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November 2015, № 13 (188)

Savinova T.N. RESEARCH ACTIVITY OF OFFICERS OF THE RUSSIAN ARMY AND COSSACK ARMY IN THE TERRITORY OF THE ORENBURG REGIONDevelopment of science in the Orenburg region has the features. Since the beginning of development and settling of edge, that is the first third of the XVIII century, scientific and research work was conducted according to the decision and under supervision of military authorities. Military topographers became the first researchers of edge. Further officers of the Russian army and Cossack army conducted natural and geographical, statistical, historical researches. So far the contribution of officers of active armed forces, teachers of military educational institutions, medical officers to science and culture of edge was investigated fragmentary that caused the necessity of carrying out special research. During work on the project the main areas of work of military researchers are defined: drawing up cards and descriptions of the territory; surnames of military researchers of the Orenburg region are found; scientific works of officers of the Orenburg garrison and Orenburg Cossack army are found; activity of officers in scientific and military scientific organizations of Orenburg is investigated; scientific community unknown documents on scientific activity of officers, medical officers and teachers of military educational institutions of the city from archives and libraries of Moscow, St. Petersburg and Orenburg are submitted earlier. According to the received results it is possible to note that need of identification and preservation of scientific heritage of officers of the Russian army and the Cossack army formed as a result of their research activity in the territory of the Orenburg region is caused by an absence problem as general history of formation and development of regional science now, and its private components  — the list or a database of works and materials of military researchers, their biographic data. Key words: military researchers, history of science of XVIII  — the beginning of the XX century, history of studying of the Orenburg region, military scientific organizations of Orenburg, military educational institutions of Orenburg.


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2. Denisov D.N. M.M. Bekchurin (1820-1903)  — the military translator and the researcher of Central Asia // Tthe People of South Ural on guards of the Homeland: materials of Vseros. The scientific and practical conference.  — Orenburg, 2012.  — P. 60-66.

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6. Novokshanov-Sokolovskaya Z.K. Cartographical and geodetic works in Russia in XIX  — the beginning of the XX century.  — M.: Science, 1967.  — 165 p.

7. Sergeyev S.V., Dolgov E.I. Military topographers of the Russian army.  — M.: JSC Sidi-Press, 2001.  — 592 p.

8. Baskhanov M. K. The Russian military orientalists till 1917.  — M.: Publishing house of east literature, 2005.  — 295 p.

9. Ganin A.V., Semenov V.G. Ofitsersky case of the Orenburg Cossack army. 1891-1945. Biographic reference book.  — M.: Russian way; Library fund "Russian. Abroad", 2007.  — 676 p.

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14. Blyumin G.Z. In a distance of the novel earth. Works and Grigory Karelin's life.  — Chelyabinsk: The book publishing house of South Ural, 1982.  — 256 p.

15. Lipsky V. Grigory Silych Karelin (1801-1872). His life and travel.  — SPb.: Tipo-lit. "Herald", 1905.  — 208 p.

16. Pavlov N.V. Naturalists and travelers Grigory Silych Karelin (1801-1872) both his pupil and friend Ivan Petrovich Kirilov (1821-1842).  — M., 1940.  — 36 p.

17. Halfin N.A. Egor Kazimirovich Meyendorf and his travel to Bukhara // Meyendorf E. K. Travel from Orenburg to Bukhara.  — M.: Science, 1975.  — P. 5-16.

18. Novokshanova Z.K. Alexey Andreevich Tillo  — the cartographer, the surveyor, the geographer.  — M.: Publishing house of a geomisinformation. litas., 1961.  — 120 p.

19. Chibilyov A.A., Safonov D. A., Milkov F.N. On border of Europe and Asia: To the 135 anniversary of the Orenburg office of the Russian geographical society.  — SPb.; Orenburg: Publishing house "Orenb. province", 2003.  — 158 p.

20. Bazyleva E.A. Russian geographical society and book: a sketch of history of publishing, library and bibliographic work in XIX  — the beginning of the XX century.  — Novosibirsk: State Public Scientific Technical Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, 2008.  — 386 p.

21. Goldenburg L.A., Postnikov A.V. Petrovsky surveyors and first printing plan of Moscow.  — M.: Science, 1990.  — 160 p.

22. Materials on stories of Russia: сб. decrees and other documents concerning management and the device of the Orenburg region. T. II. 1735-1736 / according to archival documents of Turgaysky regional board сост. A.I. Dobrosmyslov.  — Orenburg, 1900.  — P. 127.

23. Rychkov P.I. The history Orenburg after establishment of the Orenburg province.  — Ufa: [The publishing house isn't known], 2001.  — 295 p.

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25. Department of written sources of the State Historical Museum. Archival fund 445. Doc. 14

26. History of Kazakhstan in the Russian sources of the XVI-XX centuries. Vol. VI. Traveling diaries and service records about trips on the southern steppes. XVIII-XIX century.  — Almaty, 2007.  — P. 407.

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28. Neustruyev S.S. Soil researches in the Orenburg province. Orenburg: [The publishing house isn't known], [1917].  — 29 p.

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30. Psyanchin A.V. Istoriya of ethnic cartography in Russia (Till 30th of the XX century): dissertation D-r geogr. of sciences: 07.00.10.  — M., 2004.  — 325 p.

About this article

Author: Savinova T.N.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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