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November 2015, № 13 (188)

Chepurova O.B., Smekalov I.V. FROM MODERN TO AVANT-GARDE. EXAMPLES OF DESIGN AND ARTISTIC THINKING IN ARCHITECTURE AND ART OF THE PROVINCE (BUZULUK, THE END OF THE NINETEENTH — EARLY TWENTIETH CENTURY)The article analyzes the significant, but little-known historical facts of the creative life of the city of Buzuluk of the Orenburg region. We Offers a comprehensive research of features of urban architecture in the art Nouveau style and activity of the workshop of collective creativity of avant-garde orientation of Buzuluk. During the scientific expeditions in Buzuluk we found a wonderful complex of Mass Townhouse development, representing a compound of the techniques of handicraft wooden items made using the penetrating carving and refined professional principles of architectural form generation  — the so-called "wooden" art Nouveau. European art Nouveau, represented in Buzuluk names of architects Jan Adamason and Chadri, was the starting point for the development of design thinking of local artists. The method of virtual reconstruction allowed us to develop an electronic version of this valuable art monuments. Not less revealing the facts of the post-revolutionary surge of the artistic life of Buzuluk related work in city of representatives of the avant-garde. Research in the archives of the Orenburg, Samara and Moscow has allowed to characterize the period of activity of artist S. Y. Adlivankin in Buzuluk and to trace the history of the creation of his early works (cubism, constructivism). In the article we analyzes the documents of collective creativity workshop of Buzuluk led by Adlivankin, his theoretical and pedagogical views, communications of artists of Buzuluk with like-minded people in Samara and Moscow.Key words: city of Buzuluk, architecture art Nouveau, Russian avant-garde.


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8. CSASA. F. p-353, op. 2, d. 11, l. 1-3 vol. Charter art workshop of collective creation in Buzuluk 1919 (autograph SY Adlivankin).

9. CSASA. F. p-353, op. 2, d. 11, l. 4-6 (autograph SY Adlivankin) A report on the activities of collective creative art workshop, summer 1920.

10. GARF. F. A 2306 op. 23, d. 169, n. 11-13. The program of practical and theoretical subjects taught in a studio collective creativity in Buzuluk Samara province. 5 VII 1920.

11. GARF. F. A 2306 op. 23, d.169, l.1-2.

12. Chepurov OB " Wooden " modernist domestic architecture of the province // turn of the century architecture and design. Theory and practice. Bulletin of the Orenburg State University. Orenburg: IPK OSU , 2015 , №5.  — S. 90-96.

About this article

Authors: Chepurova O.B., Smekalov I.V.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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