT OF ALTERNATIVE MEANS OF RESOLVING LEGAL CONFLICTS IN THE ORENBURG REGION IN ORDER TO INCREASE THE LEGAL CULTURE OF THE POPULATIONThe lack of justice formed in the area of effective mechanisms of civil-legal regulation of alternative ways to protect the violated pravotritsatelno affects the confidence of civil turnover subjects to this form of implementation of the rights. Failure to understand the prerequisites, the nature and types of alternative ways to protect the violated rights does not give an opportunity to talk about the stability of the legal understanding of the importance of alternative procedures to resolve legal conflicts. In order to assist in the implementation of the citizens of the Orenburg region the right to effective legal protection, developed the concept of the development of alternative methods of dispute resolution, the implementation of which will serve as a mechanism for improving the legal culture of the population of the Orenburg region. Alternative methods of dispute resolution require active development due to the need to significantly improve the protection and preservation of the rights of citizens, which contributes to the formation of the rule of law. Orenburg region should be one of the most advanced regions, not only in the sphere of economic relations, but also in the development of the legal culture of the population. The fundamental problems due to the need of practical implementation and expansion of the scope of the institutions of the rule of law, because the higher the level of development of the state, the greater the number of disputes is considered non-state institutions. For the first time revealed some of the problems associated with the lack of a unified approach to the interpretation of the content of the alternative forms of protection of the violated rights, the relation of an alternative and extra-judicial dispute resolution. It proposed a responsible attitude to the use of terms related to the content of the alternative forms of protection of violated rights. Necessary legal education as a condition of formation of legal culture of the population. The structure of alternative ways of considering and resolving legal conflicts with the purpose of formation of legal culture of the population of the Orenburg region. We see the possibility of declaring the Orenburg region experimental platform development system of alternative means of resolving legal conflicts.Key words: legal culture, alternative, legal disputes, the concept of protection of the rights, protection of rights.


Notova S.V., Kiyaeva E.V., Alidzhanova I.E., Cheremushnikova I.I., Bibartseva E.V. PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGICAL AND METABOLIC ASPECTSOF ADAPTATIONAND DISADAPTATIONOF STUDENTSStress factors are the causes of emotional stress, reduced functional reserves of the organism, stress leads to increased morbidity and mortality. That's why studying of the mechanisms of adaptation and disadaptation of person has special importance. The article presents the results of long-term studies of the psycho-physiological and metabolic parameters'changes during the adaptation to various environmental conditions. The peculiarities of physical development, lifestyle, eating habits, bad habits, as well as cardio and metabolic parameters in students of different ethnic groups were investigated. Elemental portrait of young men with information about the features of the element status shows that most abnormalities are not related with ethnicity, but are related with the region of residence. At the same time, it was shown the influence of the person individual characteristics on the process of adaptation of students. Correlation analysis between psychological indices and the parameters of adaptation showed that the largest number of correlations between psychological characteristics and cardioindicators were in the group of Tatars. In addition, it is was shown that the functional hemispheric asymmetry of the brain affected on the body's ability to adaptation. Right hemisphere dominant young men hada higher rate of reaction according to the tests "assess attention", "noise immunity", "simple hand-eye reaction". Regardless of the type of functional hemispheric asymmetry, the young men had deficient of cobalt, selenium, an excess of lithium, iron and zinc, compared with the optimal interval centile. Thus, the adaptability of the organism depends on many factors, and defining factors are ethnic characteristics, the type of functional hemispheric asymmetry, lifestyle and environmental living conditions.Key words: adaptation, disadaptation, students, element status, hemispheric asymmetry, ethnic groups.
Popov V.V., Tsypin A.P. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF THE DYNAMICS OF INCOME CUSTOMS PAYMENTS TO THE FEDERAL BUDGET IN TODAY'S ECONOMYDuring the period of economic reform, a system of customs authorities, which corresponds to modern conditions of the international market. With the help of this system has considerable statistical information, which reflects the structure and dynamics of the collection of customs duties, the amount of goods transported through the customs border of the EAEC, and the mechanism of foreign trade and domestic prices, etc. Under these conditions, there is a need of economic and statistical study of the above data to identify patterns of development and implementation of forecasting the state of the phenomenon in the future. The article presents an attempt to build a dynamic model of a statistically significant number of customs payments to the federal budget in the current external economic environment of the Russian Federation. The sequence of steps of the analysis of time series. Constructed an econometric model that takes into account the structural changes in the dynamics of the analyzed a number of levels and a forecast for 2015. According to the results of the study revealed that a significant reduction in customs duties calls into question the economic viability of the continued functioning of the Orenburg customs. The estimated model of "collapse" has confirmed the hypothesis about the impact of the change of status of the Orenburg customs (from the outside to the inside) on the amount of customs duties collected.Key words: Eurasian Economic Union, a time series dynamics, customs fees, the budget, the model forecast.
Popova O.B. GEOGRAPHIC PATTERNS OF FORMATION AND SPATIAL DIFFERENTIATION OF RECREATIONAL AND TOURIST POTENTIAL OF ORENBURG REGIONCurrently, it created the need for a reassessment of the recreational potential of the Russian regions on the background of import substitution of rhetoric. Geographic patterns of capacity building for tourism and recreation have been identified for a particular region, contribute to the development of recommendations for the optimization of the spatial organization of the industry. The tourist potential of the area is required to evaluate complex through a set of tourist and infrastructure capacity, natural and recreational, cultural and historical. The basis for the study is based on statistics of towns and districts of the Orenburg region. The calculated ratio of identified integrated geographic patterns of spatial differentiation of the tourism potential of the Orenburg region. Orenburg region has a relatively low level of development of the tourism industry in the east and the lack of availability of cultural and historical resources, but high values of availability of natural and recreational resources in the west. Prospects for the development of domestic tourism in the Orenburg region are differentiated by territory. The highest rates have western and central administrative regions.Key words: recreational and tourist potential of the territory, integrated tourist and recreational potential, domestic tourism, Orenburg region.
Renner A.G., Bantikova O.I., Zhemchuzhnikova Y.A., Stebunova O.I., Tuktamysheva L.M., Chudinova O.S. MATHEMATICAL MODELING OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC, DEMOGRAPHIC AND MIGRATION PROCESSES IN THE REGION, TAKING INTO ACCOUNT RUSSIA'S WTO ACCESSION To form ideas about the sizes, structure and of the severity real and potential problems in the region in conditions the WTO and the sanctions imposed, not only at the present stage, but in the long term, you need a comprehensive study based on the application of advanced mathematical tools. The authors set the task to form methodic and demonstrate its influence to the analysis, modeling and forecasting the state of the economy, labor market, of demographic, migration and investment processes in the region in terms of Russia's accession to the WTO. The result of the study is a developed technique of monitoring of state of the economy and social sphere of the Orenburg region including the analysis of the current trends in demographics, migration and processes on labor market in the region in the conditions of formation of the Customs Union, of the world economic crisis and of the WTO accession; modeling of the dynamics of the structure of the number of migrants, employed and unemployed, investment in fixed assets, allowing to set trends in Changes of share of factors, laid in the foundation of the structure; formation of rating assessments Orenburg region by a set of indicators characterizing the state of the economy and the social sphere and the degree of lability to the conditions of the WTO; construction of models in the form of a system of simultaneous equations that reflect the communication structure of the indicators characterizing the labor market, investment, demographic and migratory processes and allowing to carry out forecasting under various scenarios. Formed methodic of monitoring the state of the economy and social sphere of the Orenburg region may contribute to the development and implementation of effective regional programs to reduce negative outcomes in terms of accession to the WTO, of the region's economy in general and on the labor market, in investment processes, demographic and migration processes, in particular.Key words: monitoring, modeling, forecasting, demographic processes, socio-economic developments, unemployment, duration of employment, Russian accession to the WTO.

Historical sciences

Savinova T.N. RESEARCH ACTIVITY OF OFFICERS OF THE RUSSIAN ARMY AND COSSACK ARMY IN THE TERRITORY OF THE ORENBURG REGIONDevelopment of science in the Orenburg region has the features. Since the beginning of development and settling of edge, that is the first third of the XVIIIšcentury, scientific and research work was conducted according to the decision and under supervision of military authorities. Military topographers became the first researchers of edge. Further officers of the Russian army and Cossack army conducted natural and geographical, statistical, historical researches. So far the contribution of officers of active armed forces, teachers of military educational institutions, medical officers to science and culture of edge was investigated fragmentary that caused the necessity of carrying out special research. During work on the project the main areas of work of military researchers are defined: drawing up cards and descriptions of the territory; surnames of military researchers of the Orenburg region are found; scientific works of officers of the Orenburg garrison and Orenburg Cossack army are found; activity of officers in scientific and military scientific organizations of Orenburg is investigated; scientific community unknown documents on scientific activity of officers, medical officers and teachers of military educational institutions of the city from archives and libraries of Moscow, St. Petersburg and Orenburg are submitted earlier. According to the received results it is possible to note that need of identification and preservation of scientific heritage of officers of the Russian army and the Cossack army formed as a result of their research activity in the territory of the Orenburg region is caused by an absence problem as general history of formation and development of regional science now, and its private components š— the list or a database of works and materials of military researchers, their biographic data. Key words: military researchers, history of science of XVIII š— the beginning of the XXšcentury, history of studying of the Orenburg region, military scientific organizations of Orenburg, military educational institutions of Orenburg.
Ustinova O.Y. ACTIVITIES OF LOCAL COUNCILS OF DEPUTIES OF WORKERS FOR THE SOLUTION OF QUESTIONS OF SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC LIFE IN 1946–1953 (ON THE EXAMPLE OF CHKALOVSKY AREA)Article is devoted to the analysis of actions of local authorities of Chkalovsky area for the solution of questions of the military personnel demobilized of disabled people of Patriotic war and their families. Granting to the specified categories of citizens of the food, necessities, and also work with complaints and appeals of local authorities of Chkalovsky area to the post-war period are analyzed.Key words: local authorities, Chkalovsky area, families of the military personnel and their situation.


Chepurova O.B., Smekalov I.V. FROM MODERN TO AVANT-GARDE. EXAMPLES OF DESIGN AND ARTISTIC THINKING IN ARCHITECTURE AND ART OF THE PROVINCE (BUZULUK, THE END OF THE NINETEENTHš— EARLY TWENTIETH CENTURY)The article analyzes the significant, but little-known historical facts of the creative life of the city of Buzuluk of the Orenburg region. We Offers a comprehensive research of features of urban architecture in the art Nouveau style and activity of the workshop of collective creativity of avant-garde orientation of Buzuluk. During the scientific expeditions in Buzuluk we found a wonderful complex of Mass Townhouse development, representing a compound of the techniques of handicraft wooden items made using the penetrating carving and refined professional principles of architectural form generation š— the so-called "wooden" art Nouveau. European art Nouveau, represented in Buzuluk names of architects Jan Adamason and Chadri, was the starting point for the development of design thinking of local artists. The method of virtual reconstruction allowed us to develop an electronic version of this valuable art monuments. Not less revealing the facts of the post-revolutionary surge of the artistic life of Buzuluk related work in city of representatives of the avant-garde. Research in the archives of the Orenburg, Samara and Moscow has allowed to characterize the period of activity of artist S. Y. Adlivankin in Buzuluk and to trace the history of the creation of his early works (cubism, constructivism). In the article we analyzes the documents of collective creativity workshop of Buzuluk led by Adlivankin, his theoretical and pedagogical views, communications of artists of Buzuluk with like-minded people in Samara and Moscow.Key words: city of Buzuluk, architecture art Nouveau, Russian avant-garde.

Physical-mathematical sciences

Avdeeva E.I., Letuta U.G. THE MAGNETIC FIELDS INFLUENCE ON ESCHERICHIA COLI COLONY FORMING ABILITY IN MAGNESIUM ISOTOPES PRESENCESearch "primary receiver" of the external magnetic field in living organisms is intriguing scientific problem of biology, physics and chemistry. Magnetic isotope effects in biochemistry indicate the sensitivity of enzyme systems to magnetic moments of isotopes atomic nuclei. The purpose of this study is to detect the combined effects of the magnetic magnesium isotope, and an external static magnetic field on bacterial cell E.šcoli. The combined influence of weak magnetic fields and nuclear spin magnetic isotope 25Mg on colony forming ability of E.šcoli cells was experimentally proved: in static external magnetic fields 0-25šmT the CFU number of bacteria enriched with magnesium 25Mg was higher compared to the cells enriched with nonmagnetic isotopes of magnesium 24,26Mg and natural magnesium. In the magnetic field of 76šmT the CFU number of bacteria enriched with magnetic isotope was the most. The detected magnetic field effects and magnetic isotope effects in the bacteria E.šcoli indicate the presence of magnetosensitive stages of enzymatic processes in living organisms. Key words: magnetic field, bacteria E. coli, colony forming ability, magnetic isotope, magnesium, enzymatic processes.
Alidzhanov E.K., Lantukh Yu.D., Pashkevitch S.N., Razdobreev D.A., Bubnov V.P., Kareev I.E. THE FORMATION OF ENDOMETALLOFULLERENES LANTHANIDES CLUSTERS IN SOLVENT AND ON THE SOLID SURFACEThe formation of the clusters in solution and on a solid surface can significantly modify the photophysical properties of the studied systems. Process of endometallofullerenes (EMFs) lanthanides (La, Gd, Ce) clusters formation in the polar solvent (dimethylformamide š— DMF) and on the mica surface by static and dynamic light scattering methods as well as atomic force microscopy was investigated. It is shown that endometallofullerenes in the solvent and on the mica surface form a stable system of nanoclusters with predominant dimension 50–60šnm. The combination of the methods of dynamic and static light scattering allowed us to estimate the molar mass of the scattering centers. Based on these data, the conclusion about the fractal nature of the EMF clusters and the estimation of their fractal dimension dš—š2.3 has been done. Zeta-potential of the EMF clusters in the DMF solution was measured. It is shown that the EMFs clusters have a negative charge and its zeta-potential value is –30šmV.Key words: endometallofullerenes, nanoclusters, dynamic and static light scattering, atomic force microscopy.
Bakhareva N.F., Polezhaev P.N., Ushakov U.A., Shukhman A.E. MANAGEMENT OF ENTERPRISE SOFTWARE DEFINED NETWORKSThe existing solutions for enterprise networks have a number of drawbacks. First, there is a problem deciding where to install the security tools, which are usually placed at the subnet borders. This leads to the fact, that they only handle the traffic transmitted through them. It reduces the level of network security. Second, there is the problem of the efficient network traffic routing while ensuring quality of service at the appropriate level. To solve these problems we propose the usage of the software-defined network technology. On the base of this technology, the prototype's architecture for network security system of enterprise SDN is proposed. It includes the implementation of the algorithms for firewall, authentication, routing and delivering QoS. The proposed authentication algorithm for enterprise SDN supports IEEE802.1x, EAP, RADIUS, LDAP, WPA2-EAP. SDN is used to isolate the data streams of different users with the ability to create any number of isolated virtual networks without restrictions of VLAN, and to implement additional access control by firewall. The experimental results of the prototype research show the efficiency and suitability of the developed algorithms for enterprise SDNs. The results can be used to deploy enterprise SDNs in companies of the Orenburg region.Key words: software-defined networks, enterprise networks, authentication, routing, QoS, firewall.
Bolodurina I.P., Parfenov D.I. COMPLETE SOLUTION EFFICIENT ACCESS TO DATA IN A HYBRID CLOUD SYSTEMS GIVEN THE CHARACTERISTICS OF MULTIMEDIA SERVICESThe current state of research on the topic of cloud computing reveals a number of significant nedostokov related to the productivity and efficiency of resource use heavy duty applications. In particular multimedia services, actively use the system storage to accommodate large amounts of information, the demand for algorithms capable of efficiently handle requests for access to resources. However, the methods and algorithms used in existing systems have limitations virtualization scalability, physical resources, as well as the adoption of the control solution in critical situations. In this regard, it requires the development of new efficient technologies, methods and algorithms for modeling and optimizing the cost of virtualization. In the study, a model of data access multimedia services using a cloud platform. This also solved the problem of analyzing the efficiency of algorithms, methods of performance management and optimization of the use of software and hardware resources. In addition, we addressed the problem of cloud modeling studies, evaluating the effectiveness of the use of computing resources, taking into account peculiarities of the work of multimedia services, as well as developed a comprehensive algorithmic solution, aimed at increasing the speed of processing incoming requests. To this end, the model of data streams circulating in the cloud systems, as well as experimental studies of algorithms of planning and management of data flows. The study, based of experimental data obtained during testing of the integrated alogoritmicheskogo solutions can improve the efficiency of data access in hybrid cloud systems taking into account the characteristics of multimedia services. Construction of model of data access multimedia services can extend the idea of the features of the internal cloud, as well as to describe the mechanisms of interaction between the main components affecting the operation of the system in the preiod peak. The effect of the introduction of the developed algorithms will reduce the cost of rent cloud resources by optimizing their use.Key words: multimedia resources, load distribution, cloud computing, data storage systems.

Sciences about Earth

Velmovskiy P.V., Chibilyov A.A., Levykin S.V., Kazachkov G.V., Chibilyov A.A. (jr), Yakovlev I.G., Grudinin D.A. ON THE HISTORY OF A FOREST MELIORATION FRAMEWORK DEVELOPMENT IN ORENBURG STATEOne of the primary problem ofsteppe use optimization and stable agro-landscapes development is formation and support of a forest melioration framework in the steppe region. Today, by virtue of a line of social-economical and agro-ecological problems systems of forest cultures developed before loses their agro-ecological functions, their breakup and collapse happen due to agro-lands demands reduction and fires acceleration. In this connection a development of a new concept of a forest melioration framework suitable for current condition and modern steppe science achievement is extremely topical and urgent. To develop a modern concept of a forest melioration framework is necessary to research spreading and dynamics of forest plantations as well as historical experience of steppe forest melioration. Using historical methods is revealed that before forest vegetation was represented more wide lyandvarious on the territory of modern Orenburgskaya oblast, especially on Common Syrt and in the Pre-Ural region, e.šg.šSiberian larch from the north reaches to in latitudeš53œ. Periodization of forest melioration with separation of three stages was developed in Orenburgskaya oblast. Herewith, the first stage fell on the middle of 1930s, but the main activity to develop a forest melioration was made during 1948–1953 in the frame of a rapid implementation of A Council of Ministers Resolution USSR and the Central Committee of C.P.S.U. (b) of 20.10.1948 №š3960. A scale of forest cultural activity and main objects, including a state forest belt "Vishnevaya mountain š— the Caspian sea" is shown. A short characteristic of forest fund in Orenburgskaya oblast and a dynamics of reafforestation during 1980–2013 are given in the paper. A formation history of elements of a forest melioration framework and forest-cultural complexes in Orenburgskaya oblast show that a scaled work were made on the initiative and with support of the state government. Today, with an importance of the state support the necessary successful term is land users interest and ecological-economic reasonability of developed plantations taking into account achievement and guidelines of modern steppe science.Key words: forest melioration framework, grassland agriculture, Stalin's plan for nature transformation (the), reafforestation dynamics, percentage of forest land.
Gur'eva V.A., Belova T.K. PROPERTIES OF THE CEMENT MORTARS FIBRE REINFORCED BY THE MODIFIED MICROFIBRE The cement mortars fibre reinforced by fibers fibers are one of perspective constructional materials in construction. Modifying of fibers carbon nanomaterials strengthens structure of a cement stone at various levels therefore the received composite possesses the increased operational properties. However, the fibers today modified weren't widely adopted in view of insufficient study of properties of cement composite materials on their basis. Results of research of properties of the cement mortars fibre reinforced by the basalt microfiber modified (MBM) the carbon nanomodifier are increase of durability of solutions on a bend, decrease in an istirayemost and relative deformation of shrinkage. Introduction of 1š% of MBM of the mass of the knitting leads to increase of durability on a bend to 60š% and to slight increase of durability on compression š— 4š%. Abradability of the cement mortars fibre reinforced by the modified basalt microfiber in comparison with the samples of similar structure dispersno reinforced by usual thin basalt fiber 50,2š% lower. With other things being equal introduction of the modified microfiber promotes decrease in size of relative deformation of shrinkage by 51š%, thus most intensively shrinkage develops in the first 7-10 days of curing. By results of tests it is possible to draw a conclusion that fibre reinforcing of cement mortars the microfiber modified by the carbon nanomodifier promotes improvement of structure of a cement and sand composite. As a result such operational characteristics of cement mortar as improve: durability on a bend, durability on compression, an istirayemost, shrinkage as a result of curing. Key words: fibre reinforcing, cement mortars, the modified microfiber, the carbon nanomodifier, solution durability, an istirayemost, shrinkage deformation.

Chemical sciences

Davydova ï.ë. ASPECTS OF PRACTICAL USE OF ALKYLRESORCINOLS BIOLOGICAL PROPERTIESThe problem of identification of organism adaptation mechanisms to extreme influences in most cases includes questions of influence of oxidizing stress, therefore a search of antioxidants of a plant and microbic origin, and also development of the concept of nonspecific mechanisms of a cellprotection against active forms of oxygen becomes still more actual. In the work discussion of various biological effects of alkylresorcinol (AR) allowing to use them for development of biomedical technologies and preparations, and also own experimental studies of antioxidant activity of AR in in vitro, in vivo and in silico models of an oxidizing stress which allowed to range differing with length and an arrangement of the alkylradical of AR, to receive an assessment of their direct effects in system of superoxide-anion generation, influences on change of topological properties of molecules of DNA, and also a contribution to modulation of the damaging effect of active forms of oxygen on a cell is presented. The received results were used when receiving on the basis of AR the liposomalstructures by various methods, their sizes investigation, stability in various storage conditions, encapsulation potential by the example of introduction of a fluorescent probe and an additional antioxidant š— α-tocopherol, and also cytotoxicity estimationby the example of cellular test systems. Taking into account the obtained data about ARbiological activities, scientifically based approaches for creation on their basis cosmeceutical composition for protection of skin against extreme influences are offered.Key words: alkylresorcinol, antioxidant effect, reactive oxygen species, DNA damage, liposomal structures, cytotoxicity evaluation.
Efremov I.V., Gorshenina E.L., Solopova V.A., Rakhimova N.N., Ryabykh E.I., Chernova O.N. COMPREHENSIVE ASSESSMENT AND RISK MIGRATION ABILITY OF HEAVY METAL CONTAMINATION OF SOIL AND VEGETATION COMPONENT SYSTEMSIn this paper, when considering the transport processes and substances such as heavy metals in the components of soil-plant systems assumed that this process is probabilistic in nature. The second assumption we adopted the current status of the independence of the system components from its previous state. This allowed us to consider the soil-plant system as a Markov chain with a finite number of states. The probabilities of a state determines the intensity of transitions substances system components. On the basis of the constructed mathematical models to calculate the risk of contamination of the soil, aboveground and root systems of plants with heavy metals. The risk of contamination of components of soil-plant system shows the likelihood that heavy metals accumulate in the soil, the root system and aboveground plant parts. The intensity of transition shows the magnitude and direction of transport of substances (heavy metal) the components of the system. Integral indicators characterize the overall distribution of heavy metals in the soil-plant-specific system. The differential indicator shows the distribution of one or the other metal in the soil-plant system.Key words: soil-plant system modeling, the risk of contamination by heavy metals, integral differential indicator.
Kalmykova O.G. CHARACTERISTICS OF SOME STEPPE FORMATIONS OF "BURTINSKAYA STEPPE" ( RESERVE "ORENBURGSKII")This article contains information about plant communities of formations Artemisietanitrosae, Galatelletatataricae, Stipetapulcherrimae, Stipetatirsae, Stipetacapillatae, Artemisietasalsoloidis, presented in "Burtinskaya steppe" reserve "Orenburgskii". Most of them are limited in their distribution in the study area due to the insufficient number of suitable habitats, but significantly enriched phytocenotic diversity of protected area. Details are needed to form as complete as possible picture of the distribution of vegetation in the gradients of various environmental factors.Key words: steppe vegetation, reserve "Orenburgskii", plant communities, formations.
Keane N.O., Kalmikova O.G., Maksutova N.V., Dusaeva G.H. APPROACHES TO MONITORING STUDIES THE IMPACT OF FIRES ON VEGETATION STEPPE PROTECTED AREAS (SPAS) (FOR EXAMPLE, THE SITE "BURTINSKAYA STEPPE" STATE RESERVE "ORENBURGSKII")Fires are difficult to control, even in the reserve component of the human impact. They arise, usually as a result of economic activity and is rapidly transferred from the adjacent territories in the reserved section. Since the establishment of the reserve (1989) in the "Burtinskaya steppe" (total land area of 4,500šhectares) was 7šfires of different dates of occurrence (from April to October) and dissemination area (from 470 to 4,200 hectares). The last fire occurred on the territory of the site in August of 2014 year. V occurred due to fire, it became necessary to assess the impact of fire on vegetation Reserve and oversee his replacement dynamics. In the study area could lay the groundwork for monitoring the dynamics of vegetation after fire exposure. The selected set of methods allow to evaluate the processes and phenomena relating to the major impacts of fires on vegetation.Key words: steppe vegetation, monitoring fires.
Kislov D.A. IMPROVING THE EFFICIENCY OF LIGHT CONVERSION INTO ELECTRICAL ENERGY IN SOLAR DYE-SENSITIZED SOLAR CELL BY INTRODUCING INTO THE DESIGN OF PLASMONIC NANOPARTICLESWork on improving the performance of solar cells is constantly are carried out. One of perspective methods to enhance the performance is to use clusters of nanoparticles with plasmonic properties in the solar cell design. In our work we investigated the effect of metal nanoparticles with a plasmon resonance on the mechanisms of electrochemical photovoltaic cells based on nanostructured titanium dioxide. The basic idea is that if the dye molecule in the dye-sensitized solar cell falls to local amplification of the metal nanoparticles electric field, then it varies greatly absorption cross section. This effect leads to the fact that the photovoltaic cells generate more free charge carriers.In our opinion, this phenomenon is one of the most important in the description of the influence of metal nanoparticles with plasmon properties on the Gratzel solar cell.Shown, that the silver nanoparticles in sample design allow generate more photocurrent. Moreover, photo current rises up, with increasing of concentration nanosilver in the cell. It is found that the sample with the highest concentration of nanoparticles short circuit current value twice the value of the current in the standard sample. The analysis shows, that maximum plasmonic nanoparticles concentration in the solar cell, increases efficiency more than 2štimes in comparison with the standard sample. Furthermore, to investigate the capacitive and transport properties of the photovoltaic cell samples, was conducted a series of kinetic experiments. Shown, that presence in the structure of the cells of silver nanoparticles increases the capacity on 30š%. Furthermore, we show that the addition of silver nanoparticles in the cell considerably increases the diffusion coefficient. Since the sample with the highest concentration of nanoparticles the average diffusion coefficient is 20š% larger than the average diffusion coefficient in the standard sample.Key words: dye-sensitized solar cell, photovoltaic, surface plasmons, DSSC, metal nanoparticles, titanium dioxide, dye molecules, nanocluster, Gratzel solar cell.
Kruchinin N.Yu., Kucherenko M.G. MOLECULAR DYNAMICS OF ADSORPTION HOMOGENEOUS POLYPEPTIDES ON THE SURFACE OF GOLD NANOPARTICLEConjugates of gold nanoparticles with macromolecules and molecules-marks are used to create biosensors and functional nanosystems in nanoelectronics. Conformational dynamics and the nature of the location of the macromolecules on the surface of the gold nanoparticles affects the kinetics of energy transfer between molecules-marks, the kinetics of two-stage photoreactions involving electronically excited molecules and oxygen molecules. In such a system of cluster type is formed by complex kinetic mode of energy transfer as a result of local plasmon-initiated change speed inductive-resonance transfer for donor-acceptor pairs that forming with nanoglobule different geometric configuration. Using the statistical theory of macromolecules presents a description of the dependence of distribution density of links of the macromolecules on the surface of spherical nanoparticle. The peculiarities of conformational rearrangements and equilibrium structure of homogeneous polypeptides adsorbed on the surface of spherical gold nanoparticles with radius of 4šnm were investigated using molecular dynamics (MD). Homogeneous polypeptides consisting ofš100 and 500šproteinogenic amino acid residues were considered. As a result of molecular-dynamic modeling were obtained equilibrium conformational structures uncharged homogeneous polypeptides adsorbed to the surface of the spherical gold nanoparticle. Radial distribution of the average atomic concentration of polypeptides on the surface of gold nanoparticles are calculated on a 5-produced model calculations, estimated a mean square deviation. Approximation of the radial distribution of the average atomic concentration of the polypeptides was produced by the formulas obtained by the methods of the statistical theory for the distribution of the density of links of macrochain on the surface of spherical nanoparticle. Numerical values of the parameters of the approximation curves of the average radial distribution of atoms of polypeptides on the surface of spherical gold nanoparticles are presented in the table. The results can be used to correctly describe the features of the kinetics of molecular reactions in near-surface areas of gold nanoparticles coated with a macromolecular chain.Key words: molecular dynamics, macromolecule, polypeptides, gold nanoparticle, adsorption.
Kucherenko M.G., Nalbandyan V.M. POLARIZABILITY SPECTRA OF NANOCLUSTERS OF TWO COMPOSITE PARTICLES IN AN EXTERNAL MAGNETIC FIELDOn the basis of exact solutions of the Laplace equations in anisotropic conjugated fields the expressions are obtained for the electric dipole tensor polarizabilities of two-layer spherical nanoparticles with different materials layers in an external magnetic field. Based on these expressions the frequency dependence of the polarizability of composites composition of the metal/dielectric and dielectric/metal are studied for different values of the induction magnetic field tion, the radii of the cores and shells of the globules. The values of the material parameters (plasma frequency of metals and dielectric constant of nondispersion dielectrics) typical of noble metal (Ag, Au), silicon dioxide (SiO2) and optical glass are used for calculations. It is established that the spectra of the polarizability of a cluster consisting of two spherical particles with metal cores have two plasmon resonance separated in frequency, while particles with dielectric cores and metallic shells š— four. The influence of external magnetic field on the spectra of electric polarizability nanoclay-the method of spherical composite particles of different composition and geometry is investigated. As in the previously studied case of a homogeneous conductive particles in a magnetic field the splitting of the spectral peaks into individual components, which led to the increase of the magnetic field diverge in the opposite directions of the frequency scale is observed for clusters. Optical properties of composite nanoclusters with magnetized plasma of metal components by various geometric parameters of the system are studied. It is found that the frequencies of plasmon resonances in the spectra of the polarizabilities of the clusters have a strong dependence on the thickness distribution of composite particles. The conclusion is made the enhanced possibility of a change in the spectral optical properties of cluster (control of the shift of the resonances and their intensity) by varying the geometric parameters of the composites and applying an external magnetic field.Key words: two-particle cluster polarizability, layered nanoparticles, magnetic field, plasmon resonance.
Lantukh J.D., Pashkevich S.N., Alidzhanov E.K. PHOTOPHYSICS OF OPTICAL FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS BASED ON BIOPOLYMER COMPLEXES WITH ORGANIC DYESResearch of physical and chemical properties of organic dyes complexes with biopolymers of different nature is an important task in connection with the great potential of such systems in medicine, nanotechnology, molecular electronics, photonics. This paper presents the results of the optical properties of film studies supramolecular structures based on organic dyes and biopolymers (DNA, chitosan), as well as opportunities for application of these materials in optoelectronics. A method for producing an optically uniform film structures on the basis of double-stranded DNA is formed on the principle of "guestš— host", in which the dye molecules ( "guest") have high fluorescence ability. Superluminescence pyronine G obtained in such a system. A method for obtaining effective phosphors based system anionic dyeš— chitosan. The film system sulforhodaminešBš— chitosan is also obtained the effect of the dye Superluminescence. Experimentally demonstrated the possibility of using DNA-dye film material as a proximity sensor (sensor element) relative humidity. It is shown that the tested optical functional materials based on biopolymer systemsš— dye can be used as highly efficient phosphors, proximity sensors and other devices in optoelectronics.Key words: DNA, chitosan, organic dyes, film materials, nanoscale complexes, electronic spectra, luminescence, lasers, Superluminescence, humidity sensor, optoelectronics.
Levykin S.V., Chibilyov á.á., Velmovskiy P.V., Kazachkov G.V., Chibilyov á.á. (jr) A STATE AND PROBLEMS OF A FOREST MELIORATION FRAMEWORK IN ORENBURGSKAYA OBLAST, PRINCIPALS OF ITS MODERNIZATION Today, in a land reform condition against the background of structural transformation in forestry management and climate change,issues of steadiness, vitality and anagro-ecological function of afforestation, first of allcultural forest plantations, gain a special topicality. Forest plantations lose their primary functions, first of all an agro-ecological function. On the one hand, mess and breakup existing components of a forest melioration framework happen, on the other hand, aggressive invasive species from woodland belts occupy fallow lands that leads to agricultural land loss. Acclimation rate, forest plantations dimension, a field protecting function were a first-priority fact during development of main forest cultures. Here with, an aesthetic attractiveness of plantations, their recreational function and wood species selection taking into account an expansion potential, were not paid a significant attention. A key components assessment of a forest melioration framework in different forest-vegetation conditions in Orenburg state were made using historical, landscape, cartographical, statistical, comparative-geographical and forest-taxon methods. Principals and a strategy for modernization of forest melioration framework are developed on the base of this assessment. In the process the following task were realized: a historical experience of a forest melioration development was summarized; a comparative assessment of a current state of forest melioration framework components in different forest-vegetation conditions, including etalon conditions was given; suggestions for ecological-structural optimization, conservation and reasonable use of natural-anthropogenic areas taking into account modern steppe science guidelines, were developed; priorities of reafforestation in a historical areal of forest vegetation taking into account priority of conservation and restoration of steppe biological species, first of all rare and endangered species, were defined. Landscape criteria of reasonability and limitation of forest activity are offered, notions of forest melioration fund and framework in the territory were given. On the base of nature-conformity in technologies of steppe for estation is offered a concept of anaccurate (contour) reafforestation,according too utlines of an initial growing and priority of indigenous species in the selection. Key words: forest melioration framework, natural-anthropogeniÓ area, bed forest area, agro-landscape, field protecting forest belts, completed system, principle of nature-conformity, technology of non-liquid wood stuff reprocessing, accurate reafforestation, forest melioration fund.
Letuta S.N., Ischemgulov A.T., Paschkevich S.N., Lantukh Yu.D., Alidjanov E.K., Sokabaeva S.S. FLYORESCENT DOSIMETRY IN PHOTODYNAMIC THERAPYThe long-lived photoexcitations relaxation processes of fluorophores in biological tissues with molecular oxygen presence are investigated. This subject has a practical significance because of the active elaboration of photodynamic therapy and optical diagnostic. The futures of delayed fluorescence and phosphorescence in erythrosine stained healthy and cancer-diseased mammary gland tissues of BYRB-line mice were investigated in vitro. The dominant role of diffusive-mobile molecular oxygen in relaxation of triplet-excited long-life states of the dye molecules in cells is determined. A novel phenomenon of suppression of stained tissue delayed fluorescence under pulsed laser irradiation was revealed. The phenomenon was named as light quenching of delayed fluorescence (LQDF). The using of this phenomenon will greatly simplify the determination of the radiation "dose" in photodynamic therapy directly during the treatment session. Statistically certain distinction between delayed fluorescence characterization as well as LQDF extent in healthy and pathological tissues was established.Key words: dosimetry in photodynamic therapy, optical diagnostic of pathologies, fluorophores, delayed fluorescence.
Nesterenko Y.M., Nesterenko M.Y. SCIENTIFIC FOUNDATIONS OF NATURE MANAGEMENT AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF NATURE IN THE SOUTH URALSThe article describes the scientific foundations of environmentally safe nature management in the conditions of deficiency water resources in crop production, the development of various fields, to ensure the development of society and the economy. The influence of nature on the development of the regions and their territories. The Orenburg steppe agricultural land converted into arable land and intensively maintained pastures and hayfields; degraded and reduced river flow, the subsoil and groundwater have transformed by mining, the biosphere significantly altered. A natural and man-made environment is formed. Continued consumption nature management worsens the ecological situation in the region and the living conditions of the population. It outflow to the regions with the most favorable conditions is accelerated. It should be a highly efficient use of natural resources, ensuring the harmonious development of nature with man, and taking into account his interests. It is proposed to the socio-economic development of regions and municipalities considered together by natural conditions, identifying them as the natural and socio-economic systems. The natural water is a backbone component in Orenburg nature, it determine the level of productivity of arable land, pastures and hayfields, distribution and rate of development of the mining industry and the environmental state of subsoil. In article suggested the ways improving the efficiency and environmental safety of management of natural resources in the region.Key words: water availability, regional development, South Ural, water resources, water deficiency, economics.
Nikiyan H.N., Tatlybaeva E.B. ATOMIC FORCE MICROSCOPYUSING IN IDENTIFICATION OF SPECIFICALLY MARKED MOLECULES AND MICROORGANISM CELLSIdentification of biological molecules and microorganisms is an important problem of the microbiology which is traditionally solved by means of the marked antibodies. However in most cases the corresponding methods are based on detection of a significant amount of the interacting molecules and don't allow to find out their distribution on a surface. One of possible solutions consists in use of a modern method of atomic force microscopy. In current work the specific complexes formedbynanodimensionallabels, containing colloidal gold or amorphous carbon on a surface of bacterial cages of S.šaureus and on a surface of plastic microwell immunological plateswere found and studied by means of atomic force microscopy. Morphological characteristics and the map of distribution of the revealed complexes on the studied surfaces were established. In experiments with tags sensitivity of a method was defined and comparison with the enzyme-linked immunoassay was carried out. The received results indicate high sensitivity of the offered method and certain advantages of carbon labels in comparison with gold labels, because of their easy detection and unambiguity in identification on the received images. Identification of microorganisms in model two-component biological systems was carried out and approaches to marking of bacterial cages in complex biological mixes was developed for the directed their allocation and the subsequent studying. Thus, use of a atomic force microscope in combination with nanodimensional carbon and gold labels, allows to realize a new way of identification of single molecules and microorganisms in complex biological mixes.Key words: molecules identification, microorganisms detection, gold and carbon labels, atomic force microscopy.
Petrishchev V.P. THE INTERNATIONAL DIVERSITY OF LANDSCAPES SALT DOME ORIGIN: FEATURES OF FORMATION,ISSUES OF PROTECTION AND RATIONAL USESalt tectonics as one option orogeny has an important featureš— breaking through the post-salt rock salt diapirs transform the landscape structure, activating inter-component interaction through the inclusion in the process of landscape genesis as the salt core, and the whole complex of deep-lying geological formation, caught on the surface. Geological anomalies, which is essentially a saline-dome uplift, initiated a whole range of other abnormalities that can interact and vzaimoobuslavlivatsya. These should include hydrogeological and hydrological, geomorphological, climatic, geological and hydro-geochemical anomalies, anomalies of soil and vegetation, which add up to a dynamic range of natural compounds called saline-dome landscapes. Salt-dome structures are one of the most important objects of subsoil use and play a major role in the formation of natural resource potential. The variety of usage of salt structures as fields of rock and potassium salt, gypsum, building materials, various minerals, storage of fuel and radioactive waste, as well as their value as collectors for the oil and natural gas results in a significant number of accidents and disasters at the mines, education deeply disturbed tehnogeosistem impact on urban areas. However, saline-dome landscapes concentrated high recreation and balneological potential due to the formation of geosystems with unique properties lithofacial formations (mineral mud), natural waters (natural brine), as well as air quality in underground workings (speleotherapy).Key words: salt tectonics landscape genesis, geochemical anomalies, geomorfostruktury, salt dome basin.
Rusinov A.P., Kucherenko M.G. INFLUENCE OF SILVER NANOPARTICLES ON THE OPTICAL ABSORPTION SPECTRA OF ORGANIC DYES MOLECULES IN POLYMER SOLUTIONS AND MEMBRANESObjects and systems structured at the nanometer scale are of great interest among researchers due to the presence of their specific physical properties. Due to considerable experimental difficulties and limitations of theoretical approaches, the focus now is on study of relatively simple nano-objects for which there are suitable experimental methods, known methods of synthesis and physical models for theoretical description of their properties. As an example of such a system is considered colloidal solutions of metal nanoparticles and nanoparticles in polymer film. Influence of metal nanoparticles on molecular environment due to the presence of plasmon oscillations of electron gas density. This changes the interaction efficiency between nearby molecules with external electromagnetic field and the rate of photoinduced processes in this area. The influence of various concentrations of silver nanoparticles on absorption spectra of organic dyes molecules in water solutions and thin polyvinyl alcohol films is investigated. It is found that with increasing concentration of metal nanoparticles optical density of polymer solutions and films in the 380–450šnm band increases monotonically, as in the 490–570šnm band increases at low nanoparticles concentrations and decreases at higher nanoparticles concentrations. Maximum enhancement of the dye absorption is observed when at concentration nanoparticles near 10-9 M. Based on the model of influence metal nanoparticles on interaction of organic dye molecules with linearly polarized monochromatic electromagnetic field spatial orientation and frequency dependence of transition probabilities in dye molecule within nanoparticles is calculated. It is shown a qualitative agreement between the theoretical frequency dependences with the experimental results of concentration effect of silver nanoparticles on the absorption intensity of dye molecules in different spectral ranges.Key words: silver nanoparticle, organic dye, absorption spectrum, induced transitions.
Sivokhip Z.T., Pavleychik V.M. THE SPATIAL ANALYSIS OF FACTORS OF TRANSFORMATION OF THE RIVER DRAIN IN THE CROSS-BORDER BASIN OF THE RIVER URALThe worldwide growing problems of water consumption makes it necessary to address them in the context of geo-political, socio-economic and environmental security of the regions. A considerable relevance of the problem priobre-melt water in water-scarce conditions and in regions with developed industrial and agricultural production. Within the Russian Federation, this combination is a characteristic of transboundary Ural River. The paper analyzes the natural conditions and human factors forming the river flow in the basin of the Ural River in terms of the development of the concept of integrated water resources management. Data on the spatial heterogeneity of the formation conditions of runoff caused by a combination of complex and vzaimouslovlennym zonal-climatic conditions, varied topography and landscape structure. Studies have revealed trends in the water regime of the rivers, expressed in the redistribution of water content on hydrological seasons, manifested in the reduction of the spring and increase the share of low flow, especially in the winter. The information about the most significant types of anthropogenic transformation of surface runoff, summarizes the parameters of the largest reservoirs. It is pointed out that the majority of dangerous hydrological situations observed in the basin of the Urals, provoked by human activities without regard to seasonal and long-term dynamics of channel processes. As an example, consider geo-ecological consequences of the construction of bridges and road embankments. The article states that the question of assessing the impact of flow regulation on a multi-year and annual transformation of the hydrological regime of watercourses Ural River basin remains controversial, and the findings of various researchers š— is not identical. Studies suggest that the transformation of the hydro-logical mode is defined as a geographical contrasts between the different parts of the river basin. Ural and anthropogenic factors. The results indicate the need for drawing up long-term forecasts in the development of water-ecological situation, but with a detailed assessment of the socio-economic and landscape-hydrological effects.Key words: transformation of a river drain, cross-border pool, regulation of a drain.
Stroganova å.á., Anufriyenko V.F. FEATURES OF COPPER (II) IONS STABILIZATION IN A PHASE OF AN ANIONIT AH-31 AT SORPTION FROM THE GERMANIUM CONTAINED CHLORIDE SOLUTIONSAnionit AN-31 is the low-basic aminofunctional anionite that defines high affinity ofd-metals ions. At the same time, due to existence of alcoholic hidroxyl groups, AN-31 shows selectivity to germanat-ions that allows to apply a sorbent in technologies of passing germanium extraction from copper solutions. Concurrent sorption of germanium and copper ions leads to receiving sorbates of difficult structure that doesn't allow to carry out full division of metals during desorption stage. Thus, the possibility of germanium, copper-containing sorbent usage is actual for optimisation of production schemes. In particular, cupriferous sorbents can be applied as catalysts of low-temperature processes. Our work is devoted to study the influence of solution composition on the way of copper ions stabilization in sorbent to indicate the catalytically active forms. Sorption was carried out at static conditions for various metals concentration, Òî and ionic force of solution. The content of metals in solution was determined by the titrimetry and photometry methods. The phase of a sorbent was investigated by methods of the electronic spin resonance (EPR) and the electronic spectroscopy of diffusion reflection (ESDR). Increase of Òî was shown to lead manifestation a dipole-dipolar interactions in associates of the hidroxocomplexies of copper which are localized in cavities of the polymeric matrix. Introduction of background electrolyte to solution increases hidroxocomplexes association with the exchange-connected copper ions. Presence of germanat-ions promotes strengthening of dipole-dipolar interactions of copper ions that is connected probably with concurrent sorption of metals heteronuclear complexes. Stabilization of copper ions in the phase of AN-31 is due to covalent connection of hidroxocomplexes of copper with aminogroups, and also to formation of oxidic dimers (-Cu-O-)2,oxidic oligomers Cun(OH)m and the square-planed oxidic clusters. Presenceof oxidic clusters implicits catalytic properties of a cupriferous sorbent.Key words: copper ions, germanium ions, stabilization, sorbent phase, electron spin resonance (ESR) method, electronic spectroscopy of diffusion reflection (ESDO) method, polynuclear hidroxocomplexes, associates, axial distortion, oxidic clusters.
Ushakov U.A., Konnov A.L., Polezhaev P.N., Shukhman A.E. SIMULATION MODEL OF VPN NETWORK WITH DYNAMIC AUTOCONFIGURATION Nowadays virtual private networks (VPN) are widely used to connect distributed network segments. We have developed the concept of self-organizing virtual private network based on cloud technologies. Deploying VPN can be greatly simplified by using the automatic configuration of network devices based on various algorithms for determining the network topology as well as routing methods. VPN control and routing algorithms may be studied on the basis of simulation. The article presents the simulation model of a self-organizing VPN. Testing has revealed the dependence between increasing the network load and node communication failures. The VPN simulation model can be used to conduct experiments on any topologies, as well as for development of the network segment simulator.Key words: virtual private networks, simulation model, software-configurable network, network as a service.
Shein E.V., Rusanov A.M. MOSCOW AND ORENBURG UNIVERSITIES: JOINT FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH ON SOIL SCIENCE AND ECOLOGY IN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE RFFIIn recent years the staff of the chemical biological faculty of the Orenburg State University in collaboration with scientists of the faculty of soil science Moscow State University named after M.V.šLomonosov made for the following grants of the Russian Foundation for basic research: "The influence of physical properties and processes on the ecology of the humus of chernozems of the Urals", "Teplogeneratsii the basics of structure restoration and regeneration of degraded organic matter of soils", "Evolution of steppe chernozems of the High TRANS-Volga region under the influence of the Buzulukskiy coniferous forest" and "Post-fire transformation of the properties of steppe chernozems, their hydrothermal regime, natural vegetation and biological methods of restoring". Fundamental scientific problem, which unites all research topics, is the study of the mechanism of formation of soil structure and the role of soil organic matter, its composition in the phenomenon of structure formation. The main scientific result of the research became evidence of the leading role of amphiphilic properties of humus in the formation of stable and strong soil units, which largely determine the ecological functions of soils in the biosphere and soil fertility. Another result of the work four Ph. D. dissertations defended by postgraduate students of the Orenburg University content of work performed on these topics and a large number of scientific publications of different levels, 12šofšwhich were published in the editions included in the citation systems Web of Science and Scopus. Key words: Soil aggregate, soil structure, ecology of humus formation, the soil, properties of humus, soil ecological functions in the biosphere.
Shchepitova N.E., Sycheva M.V., Kartashova O.L. SCRINNING OF ENTEROCOCCUS CULTURE TO CREATE PREPORATION OF PROBIOTIC ACTIONIn the conditions of fight against an antibiotic resistance of microorganisms search of antimicrobic means alternative to traditional antibiotics is of particular importance. Bacteriocins of enterococci can form a basis for new antimicrobic preparations. In this regard screening of new safe strains producers of enterococci for receiving bacteriocins is the actual and perspective direction of modern microbiology. In the specific analysis of bacteria of the genus Enterococcus, defined from intestines of different animals species. In population of faecal enterococci the wide popularity of antagonistic activity regarding bacterias Listeria spp. and Enterococcus spp. which is correlative to the genes of bacteriocinogenia. On the model of experimental infection shows the use the protection effect of listerios defence by antoganistically active enterococci of intestines nature. On the basis of a complex assessment of phenotypic and genetic characteristics of enterococci isolated from intestines of healthy animals is selected strain Enterococcus faecium which is possessing genetic determinants of bacteriocinogenia, the expressed antagonistic effect against Listeria and not having virulence factors.Key words: Enterococcus spp., antagonistic activity, bacteriocin production, factors of virulence, experimental infection, polymerase chain reaction.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

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ó×ÉÄÅÔÅÌØÓÔ×Ï Ï ÒÅÇÉÓÔÒÁÃÉÉ óíé: üÌ № æó77-37678 ÏÔ 29 ÓÅÎÔÑÂÒÑ 2009 Ç.
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